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[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Empty [Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch

Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:51 pm

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch C16wuJf

Quincy Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: Lukas Ätherisch
» Titles: Todesjäger
» Age: 27
» Gender: Male

» Affiliation/Rank: Vandereich, Assassin

» Physical Appearance Description: A phantasmal silhouette follows Lukas, his long silver hair adding more to his frame than his own physicality. Thin and tall, his body is toned, what little muscle he seems to have peeking out from underneath his skin. His skin has little-to-no blemishes or scars, if one ignores his left arm. From shoulder to fingertip, the skin appears raw and dark, scarred across every inch. Otherwise, he is incredibly pale, bordering on ghostly.

Generally, he wears a modified uniform of the Vandereich, colored black. The left sleeve is removed, showing a black cloth-like wrap over the skin, a pair of white quincy crosses binding it together - one on his forearm, the other on his shoulder. Sparse with other alterations, the hem of his jacket is lined with tracking devices, making him particularly easy to find for superiors. The collar is raised, although it is hard to tell with his exceedingly long hair obscuring it.

Straight and silver, Lukas' hair is perhaps his most defining feature. Matching in its metallic luster are his eyes, a quiet gray that wishes to scream. A pointed jaw guides his face, nothing particular notable with his nose or brow. His right ear has three piercings, rings sitting loosely on its ridge. Pointed eyebrows lead to some evidence of personal grooming, although between the inconsistency of length with it and his hair, it is obvious this is all done by himself.

» Physical Appearance Image:

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch RyrUlr8

II. Personality Traits

» Personality: Lukas has an incredibly simple view of the world, a specific shade of black or white to stick to any situation. There is no grey in Lukas' mind, and the mere suggestion of anything else is met with an empty stare. This mindset is accompanied by the required muscle for various sorts of mental gymnastics, making him a particularly vulnerable target for manipulation.

This is paired with an incredible sense of ego, and a rather aggressive grasp of reality. In short, he is violent by nature, and would escalate to it in near any situation - if he were capable. Currently, he struggles with keeping these tendencies in check, although his motives are often seen as dubious when pried on the matter. Some flavor of nihilism runs in his veins, coming out in spurts when particularly contemplative; rare as they might be.

Focused on a enigmatic goal, he offers little insight into his inner workings. His past actions speak loudly to his lack of regard for life, and some idea of quincy superiority that taints the edges of his actions. If not for a rather immature view of the way things worked, Lukas could be considered a professional, in his own line of work. In regards to any other part of his life, reckless

III. Character History

Lukas had a strict upbringing.

An obsessive father, a meek mother. A quincy by birth, by blood. It was an important quarterstone of his life from the first thought, a hazy memory of his father's Pfeilregen, a show of shooting stars across the sky. The pride of it forced onto his shoulders.

He would draw his first spirit weapon at the tender age of six, and begin sanrei training at seven. The amount of childhood given to him would peak here, before his mother lost him fully to his father. A small birthday party for his eighth year, a cupcake and candle. From then forward, above all, he would be a Quincy.

Intense home-schooling bridged into his early teens, the most basic of arithmetic and reading comprehension instilled between beatings disguised as sparring. By eleven, his left arm was bound with a second sanrei glove, hemorrhaging the progress he had made summoning his spirit weapon. Thirteen, a third.

The following month still rots in the recesses of his mind.

A specialized bootcamp, a 'festival'. his father having found two other Quincy who shared in his methods. Seven kids in total, three one on one matches a day. Every seven days, he had a day to rest and prepare. Survive.

By the third day, it was starting to set in - the savagery expected, the 'dignity' and 'pride' one has to uphold; if not for themselves for their blood. By day five, they were playing dirty. By day nine one of them had dropped out. By day twelve, Lukas had begun to form his own Pfeilregen. By day 15, he'd fire it.

A stalemate was established, the idea of mutually assured destruction rising as the threat of potential Letzt Stil became more apparent. Yet his father pushed, forcing Lukas and the remaining chidden trapped in a coliseum. For the next two weeks, they'd remain, barraged by hazards produced by the elder Quincy. Two more would die, before the finale.

