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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] Left_bar_bleue0/0Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] Empty Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana]

Thu Feb 03, 2022 5:24 pm
Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] HEADER_40007282_p9

It hadn't taken her very long to start wandering the Rukongai, her shell kept her lowkey, concealing her spiritual pressure entirely, almost as if she wasn't there at all. Thanks to this, she slipped seamlessly from place to place, exploring with a sort of reminiscent fascination. This was someplace that was almost completely and utterly unfamiliar. None of the souls she had consumed had any memories of this place. Those consumed by hollows generally weren't those who spent time. That was the fodder of human world dwellers. The only familiarity Hisana had was something ....singular. Focused.

And she couldn't help but be drawn by it. such a small, gentle pull that was so much more focused than the one that often had her wandering aimlessly in the world of the living. Her destination was clear and fixed. That strange place in the distance. She saw bits and pieces of it when she found somewhere high to look out and scout the area. The distance peaks of pink sakura blossom trees. And beyond that.....the walled off location crested by a white tower.

She allowed very little to distract her as she moved in and closed on the location.
What was there?
Who was waiting for her?
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Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] Empty Re: Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana]

Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:31 pm
Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Shiro doesn’t like it out here. It brings bad memories, these streets ridden with lost souls. The Rukongai is under construction, an attempt to fix the generations of negligence the Gotei allowed to flourish. That won’t erase his memories though. It won’t bring back his parents. It definitely won’t allow his sad youth to be laid to rest. Today is not a day that he wishes to be around Rukia, and the reason is simple. Today is the day his family died, their anniversary if he felt arsed to care.

There’s something humbling about walking old stomping grounds, remembering everything that has brought him to this day. The people he once knew are gone, his tormentors probably dead or locked away forever. Though, he’s not naive enough to believe old ghosts gone forever. Something or someone is bound to appear eventually, and he’s chancing fate by strolling the way he is, but he’s sure he can handle anything that comes.

That’s what he thought before seeing a familiar tuft of black hair. Eyes widened by the sight, his expression didn’t grow too manic. It was just surprising to catch Rukia out here. She’s dressed differently too. Guess he oughta see why she’s way out here. She’s probably wondering what he’s doing. Maybe she was looking for him. There’s a lost wonder to her eyes that he’s not sure about.

“Yo, Rukia. What’s up?” He asked, nonchalantly, with a lazy hand wave.


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Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] Empty Re: Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana]

Fri Feb 04, 2022 8:09 pm
Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] HEADER_40007282_p9

Hisana almost didn't notice the young man until he was almost upon her, and then that voice caused her to pause, stopping in her tracks. That solemn gaze in the direction of the Sereitei suddenly broken before she refocused on the young man with bright white hair. That name. static coursed through her head. Rukia. For just an instant, it was as if she remembered something. But almost frighteningly quickly, she suddenly felt a WAVE of memories crash over her. AS that sharp, painful name tore through her chest. But....this time she was able to handle it more easily, spoken from someone else's mouth? The other memories simply swarmed in, and after a brief instant, Shiro suddenly seemed....familiar.

She paused.... and then gave him an amused smile. Ah..... Hakoto. The memories blossomed as gently and beautifully as if they had been fresh. A young man that looked so incredibly much like Shiro ran through her mind, a young man who so loved to enjoy his time on the farm back home. At least....until he'd decided to go off to college. She had been so incredibly proud of him, seeing that simple man toiling away. If only he hadn' there was no Car Crash. He was standing right here in front of her, there was no way that she was remembering that correctly. She ....kept her smile to herself, mostly, only the faintest upturn of her lips before she returned to a more stern, placid expression.

"Oh? I'm surprised, It's awfully early in the day for you to have already finished all of your studying for the day." she responded to him, that tone of hers calm, and yet with a hint of sternness on that one word, subtly making an inquiry as to whether he HAD finished all of his work at college. Though, stern as she was, she knew he would get it done. While he struggled, she knew that he still did try his hardest and made sure to get his work done. But all the same, she did enjoy giving him a bit of a hard time now and then.
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Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] Empty Re: Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 6:09 pm
Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“Uh… Well, there wasn’t much homework, so… I just… decided to study later.”

He answered, hoping she would accept it. He’s unsure why she looks the way she does, like she’s in a bit of a daze. Though, he does know he had wanted to be out here alone. Should he try to get away from her or invite her along. He can just keep his more sensitive thoughts to himself, yeah? Guess it’d be rude to just tell her that he doesn’t want her around all the way out here. Besides, he’s a bit worried.

“Well, Rukia… Why are you out here? An assignment or something?”


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Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] Empty Re: Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 6:25 pm
Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] HEADER_40007282_p9

Hisana couldn't help but sigh softly at that, her shoulders rising and falling with the action as he gave his answer, turning and making her way over to him to give him the once-over, particularly glancing at his hands. He was always getting into fights, so she wanted to make sure he hadn't gotten into any scuffles as of late. She did so worry about him sometimes. That name again... she felt that dissonant static coursing through her head. Rukia.... But then it was gone, thinking she had simply misheard him.

"I'm......I don't remember." She murmured, reaching up and gently touching the side of her head anxiously. I don't feel well. I feel....cold....Lord Byakuya.

And like that the static was gone, glancing up and giving him a sheepish smile. "Why, are you worried about me? I think if anything were to happen I think I would fare the best between the both of us, Hakoto."
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Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] Empty Re: Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana]

Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:28 pm
Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

His hand went to rest atop the one on his head. Hakoto? Narrowing his eyes, he noticed the differences between this woman and Rukia. The tone of her skin, her eyes, the way her hair is… This isn’t Rukia. Rukia would never call him by the incorrect name. However, who is this woman? A clone? A lost cousin? Rukia’s sister?

