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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Sat Oct 29, 2022 11:56 am
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"Buh?!" HE had been spacing out?! So focused on his spells that he didn't fully track Moe's body launching up into the air. He snapped to attention and saw her coming in just as she was about to arrive. Ko having already leapt to the side he promptly YELPED as he raised his hands and blocked the incoming attack! He buckled at the knees and dropped down onto them as the ground beneath him cracked! A grunt escaping him as those spikes and that hard surface bashed into his palms! Of course the electricity of the spell travelled up the length of the weapon to strike Moe, but it didn't save him from injury, and he wasn't able to premptively negate the damage with is usual shenanigans. And so he PUSHED back, distancing himself away from Moe and wincing, his spell ending promptly as he hissed, clutching his hands together but otherwise staying focused. Thanks to the hakuda and his own natural durability, he wasn't even bleeding, but there werer bruises along his palms from trying to catch a zanpaku'to. If here were one with some sort of curse or negative effect, that definitely would have been much worse.

However, as he was recovering, Ko promptly zagged around Moe, using Shunpo to close in and slam into the woman from behind with full speed and force as well as discharging the electrical kido spell if she made contact! Intent on stunning Moe to give Igen the time to recover. Sure, Igen was USED to fighting bare handed, but generally not against people with a weapon. While his Zanapku'to DID provide him with an ally to fight alongside him, he and his Zanpaku'to DID lack proper protection that having a weapon or something to block with would provide. And well, against Moe, with that bigass weapon, that definitely was a disadvantage! He'd have to figure out either a Kido or a Hakuda that would help against such things.

"WHEW Still hit hard as ever. You ready to keep going?" He called out. Anxiously ... keeping his distance as he sortof kept up a defensive stance and watched Moe. A little cautious about going in for attacks now, and well. The injuries on his hands remained there. Preemptive healing could be done quickly and on the fly. But healing himself, at least at his current level, needed focus and concentration on the spot he was healing. His hands would have to wait until he didn't have to worry about another attack.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:09 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 51nnAiL

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Though she wasn't surprised that her strike had hit, Moe was certainly a little shocked when the electricity flowed up her weapon and gave her a little zap. Still, Igen had come off worse from it so now was the chance to press her advantage. But where was that pesky little pet?

Shinsho lifted off the ground as Moe scanned for her target, but she needn't have looked far as soon enough Ko came slamming into her from behind. She was blasted forwards, and this time ate some dirt on the way down as the electricity surged through her before she could ground herself. The muscles all over her body began to spasm, and she nearly let go of her weapon, but there was still a resilience to her that compelled her to keep moving.

"Yeah, you're hitting pretty different too. But I ain't done quite yet."

Dragging herself back to her feet, it was clear that the next change would likely be the end of things. Igen was looking a little tossed about, but Moe was certainly the worse of the pair yet dogged determination kept her going. If he was going to beat her, then he was going to have to earn it. That was what made it a real practice session.

Using Shunpo to dive in close again, she closed the gap between her and Igen as fast as she could. The more time she gave for Ko to go on the offensive, the greater the chance they would slip past her guard and wipe her out, so she needed to rain in some blows on the main man and see if his sword could simply sit there and let him take it. Her club came down in an overhead swing, but she was quick to follow it up with a double-footed kick using the weapon itself as a pillar to vault off, then finishing the combination by dragging her weapon around to sweep out his legs. If she was able to make it that far uninterrupted, of course.

Something To Prove | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:40 pm
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Igen couldn't help but GRIN as Moe gave her reply, smiling from ear to ear and straightening up despite the fatigue and injury that pulsed through his frame, a slow and steady blow of air coursing through his body as he raised a hand in a stance. "Hah, I'm glad ta hear that!" He retorted back. But ... frankly he was ...uh... fucking exhausted?! He hadn't even realized how much reiryoku he'd been using to power those strikes. With both electrical attacks discharged, he was a little out of options! On one hand, he couldn't just take a buncha hits and hope he could land his own. Frankly he couldn't really match Moe's own techniques with her bat. Not barehanded at least. Between his spells, healing himself, and fortifying his body, he was actually pretty hardpressed.

The sight of her getting back up spurred him into action. He didn't have much juice. If this was to continue, he'd have to end it with the next move! He let out a HUFF and raised both hands.

"Ye lord mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings ye who bears the name of man!" He began to chant, only for Moe to suddenly shunpo close to him! Just as reiryoku prowled along his frame, and the clothing along his shoulders and back began to burn. Slowly searing, an orange glow spreading along his shoulders as the clothing began to combust from the reiryoku flowing through his body and in the air around him. A HISS escaping him as his skin reddened. Not used to this kind of flow of reiryoku. Not quite SKILLED enough to ACTUALLY use a technique like this, despite intending to use it anyway!

IN a flash, Ko appeared directly in Moe's path! Twisting and SWATTING her paw into that incoming bat! A loud KLANG sounding! But of course, it wasn't an equal exchange, and Ko promptly flew past Igen from the blow, skidding along the ground as he continued to chant!

