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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Old Friends, New Beginnings Empty Old Friends, New Beginnings

Mon Sep 19, 2022 1:22 am
From across an ocean, from Japan to Korea, Cala's brief time in the Living Realm had left them with a small, oddly familiar twinge in the back of their mind. Something that was easy to be distracted away from at first, but became more and more noticeable due to the sheer fact that the feeling never ceased and never diminished. It stayed there, persistent, like a fiercely red rose bloom amid a sea of deep, dark briars. Seen for only the briefest, smallest of glances before once more being hidden by distraction and circumstance.

But now? Now Cala had the time and focus to traverse their way to America and, more specifically, to the Sierra Mountains. Flitting about among the mountain range for hours, their Pesquisa scanning on and on for that vaguely familiar source. They were, of course, in their Sealed Form wearing their more traditional kimono. No doubt a bit of an odd sight in the States but even so the last thing, or place, they expected this insistent sensation to lead them to was a small, secluded cabin in the middle of the Sierra Mountains.

Swallowing down a sudden sense of worry Cala would cautiously approach the cabin, doing their absolute best to hide, suppress and otherwise shrink their Spiritual Energy so as not to arouse suspicion in whoever, or whatever, was waiting inside. Pursing their thin, light pink lips in consternation, Cala would raise a slender hand before knocking a few soft, gentle knocks on the door before stepping back. Both to be polite to the occupant and to also give themselves some space should this turn out to be a bad idea.......
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Mon Sep 19, 2022 6:24 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Frankly speaking, today was just about like any other day for Arianda Vael. Wake up, make some food that wasn't honestly entirely necessary, maybe drain off some ambient pain from animals and humans close enough to her humble abode, and otherwise relax and try to overcome her seemingly horrible time with technology and baking. She was getting better at baking and cooking. Technology? Not so much. She could at least use it. Use it well? Nerp. Maybe one day she would overcome such an odd curse, but she was more concerned about the sudden turn of events. Time compressed, 300 years remembered, but technically lost to time; Mana Asthavon, Ari's forbidden love and dearest friend entombed by choice to keep the balance. Even if she had that shard, remnant, of Mana resting in her breast, it didn't make it any easier. The demon considered her own fate far too often now, even if she was able to still speak to Mana, that would never make anything easier. However, a welcome distraction soon literally found itself upon her doorstep.

No matter how small one shrinks the presence of their energy, it was impossible to hide other signatures. Trepidation, the sweet scent of flowers, and the unmistakable smell of something not of this world; something that devoured souls and humans to sate their nigh endless hunger, but tamed by the passage of time and the evolution of power. Some form of hollow, perhaps an Arrancar, was alighting upon Ari's property. And, as if on queue to reveal itself to the demon, a knock came to her door. Despite its likely gentle nature, the knock resounded loudly thanks to how empty the tardis-like house was at the current moment; and thanks to Ari using a bit of magic to make certain that she could hear knocks on the door. With her trusty pair of not so normal scissors hidden in the pockets of her dress, the demon moved to the door.

The presence that was concealed by the door, and their own attempts to conceal their energy, felt oddly familiar; like that from an old dream before the demon had been inexplicably changed by events and the world changed all around. The clack of an unlocked bolt, the snapping turn of a knob, and the creak of an opening door greeted Cala's trepidation as it opened inward to reveal the bright interior of the cabin; and the demon that looked out at Cala. When the Arrancar had last seen Ari, she was without a care in the world, and positively beaming despite anything else; a sheen of chaos in her silver eyes. However, Ari certainly looked changed. She was looking wary, uncertain, and her eyes shone with an age that did not shine in her eyes; even if there was a slight remnant of that chaotic gleam. She seemed... matured in a way that was hard to explain, and became even harder to explain when Arianda's eyes widened in recognition; and she broke out into a big grin. Without a word, without letting Cala react, the demon had dragged Cala into a rather warm bear hug; somehow soft despite the fact that most bear hugs tended to be ravenously tight. The little demon gave a grin up towards the somewhat taller girl... Arrancar?... and grinned.

