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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] Empty Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta]

Mon Jan 24, 2022 3:22 am

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

Sol was becoming a model student at Shino, from his participations on sports teams to his own private studies: He was really gaining a grasp of the fundementals. Enough that he had taken a job as a tutor for some of the other students, particularly in Hoho. Its why he was here today, here being one of the dojos provided by the school for training of this type. A long room with a surprising amount of movement, and padding, for Hoho mishaps.

The former professional fighter was currently placing his long hair into a ponytail while sitting on the ground, tattoo'd arms revealed by his robe sliding down. Despite some problems in the streets, Sol was actually adapting pretty well. Everything was more or less a distraction from the problem that was Chidori. If he wanted to provide a good example to his kids, he'd need to be able to stand on his own two feet.

His hands lowered as he began to stretch, waiting for today's student. When the door of the Dojo opened, he'd call out without looking. His leg placed forward as he attempted to touch his toes with his hands:

"Yo, just warming up with some stretching." He'd comment as he took a deep breath, before exhaling preparing to turn around to greet his student for today.


Last edited by MorpheusDavol on Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:03 am; edited 1 time in total

Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] JfH75kA
Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] H8Tyk70
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Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] Empty Re: Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta]

Mon Jan 24, 2022 4:33 am
Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] OTI9AfO


It was rare in the extreme that Bambietta was allowed to interact with other students at the Academy, though recently she'd been allowed at least a little bit more leeway. She wasn't sure if that was just because she'd been on especially good behavior, or if it was as part of her substitute shinigami work, but either way she welcomed the opportunity. It got stuffy hanging out alone.

Oh. Was this who she was working with? Eh... Oh well. Still better than nothing, and she wasn't going to be rude.

"Sounds good. What's the plan for today?"


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Morph OTY
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Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] Empty Re: Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta]

Mon Jan 24, 2022 4:43 am

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"Nothin' crazy. We're gonna focus on your flow of spiritual energy, and adopting proper stances. Don't worry about speed, right now getting down the motions are important. And not pulling any muscles."

He'd laugh as he began to stand up, turning around to face her. His face was momentarily filled with surprise, before he quickly shook it away replace with a smile. He expected one of the usual's but she was entirely new, maybe a new student of some type. But the emblems on her hat where unmistakable, that of his homeland. He'd remove his phone, as he seemingly searched for something.

"I'll starter a five-minute timer for stretching, sorry it's a bit mundane. Any music preferences?" He'd inquire waiting, provided she said no preference he'd probably throw on one of his playlists, which were some lofi-vibes. Hey, it was supposed to be calm so no rock music today. "Ah, shit almost forgot. Joshua Palliser, nice to meet you." He'd extend a hand as he set his phone aside.


Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] JfH75kA
Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] H8Tyk70
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Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] Empty Re: Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:14 am
Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] OTI9AfO


"Roger roger."

Bambietta offered him a finger gun of understanding before removing her cap and setting it to the side. She imagined it would just fall off anyway if she got into any stretches or the like with it on, and after rolling her shoulders and getting ready, she shook his hand, a firm grip that perhaps gave away a bit more of the strength she carried than she had even meant to show off.

"Bambietta Basterbine. You can play whatever, as long as it's not bitch music."

She wouldn't typically let that sort of casual attitude slip, but of course, this was a more casual sort of atmosphere. Besides, it wasn't as if Abalia was unaware of what she was like in her free time. There was no point in trying to hide that much.

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Morph OTY
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Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] Empty Re: Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:50 am

Solhammond Palliser | DEAD


The young man would remark clearly pleased with her answer, instead of the more relaxing music he switched it to something a bit heavier. Just some indie bands but nothing that might be too jarring for the senses, he preferred it that way. But with that being said he'd clap his hands together, rubbing together.

Provided she wasn't like wholly inflexible, or physically incompetent, the stretches he'd take her through were intensive but nothing crazy. As it turned out, she was pretty flexible. Nice. He hadn't need to worry about running to get a medic least she tear some muscle.

"Yeah, I mean is there anything specifically you want to focus on? I know people usually have one area of the skill that might be holding them up, be it energy flow or kinda understanding how to navigate while in Hoho." He'd ask from his seated position, his legs sprayed out as he leaned down the middle. His long hair which was in a pony tail seemed to fall over on of his shoulders.

