Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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November COTM 2011 :
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Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Fri Sep 02, 2022 7:02 pm
Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] GanwBZZ


The outcome of their battle was nebulously unclear. In the midst of their decisive clash, who had emerged victorious? Any recollection of the fight would only live on in the memories of the spectators. As for Kenichi, everything after the moment they landed their final strikes was no longer present within his memory.

Laying within the infirmary reserved for fighters who required attention and supervision for their injuries, Kenichi would rise up from his bed, a loud groan escaping his mouth as he felt his bones crack ever so slightly. His body itself seemed to be in solid condition.

There was no longer any pain in his wrist. He felt a little sore, of course, but it wasn't enough to keep him in bed for long. Speaking of time, how long had it been since they fought? Was it morning? Was it still night? Did the fans get a performance worthy of the ages? These myriad questions filled his mind as he rose up from the bed, performing a series of stretching exercises to even out any kinks in his body. His wrist was bandaged.

No doubt, it was likely a result of overexerting his celestial technique. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as Kenichi clenched his bandaged fists, basking in the afterglow of that battle. That was remarkable. Vanyel had truly proven to be an opponent that pushed him to his limits.

Exiting his room with a backpack hanging over his shoulders, Kenichi inquired about whether or not he had left. Had he gone home? Was he still here? If nothing else, he decided to check each room until he found him. That was a fine battle. It was only right it be capped off with an equally amazing feast. Fight good, eat good. That was the Kenichi Way.


Last edited by Iori on Mon Sep 05, 2022 4:13 pm; edited 2 times in total
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Age : 23

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Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Re: Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:51 pm
Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] 97ZeGbM


Vanyel honestly couldn't remember the last time he felt so compelled and excited in a fight. He took a look at his hands, still bruised from the sheer length of the fight and how hard every single attack ended up being. Even now, they twitched, instinctively curling back into fists, as if itching to fight again. Easing himself to his feet as he tried to try and do some stretches, he winced as he felt pain briefly scream through his body at the strain.

Still sore, and still had some healing to do, but at least the bones in his body weren't shattered beyond repair, and he still had all of his limbs. Shit, he should probably check on Kenichi too. The fight had left both of them pretty beat up by the end of it, but, he couldn't lie that he enjoyed every last minute of it. Carefully sliding his jacket on without causing too much pain, Vanyel quickly gathered his belongings and stepped out of the room, his fingers coiled gently around a switchblade.

Despite the good fight, it felt nice to have his things back in his hands again. So, with a smile on his face, Vanyel turned, seeing Kenichi peeking in one of the rooms. Was he looking for him? Approaching him and tapping him on the shoulder, Vanyel slipped his hands into his pockets as he spoke.

"Y'know, it'd be more effective if you just asked someone where I was, if you were lookin' for me."

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November COTM 2011 :
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Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Re: Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:21 pm
Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] GanwBZZ


There was a sudden tap against his shoulder. Turning around to face the culprit, Kenichi would grin from ear to ear. Vanyel wasn't entirely wrong. The fiery martial artist could've certainly asked around, but he enjoyed playing these types of games with himself, savored indulging himself in a bit of humor until he reached his destination. He nudged his fist against the man's shoulder before closing the door behind him.

"Perhaps. It was more amusing to look around until I found you. Some would call it silly, but even something as simplistic as searching someone out in arena can come with its fair share of fun, no?"

He would walk past Vanyel, pointing his finger towards the exit a few meters away from them.

"Vanyel, was it? That was a fine bout. Perhaps one of the more entertaining exchanges I've experienced in some time. Thus, a reward is in order. A large feast at one of my favorite restaurants in town. No questions asked, and I'm paying for the entire thing, too."

With those words, Kenichi beckoned for Vanyel to follow him as he exited the arena, gazing upwards towards the sun, energized by its brilliant rays of light. Visibly excited by the future he imagined in his mind, he walked forward, hoping Vanyel would accept the offer.

