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[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty [Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund

Mon Oct 03, 2022 7:43 pm

Coding In Template By:


Spiritual Human Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: Bauher Kleinmund
» Age: 41
» Gender: Male

» Alignment: Neutral Good
» Marital Status: Married
» Height: 6'
» Weight: 185 lbs

» Affiliation/Rank: Arlette Duvalier

» Physical Appearance Description:

Bauher stands fairly tall at 6'. He has a fairly average build and has pale white hair and matching skin. He has somewhat handsome features and light blue eyes. In his younger days he had jet-black hair, but after an incident on his way to Karakura with a Demon, his hair turned a ghostly white.

Generally speaking, Bauher doesn't have a ton of style. In addition to being a bit up there in age, he doesn't have much sense of matching or fashion. Often times he simply wears professional business attire as often when given the option to wear something of his own picking, he wears loud colors and patterns as he quite enjoys them. Unfortunately he lack of coordination often makes him look, frankly ridiculous. HE is a tremendous fan of shirts with funny sayings on them. His favorite shirt is a white T that says 'Honk if you like my Walking'.

» Physical Appearance Image:

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund HEADER2_sample-d7b2b8b4c42bbfb77ab79530dc039f4d

I. Personality Traits

» Personality:

Bauher is a calm, muted man. More watchful than he is active, he takes life one day at a time. While he once was a much more active rambunctious man, life has slowly worn down on his ability to keep up the energy. All the same, he has a deep appreciation for every minute that he's afforded and as such is a rather good listener when it comes to talking with others. He gives off a sensible, goofy-dad vibe and will often sneak in a soft-spoken joke here and there.

Beneath that soft and slightly playful demeanor, he is on the melancholy side of things. With his daughter having run away and the loss of his wife, there is a fragility to the life he's wound up with. He holds close what little he has left.

I. Character History

» History

Bauher grew up in a small Japanese village near Aomori. Though most of his life was rife with danger from wandering hollows and demons.But that didn't mean he had a boring or fear-filled childhood. Him and his friends learned to live and thrive around the threat of danger, their little village too small to really draw much attention from the beasts, they scavenged and managed to scrape together a simple, happy existence. Bauher and his friends often would visit the coastline to salvage junk that washed up on the shore. Often times picking what electronics and valuables they could to bring back to the family.

Bauher in particular always had a knack for electronics, and even managed to set up a few radios for his group to keep in contact whenever they separated. By the time he was fourteen, he'd managed to salvage on the beach, or even things that he and his friends would get from one of the nearby abandoned cities. A rather clandestine task given they had been warned from going there. But to such a young mind, the promise of intrigue and mystery always drew him to these things.

It was on that very cusp that he met her. A vehicle ripped open and ransacked near a road. It wasn't an uncommon sight. Often people would come to japan to try and get to Karakura. Those who couldn't afford a plane would try to get to Japan by boat and would try to make it through the many winding roads to that promised place. These were the kinds of roads often hunted by hollows and Demons, and it was fairly common for Bauher and his friends to look for things that were still usable.

That was when he met Belle Kleinmund.A german girl that had been part of a caravan heading for Karakura. Almost immediately, he became enchanted with her, and promptly brought her home to get her taken care of. She was terrified and hardly able to speak a word. The action drew the ire of Bauher's father, who insisted that she be tossed out. But he managed to garner his mother's support, and over the course of a year, saw Belle start to recover from the ordeal. It was a slow process, but more and more seeing the life return to her body, he couldn't help but feel a sense of protective attachment. Only strenghtened by the dirty looks his father would wear around the pair.

Within a year, Belle had recovered almost completely, and also fallen for Bauher over the course of the year. Greeting her every morning with a smile and food, telling her stories about him and his friends scavenging, even stories about the abandoned city, drawing further disapproval from his Father and even his Mother when they overheard his recounts. He learned that Belle had been with her family, trying to head to Karakura. While she was of german heritage, her family had moved to Russia when she was little, but ultimately had decided to try and head to Japan to be with family that had moved there and started a life. Family that, presumably, was there even now.

