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Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)

Sat Apr 02, 2022 5:39 pm
Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

The mention of Hueco Mundo had certainly not only earned the Shihoin woman's curiosity. but allowed her to confirm that this Hisana was different from the one in her memory... or so she thought, at least. Rio never recalled a day of stepping foot into Hueco Mundo, though she was very familiar nevertheless. That hardly changed anything so far. Her calming presence and kind aura she exuded was enough to disarm any suspicions so far. If she was here roaming the city, she assumed that her presence was welcome here, and the Soul society welcomed her, then so too did Rio. She would smile as they received their orders of well-seasoned meat skewers as she walked beside Hisana, towards the direction of a nearby cart that sold ramen.

Rio would turn towards as she smiled, aiming to answer her next question. It was an interesting one, all things told. Rio had spent the vast majority of her life admittedly... living a somewhat uneventful life. Half of her attention was focused towards keeping a watchful eye over her family while she trained endlessly to prove that she could maintain the family whenever Chidori departed elsewhere on a whim. Living as a Shihoin? Rio chuckled softly, smiling somewhat sheepishly as she ruminated on what explanation she ought to provide Hisana before settling on something.

"To answer the first question, Miss Hisana... If I might be truthful, I cannot offer a genuine explanation on what it means to live as a Shihoin. Our family is full of the whimsical, the stoic, and the eccentric. My own life was one spent training and striving for strength, so that I might protect my family properly in the absence of others. "
Rio would form a warm smile as she continued on, softly chewing on a meat skewer as she reminisced.

"It wasn't very eventful and perhaps one might say I should've aimed my life elsewhere and enjoyed myself more but I don't regret anything. My family or my siblings are on their own paths now, though I'd love to reunite with them again. It isn't until now that I decided I ought to pursue my own and see what this world has to offer. Enjoy an adventure, you know? Make new friends, new memories... and whatever else this new path offers."

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder

Last edited by Iori on Tue Apr 05, 2022 5:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)

Tue Apr 05, 2022 4:37 pm
Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

It was interesting, to say the least, hearing about what seemed like such a .....simple lifestyle. All it was was It seemed almost bizarre really to imagine such a notion that the woman could become any sort of powerful Without the struggle of actual combat. It was almost foreign to think of. "It's.....definitely a bit strange. To see what it is that shinigami do to better themselves. Ever since I have begun to work at the academy, it's been a little bizarre to see how my students grow. But at the same time, it is incredibly......interesting. To see what it is that differentiates how a hollow comes to grow strong and how a shinigami becomes strong." She noted softly, thoughtful if nothing else. She had to admit she was a little curious just what a woman like Rio would be capable of. What was her sister Rukia capable of? She couldn't help but wonder. It was certainly something she should probably grow familiar with. It might help her teach her classes.

"Well I'm certainly happy to hear you're taking some time for yourself. I admit.... I myself have taken quite a liking to seeing what the Sereitei has to offer. Though it's a little strange how ....familiar the feeling in the outter rukongai districts is. Not exactly the same, but the air of danger is more than I would have expected in the soul society after all these years... but I suppose such things don't change even after centuries." She noted lightly, looking to the side before she smiled to Rio. "Have you been to the outter districts before?" She ventured curiously.
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Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)

Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:55 pm
Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

Now that was an interesting perspective. The point of view of a hollows versus soul reapers. As one who never ventured into Hueco Mundo, she had no opinions to offer on battlefield philosophies, to say nothing of how a Shinigami improved themselves versus a hollow. Rio's interest in this conversation only increased tenfold once she heard that the woman was teaching at the academy. Huh... what a pleasant revelation, she mused. She wouldn't have entertained the idea years ago. It was good to see the higher-ups moving beyond their archaic point of views.

Everything was so structured within the Soul Society, especially the way instruction and tempering one's skill in the academy went. What was it like out there in Hueco Mundo, she wondered? Gazing at Hisana, she felt the woman's aura and presence to be warm. Far from what she might naively expect an Arrancar to be like. Come to think of it, how many of that race had she met? Was Hisana the first? She couldn't quite recall. Perhaps that was to be expected.

