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Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Left_bar_bleue0/0Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:23 am

Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] M5fVlFX

Ignacio Vega

A Descorrer opened above the city of Königsberg, allowing two Arrancar to enter the World of the Living. They did little to mask their presence this time, for it was not needed. This was a statement, for they wanted the local lord to take notice of their approach. It would make everything easier if he simply handed over his charge, but it was unlikely that he would.

The pair descended slowly, heading for the castle right in the heart of the city and awaited whatever party would soon be assembled to greet them. There was plenty of time for the local populace to flee the immediate vicinity if they wanted to, those that stuck around were doing so at their own peril. They would not wait for any stragglers as their combined spiritual pressure rolled over the nearby area, and any that still got in their way would likely be struck down.

At this range, Ignacio could sense it at last. The scent of death matched the one irradiating from his own hand. It was buried deep underground, but it was here and that was all that mattered. Their information had been good after all.

With a solemn nod to Lilynette, he took the first actual step forward. His boots leaving scorch marks against the cobblestones as they stalked towards the castle proper.

The Black Flame | END POST
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Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Left_bar_bleue0/0Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty Re: Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:47 am
Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] HEADA_Lilynette_06March of the Pack

Their arrival was about what she expected. The sudden glimmer of different spiritual pressures reacting to their arrival felt like static in Lilynette's head, reminding her of running into a small group of hollows or a herd of menos back home. Only these faint trickles were far softer to her pesquisa. All the same, she didn't bother putting on the show that Ignacio was, touching down beside the man as his own hot reiryoku saturated the area. She glanced over her shoulder and eyed the garganta behind them. A Six of her wolves catching her eye and nodding to her before it closed between them. Only one of the creatures moved beside her opposite of Ignacio.

All the while, small tongues of little flame peeled away from her body and began to disperse into the air. And suddenly Ignacio would feel a powerful BUZZ inside of him as Lilynette promptly took advantage of her Aspect of Death. His own ability to sense suddenly widening, sharpening, and he'd feel, along with Lilynette, a much clearer awareness of their target. As well as those that were still sticking around to deal with them.

She, unlike Ignacio, had not even a shred of confidence that these people would just hand over their Ring. She was entirely sure that there was going to be a fight, and she was already preparing herself for it.

Aint no free meals for a wolf.
God of Love
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Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty Re: Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:25 pm
Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] FVCFCmm


Erchanhardt had certainly planned for the day that unexpected visitors arrived in his domain. But, then again, he had protected these lands through two World Wars, and he knew that his people were well prepared to flee in the event of a sudden arrival. That was good. He dismissed his soldiers, his knights, all of his personal guard. Spiritual pressure such as this was well beyond their capabilities.

Only after he was certain they were fleeing did Erchanhardt walk out of Castle Konigsberg, exiting the front gate with a stern expression and his hands folded neatly behind his back. Even so, it was quite obvious that he was watching the two who approached like a hawk.

"You enter the domain of the Holy Roman Emperor. What business have you?"

He didn't expect any particular answer. In fact, their answer was almost irrelevant. This would certainly end in violence, but Erchanhardt always made an allowance for misunderstanding.

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Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Left_bar_bleue0/0Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty Re: Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 6:31 pm

Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] M5fVlFX

Ignacio Vega

The Holy Roman Emperor was a title many had held, but Ignacio had done his research. This Emperor was unlike any that had come before him, a mountain of a man who had carved this empire free from demonic tendrils with his own bare hands. It was a shame that he was in their way, really, for he had no small amount of respect for such a capable individual.

"Emperor Burgstaller. We have come for a relic buried deep within the catacombs of your home. Agree to hand it over and we will leave, refuse and we will take it by force."

Ignacio's voice was stern, eyeing down the man with a hand now resting upon the pommel of his zanpakuto. But it was not a command, for one did not command an Emperor, it was an offer with little room for negotiation. The best that Erchanhardt would get.

