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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:24 pm

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 0Oz4Wzn

Furukawa Asami

And just like that, he was moving around his plans for her sake. Which, of course, was to be expected for one that was sufficiently interested in pursuing this relationship further than a passing fancy. Not that it was all a one-way street, though. Asami had also mentally cancelled her previous plan for training with the 4th Division followed by an evening spent digging through the archives hunting down a rogue Zanpakuto's wielders. Perhaps it was hasty to cancel her evening plans, but it was equally prudent.

"Then, by all means, send the message. We can enjoy some light refreshments before we depart."

Adjusting her posture, she was growing more and more comfortable at the table now and was rather happy to show that. A smile sitting smugly on her face, a laugh quick to come to her lips. It was turning into a pleasant afternoon.

Lunch with a Bite | END POST
God of Love
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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:13 am
Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Py9bbqq


The message was sent, the short meal was enjoyed. Kyo would have been perfectly content, in most cases, with simply this outing, but he considered himself exceptionally more fortunate to instead be inviting Asami to the Sawachika estate. Naturally, they did not live in the palatial main major, but even his branch's home was quite large. He considered it a blessing beyond measure that only his father was home, and he invited Asami in toward his particular section of the house politely, not wanting to delay any longer than necessary.

The last thing he needed was his mother asking questions about this before he was quite ready to be answering them, after all.

"I hope you're comfortable. It's a little colder than I'd like this time of year, but I always make sure to keep a fire going so it's warm when I get back here."

His corner of the estate was immaculately kept, not simply in terms of cleanliness, but how orderly all of his posessions were. While commendations for his work were displayed, each scroll was perfectly aligned, and the whole of the small suite was decorated with a rigidity that was not outright cold, but clearly was made with practicality in mind.

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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:43 am

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 0Oz4Wzn

Furukawa Asami

Taking in the whole of the Sawachika estate in passing was quite a monumental task, and so Asami focused in upon that which belonged or rather was inhabited by Kyo. She had wondered if they would be greeted by his family, and she had prepared herself for such to some extent, but it would frankly have been an insult to not only her own intellect but Kyo's as well if he had genuinely considered that this was a meeting for the benefit of his sister anymore. Their intentions were much more selfish, the matter of fabrics could be broached later when there was less addling both their minds.

"A place by the fire sounds quite lovely right now, but I must say you have a lovely home. I am glad you put such effort into keeping things orderly."

She was hardly fazed by the cold, and yet she made a show of bristling ever so slightly at the temperature. If that meant that they could share a seat close to the fire then it was a small price to pay, a little deception for a longer and larger gain. Besides, her high cut dress did expose a little more skin than many a woman might have been comfortable with for this season. She was just ever so practical.

"You continue to surprise me, Kyo Sawachika."

Her tone did shift for that last line, a note of honesty perhaps winning out over her generally serious disposition. And that, in turn, drew the colour to her cheeks, a faint tinge of red, as a smile once more found its way to her lips.

Lunch with a Bite | END POST
God of Love
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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:25 am
Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Py9bbqq


Indeed, Kyo was hardly even considering the matter of the rest of his family at this point, at least other than the nebulous concern that they might, for whatever reason, choose now of all times to intrude upon his private quarters when they tended to respect him as an adult. Of course, it was unlikely, but not completely impossible, so he did have to mantain some degree of vigilance, even as he gestured toward the fire to invite Asami toward it.

"There's no sense in keeping a disorganized home, the way I see it. Of course, that's not to say there's no room for a bit of color, some personality to everything, but the last thing I need in my life is complete chaos. You know what I mean, though, I hardly need to explain any of that."

He took a seat himself by the fire, frankly wishing he could remove the formal attire he was in. Not simply on account of the company, of course, but because it was rather genuinely uncomfortable compared to what he typically wore. Ah well. No matter.

"Do I? In a good way, I hope. I like to think that I'm a fairly straightforward guy, but maybe that in itself is a little surprising."

Of course, her smile and lighter demeanor were certainly not lost on him, and he had quite clearly understood what she meant. But it was in his nature to still keep up a bit of playful banter, not necessarily as any sort of unnecessary social game or anything. It was just fun.

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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Sat Feb 26, 2022 5:06 am

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 0Oz4Wzn

Furukawa Asami

She let him lead the way, following behind at a slightly slower pace as her gaze danced in even measure between Kyo and those few precious possessions that gave him quarters the colour he so desired. He was right in that she knew it well, there were many similarities to be drawn between these and the Furukawa estate. It was still an amusing little aside to study those accolades that had been gathered and displayed, not that she did not have a rather detailed picture of the man behind the mask anyway.

"Of course, I also take pride in my abode. An orderly home is the mark of an orderly self, and one cannot conduct oneself properly without being somewhat orderly."

