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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Tue Oct 25, 2022 9:58 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen did relax just a little and rub a hand along the back of his head, chuckling softly and letting out a little huff of relief. Glad that she was just joking. Gently itching the back of his neck, he gave a little chuckle. "Ah right, jeez you scared me. And uh.... no? She seemed pretty ok with the Date thing. And's not like anything happened there." He pointed out, tapping his chin for a moment before relaxing a bit as Moe started to square up.

He grinned, an immediate change in his own energy as he put on a nice toothy grin and ...uh... then looked around. "Heh, I didn't have any plans, but hey you offered~ Uh... though. They got any ... bigger spaces? I wanted to try some stuff actually." He admitted with a canting of his head to the side.

Oh? If you're going to be trying the thing that Woman used on you, you can just give up now. There's no shot you actually manage to do anything CLOSE to that. She murmured boredly.

Igen however wasn't listening. He didn't care if it was impossible. He still wanted to ...FEEL it through. He was okay study. But he learned by DOING. And even if it messed up and fizzled into nothing. He still wanted to try and FEEL his way through that thing she'd been doing. there had to be SOMETHING there right?
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:17 am
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 DDXzSEx

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

"Yeah, yeah. Probably shouldn't mess up your office or whatever."

Moe hadn't exactly been about to just go at it in Igen's office, it wasn't exactly a large room and she probably wouldn't have thrown down in one of those either. There were places to train and spar all over the place these days anyway, it wasn't like there was one that was particularly better than the rest.

"Alright, get your shit. Let's go find us a large open space."

Igen seemed to already be psyching himself up, so she would have to do the same too. He certainly seemed to have been training a lot lately, so that might mean this was a closer match than most of the others they'd been in. Or it wouldn't be. Either way, Moe wasn't exactly the type to hold back once the gloves were on. Her hand gripped a little tighter on the sheath of Shinsho, willing the blade not to mess her around today.

Then, once Igen was ready, they would be off. It wasn't too hard to find a training area that she hoped was big enough for whatever Igen had in mind. A spacious dirt square was hardly a rare find but it was lucky that it was so quiet.

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:30 pm
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Igen grinned and gave a woot! "Sweet! I know just the place!" He exclaimed, promptly getting his thngs together and pausing as he ...looked around for his Zanpaku'to....oh right... tiger. He still was getting used to NOT having her around his waist. ....alright well now that just felt weird to have as a though-"OW!" He acked, wincing as Ko got up and SWATTED his calf with a paw before making her way out of his office. He rubbed his calf for a bit and then smiled as he led Moe outside.

From there he and Ko both began using shunpo to lead Moe off, heading out towards NOT one of the old training yards. But to one of the training fields. The ones interlaced with forests. A bit more private than the normal training areas. Spots that were definitely for more selcuded sparring matches with the use of powers and such. Not TOO long a trip. But all the same, soon they would be out in the middle of one such field, with Igen doing a couple stretches, Ko simply sitting on her haunches waiting patiently. Both of them getting mentally prepared for the spar.

"Alright! any rules or anything you wanna go over before we get goin?"
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 2:23 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 51nnAiL

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Igen moved fast, faster than her, that was the little Moe gleaned from the brief travel to their training field. Her Shunpo left a lot to be desired when it came down to the crunch, so she would have to look out for that. Still, that only mattered when they were covering long distances. Any fight would be settled up close and personal if she had her way.

"Rules? I mean, the obvious stuff, ya know. We're not goin' to the death or anything so serious. This is practice for us, but don't hold back too much. I can take it. Anyway, first things first, I suppose I should level the field."

Her lips curled into a cheeky grin as she hauled her sword off her back and cast off its sheath. Still, with quite the gap between her and Igen, she hefted the weapon over her shoulder before swinging it in an overhead slice and clearly intending to slam it down into the dirt.

"Bend and Scatter, Shinsho!"

