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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 Empty Re: All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta]

Fri Oct 21, 2022 2:42 am
All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

"Right?! I mean, I spoke with a few people about ERGH! Getting my Zanpaku'to to talk, but you know, they really didn't have a lot to say about what to do after ya got the name!" He noted in agreement as Ko continued to move about. Certainly a lot more lively than usual after being couped up in his office all day. eventually she settled on lounging across Igen's legs as he ate, finally seeming to remain stationary.

"Well, she's USUALLY not like this. I just uh...well. I couldn't really have her following me around while I was doing runs for the Squad. Usually I can just have her kind hang out in my office while I work, but well. People get a little anxious when you show up with a tiger." He sighed with a sheepish smile. "So uh, kinda had to have her just sit in my office while I was out." He explained, finally getting the opportunity to take a few bites of his food, promptly pleased.

Ko in the meantime really seemed content just lazily eyeing Bambi from her spot. Kinda thick aint she? Hmph. Is THIS the kinda girls you hang out with? I guess Kyo had a bit of a chest on him too huh?

Yep. Igen just kept eating, thankful that he'd already discovered prior that other people couldn't hear Ko talking. Thank goodness for that. "And huh... your Zanpaku'to doesn't talk to you? Kinda strange. But I kinda know that feeling. Ko here actually tried talking to me when I was in a fight once but uh...ehehe....I kinda was so excited about the fight I kinda ignored her. She didn't talk to me for a while then." That Lady Ai was rather thick as well. Is that it Igen? Is a fat chest what's needed to get your attention?

He almost choked on his fucking food at that, coughing for a moment before taking a moment to sip his drink and clear his throat, smiling sheepishly. "Ahahah, but well, once I started givin her more attention she finally started speaking up again. Maybe your Zan just wants some attention?" He offered. He was no expert but hey, it'd worked for him.
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All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 Empty Re: All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta]

Fri Oct 21, 2022 2:56 am
All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 JryjPlU


"Well, it talked to me a while back, but it's been a long time since it really said anything to me. I'm not too worried about it for now, but it's a little annoying. Know what I mean?"

Bambietta continued eating, blissfully unaware of the war currently occurring between her lunch partner and his zanpakuto. Her thoughts were mostly on her own situation, and on the zanpakuto that had seemed to almost entirely ignore her since she'd learned its name. That really was weird, wasn't it? She was pretty sure it was, at any rate.

"Maybe, I guess I haven't quite talked to it as much ever since I started doing a lot of kido research. Hm..."

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All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 Empty Re: All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta]

Fri Oct 21, 2022 3:06 am
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"Eh? not too worried about it?" He murmured, raising a brow slightly and tilting his head just a little as he watched her, sneaking in a few bites as he listened to her talk and ponder, continuing to try and concentrate as his Zanpaku'to vied for his attention. Briefly split between the two women before something Bambi said caught his attention.

"Kido Research? Huh, I guess I could certainly see why your Zanpaku'to would get jealous. Well...I mean...if thats whats bothering it. SUPPOSEDLY Zan are supposed to be like...uh....well... I've kinda heard a lot of stuff." He peered down at Ko. A good number of sources said that they were like exensions of one's self. Which, sure, but Ko really didn't seem like that. She seemed like her own entity and honestly had some traits that seemed foreign to him. At least as he understood them now. He paused, thinking for a moment.

"But uh... I dunno. A lot of sources say the Zanpaku'to is like ... part of you? So maybe put yourself in your Zan's shoes? How would you feel if your weilder was like you?" He ventured. Frankly, its not like he knew her super well. But she , presumably knowing herself, might have better inside. Hmmm.... speaking of. He glanced down at Ko and promptly peeled a bit of the pork, holding it up and offering some to her. Ko took one look at it and leered at Ko. Oh, sparing enough time from Miss K-cups to offer me food? No thank you. I'm on a diet.

