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The First Of Many Empty The First Of Many

Wed Aug 31, 2022 11:59 pm

The First Of Many 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 189

Well Hono knew today was gonna be a... special one. While out on duty patrolling and what not she received a letter. Well that was rare? Opening it up it was from... her captain? Well that couldn't good... but with a sigh she folded up the paper and walked towards his office. Well at least that's where she expected him to be.

A call from your captain couldn't be good. Well... now that she thought about it when she in Abalia's office she got praise? So maybe this would actually be a positive thing? Though she was doubtful, she had slugged a citizen about... 5 hours ago? So maybe it was about that? Maybe the things she had said? Man this was just like the academy all over again...

She had only met Makoto a few weeks and did pretty well on her evaluation. So maybe she was getting evaluated more? Who was to know. Well her thoughts ended when she arrived to the door, balling her fists up she would quickly knock on the door. "Hellllo?" she called out wondering if the captain was already waiting on her.

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The First Of Many Empty Re: The First Of Many

Thu Sep 01, 2022 12:32 am
The First Of Many Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

Hakuyou office was done in the traditional sense with some modern accessories. The moderate sized room was decorated with plants and some painting that he no doubt bought to furnished the office. A large office desk was near the back which had a computer and other items, while a much smaller table with pillows for seats laid in front of it. Shiba Hakuyou sat at the smaller table, his hands resting on his knees.

He was currently wearing his captain's haori, with a smaller robe on his shoulders holding the emblem of the Shiba household. His amber eyes would turn to look at Hono as she entered, despite the neutral expression on his face the older gentlemen seemed... intimidating for lack of better words. Almost a millennium old, Hakuyou had seen much in his time. While he didn't exactly look his age, the man appeared to be in his late thirties or early forties. And he certainly had the Shiba mass and height, indicated as he gestured for her to have a seat.

"Kaen-san, please have a seat."

His voice was deep and rumbled. Formal and holding with it the natural authority of a noble.


The First Of Many JfH75kA
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The First Of Many Empty Re: The First Of Many

Thu Sep 01, 2022 1:58 am

The First Of Many 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 135

Hono entered the office, she felt a bit intimidated as she entered, something about the aura of this place, it felt like... she was in trouble. God... Hono's eyes would dart across the room, truth be told, Hono was hardly scared easily, but she feeling it, at least a little. Well she had to keep up her hard personality. With a quick nod, the Shinigami would take a seat as requested. Clearing her throat, she'd brush a few lose strands of hair outside of her face.

"Yeah?" She raised an eyebrow, keeping it rather blunt as was normal for her. "You asked for me?" She folded her arms and leaned back into the seat, making sure to keep her eyes locked on the captain, trying to get a feel for his emotions at the moment.

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The First Of Many Empty Re: The First Of Many

Thu Sep 01, 2022 5:21 am
The First Of Many Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

"No, Kaen-san. I summoned you. There is a difference."

His words were particular for good reason. Her presence was not requested within his office today but demanded by the authority of her captain. Hakuyou Shiba preferred not to involve himself in the lives of those within his ranks, keeping a level of professional separation. He was formal like that, old school even. Hono Kaen was not a terrible Shinigami by any stretch, but there were reports of conduct which was unbecoming to those who would hold the fate of the division in their hands.

He moves finally breaking the stillness that surrounded him to grasp a teapot pouring himself a cup of tea, and herself one. Before he slowly moved the warm tea over to her, while he took his own. He leaned back sitting once again, bringing the cup to his lips taking a small sip of it. He lowered it to his lap slowly, as amber irises fell on her.

"Many good people have worn and died wearing the Shihakushō. To include my younger brother." He speaks slowly, a soft rumble to his voice that one might even mistake for paternal. Too connected to be completely formal, but distant enough to be a foreign figure.

"What we do is a responsibility, and burden. But it is also an honor to perform, with a lineage thousands of years. So I must ask you, and I pray you speak truthfully with reflection, have you honored that lineage through not only your actions but behaviors?"

He beings the cup to his lip and sips, awaiting her answer. The air is still.


