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God of Love
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The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:29 pm
The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] QcbhwDi


Traveling between the Holy Roman Empire and the many areas under the Duvalier Group's influence was, even to a girl like Rafaela, somewhat exhausting. But, at the same time, it was nice being able to get out there, help people--

Oh, wait, oh no. There weren't supposed to just be people in the middle of the Pacific. Tossing her hat and coat to the side so they didn't get soaked through in the ocean water, Rafaela dove off the deck of the ship without so much as thinking about it. Who was even out here?? It was a good thing Rafaela had grown up on the coast, done all her swimming practice, or she might've ended up putting herself into a worse position. Who even was this?? Well, that could get figured out later, for now she was doing her best to dash up to the deck again.

"Hey, you alright??"

Wait, hang on. Wasn't this that lady from the Vandenreich? Well this wasn't good at all. Snapping her fingers, Rafaela's demeanor went from simple concern to absolute professionalism.

"Hey, contact His Majesty, now! I'm taking her to the infirmary!"

Rafaela was rather thankful for her own strength, or she'd have had far more trouble dragging this woman to get medical attention. She was looking to be in exceptionally bad shape, and that was gonna need fixing. They had good medical experts here on board, but even so. All she could do was wait for whatever happened now, as she handed Helle over to the medical team here. They had a surgical setup here, of course, but who knew how it could go? Only one thing to do, and that was wait for the treatment to be over...however long that took. Hopefully, the Emperor could be here by the time she recovered.

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The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:17 pm

The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

When did she fall into the sea? Her last thoughts were that of being carried away to safety. It seems, even in the end, not even He could remedy that mistake that Helle had made. In the end, she really was meant to perish, lost in the depths belows. It is strange, being aware, and yet, unable to react. The sky is pretty, at least, its blurry visage some solace before the waves took away her vision once more. Water rushed into her ears again, the cartilage attached to the sides of her head ringing with pain, the roaring noise too much for her brain to handle. She soon lost consciousness.

Suddenly, she is awake again, her mind conscious of her surroundings once again. It seems she was not drowned during her last bout with darkness. Strangely enough, she is aware of another individual in the water with her, some person carrying her through the forceful waves. Who is this? Is it Him? It couldn’t be. Soon, surrounded by loud voices and blurry movement, she felt her consciousness begin to fade again, her body giving up once again despite being safe from the harsh sea.

Again, she found herself awake. This time she is in a room, her body unable to move. Her pale emerald eyes moved, barely widening as she bore witness to her own person. Tubes, machines, and the sort: attached to her body like some weird sci-fi movie scene. Time has lost all meaning to her, for it all felt like a dream. She isn’t in her own body anymore, for this couldn’t be her. The shock of herself struck a chord within her mind, and she felt herself losing herself to the darkness one last time. This time, her mind fell the furthest it ever had as she finally dreamed. She dreamed of better times, of a different future for herself. Anything to escape from reality. Though, the next time she woke up, she would see nothing more than the cruelty of fate.

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God of Love
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The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Wed Feb 23, 2022 7:21 pm
The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] P15ckbD


Erchanhardt had been informed on rather short notice of the appearance of Helle Armstrong of the Sternritter on one of his ships. To say that seemed unusual, or perhaps inopportune, would have been an understatement of the highest caliber. He would need to thank Rafaela later on for her quick thinking, but for now, he could do little other than be brought to the ship where Helle was currently being kept.

Stepping into the infirmary, Erchanhardt gave a small sigh of relief. It was certainly true that he did not know Helle Armstrong on any deep, personal level, but he had found her exceptionally agreeable in those times they had spoken before. A good woman, so far as he could tell. Given the political quagmire that was the Vandenreich, he had opted to cut all communication on this matter until it was resolved.

Well, he certainly didn't wish to wake her. But, even so, this was a situation he could do little about until it was discussed with her.

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The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:05 pm

The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Tubes and wires, hooked up to Helle’s body, administered the necessary nutrients for her to continue living. The doctors have yet to allow her the freedom of feeding herself. They are still running tests on the condition of her body, mainly, her heart. Whatever had happened had left her heart in a critical state, the stress proving near fatal. However, they were able to get it under control and in a stable condition. Unfortunately, that left the left side of her body in bad shape. It was as if something had tore through her and left the bones, muscles, and tendons in her body in bad shape.