Who'd turn down what essentially counted as a free meal? He certainly wouldn't. Of course, no one else was Kenichi. A man who'd fight strong women and men alike, and then eat the best food the city could offer until his belly was full.


Last edited by Iori on Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4607
Age : 23

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Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Re: Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:25 pm
Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] 97ZeGbM


Kenichi was a strange one, finding enjoyment and entertainment in even the little things in life. There was some fun in giving yourself these sorts of challenges, but, in a casual setting like this? It felt almost like he was trying to draw out every last bit of fun that he could before he left. His smile and overall positivity was still almost deathly infectious as he shrugged, smiling softly.

"Glad you enjoyed it. I haven't fought like that in...a long time, I don't think I've even had fun like that in a long time. Still not a showman or crowd-pleaser, but...I'd be lyin' if I said that it didn't feel nice to have people cheer my name for once."

At first, he was doubtful when he mentioned a reward with no strings attached. From the places he'd been and the life he'd come from, there was never anything like this that didn't have some kind of catch.

...But, looking at Kenichi as he followed him, watching him from behind as the two exited the arena, he started to clear his mind of those doubts. This kind of guy, having some kind of catch to a gift like this? Hell, he felt like the only catch he would give would be to fight him again at some point, and if that was the only stipulation, he'd be more than happy to oblige.

"Ah, fuck it, sure. Maybe there I'll find something that'll help me out."

Keeping pace with the young man, Vanyel took a look at his hand, before bringing the limb up to his face and gently running it over his cheek. Instead of feeling smooth, soft, and fleshy, the nerves in his fingers felt something rough, scale-like, as if his own face was a strange mimicry of what it was supposed to be, a hybrid with something else. But, ultimately...

It didn't feel like him.

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November COTM 2011 :
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Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Re: Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Mon Sep 05, 2022 7:44 pm
Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] GanwBZZ


A warm smile swept across Kenichi's face as he nodded his head, listening to the man express his opinion on their fight from a night ago. It was an event Kenichi himself would not soon forget. The exultant roars of the crowd, the passionate applause, and the raging will shared between two men who wouldn't exit the fight until a victor had been decided. Regardless of who had won, Kenichi enjoyed himself. To hear that Vanyel felt the same was music to Kenichi's ears.

"You may not be a showman, but I see there might an entertainer in you, no doubt. If nothing else, you're one hell of a competitor."

As Vanyel tagged along behind him, Kenichi would quickly make his way towards the restaurant. The two men were greeted graciously as two women politely bowed before them, a hefty man following behind to pat Kenichi on his head.

"Ah, Kenichi! Our most esteemed customer! Come, I'll find a seat for you and your friend!"

The burly man would direct the two women to lead them to a large table. Sitting down, he would wait for Vanyel to arrive before initiating any conversation.


Last edited by Iori on Thu Sep 15, 2022 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Re: Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Tue Sep 13, 2022 7:20 pm
Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] 97ZeGbM


Food seemed to be the quickest way to his heart, as well as his attention span. Vanyel didn't waste time in waiting around, matching his quickening pace as the two made their way to the restaurant. He smiled at the compliment, though he still didn't really believe he was much of an entertainer, in any form. He knew that a certain someone from his time in the yakuza would call him too much of a hard-ass and too serious to have that kind of fun.

Then again, there were a lot of things that he thought weren't possible, or would never happen. He'd been proven wrong before, so, perhaps there was something that would strike his fancy within the world of entertainment. As he followed Kenichi inside, he took a half-step back in surprise at the two women bowing as they walked in. What made it even more awkward was the big man that came out and gave Kenichi a pat on the head. Vanyel just stood there, confused and awkward as they ushered them to a table and sat down.

"...Well, shit, you weren't kidding when you said it's your favorite. Don't think I've ever seen anyone who ain't a full-blown celebrity get a welcome reception like that."

