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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] Empty The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo]

Thu Apr 28, 2022 1:27 pm
The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] 8ZovUmi


While Kyo had graduated from Shin'o Academy, and strictly speaking that meant he was done with educational matters, he was the sort that believed in bettering oneself in every action. That naturally extended even further to keeping an ear out for those Shinigami who were looking to toughen up a bit, man up as it were. Was it actually officially in his duties? No, not in any capacity, and he knew that. But it wasn't as if he was doing all this for the sake of some ideal of teaching. He'd heard about one of the brighter rising stars in Sixth Division, and that meant he was going to make his way right over there now that his shift for the day was finished.

"Yo! I'm looking for Hono Kaen. She around?"

It wasn't especially uncommon for Kyo to simply be present in the other divisions, if only because his presence and his boisterous personality made it incredibly easy for him to get people's attention. Generally, people just thought of him as something of a nuisance and left him alone.


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The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] Empty Re: The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo]

Fri Apr 29, 2022 2:09 am

The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 159

Well, Hono had quite the day, she started with some training (of course), but then she had to do prison duty. Thankfully it went rather smoothly, though a few bad-mouthing prisons really got under her skin, but hey. Now she could relax at least a little. While she did love training, it would sometimes get tiring. Though, she wasn't expecting a visitor?

Though... it wasn't a surprise at this point. First Makoto was requesting to see her and now there was someone else wanting to see her? Well, who was she to say no? Well, Hono was guided to the person looking for her by a few other members of the sixth.

"This is her..." She looked at the man before her, "Who the hell are you?" She raised an eyebrow. There was her "friendly" personality showing. Wasn't Hono just a ball of sunshine? "God, what do I do this time?" She sighed, placing a hand on her head.

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God of Love
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The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] Empty Re: The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo]

Fri Apr 29, 2022 2:25 am
The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] 8ZovUmi


"Ha! You haven't done anything. Well, not to get yourself in trouble, at any rate. I'm Kyo Sawachika, of the Fifth Division. You've made quite a reputation for yourself around these parts, you know. I've heard you're the sort striving to improve."

Kyo always looked into those shinigami who seemed willing to strive for excellence, whether or not it was the same sort of excellence that he himself cared for. He couldn't say that he had the same sort of outlook on these things that Hono seemed to, but Kyo knew perfectly well that he was a fairly noteworthy outlier when it came to how he lived his life.

"If you're looking to test yourself with some of the best, I know a place that not many keep track of. It's a good place to get some training in."

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The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] Empty Re: The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo]

Fri May 06, 2022 1:08 am

The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 138

Fifth Division huh? Hono raised an eyebrow. "Covert huh? don't think I've anyone from the fifth." She tapped her chin. "Say~ How'd you hear about my greatness!" She was pretty curious how her name was floating around. Was it Elyss? Who knew.

"Oh really? Well. I just got off duty so I guess I can go with you" She would chuckle lightly. She was... curious why was Kyo interested, she had many questions. Hono would let out a quick sigh, brushing some of the hair that covered her face back into place. She let out a soft yawn.

"Where's this place that?" She would glance down at the Zanpkauto on her hip. Hono was still in shock, she was getting famous, and meant a lot that her constantly training was finally getting recognition! This is for you Murasaki!

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] Empty Re: The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo]

Tue May 10, 2022 11:16 pm
The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] 8ZovUmi


"I keep my ear to the ground for those energetic sorts. A lot of people in the academy talk pretty highly of you, and I just got out last year, so I still hear a bit of talk now and again."

Of course, he'd also heard plenty more from people in a few other divisions, but Kyo did like to play up his own ability to handle things. That was just the way he operated, after all. Maintaining his confident grin, and seemingly unperturbed by Hono's apparent disinterest if the sigh was any indication, he turned and gestured for her to follow him.

"It's a little out of the way, closer to the walls and definitely not anywhere near the Gotei proper. There's actually a few different spots like it all around the Seireitei, but I figure I'd show you the one I know best."

Kyo was, in the abstract, aware that leading some girl along to parts unknown might have theoretically made him look bad. But it wasn't as if he was pulling her off to the depths of the Rukongai or anything. Even at its worst, the Seireitei was pretty secure.

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The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] Empty Re: The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo]

Wed May 18, 2022 1:55 am

The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 117

Wait... Really? People talked about her in the academy. That really did brighten Hono up. She was super fixated on impressing people, so it felt good that her work was finally being noticed~ Hono then cracked a smile, looking towards Kyo again. Well... what the hell. Hono had nothing better to do so why not tag along!

The shinigami would follow. "Right... you train in this place?" Raising an eyebrow curious to know more about the place she was headed. "Well... I guess we'll see it when we get there." Hono didn't say much, remaining quiet as she followed Kyo, letting him lead their way. Hono was ready to train some more, and show off to Kyo.