"I remember when I was first gettin' use to this, and I just absolutely whiffed the control aspect. Right through the wall. Wasn't very kosher, at all."


Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] JfH75kA
Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] H8Tyk70
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Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] Empty Re: Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta]

Fri Jan 28, 2022 7:46 pm
Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] OTI9AfO


Well, it wasn't the worst music he could've played, though it certainly wasn't the best, either. Bambietta's expression made that much clear, even as she rolled her neck and readied for whatever was coming next.

"I've been told my control's most of the problem. I don't have any issue on the technical stuff, I get how it works on paper."

The way she worded it made her sound like a model member of the Gotei, and of course, that was by design. The truth, though, was Bambietta just missed being able to cause problems in a way that didn't get her in trouble, so she wanted to get the fuck out of here and back to actual work.

"Honestly, most of this shinigami stuff goes right over my head half the time. Kido's even worse."

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Morph OTY
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Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] Empty Re: Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 3:38 am

Solhammond Palliser | DEAD

"Control, huh. That'll be a bit hard."

It was one of the more common issues, but definitely one of the harder to solve. A lack of control manifested it way in tons of way, but usually had some underlying issue. And that wouldn't be solved in one session likely. But they had to start somewhere, and this might be the first step to really getting this woman on the path to getting her power in order. With that he'd bring a tattoo'd hand to his jaw rubbing at it slightly.

"Alright, I want two things from you. First, I want you to just attempt a try at Hoho as natural as it comes." He'd instruct as he stepped off to the side, his eyes definitely focused on her. His eyes narrowing slightly as he looked, and felt, for the subtle way her energy was manipulated and utilized. "Secondly, I want you to slowly walk me through the steps while you do it one step at a time. This should help you dial in your focus and your control."

For all of Sol's faults, and weaknesses, there was a certain passion for helping people. Rather, he enjoyed the technical problems tutoring and coaching provided. It was extremely self-fulfilling to be able to bring the best out of people, and also allowed him to better his own combat style.

"As for Kido, between me and you, shit's lame. I rather throw a punch, any day of the week." A laugh left his lips, clearly in jest and good spirits.


Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] JfH75kA
Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] H8Tyk70
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Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] Empty Re: Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta]

Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:15 pm
Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] OTI9AfO


Bambietta listened to Solhammond's suggestion, and while she was at least somewhat sure she got what he meant, there was something about the way he ran through things that didn't actually make sense in her head.

"You asking for a flash step natural as it comes at the same time as I run you through it? Or one then the other?"

She wasn't going to jump the gun and go straight for a flash step, especially considering when she did that it tended to just be something of a leaping sprint that didn't give her much ability to actually stop or change direction. Which, you know, that wasn't a terrible thing in some situations, especially when she wanted to just tackle through a wall or something.

"I'm a fan of kido myself. Lot of fascinating stuff to be done there. I just don't get it yet."

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Morph OTY
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Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] Empty Re: Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta]

Sun Jan 30, 2022 11:15 pm

Solhammond Palliser | TUTOR

“Ah my bad. I meant one after the other.”

He’d offer an apologetic smile to her, figuring it might be good to provide her some insight into his reasons. He’d walk across the mat towards one of the walls out of her path, lifting a hand as he explained speaking with it.

“What I’m trying to gauge on this first one, the flow and feeling of your spiritual energy. Look for any obvious flaws or whatever may have you. After that, going through step by step should be a good foundation to build off.” He’d explain as he lowered his hand, before letting out a chuckle at the Kido comment. Of course, she’d be a kido fan while he was more of a brawler.

“I can see that, the usages for it are pretty varied. While it’s not my preferred, I think a good shinigami needs a strong understanding of it. I’d recommend speaking with Captain Liana, if you haven’t. She does some guest classes, if you haven’t seen them.”
He’d offer figuring that if she had an interest in Kido, then that would be the best person to talk to. “Just remind me after this to get you the schedule, if you need it.”

With that, he’d wait for her to follow his instructions.


Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] JfH75kA
Don't Blow a Fuse [Sol/Bambietta] H8Tyk70
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