Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] Empty Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Wed Oct 12, 2022 2:19 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Well shit.
Igen had been trying to get used to ..... uh...his predicament for a bit now. But it really was a bit ...awkward with his goddamn zanpaku'to everywhere! He'd been pulled aside by a number of officers asking why on earth he had his damn pet around. Only to have to explain what the situation ACTUALLY was. Woof.... what a nightmare.

He sighed, having kinda resigned himself to his office for the time being, watching Ko as she laid out across the floor. Just kinda ...chillin? The hell did this mean? It wasn't like his zan spirit had manifested, his actual Zanpaku'to was GONE. This was ...the weapon, not the spirit.....right? As neat as it would have been to find out that he was bankai ready, it seemed it was just a weird case. He'd already sent a message to Captain Murasaki, maybe she'd have some answers..

But in the meantime, he texted a few of his friends, to see if any of them could swing by and visit since he couldn't really go out and about without Ko spooking people.

Ah well. But .... still...he couldn't help but smile excitedly to himself. He'd done it. he'd FINALLY done it! He'd gotten his Zanpakuto's name. Sure he ...didn't know how to turn OFF his Shikai. But for the time being, it was still quite the accomplishment! And soon he was smiling almost smugly to himself as he watched them.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Thu Oct 13, 2022 12:00 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] DDXzSEx

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

"You've got yourself a fuzzball, huh?"

That 'booming' voice could only belong to Machihara Moe, as she stuck her head around the corner and into Igen's office. She didn't know what exactly she had been expecting. The message she had received had left a lot to the imagination, after all, but this was pretty much in line with what she had assumed. Was she one of the first people he had called? Maybe. Probably not. She wasn't exactly the person that screamed 'problem solver', but at least she could taunt him about it and see what good that did.

The pint-sized Shinigami didn't wait for any more of an introduction, walking in with a cheery smile on her face as she approached the man and his tiger. It was a little forward or her to just approach, but Moe was hardly the type to hold anything back. Especially herself.

"So. You just gonna pick 'em up and throw 'em at people or what?"

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Thu Oct 13, 2022 12:20 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen blinked, perking up for a moment before looking up to Moe and snorted just a little, canting his head to the side before getting up, towering over Moe and giving a sly smirk. "Her name is Koōzoku. And uh.... yea. She is my ...shikai. Uh....I dunno how to seal her.." He admitted with a sheepish smile. The tiger promptly turning it's attention to Moe, seeming to lazily regard her for the time being.

"Thanks for showing up though. It's.... been a wild couple weeks actually. How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while." He pointed out with a bright smile, pushing aside his own CURRENT ordeals in order to see what she'd been up to. Sure, he'd brought her here for a reason, but that was no reason not to catch up with a homie right? Besides Ko was....... chilling or something. So there was nothing pressing about the situation.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:33 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] DDXzSEx

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

And tower over Moe Igen did, she was barely taller than Koōzoku on all fours, but that wide smile did not falter. She appraised both of them and seemed to be debating how exactly to handle the tiger. Should she introduce herself or not? Was it even like, able to understand her? It was a weird thing to see.

"Koōzoku huh? Uh. Nice to meetcha."

Deciding in favour of it, Moe offered the tiger a little bow - which to her was pretty big - and then turned her attention back to Igen himself.

"Got yourself a girl of your own after all? And I was beginning to wonder if you would ever catch up."

She took a moment to tease him, sticking her tongue out for a moment as she bragged about having already achieved her Shikai, but it wasn't like she really knew how to use it more than Igen did his own. If anything, after this, she was only further behind her peer. Already an officer, with his own office and stuff, whereas all she had was this giant sword strapped to her back.

"You know I'll always try to pull up if ya holla though. But I've got my own things going on, ya know. Training over at the fourth, makin' new friends and crackin' skulls. Can't let you have all the fun!"

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Thu Oct 13, 2022 6:00 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen raised a brow and watched as Moe turned and gave a proper greeting toward the Zanpaku'to, furrowing his brows a bit when the tiger rose up and then gave a slight nod of her head in aknowledgement. Wait.....COULD his Zanpaku'to understand them? His face screwed up into a look of confusion, all whilst the tiger sat on it's haunches. There was so damn much that he had to learn about this.

He almost fucking choked when Moe made her little joke. "Tch, catch up to what? You don't have anyone either!" He insisted, folding his arms and letting out a little TCH! Puffing his cheeks for a moment before waving his hand. All the same, he did raise a brow slightly and smirk when she mentioned her recent activities.

