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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Empty The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex)

Sun Nov 06, 2022 7:16 am
The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"This shit's pretty good."

Ah. That's improper language, but who cares? The shit's pretty good. Well, it's good to Elyss anyway, the redhead throwing back a plate of whatever this stuff is. She just guessed it's some kind of pasta. It fit the bill: noodles, tomato sauce, other pasta things. Honestly, Elyss' lack of knowledge about foods different from her norm is somewhat embarrassing. She's eaten a lot of random stuff, but she's never cared to commit anything she didn't find good enough to consistently eat again to memory.

However, while staying in the City of Lights, she ought to try their culture just a bit. If America's a melting pot, this place is a hotpot. It's a bit weird seeing other Shinigami about that aren't a part of the Gotei. It's even weirder to pass by the casual demon, but she's not the type to judge based on appearances. She just wonders how everyone gets along here. It's honestly just another Minatumi Harbour, but it doesn't have that homely glow. It has an otherworldly glow. At least the air outside isn't all weird because of the glowing buildings and whatnot.

Putting her plate down, Elyss could only ponder about her next steps. From here, she should probably visit Shadin. His help wouldn't hurt. Then, she needs to talk with Captain Kitsuke, the man with the closet relationship to Ichigo that's still around. After that, she may have to go on a field trip to Hueco Mundo or hunt down some Hollows. They've been acting up lately on Earth, and everything going on can't just be a coincidence. So much to do, not enough food on her plate.

"Oi! Another plate, yeah?!"

She's on her sixth.

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The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Empty Re: The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex)

Sun Nov 06, 2022 7:58 am
The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Br4i4Og

"Hey, monkey, watch your language. What if there's kids around, eh?"

Alex gave his little sister a gentle flick to the back of the head as he approached, before unceremoniously taking a seat at the chair on the other side of her table. His grin suggested he wasn't actually terribly concerned about her behavior, and if anything, he thought it was kind of funny watching her act like such a savage to just order another one so unceremoniously.

Not that he could say much. He'd have done the exact same thing.

"Can't say I expected to run into you around these parts. Then again, guess I should've with everything that's been going on. Been doing alright?"

While he'd have actually liked to ask about the more serious side of things, see what she knew about Ichigo and all that, the reality was that Alex cared more about the well-being of the woman he'd come to see as a younger sister. The professional stuff could wait.

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The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Empty Re: The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex)

Sat Nov 12, 2022 7:11 am
The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red


Her face, a somewhat annoyed expression that borderlined a tired boredom, simply stared at the man who just assaulted the back of her head, preaching as if he bore the cross like a saint. She didn't return his little grin at first, but she slowly grew back into a less irate mood as he spoke. Elyss did not expect to see this man here, but she's not going to get all giddy like some destressed high school girl's whose father returned from war or something.

"Annoyed. Tired. Hungry. The usual. You?"

Her mood's still not the best, and the food's helping a bit, but with big powers come a bigger appetite. Though, with that said, the redhead sighed and sat back in her seat, pondering her current state of being. It's no good to wear a grumpy expression, so she settled on a mute nothingness. That's the least she can do for him.

God of Love
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The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Empty Re: The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex)

Sun Nov 13, 2022 8:42 am
The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Br4i4Og

"Busy, guess you'd say. Alex moved out here, me n' Nel are letting some other people handle the bakery. Taking some time to trevel again, all that. 'Course, then all this happens, put a little damper in our plans."

That was one hell of an understatement, of course. Alex knew that, but he wasn't going to go rambling about how fucked the situation actually was, and he certainly wasn't going to start talking about Nel's side of things. He just lit a cigarette, glancing out at the city before returning his attention to Elyss.

"Figure I probably ought to get back to doing the whole hero thing, huh? Can't exactly sit around doing nothing."

He'd enjoyed retirement, admittedly. Those quiet days when he hadn't needed to worry about much. But Alex wasn't the sort who was surprised when everything came crashing down, either, so he could only shrug and keep on moving. Nothing else to be done about it, really.

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The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Empty Re: The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex)

Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:39 pm
The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Mmm... I see. Well, just don't get in the way."