Day 30, Lukas used his Letzt Stil for the first time. The resulting compression of reishi would permanently scar his arm, and nearly kill two of the remaining combatants. The third died from resulting wounds, a battle royale given as the final test.

Battered and bruised, he would return to a seemingly new life, his father actively approving of him. He'd see his mother for the first time in years, although the reunion felt little more than formality. By fifteen, he had been brought into the Vandereich's Todgestalten as personnel. He would see little action for the first five years of his career.

The next two years were storied.

An excursion leading to the in-combat death of three allies and fourteen hollows, his first encounter with an arrancar - killed by a superior officer before he could blink. The seemingly growing relationship with his father, the first time things felt hopeful. It made the collapse after so much further down.

A particular dissident in a small town in Ohio, marked for death on selling secrets of the Vandereich. A target flubbed, escaping with massive collateral damage. A point blank Pfeilregen, missed - a house obliterated. Across the world, his mother would act on something heinous - killing his father and herself.

Something cracked inside of him.

Five years ago, some would say Lukas snapped. Went off the handle, thought a city's population was turning into hollows. The "raving of someone pushed too hard" - rhetoric, nothing more.

Five years ago, Lukas Ätherisch came to a conclusion. The creation of creatures like Hollows, Shinigami - they all had one source. Human souls. Cut off the source, and everything goes quiet.

Five years ago, Lukas wiped the population of Springfield, Ohio from 32,000 to 200, stopped by superior Vandereich officers after the use of his Letzt Stil. Five years ago, he managed to avoid the death penalty. Solitary confinement, sentence length undetermined.

Then war came.

An invisible hand's push, the idea of a 'useful tool' that was seeded years prior in his trial - the unlocking of a cell door. Lukas was released on a heavily monitored parole, to be used when needed. Depending on who you ask, it could be considered fortunate his release was a mere two weeks before the war would come to a close.

In the time since, he's been kept on a tight leash, bound to the City of Light unless placed on a detail. Of which, none would come. Contingent freedom dangles in his face, pushing him towards two choices. Rehabilitate, or go back in.

IV. Equipment

» Leiden Hant: A massive variant of the leiden hant, this wrapping is bound from Lukas' fingertips to his shoulder on his left arm. It is an extraordinarily troublesome sanrei alternative, forcing Lukas' reishi absorption to become monstrous - almost exclusively with his left hand. Otherwise, his abilities to absorb reishi are somewhat limited, a near 70% of his ability to absorb reishi within the arm.

V. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Kunst des Fechtens: The Art of Fencing lays the foundation for Lukas's sword work. His footwork and thrusting attacks are well practiced, if somewhat sloppy with more difficult execution. He tends to make up for this with his raw ferocity, however - making a point to aim for vitals as often as possible, even if they're more likely to miss. This does not govern the entirety of his swordplay, but does comment to his lack of slashing techniques.

Otherwise, he has a fair amount of defensive ability with swords, capable of deflecting oncoming projectiles if not outmatched. His ability to create distance is mostly reliant on his Hirenyaku, generally making his reliance on thrusting the correct choice. His hand to hand skills are fairly decent, being something of an all-out brawler. A textbook dirty fighter when it comes to blows at such close range.

VI. Quincy Skills & Abilities

» Losgefunkt Stelgen: A rigid application of stelgen, Lukas' usage of the technique is for straight, direct movement. Capable of propelling him incredible speeds along the ground, his manueverability and overall acceleration becoming hampered as he climbs into the air. This becomes less of an issue the more dense reishi is in the area. By focusing a not insignificant amount of reishi underfoot, Lukas can further propel himself at exceedingly high speed, typically only up to three times in rapid succession before wearing the reishi under heel thin; rendering his stelgen useless.

» Tollwütiges Blut: Lukas' blut is singular in scope, capable of using the offensive half of the technique and little else. Notably, he can control its duration remarkably well, only turning it on as he would land attacks. This conversion of reishi allows for its continued use over extended periods, although it leaves openings to more educated opponents.

