Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana]

Sat Apr 23, 2022 3:49 pm
The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 Fd4heuX


Of course, Fuuen didn't have anywhere near the same concerns as Hisana about that matter. His style was not one made for violence in the first place, for to create it in such a way would dishonor it and his blade. But that did not mean that he, even against his pacifistic outlook, knew nothing of combat.

"Is that so? There is much beauty to be found here in the Seireitei, I have found, if only because so many of those who live here seem near obsessed with it, and demand that others cultivate it for them. Many of them are ill-suited to judge such things, of course, and they always seem quite impressed by even relatively mundane things."

Fuuen was, after all, a man of refined tastes. He had lived for artistic pursuits for centuries, and that certainly colored his perception of the world. Aesthetic, form, such principles dictated nearly every pursuit that he undertook.

"I have found that many of them seek others even to write poetry for them, that they might send it to a lover or with a gift. They pay quite well, I have found, but there is something quite off-putting about the very idea of treating art so candidly. I certainly do not consider those works I sell to them to be even one iota as meaningful as those I craft for their own sake."

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The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana]

Sun Apr 24, 2022 1:32 pm
The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

Hisana chuckled softly at that and gave a rueful smile. "I'm afraid I would probably also fall into that category. Even before my life as an Arrancar.... I was very poor. Seeing anything ... normal. It all looked beautiful. I regret to admit my time in Hueco Mundo probably didn't help." She hummed softly, closing her eyes for a moment as she thought back. She was never poetic, never ...... anything like Byakuya. He had shown her so much, and she wondered. Would she even be able to appreciate such things as art? She tried to think back....wondering if Lord Byakuya had ever recited poetry to her. She was sure he had. And yet.... those memories were....difficult to recall. She didn't remember the poems themselves, but she DID remember being deeply moved by them.

Ah..... yes.... she remembered enjoying poetry. She had no idea if it had even been good poetry. She wondered if he had written it himself, and she found herself .....smiling gently at the idea. If Byakuya HAD done something like pay someone to write a poem to move her. She couldn't help but smile. No....she definitely wouldn't have minded. Ugh... She reached up and gently rubbed her eyes, and instantly shame hit her. Remembering he conversation she had had with the man. A .... mixed sensation. Shame.... at reveling in someone else's memories. A dozen different thoughts came in. And the END of that conversation came as well, that she had decided what she wanted to do about all that. But .... the kneejerk shame... it was still hard to shake.

"I must confess, in my younger days of courting. I don't know if I might have hired you for your services as well. No..... no thinking back I probably would have..." She chuckled softly. She had no talent for poetry, she definitely could have imagined herself trying to reciprocate someone's poetic engagement.
God of Love
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The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana]

Sun Apr 24, 2022 1:44 pm
The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 Fd4heuX


"I, too, was raised with little. It was in that life that I found that there would only be beauty where I myself could create it. That even if the world was a hideous place, if I could bring forth beauty in it, that would be enough for me."

Of course, it wasn't especially difficult for Fuuen to speak of his life, or his earliest days. After all, they were centuries away from now. Barely even attached to who he was today. Otonashi Masaru, ronin duelist of Edo, was simply the catalyst for the creation of Fuuen. Nothing more, nothing less.

"I believe, when it comes to matters of courtship, that any poem crafted by one's own hand is infinitely more meaningful than even the most perfect poem if it has come from another. For the words of one's own heart have the most meaning to those for whom they are intended. What good is a pretty turn of phrase if it is written without passion?"

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The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana]

Sun Apr 24, 2022 2:00 pm
The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

She couldn't help but be a bit impressed with the fact that the young man had FOUND such taste. And she couldn't help but .... cover a smile with her hand when he went on to talk of the value of what one could make themselves. Oh she had memories of that. As .....cute as that sentiment was, she could remember many a times in so myn eyes and views. Both receiving, and giving, that look of adoration mixed with cringe. Ah yes, a lovingly crafted 'I could be your devil or your angle'.

"I'm not quite sure about that. I've received some....questionable poems. Some aren't quite capable of....grasping what constitutes romance." She chuckled softly. Some of her students she had NO doubt that their attempt at poetry by themselves would no doubt be a haikou describing their ....... loved one's posterior or breast. Which wasn't to say their feelings were insincere, they simply had no idea what it was that their partner would want to actually hear. But that was a thought she kept to herself. She shuddered to think what her OWN attempt at poetry would entail.

