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Thu Oct 27, 2022 11:32 am
Does this look Normal? (Igen, Murasaki) HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

This had been a long time coming frankly, way back when he had been struggling with his Zanpaku'to's bout of silence following the Sawachika incident. But he had been so busy it had fallen to the wayside. And now that he had time! He had finally gotten around to getting an appointment to see the Captain Commander.

Arriving just a couple minutes early, once the secretary had given him the go-ahead, promptly knocked on the door, waiting patiently for a reply before slipping inside. The patent big, dumb Igen smile on his face and a respectful nod of his head as his Shikai promptly prowled in and sat beside him, giving Murasaki an incredulous once-over.

"Good afternoon Commander! Thank you for seeing me!"
God of Love
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Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:41 am
Does this look Normal? (Igen, Murasaki) NsOqTkn


One of the things Murasaki had perhaps least enjoyed about taking over as Captain Commander was the fact that she had a lot less time to help people out with zanpakuto issues for a while. Sure, it wasn't like that'd ever really been her job, but it was something she kinda felt like she oughta do, as someone with the means and the know-how. But now she'd finally settled in a little, made some more time for those appointments again, so that was nice.

"Sure thing, any time! I read over your file, but why don'tcha give me a little idea of what you're dealin' with here?"

Not that she necessarily needed him to do that, admittedly. She had eyes, after all, and the tiger following after him certainly gave a decent bit away. Constant shikai wasn't so uncommon that she'd find it that strange, and neither was a zanpakuto that manifested externally, but both at the same time was definitely a little unusual.

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Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:53 am
Does this look Normal? (Igen, Murasaki) HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen relaxed immediately as his Captain addressed him. There was a lot of things you could say about the firs division and be a bit incredulous. As a matter of fact a number of people recently had asked him WHY he had chosen the first division given his qualities. But if there was one thing Igen felt was universally accepted was the quality of their captain. Not JUST in her ability to do her job, but in how she treated others in the Gotei. Igen had felt it before, and he felt it now. A sense that the woman before him was actually HAPPY to be working with him, and wasn't simply here because of obligation. She liked interacting with her squad, and it made it a much more enjoyable experience than it might be with....well...some other Captains.

"This is my Shikai, Ko." He introduced the feline, those bright orange eyes regarded Murasaki for a moment before gently, she bent a law and dipped her head, a slight bow in recognition of Murasaki. Perhaps a bit surprising, ESPECIALLY surprising to Igen who had never seen her react so respectfully to someone. "Uh...." He paused, clearly a little thrown off by that. The tigress glanced his way. What? Surprised I have manners? I'm simply rarely in company deserving of them. She noted snidely, before glancing back up to Murasaki. Seeming to eye her thoughtfully.

"Er....right. Uh. So this is my Shikai....I .. think? I'm not actually sure what's going on. At first I thought it was just uh.. one of those constant releases. But uh... I don't really.... FEEL like I'm in Shikai. Like...I don't feel any stronger. And she doesn't even like give off any energy. I don't get tired. She's just kinda....there. Which you know, I don't mind, but I was curious if there was anything I should be know...concerned about?" He ventured as he turned his attention back to Murasaki. Ko in the meantime remained where she was, even raising her head a bit and keeping her chin up as if to bask in the attention. something of a smug air about her.
God of Love
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Thu Nov 03, 2022 12:53 am
Does this look Normal? (Igen, Murasaki) NsOqTkn


Oh. Well, that was definitely unusual. Murasaki studied the tiger for a few moments, her mind already running through more or less every zanpakuto she was familiar with to try and think of one comparable. It was pretty unusual if someone had a shikai that didn't actually manifest any extra power. And, while she wasn't exactly one to talk about someone's name...

"Well, I don't mean ta be rude, but are ya sure your zanpakuto actually gave ya her name? Bein' able to manifest your spirit's pretty intense stuff usually, but some zanpakuto can just do it on their own. Not to mention, a lotta zanpakuto can release in a weaker way if ya say their name wrong. One'a mine did that for a while, gave me a fake name and didn't work near as well."

