Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Empty Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao]

Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:47 pm
Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] ORXYpDI


Having been chided briefly by Lord Sawachika for using the estate grounds so haphazardly as training grounds, Kyo had naturally done the only sensible thing and begun constructing a proper training area in his section of the estate. He could have simply had it built by the family servants, but it would have been a cheap path to take if he did that. Even compared to the typical antics that the family had come to expect of him, this was something of an extreme task he'd undertaken.

Still, he didn't waver in this undertaking, didn't falter for even a moment. He'd built a proper ring, constructed targets that could hold up to at least a relatively decent beating, and was now attempting to discern the best way to approach something that could stand up to repeated kido usage. Well, he could think on that while he took a brief rest. For now, he sat with a cup of chilled barley tea and ruminated. Not only on his construction efforts, but the whole situation.


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Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Empty Re: Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao]

Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:54 pm
Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Nao-header2

"So this is where you are, brother!!"

Nao declared as she approached. The girl's reiatsu nigh-untraceable due to having aligned it more towards yin with her incredible reiatsu control, Nao had a big presence but she kept her reiatsu under wraps for the most part. Unfortunately for everyone else it was also the reason why she went off like a grenade in an ambush where she'd just suddenly appear and with a big ol' boom as well.

"Is this what you've been doin'? It looks good, big sis is proud."

She encouraged with a grin and took a seat next to him. Rudely helping herself to some of his tea in the process. What's his is her's and what's her's is his, or something like that. Little brothers should always be ready to dote on their big sisters after all even if he were a towering giant over her.


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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Empty Re: Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao]

Thu Oct 06, 2022 4:38 pm
Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] ORXYpDI


Kyo smiled to himself at the surprise appearance of his elder sister. He had a long way to go, he supposed, if he still couldn't detect someone as loud as she was. But he already knew that, didn't he?

"Would you expect anything less from the Big Bowl of Sawachika himself?"

But despite his words, Kyo's tone didn't quite have the same bravado that it usually did. It was a little more reserved, more aware, but no less confident than he always was. He didn't say anything as Nao helped herself to tea, but he never would have either way.

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Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Empty Re: Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao]

Fri Oct 07, 2022 12:12 am
Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Nao-header2

"Where's the spirit!? Ya gotten quiet, Kyo."

Nao shot back, she'd know this wee lad all his life. The lack of bravado was concerning as any good older sister would be if her little brother had lost the big energy that he'd always had. He sounded sure of himself but he wasn't projecting it, it was like he had aligned his attitude away from that energetic and powerful force.

"It's a pretty good job though."

The older sibling praised as she took a sip, excited at the strong taste that the tea had. Really embodied a tough kinda lifestyle and she liked that.


Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Empty Re: Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao]

Fri Oct 07, 2022 4:18 am
Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] ORXYpDI


"The spirit's all out there."

Kyo nodded toward the fruits of his labor, but admittedly, it wasn't as if that were entirely the case. His effort to build himself up into something greater were slower than he might have liked, but that was probably inevitable. He wasn't exactly some prodigy like a lot of others were.

"Besides, a man knows when to rein it in. This isn't quite the time for the usual attitude."

That was all there was to it, really. He was taking this seriously, and he couldn't afford to simply barrel through it all with his usual gusto. He, for once, had to exercise caution, restraint.

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Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Empty Re: Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao]

Fri Oct 07, 2022 4:28 am
Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Nao-header2

Well he was right but she had a hunch that this change wasn't initiated by him. Something had happened and influenced that decision and to Nao that was letting the river take you rather than deciding your own path.

So she gave him a jab in the side of his arm.

"That so, Kyo? If the spirit's all out there then drink that tea down and get your butt out there too. How's that sound?"

She challenged while downing her tea in one go, it didn't matter how hot it was.


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God of Love
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Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Empty Re: Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao]

Fri Oct 07, 2022 4:36 am
Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] ORXYpDI


Nao's jab certainly wasn't something he was necessarily prepared for, at least physically. She was far stronger than he was, but he stood up regardless, stretching out as he looked to the training ground he'd built.

"Might as well, sure. I'd need to test it anyway, make sure it can stand up to a beating. You're plenty capable of that, right?"

The words may have sounded like a compliment, but there was an undeniable edge of challenge to them. He wasn't just stating that she was capable of it, he was asking if she was, seeing if it was true. Kyo knew his sister well enough to know she'd take that bait, probably more than anyone else in their household.

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Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Empty Re: Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao]

Fri Oct 07, 2022 4:41 am
Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Nao-header2

"Capable? CAPABLE!? Well listen here little brother, you're sounding a little bit conceited there. Guess it's up to your big sis to take you down a peg or two."

She said after jumping from her spot and dusting off her top. The martial artist wasn't even going to use her naginata for him since she wanted to whoop his butt with her bare hands to prove her point.

"You get your butt on that training field right now and show me your spirit, Kyo."

Nao dashed with her shunpo to arrive in the middle of the area and wait for her sibling to come and make a fool of himself. She'd make him eat those words!!


Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Empty Re: Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao]

Fri Oct 07, 2022 4:59 am
Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] ORXYpDI


Ah, that was Nao, alright. In many ways, Kyo felt he had a certain connection to Nao that he lacked with their other sisters. Perhaps it was simply that she alone seemed to have taken after their father as he had, but even so, her spirit was faintly reinvigorating. He followed after her into the ring, and while he thought to grab his spear, he wasn't going to meet her on uneven terms.

Well, the terms were already uneven. He doubted that he had any chance at besting her, but he would still try. He took up a ready stance, eyes tracking his sister as his hands focused on defending himself. After all, he doubted that she'd wait for him to throw the first blow.

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Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Empty Re: Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao]

Fri Oct 07, 2022 5:10 am
Is Too Much Pride a Problem [Kyo, Nao] Nao-header2

"I hope your spirit is tough little brother because I'm not going easy on you."

She closed her eyes for just a moment while she channeled her reiatsu and released her touki to strike him from afar. He better get that spirit back up or else she'd smack him about like a rag doll. A good stance before she leaned forward and launched off her spot.

A flash of red was barreling towards Kyo before she appeared in front of him with a big grin on her face. She'd give him a good punch to that pretty face of his to pay him back, see how the crowd likes him with a black eye or two.


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