"Truth and Temperance, upon th-!" That sdouble KICK sent him skidding back as well! HISSING! His teeth sucking in as he blocked with his palms, bruises flashing across his palms and the man almost stumbled if Ko weren't behind him to keep him upright, FIGHTING to maintain his focus! "Upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws!" Reiryoku FLARED along his shoulders and back, promptly igniting the clothing and promperly burning it off as bright blue flames billowed around him, and in that moment, he vanished! A suddnen shunpo bringing him directly above Moe, one arm cocked back as blue flames circulared around his fist and forearm!

Of course he didn't know a proper Shunko. This was just a ramshackle. A normal spell cast through the principles of kido. Not a PROPER expulsion and recirculation of the energy into a continuous attack. He circulated it through his body a few times, until finally the pain of the spell burning his skin was too much, and promptly unleashed it.

"Shunko Sōkatsui!" He declared as he punched downward, and what little reiryoku he had left billowed into a downward blast aimed at Moe, followed by his fist. A .... well... not particularly impressive spell in terms of damage. BUT if nothing else, it was a BIG booming burst of what little energy Igen had left!
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:09 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 51nnAiL

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

"Oh, ya gotta be kidding me--"

They were both getting desperate to finish this bout before their bodies gave out, as they certainly had the base desire to keep going, but Moe was not a fool. This wasn't a time for some kinda crazy heroics or anything, and so - as Igen appeared above her after finishing that long incantation - she did the only thing there was left to do. The most ancient technique of the Butterfly Style, and the one that she had mastered first. There was no exact term for it, or rather- Moe hadn't decided on one, but that was what made her style special.

As Igen's strike came crashing down, the fire and the flames along with everything else, Moe used that last bit of energy she had to hurl herself away from the centre of the blast and bundle up into a protective ball to minimise the strike area of the explosion.

Kinda like a cocoon. Hey, wait, that might be a good technique name, actually! If only she'd thought of this ahead of time, curse you past Moe!

Still, for all her fancy footwork, she was not fast enough to fully escape the detonation of heat and fury. Moe was flung clear by the shockwave and bounced several times before unceremoniously unfurling from her cocoon in a broken heap. She wanted to stand again, to keep fighting and tell Igen that his Shunpo sucked as much as he did, but the words simply wouldn't come out easily. It wasn't even that loud anymore, her voice fading into a hissing whisper.

"Hnng.. You... You fuck."

Something To Prove | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:24 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 HEADER_22-1_3a-16

There was no cataclysm of blue flames. No generous explosiong or bright plume that lit up the sky. None of that cool shit that Igen had imagined his first attempt at a shunko would be. Nope... for the most part he simply...burned the fuck out of himself, and unleashed a loud, not-very-fiery, concussive BANG as his fist hit the ground, and then the flames simply gushed in the wake of the shockwave, billowing just a bit, but not in any way as he had imagined it being. With moe curling up and Samus-ing off into the distance, Igen simply crouched on one knee, panting as the spell ended, and he slumped. Smoke curling from his arm and his shoulder, panting... gasping for air as he felt .... absolutely tapped.

He was panting, huffing for air and staring off into space, his eyes a little hazy as he slumped facefirst onto the ground as Moe's words reached him. A sly little smile coursing across his features as he gave a little chuckle. "eheh, don't lie to me. That was friggin awesome." He groaned out, glancing up to see... Ko? The tigress seemed to smirk at him as she made her way over to Moe and promptly used a paw to peel the woman off the groound. And, if allowed, slip underneath them, scooting Moe onto her back, carrying her, before making her way over to Igen. Somehow seeming... smug.

Heh, couldn't keep up with her huh? Well I guess a double knockout isn't bad. Come on idiot. She growled before gripping the back of Igen's neck with her teeth, causing him to ACK as she began dragging him along the ground, making her way toward the barracks where they could rest.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Tue Nov 01, 2022 1:41 am
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 T44gPa0

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Though she didn't want to admit it, Moe would have been smiling too if she wasn't aching all over. Yeah, it had been a good fight and it had kinda gone to a standstill, but also Igen had looked pretty cool with his backyard Shunko. Like, where did that come from? Getting his Shikai and then busting that out.

"So you're feeling yourself today, huh?"

Then she was being lifted, and really there wasn't a chance for her to complain or do anything about it. Riding on Ko's back was actually a welcome reprieve from the prospect of having to walk back to the barracks. She was definitely down for the count right now, and it was going to take a little while for her to be up again to go get some food. But she wouldn't skimp when the time came to pay her dues, she'd just need a lie down first.

"Can't say I blame you. That was a good fight."

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Tue Nov 01, 2022 4:11 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

It didn't take long for Ko to drag them the short distance to the Barracks, promptly dropping Igen like a sack on the porch of one of the buildings, and then gently setting Moe down before settling beside the two. Igen frowned, peering a little at Ko, a little miffed at the contrast of treatment before slowly and tenderly sitting up and sighing, rubbing his face and considering the question.

"I guess yea? I mean I usually feel stuff just fine." He noted, entirely missing whatever she probably intended for that question. "Heh, you did really good too! Gotta say, I'm so used to fighting barehanded with other people only using their fists it was kinda....wonky. Having to fight against a weapon. I never really used a ton of non-kaido kido before. I guess I don't have as much stamina as I thought I did." He murmured with a sheepish smile. Sighing a little before sitting back against the outter wall.

