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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 12:11 am

Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HomMhNt

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Oooh, there it was. That quiet rage coupled with the hungering desire. The vindication hit right there at the top of the high Candi was already riding and it just pushed her that little higher. She broke her hold on Ehefra's hand, turning around that silly baseball cap so that it was no longer kinda resting awkwardly against the other woman's face as they continued to make out. Then it latched onto the other side of her face, pulling at the hairs on the back of Ehefra's head ever so tenderly.

She wanted to continue this, right now they could have been just about anywhere and it would not have mattered a shred to Candice's rather single-minded lust, but somehow she managed to pry herself away for a few moments at a time to add a few more statements.

"Well I'm hitting on both of you."
"The whole package."
"That's what I want."

Only after that last burst did she finally break away definitively from Ehefra, hands dropping down from her face ever so slowly. It wasn't like she was done, not by any stretch of the word, but they had been heading somewhere and it was probably better they got there a little sooner. And that gave her less time to stop herself too.

You were warned | END POST
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Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:52 am
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Ehefra was startled by the aggression welling up behind the kiss snaring her. Hands gently gripping her as if to cage the heat of contact between them. She faltered inly briefly before her hands found Candice’s shoulders. Struggling to contain herself. Candice was surprisingly good at this. Every warm glide of movement found her breathless and on the backfoot. When they finally parted Ehefra was gasping ever so slightly, blinking rapidly as she tried ti collect herself.

She let her attention snap back up to the woman in time for that soft murmur ti catch her off guard. Her grip on the taller woman tightened just a little. Distrust and need mixing as she struggled with if she believed her. All while her heart pounded the inside of her ribcage.

”Miss Candi. I think we should go to your hotel room.” she panted through a mouthfull of shame and saliva that didn’t taste like her own.

There was no way she was going into a store in a state like this. Especially if one of her coworkers happened to be there. Fuck this witch and her…. Stupid pretty face. Even in soft, requesting tone, those eyes bled predation as she looked up to Catnipp. She was going to tear into the woman that put her in this position. Made her feel so…….. vulnerable.
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Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 10:12 am

Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HomMhNt

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candi felt that grip upon her shoulders grow tense, heard those breathless words leave Ehefra's lips, and that dirty smile grew just a little more crooked. It might have been enough to make her laugh maniacally, was she some cartoonish villain, but she was a different kind of monster. One of her own making. And she really did like having that kind of power.

Leaning in, she stole one more fleeting kiss before taking a little step back and moving her hands down slowly across Ehefra's most of her torso before wrapping tightly around her waist.

"You know, I shouldn't do this but it is really fucking fun. So hold your breath."

Giving her companion a few moments to compose herself, Candice cast her gaze to the sky in the direction of her hotel. It was across town so she couldn't get an exact lock on the destination from here, but that did not stop her from stringing jumps together. A second glance made sure that no one was near them, at least not close enough to truly experience the adverse effects, and then they were gone.

A single booming clap of thunder, and then they were in the sky. The whole city did look rather beautiful from above, but Candi's eyes did not have time to take in much of the sights. She was focused on one particularly important thing. There was a lurch as they just about began to freefall, and then they were gone again.

A second thunderclap, though to Ehefra it was little more than a quiet pop, defined their arrival at the entrance to the hotel. People certainly turned in their direction immediately, most of them clutching the sides of their heads as their eardrums were assaulted audibly, but Candi paid them little heed as she carry-dragged her prize onwards and inwards.

"I did say I was breathtaking."

It was a cheesy line, and yet she delivered it with such a smug arrogance that Candi almost certainly tried to play it off as cool.

You were warned | END POST
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Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 10:41 am
Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HEADER_sample-6522dc3e7484acd0f1c3d5e55d54dd67

Ehefra found that smile inciting a shiver up her spine, and that stolen kiss made her squirm but a little as she felt hands slipping along her body, pulling her surprisingly close before the woman suddenly whispered something.

Wait what?

Oh… OH! The sudden snapping transition lit up in her head. Almost instantly her spiritual senses picked up the kick in energy! She clung tighter as she realized this woman was a siritual!

”W-whoa…” She murmured, entirely unsure of what brand of move that had been! Loud based on how people were reacting. All the same somehow it was… exciting. And she felt a sudden fascination with the woman holding her. What WAS she?! She gave a sheepish smile and nodded as she allowed herself to be hauled into the hotel. Her mind already racing a little, wishing she had Beeps on her person tohave given her a readout of what that was. Not only that, but this only added to the uncertainty of what she was in for.