That came out a bit harsh, but Elyss is on official Gotei business, and too many chess pieces moving about sometimes proves unbeneficial. Elyss is already annoyed with the happenings around the world. Alex suggesting that he'll be putting himself in danger just leaves a bitter taste in the other redhead's mouth. Elyss isn't always spouting about how she wants to protect everyone and everything, but that doesn't mean she isn't trying her best to do so.

"I should go see Vegas. Tell her to watch her father while I'm busy."

At least, for a second, Elyss seemed to come out of her stressed thoughts for a quick tease. Honestly, she'd like to see the kid again before she takes off to who knows where. Hopefully, Vegas is less inclined to jump into trouble, especially this kind of trouble.

God of Love
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The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Empty Re: The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex)

Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:57 pm
The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Br4i4Og

"Psh, I'd never get in the way. But I've got plenty of reasons to be getting involved. Lotta people I'd like to keep safe, and some orange-haired fag isn't gonna scare me off just because he's supposed to be some big guy."

Alex had certainly walked away from the 'hero' life for a while now, but it seemed like life really wanted him back in it. Well, that honestly wasn't the worst thing. Wasn't like the world was exactly going in a way he could say he liked, and even if he didn't like doing shit out of obligation, this was all a little too close to home for him. You put his girls in danger, your ass was grass.

"You probably oughta, yeah. She asks about Aunt Elyss pretty often. 'Course, you might not even recognize that kid this days. No shit, Alex is practically as tall as Nel now, it's nuts."

Then again, he couldn't say that was too surprising, either. He was a tall guy, after all, and while he didn't exactly like to think about the woman, Alex remembered his daughter's mother being pretty tall, too.

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The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Empty Re: The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex)

Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:04 am
The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"That orange fag took on the whole Vandenreich, and I heard he got what he wanted from all of it too."

She couldn't help but think back to the wanton of closed off areas she saw as she toured the city. Of course, the Vandenreich isn't the strongest of organizations due to having to rebuild and whatnot, but one person shouldn't be allowed to just stroll up and do this. It makes her worry about everything else in the world. There's too many things moving at once, and it's hard to say if anyone's ready on this side to handle it.

"Just... don't get too deep to where you can't get out. Ya have things to come back home to, and I'm not planning on having to adopt lil' Alex anytime soon."

God of Love
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The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Empty Re: The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex)

Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:58 am
The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Br4i4Og

"Maybe he did for now, but whatever he wants from here on, I'm gonna make sure he doesn't fuckin' get it."

Sure, the guy was probably up to no good. Nobody who was willing to just waltz in and destroy so much was gonna be on the up and up, after all. But the truth was that Alex didn't actually need to know what the guy's aims were at this point. After everything that'd happened, Alex wanted to fuck him over just on sheer principle.

"I'm not planning on getting caught in any situations like that. I always tell Nel where I'm going, she's ready to come get me in a flash. And I make a point not to go anywhere I don't think I'll be coming back from."

After all, Alex had finally found something actually worth living for. It'd been pretty easy to just toss himself into danger when the only person in his life had been himself, but that wasn't gonna fly now.

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The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Empty Re: The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex)

Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:21 am
The Radical Reds (Elyss/Alex) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Shut the fuck up, idiot!" Elyss snapped as she slammed her palm onto the table, the loud bang resonating all around. The momentary glances made her calm herself with a small breath.

"It's when you have something to protect that you're the most at risk of being a retard. Don't ever think you're above throwing your life away. We both know that we're going to do what has to be done when it needs to be done, especially if it means saving the ones we love."

She looked at him, her eyes filled with nothing but hardened resolve. He can spout nonsense about knowing his limits and keeping safe all he wants, but Elyss isn't going to buy it. The hero life isn't something you can just make promises about and hope to keep. If Alex is in a situation where he has to choose either himself or everyone else, Elyss knows this lug of a nut is going to do what needs to be done.

"Maybe someone'll save ya sorry ass, but I'm not in the business of relying on others to keep my family safe, even if its Nel. That's why I'd rather you just stay out of it..."

Now she's growing a bit solemn, her eyes falling to the side as her lips wavered into a thin line. She seemed almost hesitant to keep talking, the atmosphere around her a shadow of her usual bravado.

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