A pause.... thinking briefly about his other little training trips. He was reminded of the date he'd set up. Shit that was coming up, wasn't it?

"Hey Moe... you ever have ... Shibakuze before? They're like spiced pickles." He ventured, glancing at his friend as he opened up this new vein in their conversation.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Tue Nov 01, 2022 7:28 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 T44gPa0

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Moe noticed that she was definitely getting much nicer treatment than Igen was getting, which was kinda weird given that they had appeared to be working so synchronously during the fight. Maybe she was reading too much into it, and it was simply prudent that she got the comfier ride as she was the more injured. Still, she was grateful enough to try to pet the creature and mumble out a quiet thanks to Ko.

"Ya worked out your first release, and nearly busted my ass with fucking Shunko. I'd call that a good day really. Besides, if I hadn't been using Shinsho, you would have absolutely trounced me. With all your fancy spells and reinforcing your fists too."

Laying Shinsho out before her, returned now to its sheath, she stared down at the weapon and wondered where it would take her next. She was fighting against it in that match, and it was fighting against her too. They were not yet in parity, so she really had to work on that before there could be any real progress. Then using something as advanced as a Shunko seemed like a distant pipedream for her. Jeez, there really was a difference between her and Igen now.

"Shibakuze? Uh, I mean I think I've heard of spicy pickles before but they sound.. um.. Unique?"

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Tue Nov 01, 2022 8:10 pm
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Ko seemed to be fine with the gentle petting, a glance at the small woman before going back to idly keeping watch as the pair settled for a while. Igen gave a sheepish smile, looking off into the distance and feeling a slow swell of pride in his chest as she talked about it like that. "Eheh.. I dunno if I'd call it a real shunko but I get your point. I didn't actually know if it'd work to be honest." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "Still. I'm kinda surprised. What kind of abilities does your Zanpaku'to have? Or uh... are you guys still uh... fighting over that kinda thing? Ko certainly hasn't really shown me anything fancy. And well. I kinda HAD to find alternatives since she leaves me a little weaponless.....actually now that I think about it I don't really know many of my own Zanpakuto's abilities either..." He admitted. Ko giving him a snide glance. Flashing something that almost seemed like a smug smile.

What, you expect a woman to just give away her secrets? Be patient.... for now.

He wasn't sure what to make of THAT.

Still, the subject changed fluidly enough. "Yea. I went down to earth to meet with Ex-Capain Shaoling. Er...Feng. She calls herself Shaoling these days...... actually I don't even know if she stull uses Feng as her last name...I'll have to ask her..." He paused, momentarily distracted by the thought before shaking his head. "Well anywho. I wanted to talk to her and uh... get some insight on a few things. Which ...well..she didn't really offer any. But I saw her using what....FELT like Shunko, and she offered to show it to me. So she used it on me a couple times. And thats actually how I wound up getting a gist of it.Well...sortof. More like a blurry sense of it. But seeing her use it, made me feel like I really wanted to learn it too!" He noted with a bright smile.

"I actually set a date to see her again tomorrow to train some more, and I asked her if she wanted me to bring anything so she asked for some Shibakuze." He explained, gesturing around them. "Bah, I was kinda running around trying to find some to buy but I didn't really find anyplace. I wound up just getting frustrated and making some myself. But uh... Hm... they only have kinda been stewing for like six days, so I'm a little anxious they might not taste all that great. I was hoping you might know where they sell it." He added with an apologetic smile. It hardly was something he imagined she was an expert on, but well... it was worth a shot right?
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:01 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 4 T44gPa0

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

"Yeah, yeah, it wasn't perfect but it was something. Like, most people don't even get that far. I've only read about it in textbooks. Anyway, that's enough inflating of your ego for today. Idiot."

Moe tilted sideways suddenly, planting her mop of pink hair on Igen's shoulder with a little bit of force. She would have just punched him, but that was a little too much effort right now so this would have to do. Instead, she remained leant against him as her gaze continued to fixate upon Shinsho. They had conversations, and they had fights, but what had really come of it? She had a nifty mallet but it was hardly a flashy tiger.

"I don't even know if Shinsho has any other abilities. I mean, maybe this is it? I'm not exactly sad about that. She's tough as hell and strong as a demon, so I certainly wouldn't go wishing her away. I mean, how much fancier do ya want anyway? She's a fucking tiger."

She could feel Shinsho listening to their conversation, like a backseat driver, but was it because there was something she wanted to say or something she wanted to hear? That continued to elude her. Still, as Igen began to regale her with tales of meeting Shaoling - who she had read about in those same textbooks from before - Moe peeled herself off the man and turned to face him a little.

"I haven't got a clue where to find them special pickles. Not the foggiest. But you are a real dumbass sometimes. Ever think of just using the internet to look up where the nearest vendor is? We're not in the stone age anymore. You've left it real late in the day, but maybe you'll be lucky enough that it will work out. Might just have to head down to the Realm of the Living a little earlier for it."

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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