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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Empty Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 7:41 pm
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] HEADER_tumblr_a5b5f603103629f26c324d1d51eb8cb2_720fb8d8_1280-1-cutout

Lerna wasn't never big on drinking in the world of the living. The sorts of punks that she associated with were the kinds of fuckers who might try to spike something on her in a heartbeat, she had no doubt about that. That along with the age old grudge against one particular Japanese Divine fuckboy slicing her head off sure did spoil what would otherwise probably be a fairly swell social activity. But since joining the Shino academy, she had found that quite a few of the students partook in these little social dips. Something she, at first, simply brushed off.

Until she discovered how rowdy the Rukongai bars could get. The sort of thuggish brawls that went on there were of a simpler time. Nobody pulled out guns, nobody roofied people., if you had a problem you slugged it out. At least in the establishments that her classmates introduced her to.
And so here she was: Throwing back hard liquor and lounging against the counter as she watched a scuffle off in the distance, the sharp punctuated sound of a glass being thrust into someone's face.

Lerna couldn't help but smile a little to herself. God, she wished she'd come to the Rukongai sooner. There were shit places, but hey, Earth was riddled with those these days.

She started to scan the bar itself, idly flirting with the notion of perhaps starting a little something herself. Once she was done with this pint of course. Another great thing she'd discovered: her brain could suffer from getting drunk, but her pill sure didn't. God bless being a mod soul.
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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 7:50 pm
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Kasha


Getting drunk in the Seireitei was a bore, at least publically and there was only so much she could do to amuse herself in her humble abode. Plus the kid had earned a break she supposed and that is why she jumped ship to tackle the fun that could be had out here. There was no expectation to be had though, just a bunch of rowdy pluses out here with no actual bite to their bark and there was no way that she'd use her Hoo Kanmuri Ken out here anyway.

Probably wouldn't go down well to scorch some poor plus or kill them with her burning reiatsu and hakuda. Just suck down some more of the sake, man it had been a while since she saw Shishiyuki. She wondered if that hottie got the pussy that she was chasing. Kasha smirked to herself while sucking down some more, and then some more. The family head sure could have a taste of her if she ever fancied after that brawl which left her leg utterly destroyed and so fucked up.

Reaching up ot adjust the eyepatch on her eye before she barked something hostile at the barkeep to prompt him into getting her more booze. She was only halfway to fucking drunk over here. How was she supposed to have fun when she still had her senses?


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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 8:11 pm
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] HEADER_tumblr_a5b5f603103629f26c324d1d51eb8cb2_720fb8d8_1280-1-cutout

It wasn't long until someone brought attention to themselves, a sudden loud bark from across the bar to Lerna's left toward the barkeep, causing the woman and several others to look in that direction, spotting a one-eyed woman off to the side that seemed to be well on her way to getting full on smashed drunk. An amusing sight if lerna had ever seen one, and the yell brought a smirk to her features as she took a moment to try and inspect the woman, scoping her out as a plausible target of letting out a bit of steam. Admittedly she was a bit so-so about the eyepatch. Was she really going to go beating up someone with only one eye?

'What did you just say to me?'

The question briefly surprised her, turning and looking over to her right side. A PARTICULARLY inhebriated man was all but slumped forward against the counter, giving her a sneering look. It took only a few moments for her to parse that the man had presumed the yell had not only been directed at him, but had come from Lerna instead. Naturally, she almost informed him that she wasn't the one who said anything. That, however, was polite, Shino Academy Lerna. Right now? This was Gang Lerna from the world of the living, and one thing that Gang Lerna didn't abide was a fucker trying to start something.
"Mind your own business, Princess." She snapped back, inciting just the sortof look she figured it would. She did NOT however, expect the sudden flash of steel. Right, some of these pluses could move pretty good even drunk. The man lunged up toward her just as her right hand suddenly shifted in pigmentation, turning a shade slightly more akin to the wood of the counter as she hardened it. Her hand snapped up to the man's neck, a light gurgle filling the air before she lifted him clean off of his fear and promptly thrust the man's face firmly into the counter, a loud crack sounding as a tiny white chip bounced off the edge and skittered across the floor, two more firm faceplants followed before she tossed the man onto the floor.

She was on her feet now and she watched two others promptly rising up, fists raising to back up what she assumed was their friend, but they soon seemed to promptly lose their edge as their eyes widened. Lerna was, briefly confused, before she followed their gaze and spotted what had caused that flash earlier. A wakizashi buried in her shoulder just above the bone and sticking out the other end. Ah, shock. She promptly shut off the nerves in that section of her body before the pain could catch up with it and peeled the blade free, tossing it aside before glancing back at the two new challengers, BOTH of whom took a step back. 'S-sorry for our friend!' One of them hurriedly murmured out, the both of them keeping low as they moved in to hastily drag their downed friend out. A small part of her almost felt bad, but the majority of her thought the little bitch shouldn't have started a fight in the first place.