He frowned. Jeez, he sure HOPED this wasn't like...some inner representation of himself. She was kinda a brat. He shrugged and ate the bit of rice and meat himself. Hmmm. "You said...Kido research though right? What exactly does that entail? Always had a lot of fun with Kido myself, I'm not like...amazing with it or anything, except with Kaido. But I've never thought of like...researching. Is that like... a buncha time spent in the library or something? Or more like....experimentation?"
God of Love
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All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 Empty Re: All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta]

Tue Oct 25, 2022 1:02 am
All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 JryjPlU


"I...guess that makes sense."

Instinctively, Bambietta couldn't help but feel more than just a little bit annoyed at the question Igen had just posed. How would she feel about that? What was that supposed to mean, exactly? Of course, she knew what it meant. And even if this guy hardly knew her, and probably hadn't meant anything by it, Bambietta knew herself pretty fucking well. A cowardly, lonely, and generally pathetic person without many good qualities. If she were a zanpakuto, she wouldn't want to help someone like herself, either.

But, then again, she didn't want to have a zanpakuto like herself, either.

"Kido research kind of depends. Some days I'm mostly in the archives looking through out of print texts and scrolls, sometimes it's all practice, just going through trial and error. And sometimes I just talk my captain's ear off, ask her questions about theory and stuff, but I don't think she minds."

That last part was actually a lie. Bambietta was fairly sure Captain Kuchiki didn't appreciate the sudden interrogations, and probably wasn't that fond of her in general, so she tried to keep those interactions to a minimum, and tended to avoid her unless it was work-related.

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All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 Empty Re: All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta]

Tue Oct 25, 2022 7:45 am
All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen smiled as he saw a sort of recognition on her face. He didn't know WHAT she was recognizing, but at the very least he knew that she was considering what he'd said! And promptly he brightened! Happy that she was getting into the mental shoes of her zanpaku'to! "There ya go, EXACTLY! From there it's pretty simple! Ko uh... kinda wasn't really anything like myself. But I just started paying attention to her! Meditation, using her more during fights. Everyone wants to feel used! Even if I didn't know her name and couldn't use her powers, I still wanted her to feel like she meant something to me. Heh, felt kinda shitty about ignoring her and asked a lot of people for help. And eventually, she kinda surprised me with a uh.... kinda unexpected visit to my inner world." He noted with a sheepish smile.

"So yea, Think about what someone should do if they wanted to get YOUR attention, and just try that." He offered, that genuine interest n helping her shining through in the moment.

As she talked about Kido research he did perk up and seem to lean in just a bit. Curious about the ....whole process? So it was mostly research and theory than like....practice and stuff. Interesting. He paused, thinking about his own experience with that. He'd never been tat kinda guy, he'd always wanted to SEE and experience something. He'd certainly eyed books about Shunko before, and even though he'd been completely perplexed at first, getting hit with Shaoling's he at least got a FEEL for ...whatever that process involved. He'd instinctively committed it to memory. know...hadn't really DONE anything fo him so far. But it was a start! So admittedly, he kinda was really impressed!

"That's... kinda amazing! I mean, I've done a bit of studying in Kido and stuff. But like, I really can't learn unless I kinda ...get hit with something or experience the trial and error myself. But being able to get better just with like...reading and talking about it? You must be really smart." He awed, certainly impressed. Which perhaps was a low bar...he wasn't the smartest guy around, but he still couldn't help but envy such a straightforward way to progress.
God of Love
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All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 Empty Re: All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta]

Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:45 pm
All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 JryjPlU


If someone wanted to get her attention... Well Bambietta definitely had a few ideas about how they could theoretically do that, but she wasn't exactly keen on any of it when it came to this apparently stubborn zanpakuto. If it wanted her to do something, maybe it should tell her!

"Mm, I guess so, yeah. I'm not some super genius or anything like that, but I'm pretty smart, I'd say. Honestly most of my specialization's in demolition and stuff like that, but I do alright with kido."

Of course, in actuality, Bambietta didn't really think she was too terribly smart when you compared her to just about anyone else she ought to be on the same level as. Her kido was pretty bad if you compared it to Captain Kuchiki, or even just to Ayasegawa, and there were people not even in their division who were still way better than she was. There was a long way to go, but she wasn't going to admit that openly.