"That is an eye-opening perspective that I don't think I've entertained myself. I learned of hollows and Hueco Mundo through my own time as a student in the Academy and I'm certain I've come across a few but I think that experience goes no further. The Soul society more or less always operates on structure for the most part, so I'm curious about how things are in a place with no such establishment..."

Rio would gaze at the scenery before continuing, ruminating on her next words. She was right. For all the advancements they made, there were other parts that still remained very much the same. The outer districts of the Rukongai. Rio had never traveled throughout those parts but she commonly heard the stories and the crimes and the danger it presented. It was somewhat depressing to know they hadn't received their own attention but Rio didn't let it linger.

"No. My parents would have likely advised against it, even I wanted to. I've heard of the crimes and the danger if one even dares to step foot there but I never once journeyed out to sate any curiosity that might have reared it's head. It is unfortunate that for all the advancements made elsewhere, none have properly been given to those born into circumstances less fortunate. If you don't mind my asking... my curiosity has been sparked during this conversation so far. How is Hueco Mundo? I've only ever read the books but a personal point of view never hurts."

A curious venture in exchange for another.

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder

Last edited by Iori on Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)

Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:08 pm
Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana paused for a moment and chuckled. She supposed it certainly would be.

"I suppose it is something of a touchy subject. Most Shinigami would have no wish to understand how a hollow works. But I feel it may benefit them more than they would care to admit. Understanding how your opponent works is not only important for fighting them, but also hunting them . The Captain Commander was .....hesitant to ask me to assist in the hunting of my own kind. That alone was enough to know just how direly my help was needed in the soul society. There is, perhaps hope, for those that find the strength to remove their masks. But for those incapable of it. There is such a thing as too much mercy. For the base hollow, cleansing is a kindness sorely needed." She noted quietly, closing her eyes for a moment as she considered the notion.

They needed to die. She knew all too well. Some hollows were incredibly old. And the Gillian..... the gillian were beings who had lost so much. Seemingly doomed to eternity. Hollows, after all, she had never noticed even a hint of aging among them. Some arrancar SEEMED old. But physical age was something meaningless to arrancar generally. Hm...

She paused, realizing she'd been a bit lost in thought when the subject of the Rukongai moved in. She nodded. "Certainly it seems...... at the surface....better than I remembered it. Especially the closer districts. But beyond a certain point. It may as well be Hueco Mundo." She noted lightly. And of course....then Rio ASKED about Hueco Mundo. She .....considered the idea for a moment.

"Endless sand. But not quite sand. I've felt sand on earth... and even soul society. It's not quite the same. It tastes of death. And also energy. There is a VERY large ammount of ambient spiritual energy. IN fact, some small hollows subsist entirely just on the reishi in the atmosphere. Most hollows are small things, human sized. However, the sands are ruled by Menos. Particularly strong hollows you know. The small fry prefer to hunt on Earth. But once a hollow evolves, and loses such attachments, they hunt in Hueco Mundo. Nobody is a friend. Rarely, bands will form, but they will break apart into treachery as often as they forge into true groups of allies. Its..... a complicated subject to be sure." She paused, tapping her chin.

"Have you ever felt the sensation of drowning, Rio?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
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Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)

Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:27 pm
Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

Rio listened to Hisana with a focused silence as she listened to the woman's words. HIsana was warm and welcoming and certainly held no qualms with providing the Shihoin with helpful pieces to connect the puzzle. It was insightful. The initial exposition helped her piece together how Hisana came to be a teacher and the purpose behind her classes. She admired that sort of bravery in the woman. She couldn't imagine that an Arrancar would be open to teaching soul reapers how to properly handle hollows, though that was a given considering how sheltered the woman was in her own upbringing, to say nothing of spending her time on nothing but training and striving to be a protector. If nothing else, the insight was a welcomed one and would perhaps effect how Rio approached hollows or arrancar in the future.