The First Of Many JfH75kA
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The First Of Many Empty Re: The First Of Many

Thu Sep 01, 2022 11:42 pm

The First Of Many 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 183

Hono thought about it so... she was in trouble? Shit... Tea... that wasn't a good sign. Well none the less the Shinigami would pick up her class taking a soft sip, she looked down at the glass but quickly looked up feeling his eyes look at her, causing the pink haired woman looked right at him.

"Yeah, my mom and dad also did" She said raising an eyebrow, she delivered it deadpan, seems like it didn't bother her in the slightest. "Stealth Division!" That was pretty much all Hono knew about her parents. She would than sip away at the tea hoping to break the silence.

"I do." She explained. "I train my ass off everyday! I can tell I'm getting stronger! Plus I'm getting closer to knocking Elyss out! Plus I got some training from Murasaki!" She would explained, she seemed rather excited about that fact. "Plus my evaluation was absolutely great!" She thought back to her meeting with Makoto, it was a damn good fight, even if it was one sided. "So... I'd say I do a pretty damn good job"

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The First Of Many Empty Re: The First Of Many

Fri Sep 02, 2022 1:38 am
The First Of Many Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

Hakuyou listens to her speak with quietness, his eyes seemingly never faltering from her. If he was displeased or happy in any way it did now explicitly show, only that he held the steaming cup of tea lightly. Before finally he shifts going to place the tea on the table, an elbow coming to rest on his knee while placing his cheek in his hand. After she finished, he observed for a few quiet seconds, before taking in a deep breath sighing.

"If someone's combat power was the end all be all to our work, then I would have to agree with your assessment." He'd admit slowly, removing his cheek from his hand. He begins to sit up straighter, his looming forward casting a wide shadow if not literally then figuratively. "But it is not. Perhaps a hundred years ago. Much has changed." The older man speaks these words with a certain weight to him, more for himself then her. He lets a rumble leave his throat, a soft clearing of it.

"Not only are we the custodians of the soul cycle, but we are also the protectors of this realm. Diplomats and the bridge between those with power and without." His tempo of speaking is slow, and that might be annoying. Each word not rushed but spoken with genuine care. "I have read your performances, and they meet the physical standard. However, for every mark of approval I see many minor complaints of disrespect. Some have merit, while others I have dismissed."

He blinks moving his head from her towards the window, a brief image of the Seireitei can be seen from his office.

"What would you qualify as your weaknesses as a person, Kaen-san?"


The First Of Many JfH75kA
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The First Of Many Empty Re: The First Of Many

Fri Sep 02, 2022 2:17 am

The First Of Many 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 279

Hono understood that. I mean of course things would change. “I’m not as strong as I wish I could be! I still got a ways to got before I can punch Elyss…” she explained. Thinking about what he was saying. Was she not doing well enough? Truth be told, Hono wished he’d just tell her the problem instead of this cryptic shit.

The shinigami would think on that. A really deep question. “Well… that’s a little bit of a personal question. Ay?” She chuckled. “Well since you’re my greatest and best captain I GUESSSS I can tell you” she tried to butter up her captain. “I think I put to much pressure on my self to get better. But I don’t really hate that. I wanna be the best I can be! Gotta make my mom and dad proud!” She really had a lot of spunk huh? “I gotta be the best at everything I do as well? Guess that’s a weakness…” she thought about it some more.

This was when Hono would return to a rather deadpan stare. She didn’t seem to have much fear right now. Placing her hand on the desk she’d lean forward. “With all due respect Can we stop bullshi-?” She stopped herself… “I hate to be blunt, but I’m here for something, so might as well let me know what the issue is…” Hono would say keeper her eyesight locked on the captain.

“Complaints? Is this to do with that guy in the 4th district? He totally deserved it! It was looking at me funny… creepy perv… Look. I may be hotheaded but I’m not gonna let people mess with me! I’ll punish them right there and now!”