That little insight into her mindset was hardly something that should surprise Kyo, she was a straightforward woman after all. The most straightforward individual, if she was feeling particularly vain, though only in such a manner that like-minded individuals would understand. Fortunately, Kyo had more than certainly proved to be such.

Approaching the fire herself, Asami took her time gracefully descending to a seated position at what she determined to be the most optimal distance from Kyo. The length at which, if either outstretched an arm, they might find the slightest of purchases upon the other. Close enough to certainly be called personal, without quite crossing the line into intimacy.

"Yes, in a good way. In a pleasantly direct way. It is refreshing, if I could speak so candidly about the usual nature of our peers."

Her lighter tone did pass, not that she was not the comparatively softer spoken of the pair at most every occasion regardless. But the slender smile remained, it was hardly a secret that she was enjoying this. There was the nuanced banter, but also the truths that each statement bore about the pair of them.

Lunch with a Bite | END POST
God of Love
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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Sat Mar 05, 2022 11:03 pm
Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Py9bbqq


Kyo couldn't help but chuckle at that little commentary about their peers, knowing it was entirely true. He didn't mind working around any of them, of course. In a way, he enjoyed it being such a change of pace. But he'd also be the first to admit that he would have preferred a little less sneaking around in their everyday lives, even if he understood that was just what those sorts of people would naturally gravitate toward.

"Well, that's just how I was raised. There's a time and a place for subtlety, of course, but it's not always quite so important. Sometimes you want to get right to it, cut past all the facades you find in the nobility, you know?"

Ah, look at him. He was admittedly proud of that one, using veiled language in a statement about being direct. Of course, that was the irony of it, and he knew she'd get that even if his faint grin didn't give it all away.

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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Sun Mar 06, 2022 6:51 pm

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 0Oz4Wzn

Furukawa Asami

"The right tool for the right job, I would think."

Vibrant red eyes poured over Kyo, her focus very singularly upon the man even given their change in location and all the trappings that came with such. It was surprisingly easy to be comfortable around him, compared to so many of their peers and most anyone else for that matter. Asami was often quick to smile, but never too wide in most people's company. By her very nature, both noble and deceptive, she was used to making fast friends but rarely connecting.

"There's a time and a place for tradition, and properly observing it has its merits, but perhaps you're right. Are we both capable of moving past the pretences then?"

Tentatively, gingerly even for the first time today, her hand began to creep across the no man's land between them. It was purposeful, certainly, but this was a little beyond where she thought things might end up today.

Lunch with a Bite | END POST
God of Love
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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Sun Mar 06, 2022 7:50 pm
Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Py9bbqq


"If you're willing to move past any pretense, then I'm certainly willing to do the same."

Kyo allowed his hand to meet hers in that no man's land, broaching it with far more bravado than he'd displayed for much of their encounter to this point. After all, she'd known going into this what sort of man he was. He was capable of being a proper gentleman, certainly, and he was hardly a brute. Even taking her hand in his, it was still gentle, careful.

But who was to say where it might go?

His smile was, naturally, bright and earnest, all too pleased with the situation. Not simply because it was a beautiful woman in his room, for that was hardly something new or even noteworthy. No, it was the fact that it was this woman specifically, one that was able to speak on meaningful topics and who could engage him in something more than merely physical.

"But how far are you willing to go? That's the question I should ask before anything else, don't you?"

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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:26 pm

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 0Oz4Wzn

Furukawa Asami

His hand moved and Asami felt her chest tighten, the slightest of inhalations, and that was the last straw. She was committed now, committed enough to bare herself openly to him, and as his hand wrapped around hers with a comforting warmth she permitted herself another playful little laugh. This had all started from a touching of hands, had it not? And now here they were.

"I like you, Kyo Sawachika. You interest me in a way that so few people ever have, and that surprises me but also makes me want to learn more."

She turned now to face him, not yet approaching but leaving the fireplace to one side as her full front was presented toward Kyo. The physical engagement had already begun, after all, and she had to now think on where this might end. Her smile drew back into a thoughtful pout as she considered, before her stance widened ever so slightly and she leant forwards.

"I do not doubt that we could go all the way immediately and it would be a satisfying experience for all involved, but I would rather savour this for what it is. A meeting of minds as much as bodies. So perhaps a little less."

Lunch with a Bite | END POST
God of Love
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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:53 pm
Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 3 Py9bbqq


That was a pretty cute expression. Kyo was taking this all seriously, of course, and he was considering what she'd said to him. But it also didn't change that the thought crossed his mind, that pout honestly an expression he wouldn't have said he'd expect from her. He liked that.

"Then we're on the same page, I think. That'd be a little too simple for something like this, and I'd be pretty upset with myself if I didn't get to know your mind just as well as your body."

Of course, Kyo's grin did grow just a touch as he leaned a bit closer, not closing the gap between them just yet, but certainly being forward. He liked her too, and he wasn't pushing for anything further just yet. But he knew a thing or two about these sorts of things.

"Just a little less, eh?"

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