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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Sun Oct 16, 2022 8:53 am
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen snickered a little at her antics and watched as she slowly settled down. "well hey, not all of us fit into conventional ....uh..... look....stuff." He forgot the term he was thinking of, but eventually waved it off. "Look, I usually need things like Blind dates if I want a foot in the door." He murmured, puffing his cheeks a little. It was very rare for Igen to actually voice his gripes about his own looks. He didn't think he was ugly or anything, but when he was drunk, or well, when he was with Moe, since she too sortof wasn't a conventional babe, so to speak, it did slip out.

All the same he snorted. "I mean yea I know that. I enjoy it honestly. I thought it'd be ... you know.. kinda Awkward. But she really is just nice to hang out with. But you know how people get. A bunch of my squadmates been all over me asking if you know 'anything happened' when they heard I went on a date. It's like Academy all over again." He sighed, shaking his head. It was a little exhausting.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Mon Oct 17, 2022 12:02 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 DDXzSEx

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

"You're just gonna resign yourself to that fate forever? Nah, that's lame."

Moe was quick to chastise Igen, wholly disinterested as she was in listening to him lament his situation like he was one of life's unfortunates. Maybe he didn't look like the manliest of men, but was that what women even wanted these days? And it certainly didn't account for his character. In her mind, that was just as important too.

"Pssh, I'd just beat 'em around the head if anyone went prying into my social life like that. Like they've got so little going on that they have to spend their days digging up gossip then I ain't got time for that Least I don't get any of that round at the Fourth, cos they know I'll sock 'em if they piss me off."

Whilst Moe might certainly want to believe that, the truth was more that her squadmates still treated her like a little kid and treated her rather nicely because of that. Though she did find it somewhat irritating, it was far easier to work and train when everyone did what you said.

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Wed Oct 19, 2022 5:01 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 HEADER_22-1_3a-16

Igen raised a brow a bit at that and frowned. "Eh?! I'm not resigning myself to anything! All I'm saying is that I don't mind setups!" He insisted, backpedaling just a little on what he'd said just moments before. A bit defensive to be sure.

Be careful Igen. You don't want to wind up an old maid.
"And you hush!" He hissed at the feline, entirely unaware that only he could hear their little snide comment.

"It's not prying, they're my coworkers, theyre looking out for me! Eri even gave me advice on what I should wear. I actually get aLONG with my coworkers you know." He murmured in their defense, pouting a bit before he let his shoulders relax a little. The news about how Moe was treated made Igen snort a bit. "Yea, THAT'S why they aren't setting you up on dates." He noted cheekily, giving her a bit of a smug look as he lightly tapped her shoulder with his elbow playfully.

"ANYway. All that aside. What have you been up to? Aside from socking your squadmates that is."
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:55 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 DDXzSEx

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Moe giggled as Igen snapped at Ko, covering her mouth with her hand. Enjoying seeing him backpedal from her attack, though she didn't really mean to put him on the spot. He'd had a good time, that was all there was to it really. Still, with a smug grin, she cast a glance in the tiger's direction.

"Aww, your first little fight. Shall I mark down this milestone? Me and Shinso have gone at it a few times now, but you don't wanna forget your first."

At the defence of his attitude towards his coworkers, and theirs to him, Moe started to blush again. Suddenly she was the one getting called out, and it was kinda rightfully so. Maybe she had been a little too harsh on them, but it was better than being too soft.

"W-Well I didn't want any setup dates anyway. But, uh, yeah. Me. Well, I got my ass handed to me by a different Sawachika. But she bought me some food afterwards so I'm not too bitter about it."

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:16 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen frowned and leered just a little at Moe before puffing out his cheeks and then letting out a tch. Hmmm. That said.... he glanced toward his Zanpaku'to and .... pondered. Speaking of fighting. He wondered, shoudl he ....train with her? His mind flashing back to the recent fights he'd been in. He should do ... better....right? Not only just with himself, but now he had a whole other part of himself to train with. Hmm.

He pondered that as Moe talked about not wanting to be set up, as well as ....fighting? One of Kyo's sisters¿ The only ones he actually knew were Miki and Nao. Was it one of them? Even so.... he couldn't help but give something of a sly little smile. "I mean yea, they ARE pretty strong. I actually wound up fighting Kyo's Mom, Lady Sawachika." He murmured, and then hopped up onto his feet for a moment and gave Moe a fierce grin. "I got my ass kicked, but it was AWESOME. It was way above me, but I felt friggin AWESOME." He murmured, closing his eyes as he thought back to that fight.

"It was.... strange. She was stronger than me, but not so much that she wasn't enjoying it. I could FEEL how into it she was getting." He murmured, thinking back. It wasn't quite like his fight with Shaoling, even though she'd been much stronger. It felt much more like how it felt to fight Kyo, or Lady Rio. He looked to Moe and smiled excitedly.