It wasn't necessarily that Murasaki was accusatory, per se, but she knew that a lot of zanpakuto were temperamental, moody, even outright bad. She supposed she oughta be thankful she had a good relationship with hers.

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Thu Nov 03, 2022 1:10 am
Does this look Normal? (Igen, Murasaki) HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen blinked a few times, as if ..... struggling to parse what the woman said. A fake... name? He turned his attention to Ko, the Tiger seeming to regard him with a fairly calm glance of her own. Was....WAS Koōzoku not her real name? He hadn't even really thought about that for a moment. Could that be the case? He itched the back of his head. "Huh. I ..... don't actually know..." He paused, rubbing his chin for a moment. Trying to think. He ... HAD actually gotten to know his zanpaku'to fairly well. Practically living with her for the past week or so.

"I'm not actually sure. I mean.... I've a sense for the kinda person she is. She doesn't really....strike me as the kinda gal who would go lying. If she was going to mess with me I feel like it would be by me just misunderstanding more than her lying..." He admitted.

HAH! He made a slight face at the noise of amusement from his Zanpaku'to. "But well. I guess I dunno. Are....Zanpaku'to good liars? I don't feel like she'd lie to me....." He murmured, though there was a clear shadow of doubt on his features now. Hm.

"So, say that she ...WAS being a little...unclear about her real name. If my Zanpaku'to is doing something like that is there...something in particular I can ....DO about that?" He ventured. After all, IF Ko was going to lie to him, well....she could just lie if he kept bothering her about it. He was more concerned with WHY she would lie to him in the first place, admittedly. "I don't think I usually like...get her mad or anything usually. She's usually pretty patient with me. Well... uh... unless I'm around....certain friends." He admitted, thinking back to the few times she HAD gotten annoyed. way that ...couldn't POSSIBLY be bothering her...could it?
God of Love
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Sun Nov 06, 2022 5:49 am
Does this look Normal? (Igen, Murasaki) NsOqTkn


"Well, not much ta do about that other than ask. Bein' able to have a good conversation with your zanpakuto is really important, though I know some people don't necessarily have one that's easy to talk to. Still, gotta remember it's part of you, so try not to neglect it or anything like that."

Of course, the idea of a zanpakuto being cagey or outright lying about its identity was...well, Murasaki couldn't exactly say it was something she'd never heard of. Seemed like a lot of people around here tended to have really difficult spirits to work with, though then again, it wasn't really a matter of them being difficult in a lot of cases. Plenty of zanpakuto just wanted to make sure they weren't working with a total chump or anything.

"Certain friends, huh? Well, might be worth askin about all that if ya think that might be the case. Some zanpakuto can get a little jealous."

She certainly had a couple in mind as she said that.

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Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:43 am
Does this look Normal? (Igen, Murasaki) HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen blinked a bit at that, furrowing his brows a bit. WOULD he call his situation with Ko like... good for conversations? Hm... he ....DID spend a lot of time around her. And you know.... having small little chats here and there. But honestly those were more him just....reacting to things she said. Or trying to explain things like when she had to stick around in his offi-... oh...well...that also might be a source of her being all nettled. He rubbed the back of his neck. Huh... It was weird. On on hand, ...they spent a ton of time together. But really it was Ko that initiated these sorts of chats. Should he try to change that?

But .... all that went out the window when Murasaki mentioned Jealousy. He blinked....turning and eyeing Ko... before he burst out laughing, holding his sides and full on almost CRYING laughing as Ko seemed...stunned?! A slow twisting of her face before she was snarling slightly at Murasaki. Though she soon SNAPPED her gaze back to Igan before SWATTING him with a paw. YOU STOP LAUGHING IMMEDIATELY! That's not it at all! she insisted, as Igen WHEEZED on the ground, trying to suck in air between bouts of laughter as his eyes teared up a little.

