Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:38 am
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 HEADER_tumblr_a5b5f603103629f26c324d1d51eb8cb2_720fb8d8_1280-1-cutout

Oh that was bad. Even if she'd shut off the pain in that area, it didn't change the fact she was aware of what was happening. That sudden blooming heat that began to burn and cook her guts, a HISS escaping her as she felt the woman trying to pull her arm free as that hand locked against her throat. New plan.

One of Lerna's hands peeled free from that bear Hug and promptly hardened as she closed her fingers into a stony fist before rocketing it repeatedly into the woman's shoulder, likely only getting a few hits in before that hand promptly melted it's way out of her guts with a hot gush, a hard COUGH as Lerna gacked blood up and onto Kasha's face. Ah....that was a very hot looking fist. And right into her face it went! This was bad. She could feel her brain being rattled, and if she had simply been a normal human instead of a pill currently cradled down in her own pelvic girdle, she might have actually just been knocked out on the spot. But she wasn't. And her fist promptly switched targets to trade punches with Kasha's own face, as Lerna's own gritted and steamed from those burning punches. But it wasn't something she could maintain forever. And with a sudden GRUNT, she brought her knee up and thrust it against Kasha's chest, at the same time, wrenching back, aiming to punch the wrist that was holding her throat, and if it didn't come loose, she'd simply rip her own throat out to pry herself away from the woman and distance herself with a leap, blood cascading down her neck, chest still bleeding, and no doubt with a steaming, bleeding face from those series of punches.

But Lerna remained very much on her feet, as the wounds rapidly stopped bleeding. "Al...alright. So maybe you ARE some hot stuff." She grinned, all too happy to make a pun as the damage to her face seemed to vanish. She wasn't honestly even regenerating, THAT would take some time. For now, she just moved some of her flesh and bones around, just to restore the look of her face. " As much as I'd like to keep this up. My teachers are gonna fuckin scream if I get back to the academy any worse than this. So I'm gonna go ahead and take this Loss." She crackled, her lungs still filled with a lot of blood.
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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:50 am
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Kasha


Hot? Is that the correct word for watching Lerna just let her own throat be torn out and be unfazed by that? Whatever, it was in Kasha's lexicon anyway and that was enough for it to matter to the brute of a woman. Her head had shifted to to the side as the punch connected but it was just missing that extra oomphf to screw her neck up or the knee in her gut but frankly, the throat tearing was far more sexy and tenacious.

"Oh yeah? Academy student, huh? Got something special goin' on to be able to get away with the moves that you're playing. Kinda hot."

There were two types of people that appealed to her, the type of people that could beat the absolute shit out of her ie. Shishiyuki and the second type being the people that didn't fall down no matter what you did to them and this woman had taken so many attacks that should've killed her that Kasha leaned back and put her still searing hand onto her hip without a care in the world despite it visibly burning her.

"Sure am some hot stuff and don't you forget it kid, you looking to end the night on a good note? Kinda hot how you just don't die. Wonder what else that body of your's can take if you wanna smash, or you scared I might break you for real? Ohohoho."

For a woman that was no more a damn ruffian, Kasha's laugh was eeriely mismatched. A typical ojou laugh from a woman of higher social standing regardless of what she gave the impression of. Koizumi sure were deceptive.


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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Tue Feb 08, 2022 11:22 am
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 HEADER_tumblr_a5b5f603103629f26c324d1d51eb8cb2_720fb8d8_1280-1-cutout

Lerna blinked, surprise showing on her reforming face as she watched ......a VERY different expression on Kasha's face. She couldn't help but grin just a little when she was called hot. Oh she was one of THOSE was she? A shit eating smirk spread across her face. "That right? Well when you get to be my age you know a thing or too. Never too old to learn new tricks though. Makes me wonder how hard those fancy moves of yours would be to learn." She flashed teeth, licking the sharpened canines, ALL too happy to taunt the woman just a little.

What DID surprise her, however, was the offer that was presented. And truth be told, she was all too ready to just leave this woman blueballed. However......that was when she was hit with that last part. Being called scared, which promptly changed this from just some horny rukongai bitch yowling for pussy, to a challenge. Lerna paused....staring Kasha up and down, attention briefly hovering over the woman's lap.

"Break me with what? Your nonexistant cock?" She gave a slow, lopsided grin. "Fuck it, I don't have class tomorrow morning. I can spare a night to see if your guts are as stubborn as the rest of you."
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Joined : 2016-02-15
Posts : 5810
Age : 24
Location : Good Question.

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Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha]

Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:57 pm
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Kasha


"Impossible for you."

Not a chance in hell was Kasha giving up her secret Hakuda style, one of the Koizumi sects to an outsider. Her heretical nature only went so far after all and there were lines not to be crossed except for Lerna's, it was free game as she cocked her head to the side as if thinking about the response.

Well, she said yes. So Kasha reached down and threw the other woman unceremoniously over her shoulder while heading off to find somewhere to spend the night out here.

"Don't need one to enjoy you, I hope you're not looking to walk tomorrow."

Literally, she'd shown that she was tenacious but not especially durable. Refusing to go down rather than not break and Kasha fully intended to see just how tough those bones were.

Another win, she was glad these nights were getting more fun rather than how boring it could otherwise be,


Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 Gamma_Signature
Grounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 CHARACTER_LISTGrounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 GRAPHICS_THREADGrounds for a Stomping [Lerna/Big Kasha] - Page 2 TIMELINE_THREAD
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