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November COTM 2011 :
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Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Re: Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Thu Sep 15, 2022 2:48 pm
Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] GanwBZZ


Kenichi chuckled at Vanyel's comment about the reception he received at the door. He certainly didn't fancy himself as a celebrity. He supposed that, given his large pockets and his love for food, that it was no question he'd be viewed as a favorite in the eyes of the employees. That was simply a matter of course, wasn't it? To be accepted once you show loyalty. It wasn't as if he didn't provide them with things in return outside of cash, either.

Tickets to the tournament and even a makeshift bodyguard in case there were a group of men or women who wanted to step out of line. Kenichi was a loyal hound when you fed him well enough. Hell, he didn't even need to order anything. The man knew his order from top to bottom. It'd take a twenty minutes for everything to come out but they could at least fill those minutes with conversation.

"Hehe, yeah! I have quite the big appetite. Money isn't usually an issue since I rarely spend all that much outside of providing myself with my own meals. That said, I'm not exactly all that versed in cooking myself, so I usually default to the experts. Whenever I can, I also help them out in return. Bodyguard stuff, giving them free tickets to the tournament like last night, and anything else they'd like to do. I feel loyalty and customer service is a two-way street and I'd like to think I provide my end of that bargain well."

Leaning his arms on the table, he would tilt his head inquisitively as he gazed at Vanyel.

"So, you mentioned something about finding something to help you out. What did you mean by that? Moreover, I must know... what made you decide to join the tournament?" A curious grin lined the man's lips as he gazed at Vanyel.


Last edited by Iori on Sun Sep 25, 2022 7:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Age : 23

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Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Re: Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:06 pm
Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] 97ZeGbM


Given how flashy he was, Vanyel was honestly expecting him to be a bit irresponsible and lavish with spending. It was a pretty nice surprise to be presented with the contrary, it was good to know that the guy knew not to go too crazy. He was a good guy, doing his best to provide a good customer experience and giving back to them in more ways than just as a customer.

"Hey, cookin' is a good skill to have. Ordering out is nice every once in a while, but it doesn't compare to makin' it yourself. Especially after you've tried, and tried, and tried so hard to get that recipe right, the work finally pays off in the end. Plus, you get a lot more freedom and choice about what you eat and what goes into it. Sometimes, changin' one thing in a recipe can make the entire experience different, or even tryin' a new spin on one.."

He couldn't help but grin as he spoke. At first, cooking was a skill he had learned out of necessity, to ensure that food was being put on the table and he wasn't starving. But, the more he did it, he found himself enjoying and appreciating the art more and more. A passion he had acquired through his strange and bizarre journey from man to demon, and now, hopefully, back again.

However, that smile soon disappeared as Kenichi pried into the mention of finding something to help him, and his reason to join the tournament. His head lowered for a moment, the fingers of one hand curling tightly around his fist, before sighing softly.

"I don't really have any big reason for why I joined. I grew up as a martial artist, and, life's been a bit crazy lately, so...I thought I'd join up and see what it was about. I just...really like fighting."

He paused for a moment, looking at his hands, the sharpened nails and light scales that could be seen if one looked close enough at him. He lifted his gaze to Kenichi once again, lifting one of his hands from his side, gesturing to it as well as his face.

"Well, it's pretty obvious I'm not human. Not anymore, at least. I...made a mistake. A really, really bad mistake. I...was human, about two years ago now. I wanted to protect someone close to me, a woman named Calypso Vael. She was...basically, my partner."

He lowered his hand, fingers tightening around his fist again.

"I loved her so much, I was willing to throw away my humanity for the sake of power. I wanted to be stronger for her. But, ever since, I've been regretting it. I don't feel like myself anymore. I feel like I'm in someone else's body. This...this isn't me."