Bauher attempted to reason with his father, instantly feeling that it only be right that they help her get to Karakura to be with her family. But his father would have none of it. The roads were far too dangerous and he had been against her being there to begin with. And though his Mother had approved of Belle staying until she was well, her husband had slowly talked her into the idea that the young woman should leave now that she was well again. and so, naturally, Bauher decided he would take her to Karakura himself.

With the help of his friends, Bauher managed to get one of the deserted vehicles off the nearby road into working condition. And one night, he simply left with Belle, never looking back.

The road was a rough one. Even avoiding any main roads, Bauher found himself having to deal with hollows as they went. But finally, they made it to Karakura. Reuniting Belle with her family, and deciding to settle down. Bauher, naturally, put his technical skills to good use. Set on getting a degree and then getting a job working for the City of Karakura as a programmer, helping design security systems. IN the meantime, he and Belle had a daughter. Ehefra.

As the little girl grew up, Bauher was happier than he'd ever been his entire life. The girl was smart, happy, and adored her parents, even showing a keen interest in technology like her father. Before long, he was teaching his daughter how to code, and already helping her prepare for a job with the City. She was all set for a well-off life. Not to mention a safe one.

But as luck would have it... not everything would work out that way. Belle's sister Jyuria, soon captured Ehefra's attention. Jyuria, after all, was a quincy. Learned rather than born, the moment that Jyuria had first shown off her powers within eyesight of his little girl, Ehefra was smitten with the concept. Almost immediately, Bauher had hated the idea. Not only were they even more susceptable to hollows, but the life of a warrior wasn't something he wanted for his daughter.

But, much like himself in his younger days, Ehefra wouldn't be dissuaded. Learning from her aunt in secret, before he knew it: She was gone. His only daughter ran away, and Belle was ...crushed. Bauher fell into a depression, especially as Belle's health began to decline. Having always been a bit frail since he'd known her, having never FULLY recovered from that demon attack that landed her in his life, with their Daughter run away, her health began to grow worse.

Bauher put every resource, called every favor he could to figure out what had happened to his Daughter. It wasn't long until he found out about her little escapade into Malaysia. He told his wife that he was going to go out himself and bring her back. But the soft, sad look in Belle's eyes stopped him in his tracks. His heavy-handedness had already driven Ehefra to such extreme measures. Belle recognized the same stubbornness that she'd seen on her husband's face when they were young. And.... she eventually talked him out of tracking her down and dragging her home.

In time, they would come to learn about Ehefra heading to America and joining up with the Vandenreich. Despite his fears, he was happy that she'd found a place for herself. But his life had slowly begun to still take a downward turn. Belle's health had continued to decline, and the lovely, beautiful woman he'd loved did not get stolen suddenly from him. But over the course of months...years. He watched her slowly waste away. Having a harder and harder time getting around. A woman so full of happiness and joy and kindness, slowly robbed of what few joys she had left.

Belle began encouraging him to get himself a new job. something to apply himself to, to keep his mind off of her and Ehefra. But Bauher knew what she was really doing. Belle could bearly stands her own deterioration, and though Bauher was happy to help her as she suffered her physical decline. She couldn't bear him to see her like this. And so, at his wife's request, he found a job in the City of Lights. Clinging to some semblance of meaning in his life, and moving lose enough to keep an eye on his Daughter.

He knew that she didn't want to hear from him. He wanted to reach out, to tell her he was proud of her. And it took a while for him to work up the nerve. And at the start of fall, he finally worked up the courage to meet with her, and though it was...awkward at first, eventually they moved past it. He got to hear about all of the things his daughter had been up to. The friends she'd made. What she'd made of herself. For the first time in years... he got to spend time with his daughter. Trading stories. Tell jokes. It was like she was a teenager again and he saw the same pride in her eyes about being a quincy that he'd seen when she'd written her first working program.

He was happy.
He had a new job to work toward.
And at long last, he had patched thigns up with his daughter.
Old as he was, he was ready to start a new chapter in his life.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

Survival Knife: A survival knife with alloy infused with reishi. A gift from his Sister-in-Law. The blade is 10 inches in length and with a 5 inch handle.

I. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Skills:

Skilled Engineer: Having taught Ehefra personally when she was growing up. Bauher has considerable skills in programming, systems designs, and electrical engineering, as well as a penchant for making repairs to electronics and simple machinery. All skills garnered in childhood and sharpened as an adult.

Competent Fighter: Though he's lost a good amount of his edge since he settled down to have a family, Bauher was once a fierce fighter, capable of killing hollows and protecting himself and his friends. Though he is capable as a hand to hand fighter, his real skills tend to lie in his Marksmanship.

I. Other Supernatural Abilities

» Powers:

Fullbring: Born a fullbringer, Bauher realized these abilities fairly early on in his lifetime. While he never quite developed them into anything all too impressive, he did develop a fairly respectable aptitude with basic fullbring abilities as well as his own personal fullbring.

» Pure Abilities:

Fullbring - Ghosts in the Shell: Bauher's connection with machines and electronics led to a particular penchant in working with them. In addition to basic manipulation, Bauher is able to communicate with the spirit of the object's materials and ask it what is damaged or broken or even what is keeping it from working at it's best.

I. Fullbring

» Fullbring Name: Sable's Promise
» Fullbring Appearance:
In it's sealed form, Sable's Promise takes the form of a small stainless steel bracelet with a small charm made from the firing pin of a rifle and some barbed wire.
In it's released state, Sable's promise transforms into a M700 rifle with barbs lining the length of the barrel with Kanji for the names of his childhood friends etched into the stock.

» Fullbring Powers:

Ammunition Molding: By making physical contact with a material, Bauher is able to shave off small cubes of materials and feed them into his Fullbring. These materials are manipulated and processed into rounds for the weapon itself. A 2cm cube of any material will produce 10 rounds for the weapon. Bauher is capable of loading the weapon with his own Reiryoku but this process is far less energy-intensive.
Bauher is capable of producing Normal Bullets, Shotgun shells, beanbags, and incendiary rounds. The type of round can be changed after it has been created in exchange for a bit little more spirit energy. This process takes 1 post to change into ammunition. Ammunition created in this manner lasts for 2 posts.

Cross my Heart:
Bauher can etch his name into an object that he entrusts to someone (This is an active process and must be written out). Whether this is a gift that he hands to someone, or a bullet he leaves inside of someone's body. So long as they remain in possession of the item, Bauher is able to communicate with them (one way) and is aware of their location (Exact distance/Direction) at all times. Additionally, he is able to use a Bringer Light step tech to move directly to their location. This is about thrice as fast as his normal high speed steps and will bring him directly to them so long as there is an open path to them (It can't move him through enclosures or barriers).
This step can only be initiated if he is within 100 meters of the person and can only be used four times per thread. The other aspects of this ability have no range limitation. Bauher can create one object with this ability per rank in Fullbring Affinity above untrained at once. If he creates one more above this limit, the oldest one deactivates.

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Martial Skill: Adept

High-Spec Human Sheet
  • Fullbringer Affinity: Adept
  • Full Manifestation: Adept
  • Bringer Light: Adept
  • Hollow Factor: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept

I. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample: (Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)


Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Fri Jun 16, 2023 6:54 pm; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund

Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:05 pm
Added a time to create ammo and a duration for created ammo for Ammo Molding.

Specified the types of ammo Bauher can create to be less general.

Clarified some stipulations in Cross My Heart.

Removed Firewall.
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[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund

Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:14 pm
Hazard Ranks
Power: E
Influence: E
Resources: E

Comments/Notes: Nicely done, Bauher-chan

Tier: E
Hazard Rating: 5-2
Application Approved
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[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund

Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:08 pm
2022 Spookyburst Tier changed from 5-2 to 5-1
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[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund

Sat Feb 04, 2023 9:14 am
Durability: beginner-> adept
Speed: Beginner -> adept
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[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund

Fri Jun 16, 2023 6:55 pm
Skill Rename, Skill adjustments in Cross My Heart

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[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 | Hazard E] Bauher Kleinmund

Sun Jun 25, 2023 3:59 pm
[mod]Moved per Owner Request[/mod]
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