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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  Empty Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)

Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:47 pm


What did it mean to truly fight for a cause? To fight wearing the symbol of bravery of one's chest? Countless soldiers had lived and died coming to their own conclusions. Survivors struggled with their purpose in the aftermath while other reaffirmed the reasons for why the chose to raise their weapons.

Purpose. Duty. A loved one. Country. There were various answers yet whenever the blue-eyed sharpshooter pondered on her own purpose, she found that much of her reason or purpose seemed inferior, false, not even worth a grain of dirt.

To those who knew her intimately, who had come to their own conclusions about Natasha, such self-depreciating thoughts would've been viewed as incomprehensible. She wore a lovely smile, she danced among the crowd with a vibrant aura, and wooed the crowd with her signature accent - that southern drawl'. These thoughts she struggled with continued to grow by the day. Ever since her promotion, she seemed to be quietly unraveling.

She began to question herself, to reflect on the memories she thought she had left in her hometown. Was she suited for this job? Would she repeat history? Would she make her peers proud? Torturous questions like these had come to dominate her daily thought and if one decided to gleam a little closer, to gaze at her appearance, they'd likely perceive the bags in her eyes, the defeated posture but... she hid it so well. She had to. This was the mask she chose to wear. She had to distract herself from these thoughts.

Perhaps training would help be the reminder? Who seemed like a suitable sparring partner? Natasha browsed through her phone until she chanced across Uriel's number. Ah, that was right. He had given her his card if she ever wished to see him again. He seemed like a battle-tested man. Why not entertain the thought of challenging him and testing the extents of her abilities?

Hopefully, he wasn't too busy. She would send him a text as she rose from her bed and prepared herself, adorning herself within sternritter robes. Making her way from the house, she chanced upon a training ground and sent a secondary text, notifying the Todgestalten administrator of her location if he decided to accept her friendly challenge. Whether she was out of her element or not remained to be seen. She needed the distraction. Anything to keep the crippling self-doubt from setting in...


Last edited by Iori on Tue Mar 22, 2022 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  Empty Re: Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)

Tue Mar 22, 2022 9:39 am

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

Uriel when he received the text was simply processing paperwork, some logistics that would be transferred to the administrative branch. Nothing big, but his division was growing and so was the scope of their jobs much to his amusement. There were always things to do within his branch and people to utilize, so he found his time in short supply. But when a certain text message arrived, he was more than happy to shoot a text off confirming he would be free in a little.

Once his paperwork was settled, he’d grab his coat as he set out towards the area she was within. One training facility he was more than pleased to use, he might actually begin to make some real strides to achieving his Bankai. He wasn’t sure how strong Natasha was, but hopefully enough to push him.

As he entered he would be clad in a pair of black cargo pants, notably bearing the seal of his branch, and a skin tight flexible black t-shirt. His powers required unique clothing to not be burned away when he unleashed the full-scope of his powers. His nearly seven feet tall frame is seemingly carved from marble more than anything else.

“Natasha! It was pleasant to see your text. You wanted to train, yes? Oh, how have you been? We should find a room, or area.”


Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  JfH75kA
Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  H8Tyk70
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Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  Empty Re: Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)

Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:41 pm


The tall, blonde-haired man of the hour had finally arrived at the appointed location as he stepped before Natasha. He was a cordial sort. Always composed, a voice of reason if there ever was. Though they knew each other but for a short time, she was fond of his company and respected the way he carried himself.

To be certain, much like any other Quincy in the Vandenreich, she was not aware of any of his abilities nor were his files easily accessible, though that was to be expected given his nature as the administrator of the Todegalsten.

He would be an opponent she'd have to adapt to on the fly. With her spellcraft and reishi absorption, she' wondered how she'd fare but if she were to grow stronger, perhaps a stronger enemy would bring her closer to the level she desire in her heart.

If nothing else, even if she was exhausted and her mood wasn't the most pristine, she would honor his time by giving it her all. She had to. Natasha miller had to be strong. She couldn't repeat the mistakes of her past, even if she felt they defined who she was.