There was a sudden sound of splintering wood and twisting metal, ending in an almost comical popping noise, as the sword in Moe's hands transformed into a giant kanabō. For a moment, a quiet fanfare seemed to come from the weapon itself and then it was buried in the dirt that had been kicked up from the resonating impact of the weapon on the floor. It was perhaps a foot longer than her already obtusely proportioned blade, yet she dragged it from the ground and back to resting across one shoulder with unnatural ease.

"Right, and the loser's paying for dinner!"

Raising her free hand, she beckoned Igen to approach. The first move was his, but she was taking up a stance quite like a batter waiting to swing at a baseball. If he gave her the chance, she would go for a homerun.

Something To Prove | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 2:51 pm
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Igen still put on a nice big smile as he watched Moe rifle through the notion of what rules to go with: namely that there wouldn't be any~ That certainly got Igen a bit pumped up, cracking his neck a little and rolling his shoulders as he got pumped for the encounter. Ko simply proceeding to get up onto all fours and slowly stretch, a silent yawn escaping her as the pair watched.

The release of Moe's zanpaku'to certainly caused Igen's brows to go up and a bright smile flashed across his face as he gave that big bat an appreciative look. "Oh wow! That's AWESOME! Heh, this is gonna be great." He grinned, and slowly crouched into a fighting stance, foxcusing as his own spiritual pressure swelled within him, an energy that was mirrored by his Zanpaku'to. And of course, with Moe giving the stakes, and gesturing for Igen to have at it? He obliged!

That sudden spike in spiritual pressure promptly dipped right back down as he concentrated his reiryoku into his own body. Promptly pumping himself up with Hakuda before his body vanished. A Sudden blistering shunpo closing the distance between them, Igen shot forward and aimed to plow his fist straight into Moe's bat! His knuckles layered with reiryoku to protect his fist as strength rippled through his frame thanks to the jump in Hakuda. In the very same breath, his Zanpaku'to used shunpo to shift in behind Moe, before ramming her head into the woman's mid-back!

Almost immediately Moe would find a clear and present difference. Igen was.... well..being his usual self. But his Hakuda had improved considerably ontop of his hoho. Not only that, but with the addition of Ko to the mix, she now had to worry about being flanked! While Igen was the direct, face-to-face kind of fighter he always was, Ko hardly seemed bothered with the prospect of circling around and hitting targets from behind while they were distracted by her wielder! Even so, she didn't seem to be going for using her fangs or her claws. She at least seemed to understand that this was a spar.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:15 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 51nnAiL

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Oh yeah, there was that speed she had been expecting, as Igen ploughed into her head on. Moe swung, happy to get a chance to really put her back into a strike, and there was a resounding thud as it collided directly with Igen's fist - almost as if that had been his intention all along. That was an odd thing to do as, no matter how durable he might be, he was still punching her weapon and she was confident she would win that contest after a few more blows. Still, whilst she was processing that little exchange, she felt herself being shunted forwards.

Of course, the cat.

She chastised herself for that momentary lapse in concentration, the fresh pain in her lower back already being reward enough for that, and then focused on a counter. Her body was moving into Igen, so she allowed her stance to shift as she went low and simply continued in her swing that had previously been getting acquainted with his fist. She went lower, trying to slide around his guard, before turning Shinsho even further with the momentum until it was arcing all the way behind her and going straight for Ko. Were it a shorter weapon, she would certainly have been out of range, but the great kanabō gave even the tiny Moe an advantage in reach.

Whether it connected or not, Moe did not hold her compromised position. Darting out from underneath Igen, moving across and away from him so that she might reset. Fighting on two fronts was going to be hard, it would have been even if they were lesser opponents, but this was what she lived for too. Even though she did not grin as he did, a tenacious fire burned behind those pink eyes. It longed for the challenge, for the contest, and so did she. Yet, even in the midst of all this intensity, she could hear Shinsho's quiet whisperings.

You know... This would go a lot easier... If you just... Let go.