"Anyone else wanna try their luck?" She asked with a wild grin. That familiar adrenaline high hitting her. How long had it been since she started behaving in the Shino academy? How long had it been since she'd messed someone's face up? Maybe too long. Maybe not long enough. She'd figure that out later.
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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 8:58 pm
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Kasha


Punk ass bitch squawking her beak in this bar, Kasha wasn't drunk enough to ignore her but still drunk enough to make bad decisions and without even looking backwards she swiped backwards with her hand ever so slightly and the reiatsu vents in her wrist flared to trace the attack and aim to send Lerna flying a couple of metres away with burns up the woman's body.

"Stand up or shut up smartass, I'm trying to drink here but kicking your little bitch ass sounds fun."

Kasha had already made a liar out of herself by using the Hoo Kanmuri Ken and demonstrating her ephitet of "Flowing Flame-like Bird". A brief little wait to give Lerna a chance to step up to her challenge or crawl away with her tail between her legs.


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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:09 pm
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] HEADER_tumblr_a5b5f603103629f26c324d1d51eb8cb2_720fb8d8_1280-1-cutout

Lerna perked up when she heard the yell from the woman cross the room. Her head canting to the side before that sudden ...something. She wasn't even sure what it was, but she DID know that she felt heat suddenly bloom up her side, and then she went SKIDDING back as the force hit her after the fact! The fuck?! She slammed into another patron, knocking them off their stool before staggering slightly as she felt pain race through her body, the pain so much more immediate before she shut it off and let out a steady huff of air. Was that a shinigami? Kido? Hakuda? She wasn't sure what it was, but suddenly a grin spread across her face as she straightened up.
She took too steps to give herself a running start before her body became a sudden blur, the flesh along her chest, head, and arms crackling and turning a darker shade as she promptly dragged in that rich reishi and fused it to her skin, hardening it and making it durable before she promptly executed a Shunpo.

Only, not quite the normal kind of Shunpo where she planned on stopping right in front of this woman to try and deliver a hit. Rather, Lerna aimed her shunpo THROUGH the woman as well as the opposite wall, intending to high-speed tackle the woman clean out of the bar itself and out into the back lawn behind the bar. A move that, under normal circumstances, would absolutely wreck someone's body without some sort of defense put up. That move put Kasha squarely above 'need to be concerned for this woman's well-being'.
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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Sun Feb 06, 2022 9:35 pm
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Kasha



She cackled while watching the shinigami spear her through a wall and out into the open streets, getting violently thrown away in the form of a tackle into the dirt-street outside. Another laugh while her hands came up and flared her reiatsu in such a way that Lerna would get to enjoy the feeling of being blasted another few metres away with her Hoo Kanmui Ken's flaming reiatsu scathing her in the process.

Assuming she could get the little runt off her, the large woman picked herself up off the ground and dusted herself off. Getting her top off so that the robes hung down over her hakama and the bandages over her breasts were the only modesty she had up there. A good chance to show off her many scars that littered the entirety of her body to her new combatant.

"Up the game punk or I'll blow that chest out through your back."

Kasha taunted, fully ready to show the brat why she was called Kasha of the Searing Flame.


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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Mon Feb 07, 2022 5:18 pm
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] HEADER_tumblr_a5b5f603103629f26c324d1d51eb8cb2_720fb8d8_1280-1-cutout

This time she expected that sudden burst of heat. Lerna's hands snapped up and [b]thrust]/b] her palms into the woman's wrists as she ducked her upper body back, wincing as those bursts of reiryoku coursed up her body, heating up that hardened skin, but without a direct impact would fail to send her flying this time around! Though she was hardly a martial artist, and when KAsha started to get up, Lerna, having not maintained her footing or balance, was knocked off, jumping up to her feet and smirking a little as she watched the woman closely, eyes darting a little as she watched the woman's top peel away and show off her scarred form to the Shinoo academy student. She knew that she was probably outmatched here, whatever that.....stuff was, it wasn't Kido. At least it didn't FEEL like Kido. No incantation or anything of the like? Was it martial? Or perhaps was this woman simply THAT good at this sort of thing? She wasn't sure, but it was a safe assumption that this woman might be incredibly talented in the martial arts.

Lerna ....was fast, and fairly strong, but that was about all she had going for her presently speaking. She needed to fight A smile crept across her face.
"Hohoho, is that right?! That's a pretty big claim to go throwing around there. All you've been doing is throwing me around more than anything. But I'll be a good sport." She smiled nice and wide, reaching up and peeling her tunic open, showing off the sports bra she wwas wearing and otherwise just bare torso to the other woman, opening herself up as if daring the other woman. Her entire body tensed. IT was the look of a body getting ready to counter. All the while, she was moving her pill around inside of herself. No reason to go risking her life for a gamble.

