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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Atter Antigua Empty Atter Antigua

Sun Nov 13, 2022 10:45 pm

Enter The Arrancar

I. Basic Information

» Name: Atter Antigua
» Age: He barely keeps track
» Gender: Male
» Aspect of Death: Helplessness

» Association: No strong ties to anyone, but does enjoy the Nordic countries more than others, or colder climates in general.

» Appearance Written: Standing at a proud 4'10 not including his ears Atter cuts a very distinct figure. With a slim, toned body possessing almost an unhealthy lack of fat on his frame, Atter has the pinnacle of what one could call a "runner's physique". In addition to this Atter possesses a pair of rather large, fluffy wolf ears that stand, usually, proudly atop his head, adding some much needed extra inches to his diminutive stature.

The two most distinct aspects of Atter's appearance one would notice, however, boil down to the sheer lack of clothing Atter prefers. Wearing nothing but runic jewelry around his neck and a loincloth fit only to preserve his modesty to say that Atter is risky with his way of dress would be entirely accurate. The second and largest feature on Atter's form is, without a doubt, his unwieldly combination of hair and tail. With a tail so luxuriantly fluffy and large he could use his own tail as a mattress if he so desired, it is only rivaled by his equally soft, large mane of near-black blue hair.

» Appearance Image: Appearance

II. Personality

» Personality: Atter is, without a doubt, defined by a ferocious, inexhaustible pride and cockiness in himself and his own abilities. As likely, if not more so, to introduce himself as 'The Great Wolf' or 'The Mighty Fen Beast' or some other show of bravado, as his actual name. Beneath this, however, Atter is a fairly straightforward individual most of the time, believes in fairness, honesty and DESPISES deception and thievery enough to confront almost anyone over these dishonest attributes.

Further down into his psyche still and Atter is headstrong, at least, in a rather unfocused and immature way. Enough so that while he may possibly catch onto it if given time it's far from impossible to trick him with some reverse-psychology. Determined, well-meaning and honest as he may be, Atter is far from the sharpest lightbulb in the crayon box. But even so he always enjoys a good fight and, in keeping with his nature, while he may resort to somewhat clever tactics he would never resort to what his sensibilities classify as 'cheating'. If someone says they want to have an honest knock-down-drag-out then he will abide by these rules, even to his detriment or injury.

Finally, buried most deeply, is a trauma Atter is loathe to speak about to anyone short of a mate or best friend. For the past millenia or more Atter has been imprisoned by a clever concoction involving chains and hair, some sort of spell he figures, and thus has a crippling trauma when it comes to being tied down and restrained. As well as a distinct, instinctual fear of being helpless and alone. If someone truly wanted to see him enraged and terrified, something as simple as a threat to put him back in the prison he recently escaped, or something similar, would do the trick rather easily.

III. History

» History:

The Living Legend?:

Pride Goeth....:

..... before a fall:


Overcoming the Past:

IV. Equipment

» Equipment: None as of yet.

V. Racial Techniques/Abilities/Skills

» Racial Abilities:

Runic Hierro:

Olfactory Acuity:

Ván Poison:

Millenia of Struggle:

VI. Sealed Powers

» Zanpakutô Name: Gleipnir

» Zanpakutô Appearance:


Gleipnir appears as an ancient, heavy set of chains bound to manacles at Atter's ankles, neck and wrists. These chains are very loose, able to drag the ground as he walks, and can detach themselves from the manacles at Atter's command to serve as weapons if he wishes, with a mental command Atter can cause any loose end of Gleipnir to be attracted to any free manacle on his body with a force equal to his own Strength skill.

» Unique Power: A Beast to Devour the World: Though Atter does rarely take the time to dwell on it, his aspect of death is Helplessness, and with over a thousand years to think on how helpless he has been, about how he had wronged his tribe and the woman he loved, he has resolved to never be helpless again. Thus, as Atter exerts himself in a struggle his body and spiritual energy can continuously increase up to a certain point.

Atter only grows at a rather slow rate and only when exposed to situations of severe exertion. A simple sparring match or light run won't see his power increase, but functionally what this allows is for Atter to continually grow in size and power via a cumulative 20% boost in power every 2 posts he stays in a state of exertion, up to a maximum 100% boost.

It is important to note that Gleipnir, the manacles and the clothes they are linked to all grow alongside Atter regardless of how large he becomes.

VII. Resurrección

» Resereccion Name: Sluk

» Resereccion Release Phrase: Devour their freedom! Sluk!