"Long time no see, Cala~ It's great to see you after so long. I hope recent events haven't been too unkind to you. Please, come in, we have a great deal to talk about I'm sure."

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Mon Sep 19, 2022 9:23 pm
Unlike Arianda Cala looked the exact same as the day they had last met. In fact every detail about them would fit a photograph if someone had taken one of their last meeting, at least physically, but that inner, gnawing doubt and loss of direction added just the tiniest bit of frigid chill to Cala's spiritual energy. A cold seed of something that melted away, at least for now, in the warmth of friendly hug and Cala yelped as they were pulled into a firm hug by Arianda. Their lithe form being bent ever so slightly in awkward arch down into Ari's shorter form,

Ari's grin was met by a tiny smile from Cala, their cheeks dusting a light pink at the closeness as they avoided eye contact. Though at Ari's words they did nod and purse their lips Their voice was soft, pensive, as they muttered quietly.

"Y-Yeah.....a lot to talk about."

Cala went silent for a moment until Ari released them or let them inside and would gladly accept the entry. Strangely for Cala's current form, they didn't feel any trepidation about Ari. She didn't seem to even trip their primal instincts for survival when touching them despite being so much more powerful than them. Struggling with a lot of things, from the lingering presence of their doubt and indecision, to a nagging sense of deeper malaise, as well as slight confusion revolving around Ari herself Cala simply sat down in the nearest chair. Their expression solemn and lavender eyes downcast as they braced their elbows on their knees and closed their eyes. Asking Ari softly.

"Do you... want to go first?"
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Old Friends, New Beginnings Empty Re: Old Friends, New Beginnings

Wed Sep 21, 2022 7:49 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Indeed, Cala was no different, while the only thing that showed Ari's changes were her eyes; fierce, but wary. Otherwise, she was still the same old Ari somewhere in that tempest of emotional trauma that was currently Arianda Vael. The demon indeed did eventually let go of Cala and guided the woman inside of the house; the door snapping shut behind them and locking the the tiniest of 'chunks'. The demon hummed pleasantly as she snapped her fingers, a loud resounding sound, that summoned a glass full of water to her awaiting hand; which she offered to Cala; or at least set it down on the table next to Cala's chair. Afterwards, the demon would take a sit next to Cala, on a different cushy chair, and crossed her legs. The demon's back was straight, her hands carefully interlaced in her lap, and every inch of her demeanor spoke of a woman who once attended royal courts; even if her appearance was far less suited for such things. She smiled at Cala gingerly, and listened as she spoke. Eventually, after Cala posed her question of who would start, Arianda raised an eyebrow at the woman. The look wasn't inquisitive or condescending; just surprised.

"Cala, as much as I would enjoy being the first to go in our little catching up conversation... You look, well... You look as if the world fell out from under you and the empty space left nothing but questions, worries, and confusion. Your emotions are like a tangled web of lies; too convoluted to peer through without time, and all belie something else entirely. Cala... What happened to you?"

Arianda's eyes shone with little else but honest concern, and a modicum of wariness in spite of it all. The demon couldn't help it, especially not after she nearly died a few months back and tore herself asunder just to save her very existence; and that of the being tied to her soul. It was a changing experience for all. However, the melding of time was also like such an event. Some were changed in ways Ari did not feel thanks to still remembering everything of her life in the 300 years that got compressed and merged. As she was isolated, with only a line of contact to a few outside of her home, one included Mana herself, she still knew little of what occurred overall. Perhaps she needed to speak with her darling Queen of Demons... but for now, her worry was Cala, and the turmoil of emotions that threatened to tear asunder the thin girl's frame.

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Wed Sep 21, 2022 8:25 pm
As Cala felt a weight settle down onto their shoulders that seemed to drag and claw at them as if the very hand of time itself was pressed down upon them, they felt bags begin to form under their lavender eyes and a burning there that, though no tears came, highlighted their intense frustration and confusion. Ari's words biting into them like emotional blades that were almost too personal to bear. Wiping at their eyes with a sleeve Cala would inhale a shaky breathe, lacing their hands together in front of them, Cala would then glance at Arianda as they struggled and fumbled for words they held as surely as their own soul, but knowledge they held as surely as impossibility. Thus it was without direction or understanding, with nothing but flailing, grasping desire spurred on by a cold, destructive, familiar anguish that Cala simply mumbled.