The second exposition was centered around what the question Rio had posed towards Hisana. Hueco Mundo. It was almost as the books in the Academy described it but not entirely so. This felt more personal, as if she had experienced everything that she spoke of. As RIo expect, it was neither composed or structure. A realm resonant with the law of the jungle. Eat or be eaten. No fellowship, no companionship... hunt or be hunted. That's all. And for every group that may have formed together, their selfishness would lead them to disband all the same, treachery their ruin. She gazed Hisana and wondered just how difficult a journey it must have been to get here, to reach this point. To survive... that. She was certainly worthy of praise. Rio possessed her own iron will but she couldn't bear to imagine how she would've adapted or what she would've become in a realm like that.

Hisana would pose an interesting questions towards the Shihoin woman that caused her to blink ever so slightly. It was a question that caused her to pause as she tapped at her chin. The sensation of drowning... Rio could remember days where she would swim in water but she had never recalled a time where she was on the verge of drowning. If it wasn't water she was referring to, then perhaps it was something else. It was a chilling question, to be certain but a question nevertheless. An exchange of curiosity in exchange for another.

"I have never felt that sensation before. During all of my training and working myself to exhaustion in the past... I'd always feel like my lungs might give out or I might fall over out of exhaustion. I experienced some forms of pain to train my body... to become the shield of my family, as a means of improving my physical endurance... but I don't think I've ever experienced that sensation before, Hisana."

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder

Last edited by Iori on Wed Apr 06, 2022 10:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)

Wed Apr 06, 2022 9:58 pm
Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana nodded softly at that and couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the woman's talk of training. It was...... cute. And endearing how apparently focused the woman had been. It was ....definitely bizarre, hearing about the woman practically BREAKING herself without an enemy to do it against. It seemed unwise, but she knew that was just her altered perspective. Still, it was interesting to hear.

"I think.....that might be close enough. You know the burning feeling. The desperate feeling for breath. That is what the hunger feels like. So it would be as if......that feeling of burning and NEED for air were instead a need to eat. That is what the life of a Menos is like for the most part." she paused. "A bit of a gross oversimplification, but it seems to get through to the students well enough. Perhaps I should have them run laps before the lecture next time." She noted with a light chuckle.

And now they had arrived at her home. It was a very lovely place, and making their way through, they would soon come to the little small section that was her own home. What you could expect from a fancy japanese Inn to be sure. It was small, but still quite lovely. Once inside, she would offer a smile to Rio and gesture to the table after removing her sandals. Though she was still VERY unused to wearing them. "But enough about all of that. It's a bit of a gloomy subject. Why don't you tell me more about your current endeavors? You said you were thinking about a change of pace. What do you have in mind?" She asked, taking a seat and smiling up to Rio, clearly interested in what she had to say.
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Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)

Thu Apr 07, 2022 3:22 am
Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

A cursory nod would indicate that Rio had understood the baseline idea of what Hisana meant when she spoke about the hunger of hollows - or rather the Menos in particular. She would chuckle at the woman's suggestion at making the students run a few laps before a lecture. Rio could hardly tell if she was making humor or if she was genuinely serious but it was an interesting idea nonetheless.

Within moments, they would arrive at the small section that was Hisana's home - a graceful Japanese Inn. Rio would be respectful as well, removing her sandals as she followed the woman towards the table and sat a few meters across from her.

When they were comfy and settled in, Hisana would turn the conversation towards a different subject. Rio tapped at her chin to think things over for a moment. Hm... what would she do? That's right. She had indeed talked about a change of pace at the outset of their meeting and her plans for the future. Rio would smile as she began to speak, a pleasant tinge in her tone.

"Ah, well... There's so many things I'd like to do. Where do I start? If I had to say, first I'd like to pass on some of the skills I've learned to other fledgling soul reapers trying to achieve great things in the Soul Society. It's why I took the role of a substitute teacher. I can't offer my entire time but I can offer something." Rio would cross her legs as she continued on, leading into the next plan of her future endeavors.