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The First Of Many Empty Re: The First Of Many

Sat Sep 10, 2022 5:55 pm
The First Of Many Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

Hakuyou's ambers eyes are ever unreadable, save for the minor twitch of his eyebrow. And the dreadful aura which accompanied older Shinigami, whom have witnessed many come and go. His hands move slowly as he sets aside the cup of tea, bringing his eyes from the tea to her now. Centuries of experience rested in his bones; several lifetimes of humans paled in comparison to what his amber irises had witnessed. And now they rested on Hono, placing an invisible weight upon her form.

"If you regard the due diligence of a captain as bullshit, then the root of the issue manifest." His voice is even, without emotion save for that of his duty. He reaches under the table placing down a scroll on it, that is sealed with his division's emblem. "I watch everyone in my division, to understand how they might best serve the Gotei. How they might live honorably, for out duties discharge without honor are meaningless. In the pursuit power, respect, and greatness we lose something greater than the whole." His throat rumbles silently, quiet disapproval growing as he pushes the scroll towards her.

"I do not ask you, Kaen-san, to be a perfect model of respect and courtesy. Defend your name. Defend your honor. Do what you must. I caution you in the future, to remember that not all fights are worth the cost." His gestures to the scroll.

"I have written a reprimand for the young man in fourth, and this requires your signature as the effected party."

Say what you will of Hakuyou Shiba, but none could deny that he did not have the best interests of his subordinates and the Gotei at large at heart. He lets out some noise from his throat, like a soft grumble of sort as his hands rest on his knees.

"Do not make me have to write a reprimand for you, in the future, Hono."


The First Of Many JfH75kA
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The First Of Many Empty Re: The First Of Many

Sun Sep 11, 2022 12:02 am

The First Of Many 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 274

Hono was stressed, I mean the Gotei was suppose to be this great organization, the higher ups and your parents wanting great things out of you? That was a lot of pressure for a Shinigami fresh out of the academy. Though Hono wasn't going to physically show her fear or stress. She was gonna use that to push herself even harder!

"No! No disrespect intended!" She waved her hands dismissively. Hono would quickly explain. "Then you'd see my determination! I got a LOT of people I gotta impressed and one up! I'm gonna beat Elyss someday! Plus Makoto seems to have some faith in me! Hell even the Captain Commander likes my spunk!" Hono would say, a gleam of excitement in her eye. She really was just a burning ball of energy that wouldn't stop.

"Not all..." she thought on his words for a moment, well she could of gotten a LOT worst of a punishment? But hey, Hono could tell Hakuyou only wanted what was best for her. Seems like Hono had someone else she was gonna impress.

"Signature I feel like him missing his front teeth is a big enough punishment..." she cracked a slight smirk, grabbing for a quill on the captains desk and signing her LARGE signature on the scroll.

"Yes sir." She stood up and gave a quick and respectful bow. "I'll remember that captain! When I'm a captain I'll remember all the good times we had together~" Hono said cockily, yet in a friendly way. "Makoto told me the other day she'll take me out on a mission with her, so that'll give me some experience I need"

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The First Of Many Empty Re: The First Of Many

Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:10 pm
The First Of Many Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

"Those who seek admiration in the pursuit of duty, shall find a hollow thing. Seek only to do a righteous, and just, life in the course of your duties and others will take not."

Hakuyou would impart that nugget of wisdom to the young woman, saying nothing further to what his vice-captain planned to do. He had the utmost faith in Makoto and her judgement, as he assumed she had in his own. When it came to the tutoring and mentoring of younger shinigami, those like Hono who possessed great potential but also required great refinement. He'd take back the scroll tucking it within his robes, adjusting to stand up slowly.

It was now clear the towering height of the Shiba clan's head. He cast a long looming shadow, with a face that seemed needlessly intimidating despite best efforts. Amber irises fell on Hono offering an appraising look once more, a low grumble leaving his throat as if the very act of breathing brought annoyance. He moves slowly and with grace towards his office door placing a hand upon it, opening it for the young lady.

"Know that all I have to offer, it is your Hono. Whatever wealth and knowledge I amass, I give it all to you all within my ranks. Go in peace."

It was a dismissal, polite and upbeat, but a dismissal none the less.


The First Of Many JfH75kA
The First Of Many H8Tyk70
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