Something To Prove | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Fri Oct 28, 2022 11:23 am
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 HEADER_sample-4e4cbd0deb9702c67b37f27d60373250

There absolutely was a blistering of flesh along the knuckles as he connected with the bat, but when the bat finally swung through and continued it's path, there wouldn't be a shred of injury to the skin. It was a technique Moe would be all too familiar with. Igen's special little preemptive Kaido. Pumping reiryoku into the spot preemptively, so that the wound healed as soon as it occurred. Though as Moe dropped down low under his arms and continued her swing, Igen dropped with her and bent over. Promptly looping his arms around her waist as she attempted to swing at Ko.

The tiger promptly LEAPT up something like a smile on her face as her body blurred, vanishing with a shunpo as Igen aimed to CLAMP his arms around Moe before she could escape! And if he succeeded, would HAUL her up and then SLAM her into a full suplex behind him! Driving her into the ground as Ko would promptly dart down from the air and aim to drop her full weight onto the backs of Moe's thighs to further drive her into the dirt. Resulting in a startled little noise from Igen!

All the same, either with the suplex, or with Moe just darting away, Igen would reset, releasing any holds he had and backing up a bit to .... give a hasty glance toward Ko. Clearly a little...startled with how well she was cooperating with his motions. "Uh.... Jeez Ko ...uh...huh.." He murmured. The Tiger glanced his way, before her body blurred, leaping up onto her hind legs and SWATTING at his back! A loud THWAP as he ACK'd and almost was knocked over.

PAY attention. Don't worry about me, idiot. I know how to fight. She chided him. Causing him to straighten just a little. "Right right uh... lets go then!" He adjusted, giving a moment for Moe to recover if she needed to before promptly he charged toward Moe, This time hardly bothering to use shunpo. As he did, Ko promptly began to shunpo left and right, zig-zagging to either side of Igen as he opened his palm toward the ground. Reiryoku crackling at his palm. "Hadō number four Byakurai!" He declared, but the Kido would never fire. Instead, he aimed to ram the spell into Moe's Zanpakuto in the event that she swung it, or simply toward her chest.

Of course, he'd powered the Kido down in the attack, he wasn't looking to blow any holes in anyone. But it would certainly do a bit of damage to her uniform at most, and more liekly act as a butter between his hand and her Zanpaku'to if they collided again, the spell going off on impact aimed to knock the weapon away so that his other fist could catch her in the chest.
Concurrent to his attack, Ko lanced around toward the side of Ko's dominant sword hand, lunging in and aiming to SWAT down with that massive paw of hers, aiming to jar the arm that was wielding her zanpaku'to, hindering her ability to swing properly or try to overpower the blast of the kido, the claws noticeably retracted as she struck.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Fri Oct 28, 2022 8:16 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 51nnAiL

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

There was little difference in speed between Moe and Igen, and she was trying to dart underneath him. It would have been a difficult thing to do had she been able to strike with her attack, but, instead, the tiger had already leapt over her blow. So, as she slunk away, there was a little yelp as she felt Igen's hands grab hold of her from above. Being thrown over him, Moe was shortly smashed into the ground and crushed down upon by Ko.

It was not enough to take her out of the fight immediately, though it might have been if they hadn't been pulling their punches, so Moe wriggled against the bind. But Igen didn't hold it, he let her go and she scurried away to take what little advantage she could of the confusion. Alright, that hadn't gone too well. She managed one breath, then a second, and then Igen was surging forwards again.

Moe wasn't concerning herself with his Kido quite yet though, if she spent this entire bout simply playing into his hands then it was only going to end one way. Shinsho slid across the ground, spinning once and then twice as she certainly looked to be building up for another attack, but there was a little more at work than that. The club flew through the air, though her grip on it was a little loose. The weapon collided with his fist, which fired off the spell in exactly the manner that had been desired and definitely saved any damage from coming to him, but that had never been her goal. Instead, she had already shifted her stance to allow her to kick sharply in the direction of the encroaching tiger that was trying to take her flank.