» Release Actions: When releasing Sluk Atter breaks all the chains from Gleipnir from his manacles.

» Resereccion Appearance: Sluk

» Resereccion Abilities: With a range that is best defined as 'variable' Sluk produces six chained pillars around Atter up to a Kilometer away, in any position Atter desires and is aware of. Each of these pillars produce a single chain that can extend itself anywhere within Sluk's Kilometer radius, follow opponents, and attempt to grapple them. Each of Sluk's chains are as durable as Atter, possessing his "Runic Hierro" ability on both themselves and the pillars that conjure the chains, and grapple with a Strength Skill equal to Atter's own, and move at a Speed one Skill level lower than Atter.

Additionally, Sluk's chains cannot 'attack' an opponent, such as slapping them with a chain and launching a chain into their body to stab them, it can only grapple a single limb. However, whenever one of Sluk's chains grapples an opponent it goes taught, bracing itself to it's origin pillar and using it's Strength Skill to prevent itself from going further. Attempting to limit and deprive Atter's enemies of mobility and options.

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it.

General Skills
  • Durability: Elite
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Elite
  • Martial Skill: Beginner

Arrancar Skills
  • Hollow Nucleus: Untrained
  • Regeneration: Beginner
  • Cero: Beginner
  • Sonido: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

IX. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: [Please show us how you role play by either posting a previous post from another site or creating a new one. We do this so we know your RP skill. If you already have an accepted, you need not do another RP sample]


Last edited by Cala Paracer on Sun Mar 12, 2023 4:39 pm; edited 10 times in total
God of Love
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Atter Antigua Left_bar_bleue16000/1Atter Antigua Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Atter Antigua Empty Re: Atter Antigua

Sun Nov 13, 2022 11:25 pm

This history needs some significant fleshing out. As it stands it doesn't really explain much with regard to his actual history, or how most of these events directly relate. So far as staff can tell, this seems to simply be a method of translating Norse myth directly into the Bleach setting, but it's both too vague and doesn't actually explain much about Atter's own character background to justify his notably high physical skills.

Runic Hierro

How much does this reduce damage by?

Ván Poison

This doesn't scale off anything and needs to be expanded upon in terms of its mechanical function.

A Beast to Devour the World

He will not scale infinitely. You can scale up to 300% equal to a shikai and you will not carry this into resurreccion.

First Pillar Fotspår

This should check against people's skills/tier.

Second Pillar Skägg

This will not raise him up by a whole skill tier, especially not into a Master.

Fourth Pillar Björnsenus

See the second pillar.

Fifth Pillar Fågelspott

See the second pillar. Also Sonido is a technique, it is not something you just acquire more talent in temporarily.

Sixth Pillar True Gleipnir

This is simply unapprovable at the conceptual level and should be entirely reworked.[/adm]
God of Love
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Atter Antigua Empty Re: Atter Antigua

Wed Feb 22, 2023 6:40 pm
"Taking what practitioners of Reishi manipulation they had, those who could be called a primitive equivalent of modern Quincy..."

As the Quincy arts are directly inherited from Nozomi's teachings, it wouldn't really make sense for this to be a "primitive equivalent" of Quincy. They can just be Quincy.

"Atetr REFUSED, with all his being, the choking confines of the Hollow mask that was attempting to cover his face. With claw and fang did Atter tear off his mask, panting, puking and writhing in depression he was an Arrancar with sudden, terrifying quickness,"

If I'm reading this correctly, he functionally skipped directly from Plus to Arrancar, which isn't simply abnormal, it's entirely unprecedented. Simply being a strong human wouldn't really justify something of this caliber, so I would suggest either establishing some other greater reason for this to be possible, or adjusting the history accordingly.


There isn't anything here that would justify the Strength and Durability being at Elite, given Atter has spent an overwhelming amount of time locked up rather than doing anything that would lead to being at the peak of typical possibility in these skills. These should be lowered to Advanced.

Additionally, as it currently stands with his history, his Hollow Nucelus should be at Untrained, as he has no prior Hollow nature to actually draw upon.[/mod]
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Atter Antigua Empty Re: Atter Antigua

Sun Feb 26, 2023 7:31 pm
1. Changed it. Was not sure if Quincy would be in that area during that time period but good to know.

