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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] Empty EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi]

Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:43 pm

Ania put her whole body wait into leaning backwards, beckoning her tiger to come over. The burly beast sprinted over, wrapped in front of the girl, and pulled alongside with her. With great force, the two fell onto the deck. The catch was surely enormous, finally being pulled up on board.

This whole catch was a gamble. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Ania and Hobbes were down to their last fish. Whether they'd last long enough, hungry as always, to arrive at a shore was dubious. So, with every ounce of her brilliance, Ania conceived of a plan; throw the last fish into the water as bait for a bigger fish. Then, they could eat for a whole week.

Against all odds, the plan came together well. Sort of.

In her excitement, Ania shoved Hobbes off of her and jumped up to her feet, hands on her hips proudly, to look at the fruits of her labour. Her face contrasted her body language: disappointed and bewildered.

"Wat de hek dis."


EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] 8Bvy1N8


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EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] Empty Re: EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi]

Mon Feb 14, 2022 4:08 pm
EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] VSIrd1G


Ow. That’s her only thought. For some reason, someone had decided to just yank her from the sea. Whoever was fishing had hoped to catch a fish, but what sat on the boat’s deck was no fish. Instead, it’s a girl. A girl with long black hair, wet with sea water, and an outfit of all black that seemed to contort a bit sat there, the end of a fish, still flailing, in her mouth. The hook attached to said fish poked out of the girl’s cheek, but whoever this is didn’t seem to care. Red eyes focused on the only other person around, serpentine eyes on the one who had hooked the stranger in. Sitting there, staring, this strange girl seemed content on not explaining what she was doing in the ocean or why she had tried to catch an uncooked fish the way she had.


Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] Empty Re: EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi]

Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:37 pm

Ania had to squint her eyes, rub them a few times, just to make sure. The seas were a merciless place, and you never knew when what you were seeing was the mirages of the sirens, or the true blue truth! In this kind of world, reality might just be stranger than lies. Hobbes followed suit and rubbed his paws on his face. It didn't matter. He, too, only wore an inquisitive face. Though, for him, it seemed more like he was wondering whether the catch was edible or not.

Ania knew better. This was for sure neither fish, food, nor friend. It was probably a siren itself! A sort of demon, here to lure her along with its wet hair dark as the abyss, and bejeweled ruby eyes.

"'obbes," Ania whispered to the side, keeping her eyes trained on the creature. "Get de fake fishy."

The tiger purred in response, trotted along to beneath the deck, and came back with a large plastic fish. Ania had to be certain--was this thing a thief, or a crazed carnivore!

Once she received the faux fish, Ania tossed it to the creature in front of it.

"Go'an, tek a bite."


EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] 8Bvy1N8


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EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] Empty Re: EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi]

Fri Feb 18, 2022 2:10 pm
EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] VSIrd1G



Well, what has Hiroi found here, out at sea? These two are neither fish nor inanimate. Though, edible all the same. The thought of snacking on two creatures out at sea crossed her mind, but she is not a carnivore that would instantly try to eat anything that moves. She has a strange humanity about herself that quells her hungering thoughts. Hiroi thought little of the tiger and its owner, another girl about her size. They are the same as every other human, a momentary chance at conversation.

Still, that doesn’t take away from the incredulous act of throwing a fake fish. Take a bite? Why, maybe she will. Lifting the fake fish, Hiroi opened her mouth. Though, it shifted as she did so, her jaw popping as it dislocated like a snake. Her canines elongated as her facial features went feral like some chimeric abomination of different animals. It only lasted a second until that fake fish was shoved into her mouth and simply swallowed into the abyss that is her stomach.

“Foolish mortals, the children of men and beasts. You dare feed the apex of hunger a measly figurine of aquatic life forms. Hiroi rumbles for the taste of flesh!”

And, as she thought little of this interaction, she thought little of playing this spooky monster just for the heck of it. The hook in her mouth probably lessened the impact of her speech. Her height and overall childish appearance probably lessened the impact of her speech. Then, she spoke with such a monotonous drawl that one would think she’d rather fall asleep than actually try to eat anyone. Well, it’s best to see how the two react and then go from there.


Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] Empty Re: EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:20 pm



Mid-sentence, Ania's fishing pole swung over to whack the odd thing on the head--if that was even its head at all.

Just prior, when the creature engorged itself on the fish, Ania and Hobbes could only offer the most horrified expression. Just on reflex, Ania responded with a swift swing to the cranium. But, after that, she couldn't help but shift her horror to perplexity. So much so that she even started taking steps towards the siren, slowly of course.

