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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]

Wed May 25, 2022 2:10 am


HIs training completed, Kenichi's nightcap would come in the form of a large meal and a well-earned rest. Even as he slept within a small bed in a house a guest had allowed him to stay in for the night, he couldn't quite help but shake the curiosity he felt about meeting the invisible woman in the alleyway. Thoughts of whether he was walking into a trap or if the voice was truly genuine and simply wanted some company, still gnawed at his mind.

He wasn't the type to come up with some extraordinary strategy for cases like these and part of him wondered what benefit that served, anyway. If he was truly uncertain about it all, he could choose to simply avoid the alleyway altogether but that went against his ethics. His sense of honor would not allow him to do that. Perhaps it was naïve... but that was who he was.

These thoughts would continue to dominate his mind even in his sleep. Well rested and prepared to seek the voice out again, Kenichi would go through his morning preparations, thank the gracious host who had provided him with a warm bed and food, and quickly make his way through the door. A few hours were spent sort of lounging about and talking with the civilians before he checked his phone, confirming that the time was near to make good on his promise. He would walk in the same directions, observe his surroundings as he walked, and arrive within the alleyway... just as he had said he would. Now, he wondered if that same voice would still be present or if he were in for some other sort of surprise...


Last edited by Iori on Wed Oct 12, 2022 1:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]

Wed Oct 12, 2022 1:05 pm
Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

"You came." That voice crept from the shadows, as this time , Kenichi would VERY much see something rippling across the space infront of him. The hollow circling around him before stopping just against one of the walls, that rippling frame seeming to practically vanish once she stopped moving, those eyes invisibly peering across his frame as she took a moment to take it all in. She had almost expected to have to track him down, but ahhh, here he was. She smiled, not that he would be able to see as much through her veil, head slowly tilting to the side.

"I'm surprised. Not often some young man will go trusting a mysterious voice from the darkness. Usually people get scared and stop talking to me..." She murmured, soft.....sadness lacing through her voice as she watched him. Not even particularly lying on that front. Being unable to see what you were talking to could be unnerving to any number of individuals. And yet here he was.

"Still, thank you. I had something of a stressful night. A hollow fought near here last night. It's always such a pain when they cause so much commotion." At the very least, the idiot had made a good meal. "I hope you weren't caught up in all that?" She ventured, her voice ringing with concern, though she was fully aware he hadn't been. After all, she'd killed and eaten that other hollow herself.
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Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]

Wed Oct 12, 2022 2:33 pm


A voice finally registered in Kenichi's ears. He turned towards that voice, feet shifting ever so slightly just to keep himself prepared if his light suspicion proved to be correct. The lack of killing intent in the atmosphere helped to keep the suspicion as it was, light enough to hold a conversation. He chuckled softly as he listened to the voice.

He made a promise. There was nothing more to it than that. Honorably naïve? Perhaps. Still, the mysterious voice of this invisible woman was intriguing. Even if he hadn't promised her anything, he likely would've came out of the volition of his own curiosity.

"Well, I suppose hearing a mysterious voice in an alley would be enough to frighten the average man or woman. Of course, I'm something of a foolishly curious man. You spoke to me, made me promise to return, and I did that. Is it a little naïve? Probably," he chuckled, observing his surroundings as he maintained his attention on the voice.

A hollow attack, huh? He had gotten away far enough from the area that he had likely missed out on any of the action the voice was talking about. She seemed bothered by the commotion they made. Kenichi wondered for a moment. What was she? What was "Sasha"?

"Nah, I wasn't caught up in any of that. I made my way back home without any commotion on my end. Are you okay, Sasha? I know most hollows can be quite dangerous. I'm sure that'd stress anyone out."


Last edited by Iori on Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]

Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:24 pm
Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

She couldn't help but be amused at his carelessness. Then again, he smelled as though he probably didn't have to worry about too much. The scent alone made her mouth water, but she maintained her composure, eyes leering a little as she listened to him. He was even worried about her, it was something that brought a little smile to her face.

"I was alright. I'm good at hiding." She pointed out, pausing for a moment as she watched him closely, eyes narrowed so very slightly as she pondered. He smelled strong, but not oppressively so. Perhaps she could handle being a little reckless. Why not toy with him a little? She slowly prowled a little closer, circling him. He'd likely notice the air get a bit colder around him, but not uncomfortably so as she would move in, and lightly....bump his shoulder with one of her wings.

"Are you afraid of Hollows?"
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Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]

Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:54 pm


The martial artist smiled, nodding his head softly. It was good that she could avoid trouble. He held no particular judgment on hollows, familiar with their nature to a degree well enough to understand the way they operated. Some held sentience, others were mindless and followed the source that attracted them most. And then...

Kenichi felt that bump against his shoulder, a curious grin on his face. That was the first time he felt contact in this alley way. Was that her finally choosing to approach him? Her next question was interesting. He considered the races, but hollow didn't seem to stand out entirely Well, he'd answer her question with the same carefree nature he offered to most. His feet shifted a little, turning towards the voice as he bumped her a bit in return.

"Nope~ I usually keep a distance to avoid being on their menu, but I am curious about them as I am with any race."


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Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]

Wed Oct 12, 2022 4:19 pm
Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

How adorably insipid. Or was he simply competent enough that he had no reason to go fearing hollows? However..... that answer was exactly the sort of response she was seeking. She wondered if she might earn this little idiot's trust. Perhaps stage an attack or something. Already a few potentials coursed through her mind. But for now, she would keep it simple.

"I admit, I wasn't planning on sticking around much longer. I was hoping to see you before I left. So many become afraid.... they panic... or get aggressive...." Her voice echoed in soft resignation, but not sadness. This time there was.... caution in her voice. She fell silent.... making as though she were ..... putting a great deal of thought into something. BEfore finally, she decided to make her move.