She was more excited than was probably healthy.
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Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:29 pm

Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HomMhNt

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

She could feel Ehefra's confusion washing over her, it was hardly a new sensation as almost anyone that truly sense her power felt the same unearthly presence. Aether energy was not exactly something that most people experienced in their mundane lives and, though she did not know of Ehefra's less than mundane occupation outside of the maid cafe, it still amused her to no end. She was kinda a superhero after all and those power trips never got old.

It was a fancy hotel too, the kind where they had security that was a little more advanced than a simple keycard or CCTV, but even they were dissuaded as Candice approached with Ehefra in one hand and her cap in the other. She broke physical contact long enough to flash her credentials and then they were heading further inside. It was almost like a blur, the speed at which she operated, and then they were getting bundled into an elevator.

Pressing the button for the second-to-top floor, Candi turned back and rounded on Ehefra once more. It had been all of a minute since they were on the street walking, and now they were here. To call her a hurricane was probably most appropriate, as she pulled windswept hair from her face and descended upon the other woman again.

"Hnng. You are stupid hot when you get all flustered. Makes me want to just..."

Lunging forwards, her hands went for Ehefra's waist this time whilst her lips went for the side of the neck - avoiding the collar bone. She was ravenous, unrelenting, and all too happy to drive Ehefra up the side of the elevator it seemed.

You were warned | END POST
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Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:59 pm
Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HEADER_sample-6522dc3e7484acd0f1c3d5e55d54dd67

Ehefra was flat out out of her element. Blinking owlishly as Candice peeled away from her to show off her credentials to some....dudes. A brief instant in which she got to sortof look around and take in her surroundings. Noticing a whole lot of people looking directly at them. She felt suddenly tense and put on a nervous smile. 'I probably look like shit' she thought to herself. No doubt the wind had messed up her hair or something. But then just a ssuddenly Candice had her again, a little EEP escaping her as Candice sped toward the elevator! Even outside of steps she was so fast! Even Ehefra was having a rough time following the motion! And then just as suddenly they were in that metal box and the button was pushed..

Perfect, excellent time to catch her br- OH LORD! Candice was suddenly ON her. Staring at her, Ehefra feeling her back THUMP against the back of the elevator as that low growl of a comment came spilling out and only made Ehefra feel all the MORE flustered. Wh- hot .....HER?! She didn't even have time to argue before suddenly Candice was pinning her up against the wall, mouth lunging for her neck, and making Ehefra let out a gasp of surprise as she was....LIFTED?! Her back slid up the wall of the elevator ever so slightly as the hands locked along her waist drove her up the side of the elevator as Candice assaulted her throat! "Sh-shit! C-....Candi!" She managed to squeak out as she clung to the woman's shoulders for dear life! All those people downstairs, forgotten as FUCK as her frontal lobe was promptly locked onto the hot, rich blonde girl that was manhandling her! She felt like she was melting! Well no, that was stupid, she just felt INCREDIBLY warm! But now she was aware of why those retarded chicks in the doujins all said that stupid shit.

"Y-yo thi...oh fuck..a-alright this ....this is ...super hot. And nghhGHHHNnd allthat but s-seriously s-someone's gonna seeEEE us!" She managed to sputter out in the midst of getting necked, her eyes darting to the door of the elevator over and over again! She couldn't handle this onslaught, but she DEFINITELY wouldn't be able to handle anyone SEEING her in the state Candice was putting her in!
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Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 10:37 pm

Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HomMhNt

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Slowly, methodically, Candice worked her way around Ehefra's neck and upwards until she found herself on the other woman's lips again. One long kiss, and then she drew Ehefra's bottom lip forwards ever so tactfully before biting down upon it playfully. She was having fun now, which meant that she was listening to what was being said and also trying to ignore it.

"Ugh. So what if some stupid security guard watching the stupid camera feed gets a little bit of a peek."

Once more she went forwards, quite content to keep Ehefra pinned up like she was. It was true that there was almost certainly CCTV in the elevator, in case of a breakdown or whatnot, and maybe some silly little dude in a box room was having a whale of a time, but she couldn't have given less of a damn. But if it was bothering Ehefra that much then better to set the score straight. A few more kisses and then she withdrew again, letting her out from their intimate embrace.

"If you waste your time worrying about what the background characters think then you'll never get anywhere."

So okay, maybe they were taking a break from making out so that Candi could educate Ehefra on the finer points of having public displays of affection and Candice's lack therein of care towards the opinions of the layman on such things.