"Huh, that so? Well I'm glad to hear you been getting around! Not gonna lie, its.... been a bit wilder than I thought it'd be. I had a blind date, got wasted in the Shihoin Manor, got my ass kicked by an Ex Captain, ..OH! And I met this weirdly chill arrancar down in the world of the living! Ran into them in a video arcade." Rattling them off fairly casually.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 12:09 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] DDXzSEx

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Satisfied that her greeting had been acknowledged by the creature, Moe had made an innocent comment about Zanpakuto spirits and left it at that. Unfortunately, as she caught Igen's reply, she realised quite what had been implied and suddenly her cheeks were flushing crimson. She hadn't meant anything like that!

"Hey! I got my Shinsho right here, she's all I need."

She could hear her weapon laughing in the back of her mind, clearly the spirit was enjoying getting some attention too. But Moe pushed past all that and tried to compose herself, setting her sword down first so that it was no longer in the way.

"Wha- What?! That's not a wild couple of weeks, that's crazy! Partaying with the Shihoins... And meetin' an Arrancar sounds crazy dangerous. And wait you went on a date?!"

Suddenly, she felt very left out. Other than getting her butt kicked by that mountain-slinging midget, her recent weeks had just been kinda normal. She needed to get herself out there, really make a name for herself, or punks like Igen would get all the good stuff and she'd be a has-been. Not that she really thought Igen was a punk, he was just the target in her sights for that moment.

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 12:29 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

He didn't even bother hiding the smug smirk on his face when she responded to his little jab, chuckling to himself as she lit up and got all flustered. "Hm? Dunno if you should be using your zanpaku'to like that. I don't think that's an approved Jinzen pose." He chimed casually, still smiling smugly.

All the same, he did blink in surprise when she reacted to .... well... all that had gone on. Eheh. Well he was glad he wasn't the only one overwhelmed by everything. "Yea. Well it wasn't really ... so much a party. I just me tone of them and we wound up getting super drunk. Kinda woke up on the shihoin lawn. The arrancar was pretty alright. A little strange, but well. I imagine they are probably kinda eyeballed these days. Still, I included them in my report, so not like they wont be kept an eye on." He reasoned. He wasn't a fucking idiot after all, he knew that even if they hadn't done anything wrong, arrancar needed to be at least treated cautiously.

At the other subject though. "Ah know. Sorta? I kinda wound up spending more time getting tossed around by her family than actually ...getting to know her. Kyo set me up with one of his sisters. And she was nice but ...eheh.... I don't think she was very into me." He sighed with a sheepish smile, but he still remained chipper regardless. Igen was pretty notorious for not being bothered by such things, hell he'd been turned down dozens of times back in the academy, and eventually he'd kinda just ...wound up not going on dates anymore.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 2:15 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] DDXzSEx

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

"I should just kick your ass right now, huh? Teach you a new pose or two. WAIT!"

Flustered still, Moe effortlessly blundered into yet another situation that caused her cheeks to turn a deeper shade of red. Swinging her little fists around in a little display of rage, though she had no intention of actually hitting him or anything.

"Kyo is a Sawachika ain't he? I think I ran into one of his sisters too actually... Oh, who is it? You can't just tease me like that! We're friends, buddies, we can talk about this kinda stuff no problem-o."

It seemed to Moe like she had cracked the case, but she wanted to hear him say it. No wonder Nao had been getting in the extra practice, pulling no punches and all that.

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 2:39 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen snorted, giving a sly smile and canting his head a bit to the side as Moe continued to blunder herself.

"Dang, maybe I'm not the lonely one. Hey maybe you should see if Kyo can set you up with one of his brothers." He chuckled, clearly amused and not seeming at all bothered with the threat of tiny fists on his person. Holding his sides a little before he calmed down and sighed.

"Yep. Don't ask me which number he is though. He has like a ton of siblings." He noted casually enough. "Her name's Miki. She was really nice! Pretty too and all that. But yea. It wasn' know. like a click or anything. We got along, but it kinda just feels like we're just hanging out rather than dating. Which I kinda don't mind." He noted with a big grin.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 8:22 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] DDXzSEx

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Huffing and puffing, Moe threw a few more punches into her imaginary target that totally did not look like Igen's face and then let her hands fall back to her sides. She joined him in his laugh, certainly not taking herself all too seriously, before waving a hand dismissively.

"It'll be a dark day indeed when I need your help getting a date, Igen. Blind dates aren't exactly my style anyway, I'd rather they look me in the eyes and tell me that they're interested first."

She puffed out her chest a little at that statement, proud enough in her conviction. But it soon deflated when she realised that her informed guess at Nao had been wrong. The firecracker of a woman didn't exactly seem like Igen's type anyway, nor did blind dates seem like her deal either.

"Ooh, Miki's a cute name too. But hey, if you hang out and there's nothing there then what more can ya do? Not that it has to be a click right away every time. Sometimes it takes a while, I think."

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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