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Sun Jan 30, 2022 2:12 pm

Solhammond Palliser | GROWTH

Sol did a lot to actually catch up to other shinigami when it came to his studies. Between being a father, an active member of the gotei, and attending night classes at Shino he was pretty busy guy. Rarely did he complain, and rarely did he stop trying to find some level of improvement. While he couldn’t pinpoint the exact thing he was looking for in life, he knew he wouldn’t find it without taking every effort to search for it.

So when the captain of the second division gave guest lectures, Sol listened close. Everytime she made an appearance he was there with a notebook in hand, pen writing down her advice on Kido and it’s application. It wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility to directly link his quick uptake on Kido with her lectures, and practical advice given. It wasn’t his preferred method of combat but it was a necessity for growth.

After one of the lectures he decided that he’d approach her about some private lessons, while his kido had advanced to the point of being passable he wanted more. In every facet of his skills he wanted to be more than passable. He wanted to be among the best, the hunger that came from grasping ambition.

However the talk went, he got her agreement. They set a date and here he was, showing up to meet with the captain. He was wearing a white robe, his zanpakatou secured to his side via a sash. He was waiting for her in one of the training rooms provided to each division, currently he was sitting on his knees. His palms resting on his thighs, his eyes closed in silent meditation for now.


picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] JfH75kA
picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] H8Tyk70
Lord of the Understream
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picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] Empty Re: picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana]

Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:05 pm


Liana's regular appearances at Shino Academy had many people misunderstand her as a faculty member, rather than guest lecturer. She was invited to formally teach, but made it a point that her duties as a Captain were necessarily prioritised, and it wouldn't be fair to the academy if she could not properly dedicate her time and attention to it in such a fashion.

Nevertheless, she enjoyed teaching, and she enjoyed seeing the growth of her fellow shinigami, new and old, hence her range in skill groups. It was even more fulfilling to see them eager to learn and become more. When Solhammond express such intentions, she was more than willing to supplement his learning.

"Please excuse my tardiness, I came straight from the academy."

Usually punctual, if not early, she hadn't the time to change into her shinigami uniform. In the past, she didn't trouble herself with changing clothes to teach at Shino, but the frequency and regular appearances inclined her to dress the part.

Liana took off her heels and pulled her hair behind her ears, wiping a bit of sweat off her forehead. Still in her haste, she stepped onto the training mats. "Were you in my morning lecture, Palliser-san? I'd like to have a point of reference for your current level of understanding and practice with... oh, pardon me, I seemed to have forgotten what you wanted to learn."

picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] 8Bvy1N8


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picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] Empty Re: picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana]

Sun Jan 30, 2022 11:27 pm

Solhammond Palliser | GROWTH

The sound of the door opening is what slowly brought Solhammond out of his mediation, a supreme feeling of calm over his body. He could feel the subtle flow of his reiatsu, his mind sharpened with an alacrity which he rarely had. This was a rare moment of opportunity, a chance to really expand his knowledge in a way which he was sorely lacking. For all his faults, Sol really did have an extreme thirst for improvement and that was showcased in his earnestness.

He began to get to his feet, his white uniform baggy on his body as he spoke. He hadn’t turned around yet, and was in the process of doing so. “It’s fine, Captain Unohana. I really do appreciate-” His voice would cut off as he turned around, briefly taken off his bearings. For you see, Sol expected a lot. A captain uniform or perhaps modest training robes. What he didn’t expect was exactly what she was wearing, not that he disapproved.

It took exactly a second for Sol to fix himself, clearing his throat as he spoke again. “It’s fine really, and unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend the morning lecture. My classes are usually at night due to my dual enrollment in seventh division and the academy.” He’d explain, only choosing to go deeper into those reasons provided she probed.

“We discussed Kido, but in truth I’m eager to learn anything you have. I know you’re one of the most proficient shinigami around, and I’m very motivated to improve myself in all aspects.” He’d offer a small smile, his hand going up to begin to place his hair in a binding behind his back as well. With that, he’d offer some comments on his current skill level.

