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Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi] Empty Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi]

Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:16 pm
Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi] HEADER_86c804ebe4081b4e909856dcf65d8b46

I'm not entirely sure this is how you do this.

"Of course it is! How ELSE would I get to do it?" Nanashi rolled her eyes as she eyed the post that was staning before her. A couple long slash marks riddled it's length, though there were... a number of other marks all around her. Thankfully she had taken this little exercise outside, but all the same, the area was packed with blademarks.

She stood before the post and let her hand rest on the weapon, licking her lips and narrowing her eyes as she focused. Why does it have to be IN the scabbard for this? Shouldn't you be trying that after you already have the motion finished? You're going to hurt yourself. Her Hollow noted dryly in her mind. She ignored her and in a sudeden LURCH the world around her burst past her! A sudden sweep past the post and she staggered! Promptly landing on her face with a GRUNT as she misstepped!

She'd been trying to do this for quite a long time. The idea was to have her sheathed blade standing infront of a post. And then, attemptiong to brace herself to slash while she was using shunpo, thus cutting the post while moving past it, JUST like in the movies! However the results had been....mixed. Sometimes she just stopped too short and simply wound up infront of the piost, slashing it. Other times she went right past it. Other times, she'd slammed her arm right into the post and catapulted herself into the ground. As she was at this very moment. She grunted, picking herself up and brushing herself off. IF she weren't as absurdly durable as she was, she might have already severely injured herself by now. She eyed the bruise on her knuckles, having landed awkwardly and her fist had gone straight into a small rock. Damn rocks. Who left them in a training area?" She huffed, tossing it across the way and picking herself back up.

You're going to break OUR body. But a smile crossed her lips regardless. Even if she hadn't quite gotten the hang of it. She WAS learning to move her body mid-shunpo. It had taken a lot of concentration, but at the very least, her blade wasn't sheathed when she arrived. It took her a while to realize if she hadn't just unsheathed it immediately AFTER the move, but that bruise on her arm was proof! She;d moved her arm amidst the shunpo! PROGRESS! Covered in bruises and even a few cuts, she got up and grinned. "Nonsense. I'm tellinya. I'll have this by friday." She boasted, tossing her hair confidently as she did.
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Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi] Empty Re: Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi]

Wed May 04, 2022 1:50 am

Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 298

Hono was yet again spending her off day in the training area! She said it a lot, but it only became more true. She needed to impress those around her, she saw positions around the Gotei shifting all the time, so it was time to get her name around there! The pink-haired woman would begin her training session! She would swing her blade at the dummy in front of her. Leaving some slash marks on the targets in front of her. She let out a soft sigh, twirling her blade around all flashy-like. Hono trained in peace and quiet for a few minutes. However, something caught her ear. There was a girl talking about rocks, just a few feet to her left? Well, it seemed she fell down? Who was this girl anyway, they both had pink hair after all. But hey, it seemed she was frustrated with her training. Hono knew that all too well. She would often feel discouraged with training, but hey she just got back up and kept fighting!

Hono decided to be a little bit friendly. Wasn't that a good way to get your name around? For sure. The Shinigami would walk up towards Nanashi, with a soft grin. "Well, you training hard as well huh?" Hono let out a soft chuckle. Looking at the girl, standing about four feet away from her. "Don't think I've seen you around here before. Name's Hono." She would fold her arms. "I saw the pink hair, and didn't recognize you, so might as well introduce myself you know?" She raised an eyebrow, before eying Nanashi up and down. Trying to memorize her as best as she could, she saw a lot of people every day, so sometimes keeping them in your memory could be tough.

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Fri May 06, 2022 5:03 pm
Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi] HEADER_86c804ebe4081b4e909856dcf65d8b46

"ACK!" Nanashi had to SKID to a halt when someone suddenly spoke to her! Usually people just ignored her when she was training, but just in the midst of her attempting to perform another high speed cut on the dummy, someone called out to her! She looked around hastily before she paused, blinking owlishly as she spotted the perpetrator themselves. Oh, they had pink hair too! She perked up, letting the point of her zanpaku'to drift to the side as she eyed Hono, offering a cool, aloof glance before she brushed her hair behind her ear. "Eh? Well uh, uhh....sorta,.... a little? I'm a little more than halfway through my first year. Uhhhhh, So I guess I'm kinda new. Was uh.... out of commission for a bit because of some hollow stuff. Became a Vizard. Was pretty intense ya know? Wasn't too hard for me tho." She yaaawned and stretched dramatically, VERY clearly tooting her own horn as she casually used the opportunity to brag that she'd managed to suppress AHEM. Er well.....ahem.... DEAL with her inner hollow!