"Howdy' there, darlin'. It's good to see ya again, too. I've been well. A little tired and exhausted the past few weeks but relatively fine otherwise, ya know? Ya' said I ever needed anythin', I had your card. Uh... I might not be much but I wanted to test my skills against you and grow stronger, find areas where I need to improve as a coordinator ya know? How've you been, handsome?" She'd quip playfully as she slowly guided them towards a training ground, an area where they could fight without interruption.


Last edited by Iori on Thu Mar 24, 2022 1:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  Empty Re: Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)

Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:46 pm

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

“Test your skill, huh? Well I suppose there’s not many people better than myself to test yourself against.”

Was it a bit cocky to say that? Yeah. Was it true? Definitely.

Uriel allowed a smile to spread onto his lips clearly enticed by the idea of cutting loose a bit, he was after all a soldier before all else. So when another soldier approached him with the idea of improving themselves, the giant was certainly more than happy to help with that. He’d rub his hands together as if to warm them for a moment, before they rested on the hilt of his Zanpakatou while they walked towards the training area.

He’d take the time to examine her more closely, grasping a feeling for her energy. It was sizable, not too far from his own. And from her file that he read, she was more than capable. She might actually push him relatively hard, at least more than his bouts with Alastor did. None the less he beamed as they arrived.

“I’ve been well, performing my duties as best I can. Sadly, I’ve been stuck in the office so I’ve been eating alone lately- and sad meals at that.” He’d sigh wistfully for a moment before immediately perking up once more, offfering a nod to her. “I’m here to serve, how do you want to go about this, Natasha? If we start going hard, fore warning, I can get quite hot.”

He was fairly certain she’d make a joke about that.


Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  JfH75kA
Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  H8Tyk70
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Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  Empty Re: Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)

Thu Mar 24, 2022 2:18 am


"Ooo~ I sure do love confidence in a man'. Guess I made the right choice, huh, darlin~?" Natasha would chuckle softly as they arrived at the training ground. It was a rather sizable area fit for two to spar and duel until their heart was content. They were a few medics within the area to make sure that any Vandenreich member would be tended to as they nurse any wounds, scars, or bruises that might occur from a heated battle, even in training. When she listened to what he'd been up to, she could not help but to indulge herself in that playful nature of hers, ever the affectionate tease with a carefree smile that lit the entire room.

"Aw shucks, ya' been eatin sad meals and spendin yer' time alone in the office, soldier? With a face like that? Ya know my number's only a call away, sweetheart. I'll fix ya' nice home cooked meal' and visit ya' in the office any day tha' week," She'd quip playfully, turning to him with a wink before a soft chuckle escaped her lips in reply to his next words. Of course, she was respectful enough to take him seriously, but flirting always eased the mood in her eyes. Even her own... sometimes.

"Hotter than you already are, sweetheart? Unless you mean a different type o' heat, hehehe. Playful flirtin' aside, I suppose we can get a feel and go through our preliminary abilities. Truth be told, I'm still figurin' out if I wanna pursue the path of Vollstandig or Letz Stil. I've been trainin' and studyin' to come to the conclusion, and thought a fight against someone of yer' ilk might get me ever closer to that decision."

Two spirit weapons fashioned into the form of guns would appear within the palm of her hands. One resembling a Beretta M9 Pistol - Roxanne - and the other, resembling a Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark XIX - Casanova. Gazing up at him she would move a few meters apart, observing his appearance and how he would perform. What were his abilities like? She wondered.

"If yer' rearin' and ready to go, partner', I'll let ya make the first move."


Last edited by Iori on Fri Sep 16, 2022 9:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  Empty Re: Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)

Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:57 am

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

“Well I hardly can say no to a beautiful woman cooking for me the food of her homeland, perhaps we shall do a cultural exchange.”

He’d remark in a tone that approached something with mock seriousness, but certainly playful as they arrived at their destination. His head turning to take in the surroundings, seemingly pleased with the accommodations should either one of them get injured. In truth this would be a great stress reliever, not that he liked beating on attractive women but a good bout tended to clear his mind.