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] Empty Re: The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo]

Fri May 20, 2022 1:58 am
The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] 8ZovUmi


"Sure do. It's a good place to learn, get some more experience outside the confines of the training rings. Even in the hardest bouts at the academy, everyone's fighting for practice, with teachers watching."

As he continued through the Seireitei, Kyo kept his eyes peeled for any of the faces he might have expected to see around here. He'd heard stories that the Captain Commander herself had come around here in her day, and that she still stopped in once in a blue moon. He'd never seen her, but people didn't tend to lie about that.

"This is nothing like that. Everyone's giving it their all, and you'll find desperation that you'd never see in the training ring."

Stopping after a short while, Kyo gestured toward the building before them. A fairly unremarkable market, plain and not apparently different from any other place one might be able to buy groceries and the like. But unlike most of the buildings of the Seireitei, which saw primarily business from the nobles and only the occasional patronage by shinigami, there seemed to be far more members of the Gotei milling about, both inside and out. He led the way inside, and though it was visually plain, there was immediately a sense that this was not a normal place.

There was, undoubtedly, a tense atmosphere inside. Shinigami studied the shelves, walked around here and there, but all seemed to not only be biding their time, but studying everyone else. Kyo and Hono, as the most recent to enter, now had all eyes on them for the time being, but none made any indication that they were doing anything more than watching for now.

"Important question, by the way. You hungry?"

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The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] Empty Re: The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo]

Tue May 24, 2022 7:31 pm

The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 219

Oh! It seemed she was heading to a place she would totally like, the people cared a lot about their training huh? Do some kinda mosh pit? Who knew, Hono would find out when she got there! Right now she eagerly followed Kyo. Hono excepted some big impressive arena! A gladitorital stadium!

Though, to be honest, her expectations were shattered, when she saw the market. Truth be told, Hono was tempted to hit him with a simple. "What the hell" but hey, you can't judge a book by its cover! Maybe the inside was what she was expecting! A full-out battle! A place for Hono to throw herself at and prove herself! Before entering, Hono had that gleam in her eye, something you'd see from a kid on Christmas day!

However, a second time, her dreams were crushed. Boo-hoo... it was just... a normal market? Hono almost looked toward Kyo. "What..." she said in a deep tone, a bit of anger in it. "Where the hell are we?" She asks a follow-up question. However, when she felt all the eyes dart toward her, she couldn't help but shout at them. "Quit fuckin staring at me." She swore shooting glares toward the other Shinigami. That... was bold of her.

"I am kinda hungry, but what the hell is this place?"

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God of Love
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The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] Empty Re: The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo]

Fri Jun 03, 2022 8:24 pm
The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] 8ZovUmi


"This is the Genryujin Market. It's got good food, great little premade lunches. But the most important part of the day is when they go on sale. Every so often, the owner'll make his way out and mark a few of those boxes as half-off. And when that happens, everyone who's come all the way down here is out for blood."

Kyo's grin grew a touch more as he gestured over to one of the displays, an old man quietly inking onto a few of the bento boxes on display. The tension in the shop was quite clearly only growing by the moment, and Kyo himself was shifting his attention between the displays and Hono as he spoke.

"Once the old man leaves, it's a free for all. Some of the best in Shino make their way down here, and even some of us recent graduates like to make our way down here when we've got time. You only get out of here one of two ways. Hungry and beaten, or with your lunch."

As the old man by the display finished up and began to walk away, Kyo's whole body tensed up, waiting for the moment that he was gone entirely. It took a moment, then two, and finally the old man was gone into the back of the store. The very same moment, the whole of the store was suddenly a different place, the young Shino students and recent graduates throwing blows toward their chosen targets. A few even came Kyo and Hono's way, though Kyo quickly fended them off as he swung out with a wide arm bar.

"Well, what're you hungry for? Better be careful someone doesn't take it!"

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The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] Empty Re: The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo]

Thu Jun 09, 2022 2:29 am

The Taste of Victory [Hono/Kyo] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 167

So... this wasn't an arena or coliseum? Just a place to eat? What the hell? To be honest, Hono was pretty hungry, so why not give Kyo a chance to impress her with this food? Folding her arms, Hono released a sigh as she looked right at Kyo.

Her gaze shifted as he the bento boxes. That... didn't look bad. Hono really liked the variety in lunch~ Sushi, Rice, and Vegetables! So she'd go with that. Well since it was free, how could Hono not take some~

Watching the fight starting suddenly caused Hono to smirk. Her bloodlust started getting the best of her~ Well... bloodlust without the murder. The Shinigami would punch one of the students approaching her, knocking him to the ground.

"Oi, Kyo." She said quickly. "Are we doing street rules? Can I use my Zanpakuto~?" She asked looking at the sword on her hip, keeping on her toes, making her way to one of the bento on display. One with steak it seemed!

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