His stance shifted, widening in preparation for the ensuing melee. With two wolves at his back, he was all too prepared to go toe-to-toe with the brute if that was what it came to.

The Black Flame | END POST
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Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Left_bar_bleue0/0Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty Re: Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:36 pm
Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] HEADA_Lilynette_06

Lilynette raised a brow when she sensed thei main opposition showing up. Everyone else was fleeing. Heh, seemed like they were more than used to fights of this caliber. At some point you kinda stop being able to allow the little ones to participate in a fight. Seems this guy knew that lesson all too well.

A grin played across her face and she gave a casual wave toward the man as he emerged and addressed them. She let Ignacio handle all of the talking for the time being, for all intents and purposes she just seemed along for the ride. Lazily looking around, as though surveying the space for whatever stragglers might be hanging around.

Otherwise she simply gave Erchanhardt an idle stare, under normal circumstances she might have even given a chuckle at the man's last name. But now wasn't one of those times. She watched with calm ambivalence along with the wolf at her side. There was no hostility or taunt in the way she looked at the man. Only the dull stare of an animal that was simply prepared to kill if need be, giving the distinct impression that the man's fate was entirely within his own hands in that moment.
God of Love
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Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty Re: Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:08 pm
Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] FVCFCmm


"I have no intention of simply giving up even a single relic of the Burgstaller family to anyone. Much less one who comes into my domain unannounced."

Of course, Erchanhardt wasn't such a fool that he expected them to simply leave now. Those who came and made claims this confidently weren't cowed by matched confidence, and so the Emperor simply cast aside his dogi to give himself more suitable range of motion for what he was confident would be an impending battle.

"If you desire to face me, so be it. But I will gladly crush you both underfoot for putting my people into danger with your coming."

He took up a defensive stance, fully prepared to respond to any incoming attack. Of course, Erchanhardt was likely far more prepared than either of his opponents would be able to know, but he couldn't be overconfident, either. Part of any battle was observation, learning everything that can be learned in a short window of time. He would gladly let these people take the first blow.

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Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Left_bar_bleue0/0Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty Re: Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:40 pm

Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] M5fVlFX

Ignacio Vega

There was not a smile that crossed Ignacio's lips, but he did offer Erchanhardt a single nod. He had made his choice, and so there was no more time for words. Were he arrogant, he would have met the man fist for fist as it seemed that was how the Emperor intended to fight. But this was not a time for such folly, and so his sword cleared its sheath before any blows had been exchanged.

Tigre Garra shone in the light of day for only the briefest of moments before it was enveloped in flames, igniting with a sudden burst of heat with such intensity that the ground itself appeared to sweat beneath his feet. Sparing the quickest of glances to Lilynette, golden eyes now alight with a passion that they so often lacked, he felt confident that she was also itching for some action but also knew that if she stayed too close she might well burn too.

Then, with a telling buzz, Ignacio launched himself toward Erchanhardt at blistering speed. His first strike was a sweeping overhead, slashing downwards as a second spectral sword mimicked this swing to strike in parallel with it. Only once it had landed or missed would he then step in to thrust forwards with the burning blade. There was no particular finesse, just raw skill at arms set to match with his opponent.

The Black Flame | END POST
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Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty Re: Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:10 pm
Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] HEADA_Lilynette_06

Whew, right out the gate eh? Lilynette glanced between the two stoic men and couldn't help but stick her tongue out in distaste. Ugh, this shit really wasn't her style, but whatever she wasn't gonna ruin their manly men fest by speaking up. Well, just yet. She didn't even much flinch as Ignacio promptly unleashed his blistering reiryoku, narrowing her eye briefly in his direction as she felt the heat suddenly kick up, her wolf promptly darting to the side in a fit of speed, darting out into the alleyways of the street as Lilynette herself simply seemed to vanish.

She wasn't some fuckin ....martial badass like these two were. She just had her strengths, and so when the two were suddenly blasting eachother head-on, she used a sonido to promptly dart tot he other side of Erchanhardt with a speed that pretty much even most lieutenants simply would not have any chance of keeping track of. In a flash, she moved just to Erchanhardt's left, standing in the exact same relaxed stance at the very instant that Ignacio unleashed his swing.