"S-Something... changed Arianda..... a-about...."

Cala hugged themselves, closed their eyes, and shivered.

".... A-About me."

Even those words, as absolutely true as they were, felt like lies on Cala's tongue. It was with only desperation that Cala tore into their proverbial heart and offered more, know that it was not the correct offering, or even the true answer, but it was all that they possessed and so.... they gave it.

"I changed and I don't know how..... b-both in a moment that doesn't exist a-and permanently. I-I feel so much weaker than I did before, I nearly.... I-I nearly...."

Cala could not let the word 'die' pass their lips, as they were not even sure if they would have died had they continued in their odd malaise of wandering Hueco Mundo. To tell such a lie to Ariadna would hurt them too much, so Cala simply looked at her for a long, quiet moment, before looking toward the floor again.

"... and..... everything about me has changed. N-Not just this form, not just these thoughts..... I felt a voice and coldness, POWER, like I was being torn apart all the while I was growing and breathing for the first time again and I don'tknowwhatwashappeningand.....a-and...."

Cala's words, toward the end, became nothing but a slur of hastily babbled words, their breathing coming faster and irises widening to the point the true lavender color of their eyes was nothing but an inhumanly thin, small ring separating the inky darkness of their iris from the absolute white of their eyes. As they went silent Cala said no more, could NOT say more, and they weren't even sure if Ari had any remote concept of what they had been trying to convey or merely thought they being crazy. Maybe, just maybe, they were crazy now. Perhaps they always had been. But at this very moment the pounding in Cala's head prevented them from thinking any further on the subject and, with a very heavy motion, they sat back in the chair and closed their eyes. In one swift motion Cala would draw their knees to their chest and hug them their, fighting to slow and stabilize their breathing.
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Old Friends, New Beginnings Empty Re: Old Friends, New Beginnings

Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:43 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

The way Cala was acting, the way she struggled for words, stuttered and trip over her own tongue... Arianda knew full well that the Arrancar too had suffered from the compression of time; like many others. Arianda had it easy, she still remembered everything. And, the one tether, the being who helped stabilize and do it all was all that helped her stay at a general state of peacefulness. After all, aside from the compression of time, Arianda had her own personal family issues that still weighed heavily on her mind and heart. Regardless, she listened as Cala poured her heart out and told Arianda of her dearest worries about the recent events. How she had changed, she felt weaker, and she nearly perished. Arianda could well understand those events, those feelings. Not too long ago, she too had experienced such a similar event; nearly dying herself because of it. The demon listened silently, allowing Cala to pour her heart out.

And pour Cala did, everything that they were willing to tell Ari without full on lying to the demon. Arianda listened and listened until she could listen no more... because Cala had stopped speaking. They had sat back in the chair quite heavily, making the furniture squeak in protest, and curled into a ball of sorts. Arianda looked at the Arrancar, pitying them quietly, and slowly stood from her perch. She walked over to Cala, carefully, slowly, and, as if Cala weight nothing, lifted the girl, like a princess, off the chair. She sat in Cala's place and gingerly placed the Arrancar on her lap, so that Cala was now sitting on her lap; their head resting against Arianda's shoulder. She stroked Cala's back, caressed them carefully, and gave the Arrancar such a tender, loving embrace that... it was hard to deny the comfort of it all; the safety.


Her voice was smooth, deep, and akin to that of a mother's. It was firm, but sweet, and filled with an understanding that, while not wholly complete, still covered the essentials. The intent of saying their name, just Cala's name, was to calm the shakes, the shivers; to calm the pounding in the Arrancar's head that threatened to overwhelm. It was fully intended to calm Cala down just enough so that she would listen to Arianda; to listen, and to understand.

