Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Left_bar_bleue0/0Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori)

Tue Feb 01, 2022 6:35 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Nine on the dot. Yep. She’s here, at this same place, walking in because she’s expecting to meet someone again. That someone? Well, Murasaki’s mom, who’s also a Zero Division member. That’s a big deal. Elyss actually looked it up and took note of how only the really influential people end up there. However, now knowing why Midori is in the Zero Division, Elyss wonders if such a thing really is that taboo. Thinking of Murasaki as some sort of illegal mistake is kind of yikes. Well, whatever. Elyss doesn’t care about all that stuff anyway. People are people no matter where they come from. If they’re not trying to kill her, they’re alright with her.

Now, where is this woman at? She should be at a table or something, yeah? Breakfast is just a thing these places do, so she should go and check around there. It’s a bit crowded though. Rich people, huh? Well, whatever. She just has to get in there and look, so that’s what she does. She went in there and went on the lookout for Murasaki’s clone.



God of Love
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Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty Re: Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori)

Thu Feb 03, 2022 5:27 pm
Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) KGQqHwh


In a corner of the teahouse, at a table which was never occupied by Midori Koizumi, there was a veritable morning feast laid out before the single Royal Guard member. It was far more than most people could have even begun to eat, but for a woman in a state of constant shikokai, that much energy could be burned in only a few moments.

"Good morning, Elyss. Glad to see you right on time."

Gesturing to the seat opposite her, Midori made her a plate without actually even asking if she was hungry. After all, this sort of training was exhausting enough that it wouldn't do to eat on anything less than a full stomach. A traditional japanese breakfast, with fish, rice, pickled vegetables, and all manner of other less typical breakfast foods. And that, of course, was accompanied by the pot of miso soup in the middle of the table.

"I'm going to throw you right into the deep end, just so we're clear. This isn't really something you can ease into."


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Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Left_bar_bleue0/0Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty Re: Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori)

Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:49 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始


The table is rather packed. Elyss did not expect this sort of banquet so early in the morning, but she didn’t plan on complaining about it. It’s way more put together than something she would have cared to make herself, so she might as well take advantage of it. Though, her passiveness is probably a bit weird to say the least. Maybe it’s just the environment, or maybe it’s nerves. The redhead doesn’t know. She just has a feeling that she’s going to dislike what’s to come next. She disliked it so much that she barely got any sleep and was up for hours before actually having to meet Midori.

There’s no point in worrying the woman with that kind of talk, however. Elyss is used to being kept up by her head. That’s just how it is sometimes, so she sat down and ate in silence, listening to the few words thrown her way. Guess the deep end is what she should have expected. This isn’t going to be easy whether they take it slow or not, so she’s just acceptive of it. Tenmarin is her Zanpakuto, a mirror of her stubbornness, aggression, and instability. If it was going to be simple, this would have been fixed a long time ago. Elyss just wants to get through this.

“I’m ready whenever you are.”



God of Love
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Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty Re: Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori)

Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:50 am
Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) KGQqHwh


"Good deal. Let's go then."

Standing up once she'd settled on the meal, Midori stepped out of the inn, simply expecting Elyss would follow her. She could likely have stepped to their intended location in an instant, if she wanted, but the whole point of this was to bring her newest pupil there. So she ran at a pace any shinigami could likely match, fast enough to clear the Seireitei in a decent time and make it to one of the empty, abandoned plots that sat near the boundary between the Seireitei and the Rukongai. It was empty, littered with broken blades and a few ruined buildings.

"I own this little plot of land, you know. Bought it with my paycheck years ago, after everything that happened with Aizen. It's a good place to train, come back to my roots."

She looked to Elyss with a sharp eye, treating this whole ordeal with exceptional seriousness now. No more time for joking around.

"Can you externalize your spirit? If you can't it's not a problem. I need to know what we're dealing with, though. Enter shikai for me."

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Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Left_bar_bleue0/0Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty Re: Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori)

Wed Feb 23, 2022 5:58 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Time to go? Alright. She’s done eating then. Getting too full would have just hindered her anyway. Elyss just couldn’t shake her nerves. It’s not everyday she’s nervous, but this isn’t an everyday situation. She’s facing Tenmarin and Midori. One of them is her Zanpakuto that’s been hindering her for a while now, and the other is a member of Zero Division. Well, maybe Elyss is more scared of her Zanpakuto than she is Midori. She thinks Midori’s kind of cool.

Though, anyway, she shouldn’t let her thoughts distract her too much. Midori took off, and Elyss isn’t the fastest, so the redhead had to actually focus on not tripping or anything. For a physical fighter, the redhead’s showing a clumsiness she doesn’t normally have. Then, she actually tripped a bit as the environment changed. Well, what a pretty area: broken swords, buildings, and an unkempt ground. Midori brought this place? Kinda cool…

“O-Oh. Uh…”

Externalize Tenmarin? Well, Elyss thought about it for a second, and then actually tried calling her Zanpakuto. Silence. Makes sense. Tenmarin sort of just appears when it wants to. That just leaves activating her Shikai. Elyss was hesitant, but she unsheathed her twin katana and held them at her side.

“Succumb, Tenmarin,” She muttered as wind kicked up around her arms, swirling and forming a vacuum before dispersing as two large chakrams slowly spun on either side of the redhead. One is smooth, an unblemished blade, the other, jagged and teethlike. Elyss seemed to be focusing, her gaze locked on Midori, unwavering yet strained.



God of Love
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Platinum Points:
Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty Re: Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori)

Thu Feb 24, 2022 1:24 am
Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) KGQqHwh


"Good, good."