As she drew her weapons he’d cast a glance towards them taking note of the weapons. Due to his past he was more than aware of the make and models of her firearms due to their near exact replicas. “Quite the mix, a Beretta is a bit dated, no? And that hand cannon you have, now that is a gun.” He’d remark with some fondness to his voice, it had been awhile since he actually got to properly use a gun. Maybe he might look into some field operations, get his boots dirty again.

Nonetheless a callous hand would come to the hilt of a longsword, a perfectly balanced blade that felt all too comfortable in his hands. His feet widening their stance as he seemed to adopt a offensive position.

“Shame, I was going to let you go first. But if you insist, Natasha. Don’t get burned.”

There was a confidence that oozed into his words that one might mistake again for arrogance if he was not prepared to back it up. As he went to draw the longsword, a blinding light would begin to emit from his blade as the temperature around him began to rise rapidly. The heat released responding directly to not only his energy, but the time of day as well which was currently 3PM.

He’d disappear utilizing the Hoho, intending to appear in front of her. Instead of following up with a slash of blade, which might be expected, his left leg would swing low intending to take out both of her legs from under her. While he was holding back slightly, he kept his blade prepared to parry a bullet or two.


Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  JfH75kA
Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  H8Tyk70
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Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  Empty Re: Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)

Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:18 am


Even though the time for battle was nigh, Natasha couldn't help but form a smile in reply to the tall man's appreciation of her weapons. For him to be wielding a sword, the blue-eyed sharpshooter certainly didn't expect commentary of that nature. "Fellow gunman, eh? Gotta' admit' I didn't expect that considerin' that weapon ya wield but I'd love to talk about all types of em' when the battle is over' or me visitin' ya to share a meal like I promise, darlin'." With that, Natasha would keep her eyes at the ready as Uriel drew his longsword.

In that moment, the temperature within the arena would begin to rise rapidly as a blinding light emitted from his blade. An interesting blade, to be certain. She knew not of it's nature yet she'd keep her eyes peeled all the same. Uriel was a warrior she had to focus the entirety of her attention on lest she find the battle decided before it ever truly begins.

He would vanish but for a moment, appearing behind at her at a remarkable speed. Natasha was prepared to meet him head on, expecting a slash only for him to go for in for a sweep with his left leg. She would allow that leg to connect with her own legs, falling back so that she could form an acrobatic movement in the air, flipping backwards to aim her guns at him.

Knowing he'd likely deflect them, Natasha fired a wave of reishi bullets at him from above to gauge his reaction time. She wondered how much he knew about her and what she could get away with in battle. These guns were, after all, a product of her spellcraft. Her true spirit weapon could come in handy here. Of course, with no knowledge of this man as a fighter, she could only work on a strategy of gauge and observation. A game of cat and mouse. Only question was... would she actually succeed? It was worth findin' out.


Last edited by Iori on Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  Empty Re: Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)

Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:14 am

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

Of course she’d be one of those acrobatic people. Great.

The solid connection to her leg would feel akin to a literal lead pipe slamming into it, rather shocking how little give his leg had. But due to her moving with it, and her own retort with her pistol it didn’t allow him to press his advantage. The reishi bullets that flew towards him would be answered with rapid movements of his Zanpakatou, his body moving with pinpoint accuracy as he deflected a bullet off course.

It was clear that he was a high caliber physical fighter. His teeth grinded together as hot steam seemed to squeeze out between his teeth, moving forward as he fired while suspended in air. He was fast, maybe not the fastest in the world, but far quicker than any average soldier should be. And that was even without using Hoho or anything of the like. Internally, he could feel his body tensing with every moment pushed to it’s peak by artificial means.

As he went low to her right, his left hand would flex, seeking to smash into her midsection with enough force to crack a wall. It wasn’t his full strength, but he hoped she wasn’t fragile. Otherwise he’d have to dial back his output a lot, and that would make him sad considering he was heating up. If his fist struck her midsection, it would seem there was a tangible heat surrounding him- enough to leave a burnt imprint where his fist struck.