"Cala... There was a shift, recently; a melding of time. I won't try to explain it, because I am afraid it would only confuse you more. But there is nothing different about you, not necessarily. Your memories may be muddled, and your body has been forced to change due to a confluence that none of us could predict. But I want you to remember one thing. You are still Cala. You are not someone else, you are still you; just confused and hurt from an event you could not have known. And you found me, Cala. You found silly old Arianda Vael again, a friend when you needed her most. So please, let out your tears, let out your emotions, release the dam and let the river flow. You will only get better if you begin the process to heal, dear Cala. And I'll be right here if you need anything. A hug, some cuddles, a kiss... whatever helps you best. I'm right here, Cala. And, when you're ready, I can try to explain the events that caused this."

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Sat Oct 08, 2022 10:41 pm
As Cala curled in upon themselves they stared, silent and discordant, at the floor vaguely off to the side. Their lavender eyes gently unfocused and simply staring with a bleak, lost emptiness to them. Their mind so lost and coherency so shattered that as Ariadna approached Cala hardly reacted, even the tender tone of voice only drawing a slow, numb blink from the worried Arrancar. It was not until Ariadna touched them that Cala flinched, ever so gently, and tensed up. Their state of being so shattered and divided that they did not move or even resist the close proximity. They did not resist being lifted, being cradled, and as Ariadna held them and stroked their back Cala slowly, ever so slowly, began to relax their body and work their throat in choked, uncertain motions.

As the words fell upon Cala, the vague explanation and sincere, warm reassurances, Cala felt their breathe turn shallow and sharp, cutting out of their thin, pallid lips like the blade of a knife as oxygen was gathered in small, uneven gasps. Their hands, usually gentle, slender and dexterous now softly gripped at the front of Ariadna's shirt, pulling the fabric in near-mindless distress, searching for comfort, and Cala's small form leaned into Ariadna wearily. They had done so poorly explaining themselves, and as Ariadna offered an explanation behind what had caused this discord in Cala they were so fearful of the unknown emotions they nearly shook their head, denying this knowledge, but.... despite themselves they would bury their face against Ariadna's shoulder and neck, taking an odd bit of comfort in her closeness despite their usual aversion to such things, before nodding ever so gently. Not able to actually speak in response, not yet.

In truth, Ariadna's words and actions had helped a massive amount, but hindered just a tiny bit, as some unknown, essential aspect to Cala from deep within writhed in almost animalistic rejection of Cala still being.... Cala. The discourse had, of course, quieted but Cala was still radiating uncertainty and though they did not cry the sorrow in their movements, in the way their gentle, heartbroken breathe breezed over Ariadna's neck, was all too evident. The emotion that spilled from the Arrancar's ineffable soul was a potent, disoriented slurry of Loss, sorrow, confusion and, most deeply, a painful mixture of internal rejection and stagnation. Tugging ever so fitfully at Ariadna's shirt to pull themselves closer Cala paid not mind to the poor fabric their gently shaking hands tore, their unnatural strength poorly regulated and should Ariardna think to pay attention to them they could note that Cala's nails had lengthened ever so gently, developing sharp ridges that teased Ariadna's skin with Cala's more fitful grasping, threatening to at least attempt unintentional cuts to her body.
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Sun Oct 16, 2022 3:43 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda could care less if Cala's accidental claws tore at her clothing or her flesh... she could heal, and the clothes could be repaired or replaced. She could remove any problems with hand or spell. Especially, Arianda could also react at a much faster speed than Cala could. If need be, it wouldn't take much for Arianda to do what she needed to keep both of them safe. AS Arianda sat there, hugging and patting Cala on the head, she thought carefully about how to proceed. Indeed, Cala had changed. Perhaps she had changed in a way she may not understand now. However, the demon had to try.

"There may be unforeseen changes that could occur thanks to this shift in our reality, in some of the people of our worlds. However, what I want you to remember, Cala, is that no matter how you change, no matter what tears at you from the inside out, you are still YOU. No one can change who you are at the basest of levels. You are not someone else, you are simply Cala. And, my dear, before you ask, I do not think we could restore your lost time. Perhaps they will come back with exactly what was lost, time. But for now, know that I am here, and that you are safe... and that, no matter what, you are Cala, no one else and no thing else."