This was already an unfair fight, she would have to do whatever she could to make it even. So she was putting a little bit of oomph into that one, if anything maybe it would stop the beast from being too jittery and darting all over the place. It did, equally, also leave her entirely exposed to that other hand that Igen had coming at her chest. That wouldn't be fun at all, but Moe would just have to grit and bear it like she always did.

Something To Prove | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:01 pm
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The impact of spell and Zanpaku'to bunting them away from eachother! His brows furrowing as he watched the woman spin her weapon and then turn to kick at his Zanpaku'to! He had to admit, it felt.... difficult to fight like this. If this were a bar brawl? He absolutely would have just had Ko sit by. This felt....shit. But he also understood that this was about combat. Fighting for his life. Killing hollows. And protecting the Gotei. He could uphold his honor when he was dealing with his friends, having friendly matches for sport. But this was training. And BOTH of them had to step up. And at least be PREPARED to use their powers to their fullest.

And so as she turned to slam her foot into Ko, kicking the tiger away. Igen went right in for the strike, focusing in the moment as he felt the energy pump through him. A crackle of rieryoku pouring through his forearm. It was the closest thing to Shunko that he knew. It wasn't quite the same, and it was usually something channeled through an object, but still, it was as good a practice as he could manage. "Hadō number Eleven! Tsuzuri Raiden!" He declared, electricity coursing along his limb, as he promptly planted that palm of his into her chest, intent on sending her flying as well as rocking her frame with a good jolt. Nothing that would even particularly hurt or do any damage, but enough to shock her and give her a good startle.


Heading her shouting his name in his head, He was briefly startled, turning in time to see Ko shunpoing in front of him. Oh... right. He promptly placed his other hand onto the middle of his zanpaku'to's shoulderblades and began to recite. Declaring the incantation while Moe was either recovering, or closing the distance between them again. And as the last words left his mouth, electricity then poured from his hand into his Shikai, crackling around the Tiger's frame. Now both of them wreathed in electrical current. Prepared for Moe to close in for more.

And .... in the back of his mind...Igen couldn't help but feel.

This wasn't right.
The energy was wrapped around them. But that was it? The energy was flowing around them, but not through them. Even that sparse, brief glimpse, no less the literature on the technique was clear. It was an ever flow in and out of the body. Even this was quite a bit to focus on. He could already feel his concentration straining just with maintaining these. Was he thinking about this the wrong way? Hm...
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Sat Oct 29, 2022 6:09 am
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 3 51nnAiL

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Moe had but a split second to celebrate her kick connecting with Ko before Igen grabbed her chest. Even less time to react as the Kido attack was forced into her. A wry little grin was all she could manage before she was blasted and sent tumbling away.


There was no grace to it, as Moe was tossed into the dirt yet again. She rolled with it, voluntarily letting herself be carried a little further away than the original blow had intended until, eventually, she came to a stop. That one stung, and she was racking up the hits taken tally at breakneck speed, but it was not her limit. She willed her body to stand, and after a moment it complied. Then she willed for Shinsho to rise from the dirt, so it did and found a familiar rest upon her shoulder.

Or we could just get some food and call it a date. That'd be fun.

Moe huffed, silencing the complaints of her weapon once more as she tried to study Igen's latest attack. He was funnelling his power into Ko, which was also his Zanpakuto, and yet the energy was gathering around them both. She was a little confused by it all, but it seemed like an attempt to generate some extra shock to his punches and the strikes of his pet. Whatever it was, it didn't bode well for her.

Finally moving again, she began to countercharge at the approaching pair. Hooking Shinsho down into the ground point first, Moe used that as a pole to vault off and send her up into the air. She could certainly pull off the acrobatics as well as anyone, as she dragged the weapon up behind her and rotated all of her body into a spinning smash. Either she'd break through that energy field and get something done or crash into the dirt and get zapped.

Something To Prove | END POST
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