You were warned | END POST
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Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra]

Fri Mar 04, 2022 5:57 am
Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HEADER_41301658_p11

It wasn't long until Candice's mouth kissing it's way around her neck smothered further protest from Ehefra, hands gripping firmly at the woman's shoulders as she was worked further up the wall until finally candice found her mouth again. That slow, long kiss making her blankout, and somewhere in the mix she realized she wasn't kissing back! And a little spark made her eyes snap open as she realized Candice was WINNING this engagement! But how was she supposed to win against THIS?! Her lips was being tugged, and that pinch drew a noise from Ehefra that she herself really didn't recognize. When their mouths parted she was a bit startled by Candice's response. Just how flat out uncaring the woman was toward any such thing, and in that moment she really felt truly defeated by this woman. So much so that she actually felt STUPID for caring. This wasn't even her environment and she was worried about that shit?

Yes. Oh yes. She felt her face burn red and she swallowed audibly. She KNEW that even if some stranger was seeing her, she would be embarassed. Being SEEN like this. And even the mention of that Security guard made her ears itch with heat. "H-hey I can't help it! I'm sure YOU look great to anyone on the outside but I'M the one on the backfoot here!" She blurted out, accidentally showing a bit of her hand that she was, on some level, viewing this entire exchange as some sort of war between the two of them. And that she was aknowledging that she was losing.

Instantly she wanted to cut out her own voicebox. FURTHER shamed that she was enjoying this far too much to just sew her lips shut as first occurred to her. But with Candice peeled away from her Much to her disappointment she had a moment to breathe and try to ....backpedal or something.

"That....came out wrong. know. It's a little bit outside my usual ...hangouts..." She looked around, putting on a nervous smile that hid her own internal panic. "This is Miss Candi's kinda place. I ...hardly know what to expect at a place like this." She pointed out, feeble excuse front and center, she wasn't exactly on her A game after an exchange like that.


Ah....they were on Candice's floor.
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Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra]

Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:07 pm

Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HomMhNt

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candice could see just how flustered Ehefra was getting at her advances, she gleefully lapped up the compliments to her obviously incredible appearance but what she adored more was that admission of defeat. This had always been a war to her. Love was war, and she had to win. So knowing that she was doing so was certainly enough to send a jolt of pure ecstasy down her spine.

"You did ask to be here. So I reckon a little part of you wanted this, wants this. But don't worry, I'm here to hold your hand."

She reached out again, trying to take Ehefra's hands in her own, less like the hungry lunges of before and more the smug arrogance of a woman that was in absolute control of her surroundings. If anything, in that single moment, it would probably not have been amiss to call Candice inspiring. Standing tall, unfazed by anything around her, as those vast green eyes poured greedily over their prize.


The elevator door opened behind her and, right on queue, Candi was back to dragging Ehefra in her wake as she charged down the corridor. The floor below the penthouse, which had been booked out by some other asshole, only had a pair of elite rooms. Not quite as excessive as what she had grown used to in the City of Lights but certainly extravagant by the standards of the average hotel.

It was a large room, with a large bed and a larger window with an idyllic view of the cityscape below, but they made it perhaps three steps in the door before all those other details were back to being background noise. Candi was back on the offensive again, and Ehefra was the only target in sight.

You were warned | END POST
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Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra]

Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:44 pm
Bad Habits [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HEADER_41301658_p11

The woman’s logic was infuriatingly sound. So much that Ehefra couldn’t even find an answer to it. Struck a bit dumb, she could only yelp as the door slid open and she was pulled along to the woman’s room. There was a sinnle instant that she was given time to take in her surroundings. To look around before she turned and saw Candice striding toward her. Her instincts briefly fold her to run but she stood her ground. Confident, damn determined as she peered at her. There was no way this rich bitch was gonna win. She wasn’t gonna go down like this. She’d been dragged atound by this cunt all night! She was gonna make her sorry she ever stepped into that cafe. She’d be eating out of Ehefra’s palm by the end of this.

She should have run.

She tried her best. But ultimately even what little experience she had was on the offensive. Again and again she’d done her best. With force. With cunning. With mind games. But in the end she never had any control of the situation. In the moment it was a blur.

But when she woke up, it all came back to her. And she found herself looking at a pale shoulder. Eyes wide. Ah. Right. They’d fallen asleep like this. And there was…. The memories of the entire night. Sharpened by a good night’s sleep. Oh. Oh. OH.

She didn’t move, for one she didn’t want to wake the blonde. And second she had no idea what to do. Also…. It was warm. And for the time being that was help her brain get back up to speed on what to do with all of thus information. Sneaking out wasn’t even an option. There was security and shit right? She had no idea how that worked, and frankly she sure as shit wasn’t gonna cause a ruckus. Nope, just… sit tight and breathe. Breathe and process.

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