That veil slowly shifted. That thin lining of water that rendered her all but invisible slowly spilling away and absorbing back into her body. And before Kenichi's very eyes, he'd find himself standing before the massive hollow, sitting on her haunches and watching him closely. Eyes watching carefully through her mask. She didn't say a thing. But simply watched him with rapt attention, curious to see his reaction.
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Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]

Wed Oct 12, 2022 5:37 pm


Kenichi's gaze widened in awe as the veil slowly peeled away, revealing the large frame of a hollow whose appearance likened that of a sabertooth. She sat on her hunches, remaining silent as she gazed at him. To someone of lesser mettle, they would've likely felt intimidated, prepared to run off in fear.

To Kenichi, he simply whistled fondly gazing at the beastly hollow with curious glee. He approached her quietly, observing every detail of her appearance, moving towards his prior position a few meters away. He had grown familiar with crossing paths with hollows were less detailed form, some possessing no discernible shape at all, some appearing humanoid. He couldn't help but voice his approval.

"Ah, so this is what you look like!? Heh, you look pretty awesome, Sasha."

His eyes continued to observe her as he stroked his chin, visibly pleased with what stood before him. It wasn't the first thing he expected, but he certainly welcomed the reveal. Again, he had no idea what race to pin her as but now... he could see it. A big cat... er tiger. Yeah, a big tiger.

"What made ya to decide to reveal yourself to me, though?" It as a curious question, far from one posed in suspicion. He just simply wanted to know.

stand unrivaled| END POST

Last edited by Iori on Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]

Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:42 am
Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Saber..... did NOT know what to expect. Well, she expected a lot of things. Fear. Maybe just a big dumb smile on his face if he really WAS chill around hollows Which THAT was strange enough by itself. But as the veil peeled away showing her massive form, she did NOT expect him to whistle at her. And then call her ....awesome?

Was he a fucking idiot? Was he retarded? What sort of idiot hollows had he been arond to nurture this behavior?! She could see some ....strange hollows, or just some weak ones perhaps giving him a false impression. Truth be told, some of those little lizard hollows that hung around hueco mundo were a little cute. But on Earth? She was flat out speechless. Ah shit, that was a question.

"Uh......" She paused, struggling to regain her train of thought. "I already told you. I'm leaving the area. I don't need other hollows bothering me." It was shakier than her usual excuses, but the man HAD just whistled at her. And she wasn't sure how to react, other than ignoring the sudden urge to cero him.

"You... are strange. You know that I eat souls, yes? You said you were fine with hollows before, I assumed you were bluffing." She murmured, too shellshocked to even keep up the act.
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Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]

Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:20 pm


"I'm not too fond of bluffing when it comes to my feelings or emotions," Kenichi stated rather plainly, a radiant grin in his expression, fascinated by how this unfolded so far. Of course, he kept something in the back of his mind. This hollow hadn't shown any urge to attack him, but he wasn't entirely foolish to assume she wouldn't strike him at unawares. Tigers were tricky like that. Lose sight of em' and they'd strike you down without a second thought.

She felt friendly enough, but the common warrior would be a fool not to keep their eyes peeled for any discrepancy. He could understand the confusion at his lack of fear, perhaps even more so with his reaction in general, however. Strange? Hm... he supposed it wasn't entirely unjustified.

To be sure, he wasn't even trying to look unfazed, he just simply meant what he said. He was aware of their meal of choice, but that was simply the way most of them functioned. Would he let himself be eaten? Of course not. Would he let them freely eat others? Nope. He stopped in place, stroking his chin softly.

"Yeah, I'm aware you eat souls. I've come across some who have tried to make me their meal, but you didn't eat me; So why would I be dishonest about my reaction? I think you look cool, and you're more sentient and vocal than the average hollow. Then again, I guess that train of thought would indeed be strange to the average person standing face to face with a huge tiger hollow."

stand unrivaled| END POST

Last edited by Iori on Mon Jan 02, 2023 12:25 pm; edited 9 times in total
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Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]

Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:45 pm
Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger[Saber/Kenichi]  - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

She couldn't help but feel...perplexed by his reasoning. He was so lax and uncaring. Even to so casually talk about the fact that she subsisted off of the souls of others. Was he truly so .... unbothered? For a moment, she was flat out silent, staring at him. He didn't seem keen on attacking her, or .... any such thing. Was e simply not thinking about it? He knew she was here. She was a hollow. It only stood to reason that he KNOW she had been feeding around here. And yet, he was simply fine with that? Well...admittedly with all of those fucking hollows, she hadn't even gotten to eat many plusses. She'd been forced to kill and eat THEM. But she wasn't going to be telling him that..

Actually, why shouldn't she tell him that? What did she care if it gave him a skewed idea of her hunting patterns. Hmmm. It was still a bizarre situation. But perhaps this might work toward her benefit. After all...he ...WAS strong. And all those other damn hollows had been making her own hunting a pain in the ass.

"You're a strange one. But.... perhaps that is good. In fact.... how would you feel about helping me with my little...problem? You don't smell like a weakling. And these other hollows have been drawing unwanted attention to the area. I had to kill and eat one of them the other night. How would you feel about helping me get rid of the rest of them? You seem the heroic type. Strong too. With your help, we could clear the whole area. And you wouldn't even have to worry about being chastized by those shinigami for not letting them handle it. The souls wouldn't go to waste." She smiled, perhaps inflating his ego just a little. But it WAS a potential avenue. She wasn't the direct fighter type, she would much rather simply scavenge than anything. But, if this young man could kill, or even just weaken the other hollows. She could have free, easy meals. AND not have to worry about those mindless idiots attracting a shinigami.
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