"The other part of my time will likely be spent exploring the realm of the living. I've visited it a few times but... I never learned to appreciate it. I will always pursued training and worrying about my family and I worked myself to exhaustion, without once thinking of my own wellbeing. I want to correct that... love this life, enjoy an adventure, explore the unknown..."

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder

Last edited by Iori on Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)

Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:52 pm
Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana nodded along as she got out the food that they had both managed to nab before arriving there. Taking a moment to bring out both their meals and glancing back up to Rio to listen as the woman explained her current....opening ventures as of late, taking a moment to take a few bites and swallowing before she spoke up.

"Is that so? Certainly teaching is an important endeavor. I myself have taken up teaching a class at the Academy as well. The Captain Commander was kind enough to give me lodgings, I felt it was the least I could do." She noted, pausing to consider Rio's mention of enjoying her life, particularly in the realm of the living. Certainly she couldn't imagine.... no actually. She imagined it might ....indeed seem dreary. But for one who had lived their whole life in a place like soul society... it would be a very different place indeed for Rio. "I can only imagine what a cultural shock it might be. In truth most of earth is in ruins these days. Well...perhaps not MOST, but a great deal of it. It certainly will be an interesting experience. Even for me it was quite something the times when I did visit the place." She noted softly, taking another bite of her food and then offering a sheepish look.

"How is your Ramen bye the way?" She asked, again feeling a bit anxious that she hadn't really had any supplies to make something herself, hopefully the cart food was satisfactory to the noblewoman.
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Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)

Tue Apr 26, 2022 12:21 am
Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

To hear that Hisana was a teacher at the Academy was quite an eye-opener. It was certainly not something she would've imagined in the past but this was a new generation, and with a new generation, change and innovation were inevitable. Hisana's warm nature was more than befitting for a teacher.

Rio inwardly assumed that her students were probably fond of her because of it. Perhaps this meant they would cross paths more. As their conversation continued, Rio would chuckle at the woman's comments about the state of the world. Hisana was correct in a sense. The wars of earth had left certain parts of earth in ruins.

Some countries were forced to rebuild while others were destroyed entirely. Truth be told, such knowledge made Rio appreciate how blessed she was to have avoided those wars. She was certainly a warrior worth her weight in gold but that didn't necessarily mean she welcomed the idea of war. She could only feel remorse for those who suffered in the aftermath.

"Funny thing about that... I've actually been to earth quite a few times, though none of them were extended visits. It'd either be a mission when I was a seated member or a casual stroll to see what my peers found so amusing about it. Though it is true that much of the earth realm has been compromised in one way or another, there are still some places that have managed to retain their luster. The first time was a culture shock but I think I've grown quite use to the way humans are, even if they vary greatly in personality. " Rio would smile once more, gazing at Hisana as she inquired about the ramen. It was quite delicious, to be sure.

"Tasty. I like it. I'm certainly no ramen critic but this was certainly a fine and enjoyable choice, Hisana."

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder

Last edited by Iori on Mon May 09, 2022 10:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)

Fri May 06, 2022 4:21 pm
Freedom of Life(Hisana/Rio)  - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana raised a brow at that and offered a gentle smile. "Is that right? It must have been interesting to acclimate to such things. It was such a shock from Hueco Mundo. The transition was.....strange to say the least. But even so, I think it was important to experience it. I can only imagine you felt the same when you visited. Which areas of the world of the living have you been to?" She ventured, a curious tilt of her head as she gave the woman her undivided attention.

Though as the subject shifted toward the food, she gave a sheepish smile. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm sorry I couldn't make something properly myself. But well, there's always next time, right?" She offered, pausing for just a moment to look off to the side, pondering things for a moment before she looked back to the Shihoin. "If you don't mind, we could do this more often. No need for it to be regular or anything. But just something to enjoy now and then. I'd love to hear about how your new experiences in the world of the living turn out." She offered, a gentle, optimistic smile present as she brought it up.
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