"You think you can? Why don't you give it a try? See what happens?~"
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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:57 am
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Kasha


Mouthy little one, wasn't she? Well Kasha would happily entertain her and take up a stance, leaning back and centering herself before she threw her arms back and brought them forward, around and bringing her hands together with no great deal of force. The force of her strength and reiatsu collapsing in on Lerna as a crushing force which was not even any special technique of her fighting school.

That didn't mean that she was not going to follow up with one though, the next move was made to be something of a follow up. In one swift motion of her arms, she used the force and sprang from her position into the air. A large gust that shook some of the flimsy buildings around her while she appeared as a bird in flight over Lerna to follow up the flame-like reiatsu that had attacked her sides just a moment ago.

Hoō Kanmuri Ken - Zenkokōrō.

Her figure landing just a little away, not close enough to actually hit her but the light tap that she made with her palm in the air in front of her seemed to make the full force like a one-inch palm that hit at a distance. The small warmth that Lerna might feel on her body before the full force travelled through her body as a burning sensation.

Kasha did not need to touch her target to do serious damage, if she needed to touch a target then they were truly powerful like her fight with Shishiyuki.


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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:06 am
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] HEADER_tumblr_a5b5f603103629f26c324d1d51eb8cb2_720fb8d8_1280-1-cutout

That sudden cascade of Spiritual pressure was something that almost buckled her, throwing her off guard for just a moment as that crushing force bore down, until she had the reflex to bolster her own spiritual pressure to counter it. Though in that moment, she saw the woman suddenly leaping toward her. She had been dialing herself back, after all this WAS just some Rukongai wench, that full on spear tackle was about as hard as she'd gone in just an instant, but she'd been tempering herself in terms of speed and strength in order to feel things out. But seeing her move, she could tell she probably didn't have to. Which is why when Kasha landed, Lerna blitzed forward, a sudden burst Shunpo. Going full speed, Lerna was as fast as this woman was, if not a bit faster. That on top of even her rudimentary level Shunpo, she aimed to catch the woman off guard.

But this wasn't a spear tackle like before, this time, she aimed to rush in so that strike of hers she'd intended to fire from range, would instead plow straight through her chest. That initial hit would seem to collapse against her hardened skin as heat bloomed across her body. If everything went according to plan, Kasha would find her attacking limb promptly planted into Lerna's chest, the sensation of warm innards swallowing their limb up to the elbow as she aimed to impale herself on it. And even then, as that force continued through with an attack that any normal human or even a low level shinigami might simply lose a massive chunk of their torso, those hardened innards would take the attack, cracking and burning as even Lerna's own defensive measures would struggle against the force, but all the same..... those innards would close around Kasha's limb, and then re-harden with the intent of trapping her. She'd cheated just a little, intentionally softening her flesh at the point of impact far below how durable she even NORMALLY was.

And Lerna would Grin, having shut off the nerves to that chunk of her torso, she wouldn't even be hit with the shock of the impalement. There would be a crackling noise as the flesh across her face darkened ever so slightly, hardening her skin, before she Butted forward, promptly aiming to start bashing her forehead into Kasha's. Skin as hard and dense as solid shale beating against the woman's face, intent on getting a few hits in while she could. Just based on the force those attacks had done at range, she imagined that Kasha probably had enough strength to just, Rip Lerna way from her. She DOUBTLESSLY did. So Lerna was intent on doing as much damage as she could before that happened.
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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:16 am
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] Kasha


Well, that's the spunk that she liked to see. Hand just straight through this bitch's torso? Heart and chest just screwed up and forced out of her. Bad move on the trapping of her arm though because Kasha was a baddie and just because she'd shown this level of survivability there was no longer any reason for the one-eyed woman to not just pull her next move of using her free hand to grab at the woman's throat.

Hold it nice and tight - away from her face - and let her impaled up grow hotter and hotter inside of Lerna's body, now did she want to make her feel it? Nah. Kasha didn't care about if she felt pain or not. It was all about getting her arm out and that's what she did after it hit critical point to where her arm could melt through solid stone.


She liked the name of it honestly, 'mountain slaying fist' even though it was utterly bastardised to have alliteration. She didn't care about fancy talk though and while she let Lerna wonder just what that could mean Kasha's arm cleaved out from the centre of her chest to come out of her torso and burn away a good portion of it on its pathway out. No sooner was it free did she try and make use of her hold on Lerna's face to give her a searing punch to the woman's face and try to punch her back a couple of metres.


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