She glanced at Hono and smiled, spinning her zanpaku'to through her fingers and giving a light wiggle of her brows. "Yyyea, yaknow, I woulnd't be surprised if I graduated super early though. On account of how awesome I've been. So you might not seem em around here for much longer. Name's Nanashi, Nanashi Gombei~" She chimed, sheathing her blade and putting her hands on her hips, striking what she presumed to be a strong pose. Wide stance, arms folded across her chest. "Even got a huh....a ....uh.... super famous member of a Noble Family training me you know? You woulnd't know her though, she goes to another academy. It's for real tho." Just continuing to add on layers as she promptly transitioned from her doofy training to promptly doing everything in her power to look cool infront of what appeared to be a fellow academy student.
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Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi] Empty Re: Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi]

Tue May 10, 2022 10:39 pm

Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 224

Hono was... pretty confused about this girl. It was hard to explain, though Hono heard her explain she was a first-year, and boasting about becoming a Vizard. Hono would be annoyed but to be honest, she could see herself boasting about her achievements so she didn't hold it against Nanashi. Calling herself awesome was totally something Hono had done. To be honest, she saw a lot of herself in Nanashi. Overly energetic and boastful, so she related hard. Hono herself wanted to get way stronger! So maybe she could learn a thing or two from Nanashi.

A noble family huh. Well... maybe Hono could boast herself a bit. "Well, I've trained directly the Captain Commander~" Hono smirked, she couldn't help but wonder how Nanashi would react to that. She folded her arms and looked towards Nanashi, she had a firm stance, she seemed tense. "You could graduate early huh? Well, I'll make sure to keep an eye out for you! I can't have some kid passing me~" She tapped his chin, somewhat taunting Nanashi a little. Hono would probably use it as motivation to train harder, she was pretty devoted after all!

"My goal is to punch Elyss..." She said in a serious tone, but only seconds after let out a chuckle at how silly it sounded. "I know it's silly! But It's something I gotta do!"

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Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi] Empty Re: Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi]

Wed May 11, 2022 12:28 am
Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi] HEADER_86c804ebe4081b4e909856dcf65d8b46

Nanashi paused, briefly startled out of her own little boast by the reciprocation and 1-upping. Hold up.....was this girl trying to out-boast her?! Her brows furrowed ever so slightly as she regarded Hono for a few seconds. She smirked, feeling a rush of adrenaline. Was she challenging her? "Is that right? I dunno who elyss is-" She really didn't pay attention in class. "But you really shouldn't be picking fights ya know? We're supposed to be protectors." She reasoned, rolling her shoulders before putting on a sly smirk.

"I don't think you're gonna get very strong at all with a flimsy goal like that. It almost feels like a waste, you know?" Says the girl who wants to get stronger just to be cool. Even so, Nanashi sheathed her zanpaku'to. "My Sensei doesn't really say a lot of clever stuff. She's....more of a looks and actions kinda gal. But I feel like she'd have a thing or two to say about a goal like that. Sure you could punch this Elvis person, but then what? Proving you're stronger than someone doesn't mean much at all. If you really wanna stick it to this Alissa person, you gotta hit em where it REALLY hurts. You gotta be better than them at everything! Don't settle for just managing to land a punch!" She declared! Her own eyes starry, even salivating justy a little at the idea of abslutely STYLING on some hypothetical rival! She didn't even HAVE anyone she would wanna punch or surpass, but if she did. Ooooooh the very idea had her all riled up! She would be SUPER cool and popular if she could pull something off like that!

She paused, refocusing on Hono before giving the girl a confident smile. "Hmmmm, first off you DEFINITELY should up your training. All you're doing is just cutting the dummy with your Zanpaku'to. What are you even practicing? Just basic Kendo?" she asked, folding her arms under her chest. "I mean, simple I guess. But a little lame, don't you think?" She murmured, entirely unaware that she was potentially being a bit insulting.
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Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi] Empty Re: Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi]

Wed May 18, 2022 4:45 pm

Pretty and Pink [Hono/Nanashi] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 214

Hono lightly chuckled at Nanashi. Well, it seemed not everyone knew who Elyss really was. "Well... It's less of a fight." She chuckled, "More of a friendly rivalry~" Well... Elyss didn't have much to gain from this one-sided rivalry, she was already ways stronger. "I mean... I have other goals. I wanna make my mom and dad proud you know?" She smiled. It was such a simple goal, but Hono just wanted the people she cared about to be happy. Was that such a bad goal? "Yeah... I guess you're not wrong~ After I punch her, I'm gonna try and surpass her strength you know?" She laughed. "Sometimes setting goals far ahead is bad, I start with something achievable then work towards something bigger!" The shinigami would explain. "But yeah, I do wanna beat her in a fight someday!"

Hono wouldn't lie, she was impressed by Nanashi's bluntness, a trait Hono shared with the girl. So, she felt she was like a mini version of herself. "Well, what do you suggest I do instead?" The Shinigami would ask the girl. "It's important to keep up the basics! If you don't completely understand the basics you'll never get better!" At least, that's what Hono thought. though, she was really curious about what Nanashi was thinking.

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