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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna]

Sat Aug 27, 2022 10:16 pm
Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 ATKMrN0

Nami Miura

...Lunch? Now that she thought about it... Perhaps she did skip her meals today. She didn't normally feel hungry until later in the day, as much as anyone who cared to notice her would say otherwise. She had to survive long stretches without much in the past, that was simply how life was. Though an offering of food was an attempt at an olive branch, yes? An attempt at sowing camaraderie, perhaps her initial judgement of pity was incorrect?

Without uttering a word, she'd softly shake her head, hands slowly lowering to fold behind her back.

END| Fuckin cats
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Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna]

Sat Aug 27, 2022 10:41 pm
Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_8525271

Lerna smiled at that, chuckling just a little. Huh, what a weird girl, she flat out just....wasn't talkin huh? "Me either. I WAS gonna have something for breakfast but well.... I decided to do a bit of Jinzen instead." She murmured, chuckling as she rubbed the back of her head. "How about we put a pin in the training and get something to eat first? There's some nice food stands nearby that sell meat skewers. There's actually some nice imported pork they might still have some left... how about it? On me." She offered and turned, pointing herself toward the exit to the training grounds and waiting to see if Miura went with her.
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Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna]

Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:14 am
Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 ATKMrN0

Nami Miura

Oh. It appeared she skipped her meal in service of practice... That was something she could understand, so perhaps this was truly an attempt at finding common ground. In that case, she visibly appeared to relax a bit, still ready to hop and run in caution, but her hesitance eased a bit.

"Meat skewers?" Her soft voice mused, "Never had those before... I'm unfamiliar."

Slowly creeping closer, she'd blink twice, "..I would like some."

END| Fuckin cats
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Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna]

Sun Aug 28, 2022 11:26 am
Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_Dc71vjTUwAAb7PE

Lerna smiled lightly at that and chuckled a bit when the girl seemed to relax a little. "Well we should remedy that. Let's get goin." She chimed with a smile, promptly beginning to lead the girl out to the place she had in mind. Not really making them stay close or anything, she got the feeling that Nami would sortof....trail at her own comfortable distance. And so Lerna just focused on getting them to the cart. If the girl didn't sidle up, she'd just order for her. Nice well-grilled meat with seasoning and just a hint of pineapple glaze. Finding a nice quiet little spot, she'd sit down and start to eat, making an effort not to peer at Nami or anything, or watch her eat. The girl seemed skittish enough as it were and so she simply focused on eating, only glancing at her now and then to see how she was taking to the food itself.
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Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna]

Sun Aug 28, 2022 2:36 pm
Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 ATKMrN0

Nami Miura

With a soft nod, the girl would come along with Lerna, though visibly keeping her distance. She was always just in sight and not too far off, but she very obviously was hanging behind, likely out of caution of others walking about. It was a habit from her younger years that didn't really die, neither did she see a reason in putting it to rest; no one bothered her, and she wasn't in anyone's way. Once they arrived at the cart, Nami kept a distance, staring at Lerna and watching her order the food, pale red eyes wide with intrigue at the smell; it was almost leaving her drooling with how good it smelled.

Once Lerna had parted from the cart and went off to sit in a quieter spot, Nami suddenly was there alongside her, sitting not too far off from the other woman, a reasonable amount of distance given but she still seemed willing to at least eat in the same place. She stared at the warm meat pierced by wood, smelling unlike anything she typically ate, slowly opening her mouth and cautiously biting on it, flinching at the heat but settling to start eating. It was a lot tougher than her normal meals, so wolfing it down wasn't an option, being forced to savor the admittedly tasty meal.

Once or twice, she'd meet eyes with Lerna, only to quickly look away again, unsure of what to say or do apart from eat.

END| Fuckin cats
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Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna]

Sun Aug 28, 2022 2:46 pm
Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_Dc71vjTUwAAb7PE

She hardly minded Nami keeping her distance right up until the food got involved. Once they had a spot to sit, she settled, eyeing the gal in the corner of her eye, smiling just a little at the expression she knew all too well. The story was becomming a lot clearer now, she'd seen enough people from the poorer Rukongai or just the slums on earth to recognize that dazzled look when chomping into good food. Well that at least made things a little simpler. She ate her own and looked off into the distance, seeing shinigami in the distance, also eating and some of them going about their business.

"You must be pretty busy all the time, you're a full time student yea? I'm just a substitute shinigami myself, so I already secured a squad, and well, got my life back on earth. Still it's kinda wild coming here for classes and stuff." She noted aloud, drumming her fingers before finishing off a chunk of meat. "So whats it like for you full timers? You get a lot of free time?" She asked, hoping that the girl might open up a little with soem food in her. Not that this wasn't fun but it was a bit awkward to be talking more or less to herself so much.
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Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna]

Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:43 pm
Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 ATKMrN0

Nami Miura

Her chewing momentarily stopped with Lerna's gentle questioning, holding the skewer just a few inches away from her face, subtly licking her lips as she would then swallow as she considered how to answer.

"Free time... It depends on how hard you decide to work, I suppose." She'd gently fidget the sewer between fingers as she spoke, looking away from the woman, "You can be foolish, neglect your studies, and have plenty. Or you can be dutiful, prioritize your studies, and have little. I have seen people who fall into one, or the other. I believe myself to be in the latter category."

Gently putting the meat rolling between her fingers down on the plate on her lap for a moment, she'd continue, "Days are often full of practice, study, and connecting with my Zanpakuto... Six years in now, and i've yet to produce satisfactory skill in what I desired..."

END| Fuckin cats
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Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna]

Tue Sep 06, 2022 7:44 pm
Creeping Admirations [Nami, Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_8525271

Hm. Interesting to be sure. Lerna took another idle bite of her food and took a moment to mull over what was being said to her. But not for a particularly long time. "Huh, sounds kinda lame to me. But well, I guess I'm not really full time." She murmured gently, that was .... well...kinda a lie actually. She spent a lot of time on her studies, MUCH more than many other substitutes did, simply on the merit of the fact that she had jack shit else to do with her life on earth. Sure there was ...gang shit. But she'd been on the DL for quite a while and hadn't been IN a gang in ages. So what boiled down to 'random jobs for the gang of whatever town she was in, pretty much meant she was as busy as she felt like being.


She smirked a bit to herself at the idea of those fucking toadies trying to reach her on her cellphone while she was in soul society. What a bunch of idiots. Ah right, this girl. Lerna snapped back to reality and cleared her throat. "I guess. But well, overworking yourself can effect your performance just as much as shirking them. A blade can't just hack away at something forever. It's gotta take a rest, be sharpened, sometimes repaired, before it can go back to work." Was that a good metaphor? She wasn't sure. Hopefully. Honestly, from the sounds of it, overworking may very well be the girl's problem.

"Yea, Zanpaku'to can be tricky. You tried treating your zanpaku'to differently? Soem of them are picky. They want respect, or to be pampered, esoteric shit like that. They're people after all. Or multiple people in some cases. So you gotta give em a little shmoves sometimes."
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