» Schlechte Berührung: Where most at his level have great range within their domain of reishi absorption, Lukas’ range is fairly detrimental, his abilities all but touched based. Conversely, the speed and efficacy of ripping reishi from objects is higher than expected, capable of ‘catching’ low level kido before absorbing their entirety. In Los Noches or the Seireitei, he would be capable of tearing chunks out of near-anything inanimate, if not absorbing entire structures with enough time and focus.

VI. Spirit Weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name: Ahnengeist

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: A bastard sword of crystalline blue. The hilt and guard of similar color, the weapon is noticeably unique in that the blade lacks a core. Rather, it only seems to have an edge, hollow otherwise. Roughly four feet in length with a triangle point, the inside of the blade does not possess a separate edge. The pommel's end takes the appearance of a small Quincy cross, the only denotation of particular 'design' it has.

» Spirit Weapon Abilities:

» Geistererbe: Where there was once a stiff, mechanical flow of reishi is now a natural extension of Lukas' power. As such, his abilities as a Quincy function more naturally in combination. The sword can be manifested along it's dimensions, however, to be correctly thrust or swung, the handle must be manifested first. If manifested without, it can only act as a somewhat flimsy barrier. The blade cuts as it is manifested, its shape manipulating faster the closer it is to him.

Far more stable than its previous form, destabilizing the weapon only causes it to de-materialize, rather than recoil in an explosion.The increased fluidity of its construction allows for a new breadth of techniques, no longer requiring further reinforcing of reishi to reach its peak offensive potential. It can, however, lower its own output with significant ease, turning the edge flat if so necessary. While functioning in this more 'blunt' fashion, the speed of strikes rises, as the mental overhead of keeping the blade sharp fades in return.

    » Geisterschnitt: So long as Lukas can maintain uninterrupted focus and his spirit weapon, the blade can bypass defensive measures within its full length. Disappearing as it would contact a barrier, armor, or even layers of spiritual pressure - should the defensive measure be within the size of Ahnengeist, the blade will reappear on the opposite end. Focusing to his utmost limit, this technique can be returned to its roots as an assassination technique, attacking an opponents internal organs without leaving a scratch on the outside. This flow and manipulation of reishi is pronounced in action, making it best suited for unaware targets, as more active combatants should be able to read the ebb and flow of spiritual pressure associated. This ability cannot be attempted without at least 2 posts between uses, failed or otherwise.

    » Tollwütiger Geist: Similar in property to Geistershnitt, taken inverse. Rather than facilitate the flow and manipulation of the blade around an incoming obstacle, the weapon is drawn inwards, its energy used to amplify his blut for a singular strike. Functional primarily as a followup to a feint, the process is not so much exhaustive as it is painful, the repetitive use of which could easily cause his arm to rupture into a fountain of blood. It should be duly noted that this prevents the use of his spirit weapon for its duration, although it is best not held for more than a short period of time, the pain breaking the focus needed to maintain the effect.

    » Losgefunkt Geist: A simplistic application of Lukas' spellcraft. Drawing the spirit weapon back for a thrust, rather than focus a hirenyaku on the sole of his feet, it is adhered to the blade's hollow core. Activating the technique, Lukas is pulled along by the blade at accelerated speeds, capable of further augmenting with his own natural speed rather than overwrite it. More taxing than his general hirenyaku, and requiring more focus, this can only be used once per thread. Incompatible with any other technique that charges or manifests in its core, it's fairly easy to read.

» Eindringlicher Regen: When Ahnengeist is manifested, the hollow core can be filled with a singular charge of flowing reishi. A swirling ethereal mass, it acts as ammunition for a one-shot projectile technique inherent to the spirit weapon. By thrusting, or slashing, and utilizing Geistererbe. The edge is then dissolved, releasing the reishi in a focused barrage of arrows, roughly the size of a person. Condensed and focused, recharging the energy required for this attack takes 3 posts, and can only be used 2 times per thread. The slashing form of this is notably less capable than that of the thrusting variant, the area it covers becoming far less precise. Not as directly powerful or large as Spukender, this technique is more directly dangerous, being both easier to aim and penetrative.