"This is exciting!"


Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  JfH75kA
Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  H8Tyk70
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Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  Empty Re: Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)

Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:25 am


Phew, that sword wasn't merely for show. Her reishi bullets would be deflected off course by the rapid movement's of the blazing warrior's blade. Natasha knew that landing a bullet on him wouldn't be an easy venture. Not in the slightest. Moving in to face him in physical combat considering their difference in size didn't seem as though it would offer her much in the realm of securing victory.

She could hold her own well enough in hand-to-hand combat but there was still room for improvement, no doubt. Natasha would land a few meters away, yet Uriel's aim was to keep her on her feet, as he shot forward with a natural speed that left her in awe. A left hand strike would come barreling in towards her right side, aimed towards her midsection.

The difference in their speed would leave the woman at a disadvantage as she could only raise her arm up quick enough to react to the strike and prevent it from hitting her midsection, temporarily utilizing her blut to at least take some brunt of the damage. The force behind it was strong enough rattle her arm, yet as one not privy to his abilities, the burning imprint left on her arm caused her to grunt ever so slightly. A hell of a follow-up. She didn't want to take another blow like that. Well, at least she could flex the first imprint to some people and talk about how she would one on the arm from Uriel. In the meantime...

He was a skilled close-quarter combatant and admittedly, Natasha envied that. She was adequate with CQC and knew her fair share but this man... phew. Needed to keep her distance with this bad boy. And she would, using Hirenkyaku to create some separation as she waved her arm around to ensure it could still move.

"Leavin' yer mark on me already, handsome? We haven't even made it to the first date yet. That said, I'm pretty fired up myself, honey! Come on, show me what else ya' got!"

Natasha would channel her reishi as she brought her guns forward, forming her true spirit weapon - Deadeye, six gun shells manifesting before her. She would quickly slot six - split into two sets of three - bullet shells into the chambers of Roxanne and Casanova, firing them towards Uriel. There was a significant difference between the reishi bullets fired from before and the silver and azure-colored shells soaring towards him now. Namely, the methods in which they could reach the enemy.

They could be fired from her gun, thrown towards the enemy, and the most important - Natasha could control their trajectory as they soared towards the enemy. Even after being fired, Natasha could still manipulate their direction, reload them with the reishi in the air, and redirect them towards the enemy, inhibiting her opponent's ability to properly get an idea of where deadeye's bullet shells would strike. Would he deflect again or pursue her next or throw some other form or technique out? She kept her feet in motion, wondering how Uriel would react and where she could aim the bullets next if he chose to defend against them.


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Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  Empty Re: Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)

Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:37 pm

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

Uriel would jump backwards to also create some distance between the two, resetting things to a more neutral battlefield. The quick exchange which happened before hand had tilted, in his opinion, the fight in his favor. Truth be told he had a subsantial edge over the woman, but the point of today was to test the waters. Perhaps even push Natasha for her own personal growth, he quite enjoyed seeing people pushed to their limits. There was a truthfulness that was expressed when people put their all into combat, a genuine expression of power and will that stir his warrior blood.

"Ah! This is what it means to be a warrior, a fighter!" He'd comment as he watched her take aim at him, taking a step backwards he felt the world slow around him. As the bullets shot towards him he'd pivot moving to predict their pathways and attempt to dodge. He'd take a step to the side, and if the bullets pursued would begin to backflip using his hand as pivot points focusing purely on dodging the bullets rather than closing the distance. It was clear he was testing not only his agility and mental acuity, but also how she might deal with a opponent with high mobility.

"Combat is a wager, and the more wagered the truer the victory!" He'd shout as he balanced on a single hand, before pushing off intend to dodge the bullets, his movements causing his body to blur and shift as he seemed to skirt around the arena at dizzying speeds. He'd begin to make his way towards her, a blazing trial of fire beginning to appear where his feet used to be.


Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  JfH75kA
Soldier Like Me(Natasha/Uriel)  H8Tyk70
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