"Did you feel anything like that fighting Kyo's sis?"
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Mon Oct 24, 2022 12:53 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 DDXzSEx

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

"Yeah, I guess she was a bit above my level. We were like trading blows and then suddenly she like... Switched up her stance... And said something about mountains... And then I was on my ass."

Moe tried to demonstrate what had happened by mimicking Nao's poses to the best of her ability, though it was certainly like some amateur dramatics rather than the real deal. She certainly didn't mind going a little over the top when it was just the two of them, or three if she included Ko, but still, it was hardly a huge audience.

"Is their whole family like that? Man, family events must be wild over there. Everyone gets really hyped up and then they start throwing each other around."

She scratched at the back of her head ruffling her pink hair, as she tried to recall exactly how she had felt during the spar. It hadn't felt like Nao had been holding back all that much, like humouring her or anything, but there had been a clear gap in pretty much every aspect right from the get-go. Neither of them was the type to back down though, Moe knew that much for sure, so that had given everything a certain intensity.

"I mean, she certainly gave off a lot of energy. Like, she was pumped up to the extreme?"

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Mon Oct 24, 2022 1:35 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen couldn't help but chuckle just a little at Moe's pantomime of the situation, smirking for a moment as he let out a sight. "The mom wasn't too bad. But one of his other sisters...what was her name..Nao? I dunno what the hell she did, but like...I don't think I've ever felt so immediately sick and nauseous and just unwell as when she did it." He shuddered, shaking his head a bit before folding his arms.

"That said, I DO like most of his family! Theyre all really cool to be honest and fun to be around!" He pointed out with a big smile, fondly recalling the little gauntlet and his ...well..MOST interactions. Still, Nao's recollection made him nod slowly, taking a bit to consider her response. Huh, she hadn't felt it? Maybe they just hadn't been like into it. It DID take something special to really DRAW that out of someone. You kinda had to be looking for it. Even igen couldn't always draw it out, like with his fight with Shaoling. Hm.

"Hmmm, fair enough." He murmured, reaching down to pet Ko, who gave an annoyed noise, but seemed too tired to really stop him. "So what's your plans these days? I kinda been planning to train with Ko here for a while. Got some ideas on some stuff to maybe try." He murmured, rubbing his neck before looking back to Moe.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Mon Oct 24, 2022 10:38 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 DDXzSEx

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

"Ouch, Nao mustn't have liked ya much. I certainly left that fight plenty hungry and not in any way nauseous or whatever. Or maybe I've just got an ironclad tummy."

Moe chuckled too, regaining her composure after all the play-acting and rubbing her stomach contentedly. It had been a good meal afterwards too, Nao really hadn't skimped on getting them both seconds. Then again, they hadn't really gone too hard. A few kicks and punches, a grab or two, and then she was getting her ass kicked.

"My plans? Well, before you called, I was gonna go hit the training yard myself. Yeah, yeah, real original, I know. But I won't master this blade by sitting on my butt all day and petting it." She raised her hand and knocked on Shinsho's hilt, enjoying the grumble that drew from her spirit. "I can give ya some space if ya need it. Don't wanna feel like I'm third-wheeling."

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Tue Oct 25, 2022 4:55 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen blinked, a bit ....startled at that. "EH?! You think so?!" He murmured with a bit of surprise! He had thought it was just like, an accident. But had she maybe done that on purpose and just...PRETENDED it was an accident? Huh... that didn't really seem like the Sawachika way. However... now that Moe had brought it up, he did wonder. Maybe she was just like.. an outlier? Hm, he'd have to ask Kyo about that. Hm.

Her plans honestly didn't surprise him, and her snide little remark had him frowning just a little. "I'm not just sitting around. Still. How about I join we join you then? A little friendly spar using Shikai and stuff?" He offered, his expression lighting into one of his trademark smiles as he did so. Ko slooowly stretching before getting up, seeming to be roused by the promise of a bit of action.
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Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen]

Tue Oct 25, 2022 6:40 pm
Just Two Pink Pals [Moe, Igen] - Page 2 DDXzSEx

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Moe rolled her eyes as Igen seemed to take her comment with a little bit more severity than she had intended. If anything, it was a sign of her respect for Igen that she hadn't held anything back in their fight, but Moe wasn't gonna give him that level of an ego boost.

"Oh shush, I was pullin' ya leg. I really doubt she meant to hurt ya, not unless you gave her a reason to. Ya didn't, right?"

She did inquire with a little interest, but she was genuinely doubtful that Igen had the ability to offend someone like that. Nao didn't seem like the type who took herself too seriously, those were the ones that Igen might be a danger to - much like Moe herself was. Funny little comparison that.

"Pfft, I see your game. You didn't need to butter me up with smalltalk first. If you wanna fight then I'm always game. Looks like Koo's up for it too, alright, if only I was so lucky."

Sweet as Sugar | END POST
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