“Admittedly, I meet the passing qualifications for Shino. But that’s the depth of my skill at the moment.”


picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] JfH75kA
picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] H8Tyk70
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picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] Empty Re: picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana]

Mon Jan 31, 2022 2:40 am


"That's good to hear; it's always a pleasure to assist shinigami excited for growth. It used to be that once you graduated, further formal learning was never touched again, but in recent years I've seen so many more graduated and active duty shinigami come back to take classes. It fills me with pride."

It especially seemed more frequent that shinigami did simply hone in on one aspect, and instead looked to establish a general mastery of their skills. As a proponent of this herself, Liana was more than pleased.

On the other hand, Liana was less than pleased that after asking for a point of reference, Solhammond failed to provide. Sol was not the only person to attend graduate lectures, let alone ask her for advice. In the same vein, Sol was not the only one to come for help without any plan of action or thought on how to tackle his own growth. Liana was only one imperfect woman; it was impossible to know exactly what was best for an individual and what they needed with no idea of what their interests, knowledge, or struggles were.

"I'm disappointed to know that you came unprepared, Palliser-san." Liana still held her usual politeness while her eyes that froze the air contrasted her demeanor. "Well, if you just want to learn about everything, let's start with a brief battery test to gauge where you're at. Feel free to use zanjutsu, kido, hoho, or hakuda, but refrain from using shikai or bankai; after all, I can't really teach you about your zanpakuto."

Liana stood still on the mats, inviting Sol to approach and engage. She seemed ill prepared given her garb, but even the least skilled and intuitive of shinigami would understand how little that meant in this moment. The very atmosphere felt murky, drenched in the bloodlust radiating from her steady form.

Three humanoid figures rose from the ground, phasing through the surface. One to her left, right, and rear, each two metres away respectively.

The taller blue one at 2.5 metres tall stayed to her rear. The shorter blue humanoid with a sword stood imposingly to her left, 2 metres tall; on her right was the yellow humanoid with the large frame, standing at four metres tall.

"After the battery, we can review what the best way for you to learn is. Please try your hardest and strug--fight without reserve. At the end, I'll be sure to heal any injuries."

picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] 8Bvy1N8


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picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] Empty Re: picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana]

Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:03 am

Solhammond Palliser | GROWTH

This was a woman of many contrasts it appeared, as in the same vein she spoke highly of him she also showed her displeasure. To some this might instill uncertainty with the male or even fear, but for Solhammond Palliser he felt his heartbeat. The steady thrum that he was alive in this moment, and that he had truly found something he was missing. Bloodlust. It was like an old partner, a distant lover that now wrapped its decayed arms around him. It was something beyond comforting.

“The only apology I may offer is my blood, Captain.”

What else needed to be said as she ushered him forward, his eyes focused upon the situation with the intent of a fighter. She was stronger than him, those golems would be hell upon earth to deal with. But this was what he wanted, what he needed to ascend the heights of his strength. To become the greatest possible man he could be, he needed to subject himself to her murderous intent.

Whoever this Captain truly was held a terrifying aura. But that did not sway him. Instead, as he stepped forward, boldly, the young Shinigami steeled his resolve. His hand going to his Zanpakatou, gripping it with one hand. The katana would be unsheathed slowly, as he positioned it low as he looked for an un opening. He was sure there was none. That no matter how he approached the situation, it would be met with futility.

So be it.

He moved forward with surprising speed, definitely far above the average Shinigami. The explosion of speed was raw speed, kicking up the floor as he moved towards her. His index finger would extend from his hilt, as he summoned the energy for a singular Kido spell: Sho. A simple spell which produced an amount of kinetic force from the fingertip, Sol would aim this spell at the floor utilizing the spell to launch him upwards into the air.

An unpredictable enemy, was an alive one.

This would send Sol in a wide arc in the air, ideally overhead of her entire team. His free hand would extend an index and middle finger, as the quick casted a Bakudo spell this time. “Bakudō #4. Hainawa!” The words left his mouth as an electric rope of energy would shoot outwards, attempting to wrap around Liana seeking to jerk her up past her bodyguards. Sol strategy seemed simple, and the application of basic Kido in unique capacities might serve him well.