Widened eyes. Rukia did have a sister, a woman who had died so long ago. It was just a fact that one could read about the Kuchiki. Though, that didn’t make much sense. It only did if one factored in the fact that souls recycle after death, and still, the likelihood of this…

He closed his eyes, pondering for a second.

“What’s your name? You’re not Rukia.”


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Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] Empty Re: Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana]

Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:05 pm
Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] HEADER_35573726_p3

She ....froze for a moment. Seeing the look in his eyes that jarred her a bit from the fond, warm memories she'd surrounded the situation with. But it was his words that fully jarred her out of the veil she had constructed for herself. Her expression going suddenly grave and ....uncertain, gently reaching up and touching her face for just a moment. Ah.... No.... She shut her eyes tightly, shaking her head for a moment as she felt that name rattle around inside of her head. "I....I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I ....I think I memory is fuzzy sometimes... I'm thought you were someone else...." She murmured softly, before glancing back up to him and noting the look on the young man's face.

She ....felt a bit unsure. But he didn't seem bad, in fact moments before he had seemed fairly well meaning. Rukia......was he friends with whoever that was? "My ... my name is Hisana." She finally responded.
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Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] Empty Re: Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana]

Mon Feb 07, 2022 12:53 pm
Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“I get mistaken a lot,” He muttered in a sort of bemused voice.

Hisana… Well, that sort of makes this situation a bit complicated. He felt the need to talk more, but a sound not too far off caught his attention. Turning his head, he noticed some guys walking from around a corner, dangerous tools in their hands. Annoyingly enough, he recognized them as members of a local gang that’s been hiding out this far to try and make a foothold before the Gotei sweep through this area for renovation.

“Stay quiet,” He urged before taking Hisana by her hand and pulling her along into the darkness of an alley where he pushed the woman against a wall and hid her within his larger form. With the shadows of the alley hiding their definition, it was a simple matter for the gang to walk past them, especially since they seemed more occupied with their own conversation.

“Stay still,” Shiro then asked, waiting a bit before he nudged his head around the corner of the alley and watched the backs of those men fade into the distance. With a sigh, he pulled himself out of the alley, Hisana with him and began to walk the other direction. His expression, wrinkled by a frown, seemed to focus on something which he didn’t share. He just dragged the woman along with him.


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Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] Empty Re: Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana]

Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:23 pm
Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] HEADER_35573726_p3

Hisana was....briefly startled out of her own insecurity, the feeling of ....loss and confusion that came with the things this young man said. It was all suddenly shoved aside when she noticed the expression on Shiro's face. Her eyes widening for just a moment before he suddenly took his hand. Was something....dangerous? She followed his gaze, noticing strange individuals, but before she gould get a good look, she was suddenly being yanked from the streets and into an alleyway.

Before she could offer any word of protest, she was pressed to the wall and his own form suddenly moved in to make a shroud of himself, briefly startled by the act, but really a bit too off her game to really do much bit stand as still as she could manage, sensing the ....mood of danger that was wrapped around Shiro. She simply let him hide her....until at long last those strange individuals passed by. What....was that? She was about to ask when he made that soft command. To remain silent, and to stay still. what was it that was out there? She wasn't sure, but she .....trusted him.

As he began to pull her along, she gently grasped the young man's hand, allowing him to usher her further and further through the area. Her previous task of seeking out those familiar spiritual pressure forgotten entirely for the time being.
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Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] Empty Re: Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana]

Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:38 pm
Did you get Taller? [Shiro/Hisana] HyfhdW1


Where are those guys going? Where did they come from? What’s that smoke in the distance? Shiro’s mind raced with thoughts, horrible ideas that only someone who’s seen the worst of the worst could come up with. He didn’t wish to drag Hisana along, but if he left her, she’s almost assured to run into ruffians affiliated with those men. It’s not the Gotei’s fault that reconstruction is taking so long. With gangs, bandits, and the sort resisting the organization’s efforts, some areas are just bad to be stuck in. Not knowing Hisana, if he had known what was around the corner, he wouldn’t have brought her with him. He would have left her in that alley, told her to wait, stay low, quiet, something.

His hand tightened around hers as they saw what it was that had happened. He had smelled that familiar scent before his eyes could make contact. His core, shaken, Shiro’s eyes couldn’t help but swell with stinging tears as he saw the burning corpses piled up in front of a smoldering building. It’s abnormal to see him this messed up, and Hisana doesn’t know much about him, but if anyone else had seen Shiro at that moment, they wouldn’t have even recognized him.

At first, he seemed distraught, his whole body screaming with fear and sadness. However, seconds passed, and he seemed to turn horrifyingly calm. His head down, his hair’s shadow over his eyes, his trembling hand had become hard, squeezing Hisana’s dainty fingers with surprising strength. When his head came up, something in his gaze glistened, an emotionless glow about them that didn’t match the overall goofiness of his features, but, somehow, made them all the more mature.

“Hisana, I’m sorry. I’m going to have to ask you to go back to that alley. I have something I need to attend to, but I’ll come back… I promise.”

He didn’t look at her, the ghost of Rukia’s sister. He doesn’t want her to associate him with what he had just become. No. He made sure to turn his head away and let her go as he began walking away. He reached for his side, but he didn’t take out his wooden blade, NO. He made sure to grab the Ausachi, pulling it free from its sheath, it’s metal side reflecting the distancing flames. His lips moved, but his words were nothing but broken whispers in the wind.

“Don’t worry, Rukia. If this is your sister, if she somehow rose from her grave, I’m going to bring her back to you… But, first, I’m sorry for returning home, for having to break an oath I made long ago.”


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