2. Not quite "skipped" from one to the other just that his time as a regular Hollow was very short. Additionally, given the circumstances of his Hollowing and how an Arrancar removing their mask is a sort of "freedom" from the Hollow nature Atter doesn't have (As you claim in a later part) then I think it'd be exceptionally easy for a single-soul Hollow to remove their mask by comparison to one trying to make sense of a mass of hundreds to thousands of souls. That, combined with the mental and spiritual circumstances of so desperately not wanting to be reduced to a mindless, trapped monster anymore, I think create a special enough circumstance for him to have a short phase as a regular Hollow.

3. Hollow Nucleus point is fair and the change has been made but I have no idea how you can read about a character "training" for a thousand years, pulling and fighting against chains in what is effectively resistance training, and not call it a good reason for good stats. The constant strain and effort, without needing to eat, sleep, hydrate, etc is more than good enough for Elites considering it would implicitly train strength and, since he didn't rip himself apart in the effort, he'd have to be as durable as he is strong.
God of Love
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Atter Antigua Empty Re: Atter Antigua

Sun Feb 26, 2023 11:17 pm
[adm]While the character has been training for a thousand years, the training by design would plateau, and Elite is not simply "good stats." As I said, it is the peak of what the overwhelming majority of beings in the setting are ever capable of achieving. Elite skills on approval require greater context for display than simply training in a single location, and a single way, alone.[/adm]
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Atter Antigua Empty Re: Atter Antigua

Sun Feb 26, 2023 11:44 pm
I see your point and I'd agree but there's a couple things to consider when it comes to how it would plateau for, for example, Atter as a high spec human prior to his death, versus Atter as an Arrancar. The reason you see muscular degradation in people who are imprisoned or given limited access to resources is largely due to a drop in nutrition, hence why I pointed out prior he doesn't need to eat, sleep or drink anymore. There's really nothing to deprive him of his potential, even in a limited environment, like there would be a living person.

As for it being 'same place same thing' I understand that it's not narratively exciting but he is meant to be a specialized character as, god bless him, he's not very bright. But people do the same place, same thing, with a routine at the gym and they obviously see results if they stick with it. Which, while he doesn't have specialized gear or equipment he is throwing everything he has into his attempts, enough so he tried killing himself to escape and, were he able to rip his limbs and body apart to get away, at one point in his imprisonment he would have. So I do think someone in chains, mind you with enough room to at least pull and fight with their whole body, could get full body work-outs to the pinnacle of "normal limits" after long enough yeah. I definitely wouldn't make the case of him going anywhere he'd require outside help to get to.

To draw from the actual Skill Sheet description Advanced is described as "lifting and throwing a tank" which I think Atter's time alive shows him to being roundabout near to and he likely did degrade after death some. However, as one who lifts can confirm you don't have to constantly be lifting your maximum in the most efficient way possible to make gains. So even if him struggling against his chains isn't the most efficient, which I admit it is not, there's still enough of it, I feel, for him to grow past where his mortal self left off.
God of Love
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Atter Antigua Empty Re: Atter Antigua

Mon Feb 27, 2023 5:58 am
[adm]Following a standard gym routine is not going to bring one to the peak of human potential in real life. Reaching that degree of fitness requires far more involved effort than that, and a similar degree of more involved effort is required in the extreme, spiritually-enhanced power level of PH's setting. The most significant display of strength in the history regards uprooting trees, and while those are certainly heavy, bear in mind that even a significantly large pine tree, for example, is only going to weigh approximately 10 tons at its largest, whereas a tank weighs anywhere from 50 to 70. There is a significant gulf to cross in this disparity, and assuming growth even into Advanced is already a significant degree of development for him while imprisoned.[/adm]
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Atter Antigua Empty Re: Atter Antigua

Mon Feb 27, 2023 6:52 pm
Sure, the weight is different but I was more trying to highlight that in the backstory he uproots the trees with ease, not as a full exertion of his Strength. But anyways, I feel like I have made my case for both stats. If you do really want me to alter something then I feel it would make more sense to keep his durability above his strength considering he was not able to tear himself apart so would lowering Strength to Advanced be sufficient?
God of Love
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Atter Antigua Left_bar_bleue16000/1Atter Antigua Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Atter Antigua Empty Re: Atter Antigua

Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:24 pm
[adm]That would not be sufficient, no. Lower both to Advanced. If you feel it absolutely necessary the character's strength be lower than his durability, you are free to lower it further.[/adm]
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Atter Antigua Empty Re: Atter Antigua

Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:27 pm
Alright well then I will just go for broke and aim to further reinforce the app enough for both Elites then since a compromise isn't acceptable.

What do you have as far as constructive recommendations for areas in which that could be added?
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