Provided he could get the energy rope around her arms and torso, he’d seek to jerk him towards her as they flew towards the other side of the room. His Zanpakatou prepared to strike.


picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] JfH75kA
picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] H8Tyk70
Lord of the Understream
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picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] Empty Re: picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana]

Wed Feb 02, 2022 4:48 am


Good. Liana admired the will to learn, but what Liana respected was the will to bleed.

The captain wasn't dissuaded by the sho, standing still. As simplistic as it was, a straight approach wasn't an uncommon opening strategy for people; as much as Liana was gauging Solhammond in this moment, it was a given that he would be gauging her. Instead, he moved unorthodox, claiming the skies for his strategy before launching a binding kido.

Though his speed was decent, the form and potency of his kido let Liana understand quickly where he needed improvements. The demon arts was not his strong suit.

The rope wrapped around her form, successful in appearance, but Sol would surely feel the lack of substance to her binding. If he was studious, he'd recognise this as an advanced hoho skill, Utsusemi. Her real body could be found next to him, and if his eyes were fast enough, he might've been able to track him, and that she reached for his extended arm casting the bakudo.

Her grabbing his arm might've been unassuming. There was room to do something there, and with his knowledge of grappling techniques, surely a host of responses were available. The problem lied in the yellow humanoid. At speeds matching an advanced practitioner of hoho, the air the trail it left collapsed with violence, its body barreling into Sol.

Liana might've been known well for her kido, but her physical strength was just as fearsome, and fearsome was the word to describe. Liana spoke no lies, the bloodlust was not to simply frighten him. As the force of the yellow shikigami barreled him into the ceiling of the training hall, Liana mercilessly ripped his arm straight from his torso and tossed it to the ground.

"You're very quick, it's quite impressive, Palliser-san. If you need your arm back, let me know and I'll re-attach it for you."

picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] 8Bvy1N8


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picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] Empty Re: picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana]

Wed Feb 02, 2022 5:38 am

Solhammond Palliser | GROWTH

There was only so much that one might expect from training, but generally, it was a safe place to improve. That no injury one might sustain would actually dramatically injure them, or otherwise cut short their life.

Sol realized in this moment how wrong that belief was.

It was hard to put into words the feeling one felt when their arm was taken from them. He was by no means the weakest man around, and was constructed pretty solidly. It wasn’t an easy feat to tear his arm from it’s socket. The strength of his muscles and eventually sharp tearing, the ligaments snapping, and of course the clean removal of the bone connecting issue followed by a spray of blood that painted Liana’s face and the nearby wall.

And of course, the sharp scream which left his mouth as he struck the floor from the ceiling. Blood squirting from the open wound of his body, staining the floor mats a deep crimson as his head pressed into it. His screams silenced into a frozen opened mouth scream, before he took a deep breath. His brain goes white from a deep mixture of pain, rage, and survival instincts.

A certain clarity came from situations like these. Perhaps even eye opening. If this was going to be the caliber of his training, then he wouldn’t waste it. Instead, he would summon every ounce of his being, of his fortitude, to strike back. A hand would come up shakily to his vacant shoulder, as he tasted bronze in his mouth.

“L-L-Let's w-wait.”
He stuttered out as he dragged himself to his feet, grey irises bloodshot from a mixture of ferocity and determination. His hand began to glow visibly as sparks began to fly from his palm, pressing it against the wound as the burnt smell of flesh began to rise in the room. Sweat pouring from his brow as he stared at her with wet hair staining his forehead.

Defiance in his eyes.

“Let’s go!”

He barked the words as the internal fire of determination seemed to grow. Bloodlust was in the air, and he would indulge it. He just needed one hit on her, and he’d make it count for all it’s worth.


picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] JfH75kA
picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] H8Tyk70
Lord of the Understream
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picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] Empty Re: picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana]

Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:26 am


Liana spoke earlier with her typical polite smile, frighteningly juxtaposed by Solhammond's blood painting her face, as she offered to return his arm. But, when confronted with his zeal, the captain could not possibly hide the great pleasure in her expression. She took his words at face value to begin with; if all he could offer was his blood, she would oblige.

Clearly, Sol would do this without his arm. It seemed that, having cauterised his own wound, he was going to earn his arm back.