No gesture, no posture shift. A flek of blue flame peeled from her shoulder an instant before a thing, concentrated Cero blared out from the spot and aimed to plow into Erchanhardt's ribs, all the while her reiryoku crackled as she pumped a bit more energy into her heirro just so that Ignacio's flamboyance didn't go scorching her.

Separate from the exchange, the wolf that had split off raced around the backalleys of the city, and promptly started bolting in the direction of the Palace that Erchanhardt had emerged from, promptly locked onto the Ring's signature within the castle, intent on finding the damn thing while this happened. Did the wolf have a WAY to retrieve it? Hell the fuck no. But if nothing else, the wolf could obliterate all the remaining resistance in the palace and save them the time of scouring around for the damn thing.

Just as soon as big boi was dealt with.
God of Love
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Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty Re: Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt]

Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:42 am
Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] W7LO3eP


Blade, fist, even energy, all of it was no different to the body of the Ubermensch. Was this going to be an easy battle? No. Far from it, in fact. But Erchanhardt had faced dangerous foes before, and this would be no different, he supposed. While he may not have been as speedy as his opponents were when it came to movement, the Emperor was in his element up close.

One in front, one to his left. The sword strikes were impressive, but Erchanhardt had been ready to defend from the moment this bout began, and his body reacted effortlessly with the Eternal Return, seemingly dodging at speeds fast enough that the eye couldn't properly trace them. The Cero, however, wasn't something he could so handily evade with that technique, but he imagined that few foes were prepared to face someone like him.

Rather than attempt to dodge the beam, he simply struck out with a mighty punch, fully intent on meeting it head on. His spirit and his body were one and the same, and his blows were every bit as spiritual as they were physical. To meet the cero head on with his fist was no different than if he had fired his own at it; and he had no intention of simply taking an attack like that when he could meet it head on. This wasn't some childish game, wasn't a spar to test himself.

This was a fight for his honor. As his fist struck the cero, the Eternal Return once more saw use, his fist suddenly reared back, and then once more flying into the attack. Did he think two would be necessary to deal with a single cero? No, this opponent didn't seem nearly that much above him. The first had been intended to match the beam. The second was intended to barrel through and into the girl who had fired it.

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Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] Empty Re: Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt]

Fri Oct 21, 2022 2:04 pm

Königsmord [Ignacio, Lilynette, Erchanhardt] OGbbCsr

Ignacio Vega

Ignacio knew from the moment that he struck that he would be playing catch-up in this fight. Lilynette was the agile, ranged type. It made little sense for Erchanhardt to let himself be bogged down in combat with him whilst having to constantly worry about projectiles flying in from the sidelines. If nothing else, it gave him an idea of where the counterattack would be directed and so he stepped sidewards to respond. He would not be in time to intercept the attack, so instead, he brought Tigre Garra back and swung in the direction of the attack hurtling towards Lilynette.

"Karinzanjutsu, First Ring. Black Flame Aegis."

There was a pulse of energy as a black ring formed at the bottom of his Zanpakuto's blade and began to rise towards the tip, increasing in size and power as Ignacio swung and called out the name of the technique. Once the ring left the end of the weapon, it congealed into a line of fire set to interject between Erchanhardt and Lilynette. The unnatural black wall was more than just heat, though, as it acted in that instant as a physical barrier, set to absorb the might of the blow. Though it would likely not withstand the full might of the blow, the raw strength of the Emperor being enough to barrel through, it would hopefully be much less dangerous to his companion.

It was unlikely that was enough to draw attention to him again, but Ignacio ran alongside the wall and back into the fray. His flaming sword swept forwards and back as he sought to find purchase against the slick movements of their foe, he was adept at dodging targetted strikes and so Ignacio would just set the whole area aflame if need be.

The Black Flame | END POST
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