Midori rolled her shoulder, not having needed to do this in a long while. After all, when did Zero Division need to do anything other than watch out for a threat that would never realistically come? She was almost reluctant to even call her own spirit for this, but she supposed it was the only way to go about all this, eh?

"Get over here, Kagayaku."

It was very decidedly not the proper release for her zanpakuto, for the weapon that she had come to almost loathe. A side of herself that she did not care for, but one she nevertheless had to accept. It was, after all, the very nature of a zanpakuto, wasn't it? Picking up one of the swords littered around the ground, the blade seemed to simply come alive in her hands. The rust, the dulled edge, none of it seemed to matter all that much anymore. The edge still gleamed in the sunlight.

"The zanpakuto is you. That's something that might never be easy to accept. You might hate it, might want to abandon it and never let it see the light of day again. But that won't make it go away. If you want it to stop, you have no other option but to accept it. Master it."

She raised the rusted sword in her hands, and took up her stance. There was no malice in it, no hostility. After all, Midori knew exactly how wide the gulf between them was. She wasn't threatened.

"You can't run forever. Not from something like that. Now come on. Show me what you can do."

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Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Left_bar_bleue0/0Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty Re: Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori)

Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:09 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Oh. I can accept that, and I can reject it just the same. As much as Tenmarin wants me to be what it wants, I’ll make it be what I want, and maybe that’s all it wants.”

For a second, Elyss felt herself swayed in conviction, and that was all it took for Tenmarin to act. Elyss knows that a part of her Shikai is that Tenmarin gains control of one of the chakrams, and that is due to the strain it takes to control both at the same time. It seems to be a countermeasure that requires the two to work together, but, as they are, it is nothing more than a hindrance for the redhead. It was her bout with her own feelings that allowed her Zanpakuto to take control of the sleek chakram which sailed towards Midori while spinning, its rotation barely noticeable due to its sleek surface and speed.

Elyss reacted to this by switching controls of the chakrams, flinging her left hand upward to force the chakram to take to the skies before it reached Midori, but that left Tenmarin in control of the other jagged chakram which began to move and raced towards Midori anyway. It would be impossible to control both chakrams while keeping Tenmarin at bay, and Elyss knows she won’t last long with this sort of conflict. That is why she simply gritted her teeth and recalled back her chakram hoping Midori can deflect the attack with ease. This wouldn’t be much of a training session if Elyss’ teacher wasn’t strong enough to deal with a rowdy Zanpakuto.



God of Love
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Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty Re: Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori)

Tue Mar 01, 2022 6:52 pm
Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) M6BBTjW


For most, the vision of a spinning blade flying toward them at high speed would have been concerning, to put things very lightly. Midori, however, was not someone that could reasonably be compared to any of the shinigami still in the Gotei, and as the blade spun toward her, Midori simply raised the chipped sword in her hands and stopped the chakram in its tracks, not even deflecting it, but merely blocking it where it was.

"Can you really? Or are you just telling yourself that? There's a difference between saying something and it being true. I achieved bankai long before I had Murasaki, you know. I thought I'd understood my zanpakuto very well. But the truth of the matter is that a zanpakuto doesn't always want the best for us. It can want to harm us, manipulate us. Sometimes, the only way to deal with your zanpakuto..."

Before she finished that sentence, Midori's eyes widened just the faintest degree, the exertion of her next effort making itself apparent in both her body and in the rise of spiritual pressure. She hefted her blade to the right, sending the chakram into the dirt with force that was decidedly not something most in the Gotei could have mustered.

"Is to subjugate it. The zanpakuto isn't an outside power. It's nothing but a vessel for us to express an extension of ourselves. If it refuses to listen, then it's because a part of you doesn't want it to."

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Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Left_bar_bleue0/0Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty Re: Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori)

Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:51 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“A part of me agrees with Tenmarin, but this isn’t about agreeing or disagreeing anymore.”

Elyss’ focus kept shifting between the two chakrams as she attempted to reign in her Zanpakuto to some degree. Despite one being knocked to the side, Elyss knows that Tenmarin is simply going to return to attacking as ruthlessly as before. With that said, the redhead recalled the serrated one to her side and decided to take a more aggressive approach to fighting in a way to utilize Tenmarin’s insubordination.

“I gotta reign in that part of myself before I end up hurting everyone important to me.”

Charging forward, the chakram that was knocked to the side began to spin once more, throwing up the dirt around it after it had been buried into the ground before slicing the ground asunder as it grinding back towards Midori. Elyss took that opportunity to try and get close to try and land a dropkick into the other’s midsection, hoping Midori would be too distracted blocking Tenmarin to counter her successfully. With both attacking at a perpendicular angle, hopefully something works out. Elyss doesn’t like the idea of working in tandem with her Zanpakuto, but they both do at least hate losing without a fight.



God of Love
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Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) Empty Re: Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori)

Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:57 am
Reasonable, Uh, Zanpakuto (Elyss/Midori) M6BBTjW



A release phrase that would hardly be unfamiliar to a member of the 7th division, for it was one utilized by Midori's own daughter many a time. However, Midori was a woman infinitely more in tune with her zanpakuto, who did not even need the true blade itself to command its power. Calling his name would be an insult to herself at this point in her life, and so it was only that single word that was necessary for Midori to summon forth her release.

A second Midori split off from the first, deflecting Tenmarin while the first Midori effortlessly sidestepped the dropkick and went to meet it with a well-practiced axe kick. She could certainly tell that Elyss' strength was impressive, and that her overall combative skill was nothing to balk at. But she wouldn't overestimate the woman.

"Rein it in, eh? And how do you plan to do that? What sort of person are you? What sort of spirit is your zanpakuto? Will it ever accept that? Or will it be nothing but a viper, waiting to strike at every moment of weakness?"

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