True to her epithet, the Blood Moon made no effort to clear her face. She only motioned her hand, and a sealing kido wrapped around Sol's disembodied arm, preserving it. Her other hand rose towards Solhammond.

"Hadō Number 33: Sokatsui."

Unnecessary as it was, Liana chanted her kido to allow the opportunity to anticipate what was coming. If he didn't know the spell, then he would learn today. Blue flames jutted from her palm like a jet, snaking towards Solhammond while it grew in size, like dragons raring to eat him whole. Its power was dramatically reduced from its full potential, but it was enough to scorch steel, enough to feel like lava enveloped the skin. If he neglected to defend himself, Liana was prepared to protect and heal him.

picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] 8Bvy1N8


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picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] Empty Re: picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana]

Wed Feb 02, 2022 7:16 am

Solhammond Palliser | SURPASS EXPECTATIONS

This was something he felt he was lacking in life, the rush of life and death. The thrill which came from pushing yourself to limits that you didn’t know you had until confronted with your inner weakness. This was not what he came to train with the captain, but this IS what he needed. And he would treasure it, dearly. For what else could a fighter, a brawler, do than to bleed for his art?

He smashed his singular arm into the mats beneath him, his strengthen unrestrained in the moment. Callous fingers would bury themselves in the mats beneath him as he gripped wood and concrete, dragging the material upwards with a mighty heave. A spray of debris and carnage would meet the dragon, seeking to smash into it’s form as concealment and cover while Sol dashed to the side. He could feel torn skin and broken nails on his fingers, as he dashed with alacrity. His leg muscles strained as he crouched low, before pushing upwards beelining towards the yellow golem like a rocket.

Instead of targeting her, his good arm would curl into a tight fist aimed squarely for the yellow golem. His years of training and experience taking over as he subconsciously targetted what would have been it’s kidney, with concentrated force enough to blow the internals out of the monsters. It would have been surprising for himself, and he would have registered the pain in his hand, if he cared. Perhaps it was merely his will manifesting itself, for this brief moment.

His entire body would rotate following the punch, as if he was doing a combat roll, his legs coming to rest against the roof. The force of such a landing cratering the ceiling, as he stared down at Liana with the ferocious look of a mad dog. Veins exploded in his legs, muscles pulled taunt, tattoo’s marred with blood and gore as he prepared to launch himself at her.


picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] JfH75kA
picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] H8Tyk70
Lord of the Understream
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picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] Empty Re: picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana]

Wed Feb 02, 2022 7:50 am


Burying his fingers into the mats was a bit much. They may be training, but this training hall was Gotei property; although it wasn't uncommon to have some damage to the facilities, the 2nd division was the least destructive. It was a small pride for Liana, and also a much appreciated avoidance of extra paperwork. For now, she excused it. Sol was being pushed to his brink, after all.

Being pushed to your brink was what allowed you to ascend yourself. Even to achieve bankai, you had to face an opponent that would push you to your limits. Liana was now committed to bringing out the feral side to the shinigami. To unleash whatever beast was clearly dormant inside the man. She could worry about helping him tame it later. Or, she could tame it herself.

Liana felt impressed by how he destroyed the yellow shikigami. There were no organs, only broken fragments. Each piece that fell to the floor phased through the ground, until its entire body disappeared. Liana had it stand still, allowing Sol the opportunity to attack, but destroying it with a single punch was out of her expectations. It seemed, however, that in doing so he had overexerted himself and pushed his body beyond its limits. It was good, necessary even, to reach greater heights at times, but excess would result in losses rather than gains.

With the Hands of the Redeemer, Liana put her hands forward to stabilise Sol's energy. It was a subtle manipulation, but it would help him in the oncoming endeavor. He was to make progress through this trial, self-ruin would never happen on her division's grounds. A silent casting of some healing kidos also repaired his legs, at least to the point where he could use it at full strength again, but not much more. After today, Sol would be made into a new warrior, one step at a time.

The shorter blue shikigami stood up to the plate, leaving its stationary position. It raise the sword and pointed it towards Solhammond, as if to challenge him, steel for steel.

picture perfect practice [Sol/Liana] 8Bvy1N8


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