    » Geistertreffen: A technique born of Lukas' reishi absorption when channeled into his spirit weapon. When not manifested with, or charging reishi for Eindringlicher, the hollow core of Ahnengeist can be used to take in opposing energy attacks. While not an exact science, it should be assumed anyone a tier higher could create an attack too large to be taken into the housing, and shatter the spirit weapon in functionality until manifested again - assuming Lukas survives the damage. By opening the blade's core, and then closing it around an attack, the energy can be launched back in the form of a modified Eindringlicher; matching the output of the attack used for its source. This does not count towards the general use of Eindringlicher, being entirely reliant on timing and an outside source of reishi.

VII. Quincy: Letzt Stil

» Letzt Stil Name: Wiedergänger

» Letzt Stil Appearance: Lukas' Laden Hant releases the cross binding it at his shoulder, a second level of release prompting the removal of the cross on his elbow. Each appears to intake large amounts of reishi, glowering with emerald blue flame as his arm is covered. Forming into a large clawed arm, the size of which magnifies greatly to double its size with the second level of release. Ahnengeist's size is greatly exaggerated, it's form becoming whole if somewhat agitated and rough. Similar in growth with the second level of release, the sword becomes larger than himself, a massive wreathing mess of reishi. While active in any capacity, a plume of reishi gathers on his left shoulder, following the size of his arm in this state.

Letzt Stil Abilities:

» Geteilte Dichtung: Formerly, Lukas' leiden hant was enchanted with a seal known as linkshandig, forcefully locking away his Letzt Stil to multiple levels of Vandenreich command.

Having the restriction of his Letzt Stil removed, the act of utilizing it has become much less divided, not existing in multiple stages. No longer facing the drawbacks exerted on him by the higher form of release, he can make adequate repeat use of his Letzt Stil, although more than once in a day is still a far ways off.

» Ahnengeist - Umarung: The offensive abilities of Ahnengeist are greatly magnified, taking away much of the utility and shifting of the base form. Applying the ability to absorb reishi to its maximum, the movements of the blade unleash currents of reishi for steigen, launching him and anyone caught in its range great distance with each movement. Also being capable of a form of Sklaverei, it enhances the output of the Letzt temporarily if successful. His speed with steigen and raw offensive output are also notably increased, in spite of the sheer dwarfing size of it.

» Besiegen Regen: A technique formerly requiring the secondary level of release, Lukas places the augmented Ahnengeist in front of himself, grabbing it with both hands before thrusting it skywards. As he does, the blade diffuses in shape, forming into several dozen smaller swords. In a bright diffusion of light, the blades are launched skywards, forming into large arrows as they turn and slam towards specific targets. The aiming for this is particularly tricky, requiring at least one post of uninterrupted line of sight before utilizing. The amount of reishi used in this attack temporarily lowers Lukas' spirit class by a rank after use, lasting for at least the remainder of a thread.

VIII. Quincy Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Avanced
  • Martial Skill: Advanced

Racial Skills
  • Blut: Adept
  • Geben: Adept
  • Steigen: Advanced
  • Kreuzen: Elite

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced

Last edited by Snake on Mon May 13, 2024 9:24 pm; edited 11 times in total
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[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch

Fri Mar 11, 2022 10:37 am
Sanrei Wrap
This is mostly fine, but I'd like some clarification as to what it actually means that his reishi absorption is only massive in his left hand. I think the concept of his reishi absorption being limited/situational is fine, I'm just not entirely sure how you envision it working in practice.

For the Reishi Absorption, note the skill as Elite [Beginner] just to have a more immediate indication of the distinction between his left arm and the rest of him.[/adm]
God of Love
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[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch

Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:37 pm
Application Checklist
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[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch

Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:35 am
Upgrading Spirit Weapon and Tier from HERE.

Miscellaneous upgrades previously applied through bursts here, here, and here.
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[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4 | Hazard D] Lukas Ätherisch

Sun May 14, 2023 4:23 pm
Strength + Durability to Advanced from Adept. Burst claim HERE and HERE

Race Spec Update HERE

Letzt Stil overhauled HERE

Letzt Stil Tweak HERE
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