Arianda held Cala rather tightly now, gently leaning her head against Cala's own head. The demon was quite kind, and an extremely comforting presence. It was like Arianda was a beacon to Cala in the dark; anchoring her to what she is. As far as Ari saw it, even if there was something pulling at Cala's depths to deny what she was, she was still herself... but changed because of reality. She had lost likely important memories that may never return, and she may never get over some problems. Simply speaking, it was very difficult to get over the situation Cala was in, dealing with what seemed like permanent amnesia. Regardless, the demon gently pecked Cala's forehead and smiled gently.

"There are many ways to cope with pain, with uncertainty, and with your undeniable, and valid, worries that you are not you. We are already doing one of them, well two. If you wish for more, just ask. But for now, try to rest and relax, dear Cala. I'm afraid that, as you are, you might strip me nude on accident~"

Last edited by darkfunnel on Thu Oct 20, 2022 11:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:35 am
To be held like they were was something Cala had no memory of ever having received before. The intimate closeness, in theory, repulsed them to their core. It was too warm, too exposing, too foreign to them. In reality, however, the tenderness and understanding Ariadne provided made Cala curl up just a tiny bit more, confusion now added to their warring emotions as they quietly shook their head. Nestling deeper against Ariadne for a moment before the demon made the comment about shredding her clothes.

This statement, combined with the gentle kiss to the forehead, made Cala far too confused and embarrassed to remain so close. Withdrawing their hands and frowning deeply at whatever Ariadne had done with her lips, as Cala did not know what to call the act, made the Arrancar scoot back in her lap and look down.

Now staring fitfully at Ariadne's skirt Cala covered their face with their hands and shook their head, again, but much more fiercely this time. Their pupils dilating and fingers digging into their own skin as they sniffled and looked at Ariadne desperately.

"N-No Ari.... Ari I.... I dont think I am the same. Wait.... n-no."

Cala trailed off, desperately fighting to steady their breathing, their hands moving down their face as they leaned into Ariadne, all the while their thin arms circled one of Ari's own, hugging it. Their throat seizing in an attempt to fight the words both out of and back down their throat.

"I-I don't f-feel like I lost.... m-myself because jt.... because it LEFT Ari......"

Cala stared up at Ariadne from where they rested their head on her shoulder, their eyes drooping with exhaustion as the mumbled, despite the desperately tight clinging.

".... I-I feel like I lost myself b-because there was too much....."
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Old Friends, New Beginnings Empty Re: Old Friends, New Beginnings

Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:43 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

If part of Cala had truly, honestly, left... that meant an entirely different ordeal. Did that mean that part of Cala was out there, somewhere; detached from her body. Or was it more like the shift in reality, in time even, had affected Cala so deeply that part of her powers, part of herself, was simply torn away without her consent or honest awareness. All she had to go on was the instinct that she didn't feel quite herself. Arianda was completely perplexed by the statements that were escaping Cala's lips. What did they mean that part of themselves had just... LEFT? It was perplexing and relatively hard for Ari to understand. However, whatever was lost could normally be found or regained. She tilted her head gently, her head likely resting on top of Cala's head while doing so.

"It left... But where could it have gone, Cala? Energy, parts of yourself, they have to go somewhere. But the only question is where, Cala. Because I know, you will find them. For all we both know, there where could still be inside you; just locked away in an invisible room that only you can find. That, or, it's something you'll have to earn back with time, my friend. What you have lost, Cala, it is not gone forever. You just have to rediscover it, and yourself. Maybe some occasional introspection would help you. But, honestly, I don't know what exactly will help. However, trying to find yourself again? That's the best idea I have, Cala."

Arianda let out a gentle sigh before she hugged Cala a bit tighter, letting the hug speak for itself as she allowed Cala to absorbed what Arianda had said. After all, it was likely a bit to take in. What could lost could be found, and whatever could not be found can always be remade or regained. Arianda knew that, despite Cala's unfortunate situation, they would recover; and come back stronger because of it. After all, it's exactly what Arianda had to do once upon a time when she too was set back. She worked hard to earn her way back to where she was before she had lost powers that were once very important to her. So, she could very easily emphasize with Cala currently, but she was also determined to help the Arrancar if she could. After all, what were friends for?

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