"Ehm, de hek?"

If the creature would even allow, Ania went so far as to drop her fishing pole and put her thumbs in their mouth, pulling at their cheeks and opening up their jaws.

"Hobbes, can you do dis?"

Dear ol' Hobbes, still amidst his horror, shook his head while taking steps backwards.


EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] 8Bvy1N8


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EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] Empty Re: EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:06 pm
EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] VSIrd1G


And then…


Hiroi was punished for goofing around, the little goober taking a mean hit to the cranium for her shenanigans. Though, her “Ow” was more superficial than anything else, and her hands are now on her head because you gotta make a show out of it. Then, she was messed with further when fingers entered her mouth and started poking around. Well, that’s new, and it probably wouldn’t be too hard for her to just chomp down and make this child a meal. That’d be mean. Hiroi doesn’t like being mean for no reason, but this is a bit too invasive of her personal space. Her mouth isn’t even that crazy for one. After eating, she quickly turned her mouth back to normal, rather humanlike.

“Uh… Erm… Ello?”

She might as well try speaking, even as her mouth is being prodded.


Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] Empty Re: EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:15 pm

"Weh! It wen' back normal! De hek?"

Ania took her fingers from the siren's mouth, shocked at the transformation, and equally shocked that the thing could speak. Yes, it was speaking before, but before Ania wasn't really listening.

"Ehm, hello? What are you?"

Hobbes, in the background, couldn't take anymore of it, and scurried off to under the deck, though he peeked its head over the boards to keep watch.

"Are you a siren?"

It seemed pretty small for a siren. Actually, it seemed less than curvaceous for a siren as well. Ania had a certain image of them in mind, and though she quite liked the deep dark blackness of its hair and the sparkling eyes, everything else pointed to the creature being something else.


EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] 8Bvy1N8


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EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] Empty Re: EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:32 pm
EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] VSIrd1G


"A siren?" Hiroi muttered with a tilt of her head. Where has she read about those before? Mmm... Oh yes! A book about sailors and stuff. Krakens, sirens, mermaids: Hiroi had to place that specific story together in her mind for a second, but then, bingo!

Suddenly, Hiroi's body shifted. She grew taller and bigger in all assets like a balloon being inflated. Though, it all kind of happened with a pop, almost instantly, until a much older looking woman stood before this strange girl and her pet cat that had hid itself.

"A siren: creatures of the sea that lure sailors from their boats with beautiful songs unto their deaths. Is that what Hiroi is? Are you afraid of being lured to your death?"

A small smile appeared on Hiroi's face as she sat there, wet and resembling more of a vixen that could seduce a man from his boat into the cold depths of the sea.


Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] Empty Re: EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:53 pm

An illusion! Ania KNEW it! But, was this the illusion, or was the previous form an illusion? To be certain, Ania started poking around, confirming the flesh of this siren was authentic. And it was. Now, the problem to confront: was this siren threatening, and therefore something to be feared, or not? Hobbes had already bowed out of the situation, but Hobbes was also a coward.

After some good and solid thinking, Ania decided.


This siren just ate a fake fish and got bonked on the head. However fearsome a siren could be, this one wasn't the brightest. But, because they aren't the brightest siren, perhaps there was some use to get out of them. The rusty, creaking gears in Ania's head started turning.

"I am de Siren Queen's messenger. She said, you s'posed to help me."

Ania stood on her toes to pat the siren on her head, on the spot she got bonked.


EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] 8Bvy1N8


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EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] Empty Re: EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi]

Fri Mar 04, 2022 7:01 pm
EAT IT [Ania/Hiroi] VSIrd1G


This girl is interesting. Hiroi could not help but feel a certain amount of endearment for the actions this small child took when faced with something outside their depth. It’s like having a mirror placed before her. However, Hiroi understands that such bold curiosity is enough to get one into deep trouble, trial and error proving a wondrous teacher. That also brings up the current situation that finds the Danava’s body at the mercy of this child which, much to Hiroi’s discomfort, left her squirming and wanting nothing more than to swat this girl overboard.

However, not wanting to simply harm people, Hiroi stilled her own begrudged desires and simply gave in to the fact that she is dealing with someone who lacked a brain. This girl is easy to toy with, but it seems that whoever this is doesn’t fancy complicated thinking. Even then, what a sorry lie to try and get someone to do what they want. The siren queen’s messenger? What even is that? Hiroi can literally taste the falsehood. Yet, for some reason she did not simply shut the notion down.

“I see. Then, speak your name, and Hiroi may find you worthy of help.”


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