Ko promptly turned back to Murasaki, a slight growl rolling up from her chest, clearly a little nettled at that. Though she didn't move to attack, naturally, as Igen sat up and put a hand on her shoulders. "A-alright, Ko, rel-relahahahaha...relax. Ko she didn't mean it. Calm down." He assured the Tiger, even as it continued to glare daggers at Murasaki. Once Igen had control of himself, he caught his breath and cleared his throat. "Uh... right. Uh... I'll definitely look into....that." The HELL You will, it's NOT true! I can TELL whats in your stupid little head Igen, I do NOT envy those cows! "...or something. Uh... so what happens if it turns out she's...NOT lying? Would that be bad?" He ventured, changing the subject a bit sop that Ko would chill out a little. But also just because well, he wanted to cover the possibilities.
God of Love
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Tue Nov 08, 2022 9:03 am
Does this look Normal? (Igen, Murasaki) NsOqTkn


Murasaki simply raised an eyebrow at Ko's growl, not especially threatened by it, though certainly committing it to memory that Igen had a more temperamental zanpakuto. Some people did, sure, and she would hardly say this was immediately one she needed to keep on high alert for, but she didn't quite like the idea of it being out and about like this if it was so moody.

"Well, if she's not lyin', then there's always the possibility that ya misheard her and you've been sayin' it wrong. Or maybe she's just not quite fully formed yet, that's pretty possible too. Lotta options at this stage, and I gotta admit this is a pretty abnormal situation."

Well, it wasn't super abnormal. She'd certainly seen people with constant releases, and even with an external manifestation of their spirit. There was that girl in the 6th Division like that. But she seemed to have a better handle on things than Igen, not to mention her zanpakuto seemed much more fully formed.

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Tue Nov 08, 2022 9:22 am
Does this look Normal? (Igen, Murasaki) HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen nodded slowly along as the Commander spoke, even as Ko continued to hiss grumpily at him in his head, the notion of her being... not....fully formed stewed around in his head for a moment. It certainly seemed like there were a lot of possibilities and that one....hmm. Well that was just something he'd have to wrestle with down the line. It REALLY was kinda an awkward situation! All the same, Ko seemed to simmer down to some extent and Igen turned his attention to the Commander once she was settled, offering a nervous smile.

"I see... I'll definitely have to ...think this over. And try to work it out with Ko I guess. I apologize sincerely for her behavior, I was a bit careles." He noted firmly, bowing his head and gently setting his closed fists onto the mat beneath him, demonstrating his sincerity earning him a sideward glance from his Shikai, bt nothing more than that. Eventually raising his head, his expression remained serious for a few more moments before breaking out into that warm smile of his. "I really AM thankful for your time Commander. I've been a little worried about this for a while now. But I'm glad to hear it's nothing awful. I was kinda worried I broke my Zanpaku'to or something." He chuckled sheepishly, sighing softly and lightly scratching his cheek with a finger. Yea, Ko didn't usually get this riled, and he immediately felt ambarassed and anxious that he had riled her up in front of the Commander.
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Tue Nov 08, 2022 9:37 am
Does this look Normal? (Igen, Murasaki) NsOqTkn


"Oh, geez, ya don't have to bow quite that deep or anything, honest. I'm glad to help out, don't think anything of it! You're in my division, after all, be pretty mean of me not to help."

Frankly, it was only the sheer scope of necessary work as Captain Commander that kept Murasaki from being more involved in her division, and in the Gotei as a whole. Though, admittedly, much of that work had been inherited from previous commanders, ones who had been much more controlling and authoritative. By contrast, Murasaki was quickly finding that letting the captains handle their affairs gave her a bit more leeway.

Frankly, it seemed like a win-win.

"I don't think you've gotta worry about anything that crazy, you'd know right away if ya broke it. That's a pretty big deal, after all."

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