To Helle, this all proved torturous. She hates it here, trapped like an animal being experimented on. Her thoughts focused on the Vandenreich through it all though. Whenever she was conscious, she would try to think of her next steps. What is after this? Does she return home? Continue her duties? Pretend that nothing happened? It wasn’t until she heard the door open and close that her thoughts stopped focusing. She did not open her eyes though, wondering exactly who had entered her room. She allowed them to think her asleep for the time being.

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God of Love
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The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:40 pm
The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] P15ckbD


The doctors, of course, continued to come in and out from the room of the ship, checking on Helle whenever possible. Her status was stable, at the very least, but the Holy Roman Emperor did not leave from his place by the door. The medical staff asked what they ought to do, if there was anything they should bear in mind, but for them Erchanhardt had only one answer;

"Whatever is necessary for her sake."

He called for Rafaela, and briefed her on the situation. Naturally, this was a matter of exceptionally high security. In most situations, they surely would have contacted the Vandenreich on this, but no. If Director Armstrong had been so wounded, and yet had been found so far from the City of Lights, it was only natural that they know what had occurred before they allowed even a single word to get out.

"Do not, under any circumstances, let what has happened here leave this ship. That is by order of your Emperor."

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The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Fri Feb 25, 2022 2:11 pm

The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

How long did he sit there waiting? Helle, who had pretended to be asleep, bless her heart, had actually gone to sleep. She was out for a while too, lost in another dream. Though, when she did wake up, her eyes slowly fluttered open, near gray emerald eyes focusing on nothing in particular until her mind registered the large man in the room.

“Erchanhardt,” She muttered under her breath, her throat still raw and hoarse after so long of salt water scratching her vocal cords. Helle did not bother trying to move, finding herself still as lame as before. When will her position change? When will she be able to rise, sit up, stand? So many questions filed through her mind, but they were all silenced as she allowed herself a minute to refocus on her current situation.

No doubt, she’s soon to be assaulted with questions or words of concern. It is only natural, after all. She is but a wounded woman on a boat owned by a German Emperor.

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God of Love
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The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:38 pm
The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] P15ckbD


"Director Armstrong. I wish that I could be greeting under better circumstances, but I am glad that things went as they did."

He had been here for a bit of time, admittedly, but Erchanhardt hardly minded that. After all, she was an ally, and someone with whom he shared at least some degree of connection. Perhaps it was their shared homeland, or merely their conversations prior. Regardless, he was glad to wait as long as was required for her.

"I suppose I should ask first and foremost if you are willing to speak on what has led to this situation. But if you are not willing to discuss it, I will not press that question. I will only ask if you wish me to inform your people of your presence here."

The fact that she had been found alone did raise questions, of course. But he was not going to ask them all right away, when she was still recovering.

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The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:50 pm

The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong


No to what? Explaining her situation? Reporting to the Vandenreich? Both? Helle found it difficult to speak beyond her curt response, finding herself already winding from the simple necessity that is breathing. Even the mask on her face did little to make her voice any stronger than what it already is. It was all in her eyes though. Her expression, horrendously pained and full of regret, spoke volumes about her current headspace. She wanted nothing less than to relate her issues with outsiders, and she wanted the Vandenreich to understand her plight even less. What would be the point of sharing her failings with those who act at such bare levels of care? Why sully the energy of those who have better things to do?

As she continued breathing, it took all her strength to simply turn her head over to the side, away from Erchanhardt. Sleep sounds good. She just woke up, but it’s hard to keep her eyes open. She hates this. She wants to escape from this, but her only salvation is a world unknown to this one. There is only one way to reach that world, so it came to no surprise when her eyes went to close once again. Sleep hasn’t taken her yet, but if he wished for more words, then it will take a bit to get them out of her.

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God of Love
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The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:01 pm
The Worth of Things [Erchanhardt, Helle] P15ckbD


"I understand. Not a word of it will be made known, then."

Erchanhardt knew, of course, that what Helle had undergone was by no means a simple matter. He would have rather liked to speak with her, to get a better understanding of the situation, but that would have bordered on cruel with all that she had gone through. That single answer was the only thing that he had absolutely needed to know, and he made to leave her alone, to give her some proper time to recover.

"I will let you rest, of course. I am terribly sorry to have asked you this when you are still recovering. We will be traveling back to the Empire, and of course I will do whatever is necessary for you in the meantime."

Unless she had anything else she deseprately wished to say, he would leave her once more. He knew, realistically, that to have come here simply for a matter like this might have seemed rash, but even outside his own personal reasons for the visit, this was something politically powerful. Was that cruel of him? He certainly hoped not. Rafaela could watch the castle in the meantime, regardless. He'd already sent her off, and the trip to Germany would not be terribly long.

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