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November COTM 2011 :
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Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Re: Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Sun Sep 25, 2022 11:40 pm
Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] GanwBZZ


Apart from his interesting insight into cooking, Kenichi's eyes continued to burn with an insatiable curiosity as he learned the reason for why he entered his tournament---that is, no reason at all. He shared a passion for combat, and Kenichi wondered if that passion matched his own. Their battle was certainly a strong indicator.

That answered his first question. His answer to the next one soon followed as Vanyel gestured towards his face as well as his hand. Inhuman features discernible to the inquisitive eye. His enhanced senses had certainly allowed him to notice the discrepancy, but his sincere nature allowed him to view it with the same sort of joy he regarded his peers with. His story was certainly a tragic one.

Insincerity would have seemed improper here; Kenichi had never loved anyone passionately enough to alter his entire life. There was, for a time perhaps, one woman who made his heart burn stronger than the sun itself, but could he truly envision himself transmuting his body in order to gain strength suitable enough to protect someone he loved? Kenichi couldn't imagine going that far for anyone. Or rather, he felt his strength was more than ideal to protect the person he loved

To be certain, love was a powerful emotion and for all his bravado, the fierce martial artist knew he could easily fall prey to falling madly in love with a woman enough to wage war between heaven and earth. A strong woman who could overwhelm him, invigorate him, best him, and enjoy a fine feast, sitting beside him as his equal -- Indeed! He could certainly envision a scenario where his path might diverge for someone he truly admired.

It was more relatable now. Kenichi thought it somewhat a bad idea to pry any further, though. This was their second meeting, after all. He was just about to offer his opinion until the food arrived. As expected, a large feast was set across their entire table. Roasted duck prepared to perfection, countless bowls of rice and fried noodles, seasoned chicken, and countless other dishes lined across each side. It was time to dig in.

Kenichi bowed his head towards the waitress before reaching out to cut a portion of the roast duck, mixing it with a bowl of rice. A splash of noodles on top completed the finishing touches on his bowl. With chopsticks in hand, Kenichi began to take to his meal with the ferocity of a ravenous beast.

His reaction seemed to be quite casual, as though Vanyel's issue was one that could be fixed with enough effort. Of course, that effort would likely include Kenichi. A path towards humanity was well within his reach. He needed only to have faith in himself and those around him he would help him in his pursuit. He was fortunate to meet one such man.

"Love is a powerful thing, I suppose. I've never been with a woman that passionately before. Come to think of it, I've never actually had a long-standing romance of any sort. Still, from your expression alone, I can tell... she truly must have had an impact on you... in more ways than one, I'd imagine."

Kenichi would continue eating his meal before posing his next question with a grin.

"If there was a possibility you could regain your humanity, would you take it? And, if so, would you allow yourself a partner on such a path? I may have some resources, if you're willing to hear me out...."


Last edited by Iori on Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4607
Age : 23

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Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Re: Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 5:29 pm
Dragon Soul[Kenichi, Vanyel] 97ZeGbM


Vanyel's eyes were glued to the table, staring at his hands as he heard Kenichi's response. Even all this time later, Calypso was someone that he loved without equal. The impact she had on him, the time they had spent together, even with the bitter conclusion, it had done nothing to temper his heart. A smile came to his lips as his expression softened.

"Maybe I'm putting it up on a pedestal, but, even that much is an understatement to me. Even if I was up against a god or a demon, I'd still do everything to keep her safe if she were still here."

He gave a wordless thanks to the staff of the restaurant as the food came out and quietly began to gather portions on his own plates. He found himself chuckling softly as he turned his eyes up to Kenichi, the man digging into his food as if he had nothing for the last two weeks.

However, his head perked up at the possibility of Kenichi having the resources and connections to turn him back. In an instant, he went from gentle, almost mournful remembrance to determined. There was a light and hope that burned in his eyes like a fire at the notion of being human again.

"If there is an option, I'll chase it with every last bit of my power. But, as for a partner, I definitely don't mind that. I've already met at least one person who's part of this whole endeavor, I wouldn't mind another."

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