"I'd be glad to help if you ever want, though. It's good to get hands-on experience, and I've noticed teaching people tends to help me get a handle on concepts pretty well."

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All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 Empty Re: All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta]

Sun Oct 30, 2022 8:24 pm
All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen let out a soft PFFT and waved his hand at the mention of a super genius. "I dunno if I'd call that smart. I've met some people who get called that kinda thing. And they just kinda....understand stuff? But Honestly I wouldn't call that smart, that's just like....genius. Smart is something you work for and figure out. Geniuses seem more like they rely on like...instinct." He reasoned, with a sagacious nod of his own, as if he knew anything about that kinda stuff.

That said, when she mentioned offering to help him out, his eyes lit up. "Eh? That sounds awesome!" Immediately a smile was practically painted across his face. To be so suddenly and utterly happy seemingly on the dime, a true Igen special. "I'd really like that! It's honestly a little hard for me to get help with this stuff these days. I mean... I have a lot of friends to help me but uh...." He paused. Thinking about like...Katori...Kyo.....Rio....none of them really were the teaching type. "A lot of the people I'm friends with kinda aren't the ... booky type. So that would actually help me a lot!" He beamed, taking a moment to take a few more bites of his food before taking a sip of his drink and sighing, his shoulders relaxing before he glanced out to the rest of the area. A brief to look off in the distance, toward the road where all the other shinigami went about their business, most of which was getting food.

He glanced back to Bambietta and offered a soft smile. "I like you. You seem a little unsure when it comes to helping yourself, but you don't hesitate to help someone else. You're pretty cool, Bambietta."
God of Love
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All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 Empty Re: All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta]

Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:01 am
All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 JryjPlU


It was probably good that Bambietta hadn't actually been eating at the moment Igen said that, or she might've been caught enough off guard that she choked. As it stood, she just sort of stopped for a moment or two, then offered a somewhat awkward smile.

"Probably shouldn't just go telling a lady you like her when you already asked her out to lunch, you know. Might go giving her the wrong idea."

Of course, in the back of her mind Bambietta almost wanted him to have meant it like that. She'd spent the past few years avoiding any intimacy like the plague, and frankly, she had every intention of continuing to do so. But it wasn't like the desire just left, she just kept it pushed to the side.

"Anyway... I just like doing my job, I guess. I like teaching this stuff, so I don't mind."

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All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 Empty Re: All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta]

Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:40 am
All your Ducks in Order [Igen, Bambietta] - Page 3 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen paused, his head canting a bit to the side as she gave that odd response. "Huh?" He murmured, briefly so surprised that he didn't understand what she was really talking about. At least until a heavy paw THUMPED him in the back. She thinks you're flirting, idiot.

He jolted for a moment before giving a sheepish smile. "OH! Uh, sorry. I guess that's kinda forward-sounding in context." It finally clicked. Not that he was so stupid as to not have picked it up if ...say... someone else had done it. IT was just harder to catch in his own actions. But he apologized, and proceeded to move on, briefly beating himself over the head mentally at having acted like such a weirdo.

"Even so, it's one thing to like what you do, and another to go teaching someone else. But I'm certainly glad you're willing to help me out with this stuff. I admit it's.... been a little challenging." He noted with a sheepish smile. "It's a little hard trying to figure out the stuff I've gotten interested in. I've met a lot of people who do really cool stuff. Fancy casting styles, their own personal spells, I even met someone who could use Shunko! But well...when it comes to actually learning how to do any of that stuff, the literature kinda makes my head hurt." He chuckled, not a shred of shame at his own ability to learn just by textbooks.

A pause, before he turned and gave her a warm smile. "But still! Whether you enjoy it or not, I certainly don't plan on just getting lessons for free! I'd be happy to help with your own own training, I'll even take you out to lunch whenever we do our trainings!" He pointed out, all to happy to make such offers, ESPECIALLY with her offering to help him with an area he was struggling in. After all, he'd hardly been lying. He DID like her, and that much was clear with that big, earnest smile of his.
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