"All the same, surely you have some sentiment of pity or understanding for you to still accept the work. I can't imagine you particularly need the money for anything. Or are you saving funds for something?" She ventured as she mused over just what WOULD drive the young man to work he would deem so unsavory. What indeed did a swordsman poet who was so self-sufficient need with ryo(or whatever the fuck they use)?
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana]

Sun Apr 24, 2022 2:55 pm
The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 Fd4heuX


"Certainly, for mere passion without refinement is crude, ugly even. There is a difference between the mere exclamation of interest, and the romantic gesture of a poem of praise. For the beauty in their hair, in their eyes, the way that they carry themselves and look out at the world. To those who have earnestly thought to practice the art, seeing the beauty in every trait and every action is second nature. It is a question of whether or not one is willing to undertake such an effort for the sake of one they love."

Fuuen was something of a romantic, certainly, but that was only inasmuch as he found a great beauty in an elegant romance. He had little appreciation for the crass affairs of many around him, and he did not care overmuch for the words of the unrefined women that seemed fascinated by him now and again among the nobles.

"It is simply a matter of bringing in an income. Wandering is not a life which pays especially well, after all, and while the pay for a shinigami in training is enough to survive, it is not near enough to enjoy the myriad luxuries that the world has to offer. I have no intention of merely surviving from day to day. I wish to live every moment to the fullest, to experience those greatest things the world can offer, be they opulent or merely hidden away in secret. Besides, if I did not write them, someone else would, and they would certainly not do it half as well."

He allowed himself a smirk at that, a bit of pride slipping into what had, ultimately, still been a joking bit of exaggerated self-aggrandizement. Fuuen did think highly of himself, certainly, but not nearly in a way that he would so openly boast about himself without it being a jest. That would have simply been uncomely.

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The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana]

Sun Apr 24, 2022 3:11 pm
The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

"It is not as simple as that I don't think. In some cases, it isn't simply that the individual lacks deeper, more....beautiful thoughts. But it is one thing to have such feelings, and another to express them. Even more, it can be hard to know what sort of expression is welcome." She closed her eyes, thinking back. "In .... such circumstances. Especially in those very young: love can be as much a fire pushing them forward as it is an ocean drowning them. Gasping for reciprocation, it is not always so easy to know how to show what they feel. And in that panicked suffocating feeling... there is no telling what can come out." She shook her head slowly. Thinking on her own experience. Had she not been so obsessed with her failures.....would she have lied in hopes of sparing the Lord's heart?

All the same, she paused for a moment as Fuuen went on to explain his reasoning for accepting such money. She couldn't help but wonder.... what? After all, the man made his own beauty. And looking around at the lovely scenery that could be afforded simply by being a shinigami, ....what more could one really want? Perhaps she was simply..... too detached from such notions to understand. She decided to let the subject rest. An easy task with what he said next, a little laugh escaping the woman as he allowed himself a little bragging.

"Is that so? Well one can only hope that one day someone comes along that can surpass even yourself: that you might be spared the burden." She chimed with a smile, clearly a little amused at the sentiment. Briefly, she wondered if she could learn to do such things. But .... no probably not. She imagined that such artistry was something internal, not merely a skill.
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana]

Wed Apr 27, 2022 9:23 pm
The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 Fd4heuX


"I do not disagree. The passion of one's youth can create a flame that is difficult to control, and even more difficult to put out when it has been let loose. It is not for nothing that countless stories have been written of youths caught up in flights of fancy, and that many of those stories end in tragedy. As in all things, one requires practice before they can know how to best express themselves in that respect."

Fuuen, realistically, was not especially certain that there would be anyone coming any time soon who would match his skill. Not, for his part, because he believed that it was impossible. If anything, he considered himself rather lacking in talent, and all of his mastery to simply be the result of a great deal of trial and error. He was quite confident that others, younger than he and with greater intuition, could have achieved what it was that he had in far shorter time.

"I would welcome a peer in the work, certainly. Perhaps I ought to teach those who might have interest in the art."

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The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana]

Wed Apr 27, 2022 9:39 pm
The Summer Moon [Fuuen, Hisana] - Page 2 HEADER_32596747_p9

She could only wonder quietly to herself as Fuuen seemed to accept such a thing so very readily. And some part of her did imagine under what pretense he ... KNEW of such things. He wasn't THAT old, based on his records. But then, she supposed for her age... her own lacking experience was a rarity. Memories, at the very least, kept her happy. She actually found herself stifling a chuckle at the notion of FUUEN of all individuals being caught up in something of the sort. Not that she seemed him incapable, but imagining such a serene and solemn man being swept up was .... entertaining. "At the very least, it's a learning experience." She noted diplomatically.

And then at that she raised a brow. "I'm sure you'd have no shortage of students. Beyond those that are simply interested in the art. I can imagine no shortage of those who would be drawn to something so ...creative. I know for a fact that in the past such classes did exist for other artistic things. I can imagine you would have plenty of support if you chose to offer it. If you think you can balance it with your studies and everything else." She added, hardly set to encourage such a thing without at least including that warning. Especially the ....implications she'd gleaned from his earlier questions.
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