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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] Left_bar_bleue0/0Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] Empty Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta]

Mon Nov 21, 2022 11:53 pm
Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] JGYv9eD


The living realm is huge beyond belief for little Morikawa Mizu, a woman used to living in the simplistic, though still large, Seireitei of Soul Society. The sheer number of incredibly different and unique cultures and peoples dotting the Earth's wildly varying landscapes continued to astound her. Recently she had the pleasure of visiting Greece, France, and Japan and had been bewildered by the vast differences in architecture, climate, and every which way the countries' peoples live.

This time Mizu found herself back in the world of humans on a fact finding mission she had unsurprisingly volunteered for. She fashioned herself a bit of an investigator, and relished opportunities to put her deductive skills to the test; this latest challenge seemed straightforward on it's surface, but she had to be careful. Reports had reached the Gotei United of a wandering Arrancar on Earth, and had used provided information to plot out a likely path this individual was taking in their travels. Mizu's job was to follow this path and attempt to gauge the danger level of this Arrancar.

Wind blew through the balmy and small dilapidated town Mizu had positioned herself in, her flaxen locks waving around her petite face. Her golden gaze remained concentrated on roads coming in and out of the rundown village as she sat cross legged atop one of the few remaining safe structures in the area. Supposedly visual reports confirmed this Arrancar should be coming through the town in just a short time. Refusing to be caught unawares Mizu had limited her spiritual pressure and had cast Bakudō #26: Kyokkō to further hide her position as her small Shihakusho-clad body was hidden from sight.

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Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] Empty Re: Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta]

Tue Nov 22, 2022 12:42 am
Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] CB6zaHa


Stepping into unfamiliar territory was quite amusing to the Blazing Lioness. Though this small town was far from the ideal image of what she'd seen thus far in the realm of the living, it wasn't entirely a lost cause in terms of entertainment. It simply meant she had to look that much further to find it. Even better, there didn't seem to be many civilians here who were prepared to bother her about her appearance. Most kept their distance, others thought it better to not approach her at all.

Of course, she still held some intent to improve on her human interaction in the future. Anything to avoid having the Gotei on her tail, if they weren't already. Balancers of the realms and all that lofty bullshit annoyed her to no end, but in a city like this? If, by chance, a Shinigami happened to find her... perhaps it would be the type of entertainment she was looking for in a town like this.

From Mizu's perspective, Amaranta would be dangerously close to her vicinity. Amarata didn't notice her presence at all at the moment, so it wouldn't be hard to sneak in and get a closer look, if she were so bold. At the moment, the leonine woman was simply moving from building to building, in search of something that would capture her attention. Moving every bit as acrobatically as the animal she embodied, the leonine woman sets off to find something worthy indulging in this uninspiring small town.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Nov 22, 2022 3:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tue Nov 22, 2022 3:07 am
Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] JGYv9eD


Luckily for Mizu her day would not be spent sitting idly for hours only for her mission's briefing to be proven faulty. The Arrancar really was traveling along this route, and was easily spotted by the currently-invisible Shinigami stalking her. Mizu's golden orbs remained trained on the woman as she flitted from building to building, seemingly looking for something. Did a friend of hers leave something somewhere in town? It could be dangerous... Knowing she was safest within the hidden confines of her camouflaging spell, Mizu was uncertain what to do. Her mission was not to capture or defeat the Arrancar, and presently she wasn't even sure she could, at least not without information. She would have to make a decision.

After a few more moments of consideration Mizu silently undid her hiding spell and gently hopped down from the roof she'd been using as a lookout spot and landed in a tight alley nearby. By focusing she could maintain knowledge of her target's whereabouts as she made her way through the town. She peaked into the many emptied houses and abandoned businesses as she ever-so-carefully ducked from corner to corner, not wanting to make her own presence visible. Once she had managed to get closer to the woman's location Mizu grew a bit confused by the situation and made the mistake of speaking aloud "There's nothing here...what could she be looking for?" Upon realizing what she'd done Mizu immediately raised her hands to cover her mouth as her eyes grew wide. After all, she knew some Arrancar and Hollows had incredibly enhanced senses.

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Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] Empty Re: Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta]

Wed Nov 23, 2022 9:42 pm
Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] CB6zaHa


At that moment, Amaranta, oblivious to Mizu's presence, became acutely aware of the voice that spoke out of turn. It was a faintly voiced comment, indiscernible to the average human perhaps, but to one with significantly enhanced senses and the predatorial nature of a lion, the leonine woman was able to pick up on the Shinigami's presence immediately.

Turning her head towards the voice, Amaranta would use her perquisa to quickly observe the area until she detected the presence that had, perhaps fortunately or unfortunately for her, invited her attention. Quiet, measured steps, amplified by sonido, led her to Mizu's location. The imposing woman now stood behind the considerably shorter Mizu, gazing down at her with feline eyes, a faint grin indicating the measure of interest at the prospect of imposing on this woman's day.

After all, she was the one who decided to follow her. Why not indulge in the joys of antagonizing a Shinigami. Of course, her aim was to be cordial enough to avoid having those annoying balancers trying to tail her every waking hour. How to approach this one? Hm.... Poking at the woman's head from behind, Amaranta would speak through a charismatic, albeit domineering voice.

"It's impolite to stare, short stuff. You stalkin' me or something'?"


Last edited by Iori on Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:49 am; edited 2 times in total
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Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] Empty Re: Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta]

Thu Nov 24, 2022 2:24 am
Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] JGYv9eD


Having kept her spiritual sensing focused solely on the Arrancar woman Mizu was aware of her approach, but did not expect her to so immediately advance on her. Upon being poked and hearing the Arrancar speak the blond Shinigami immediately Flash Stepped a dozen feet away and drew her Zanpakuto. Holding her weapon steady with her fierce gaze trained on the scantily dressed woman, Mizu addressed her target for the first time "I am here on official Gotei United business! Surrender now or I will have no choice but to use force!"

Typically Mizu was willing to hear people out, but Hollows and Arrancar were the exception. She could not help but be biased against Hollows given her family's history, and while Arrancar were more intelligent, for the most part at least, she knew they were still one of Soul Society's greatest enemies. Mizu would make this one regret not immediately striking her down when she had the chance. With a flourish of her left hand Mizu cast "Bakudō #4: Hainawa!", causing a tendril of yellow energy to expand from her aimed at wrapping itself around the Arrancar to debilitate her.

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Thu Nov 24, 2022 4:17 am
Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] CB6zaHa


"Whoa now, shortie. Watch where you're pointing that bad boy. I was just minding my buisine----"

Before she could even utter an explanation, this woman was already on her ass. What the hell? Perhaps, given her appearance, it was the appropriate reaction. Amaranta had naturally approached the woman with the intent to antagonize her but, lo, the tables had seemingly been turned the moment Mizu evoked her spell. The yellow rope had achieved its intended effect indeed as the rope of reishi held the woman in place. Of course, from her perspective, Amaranta wanted Mizu to believe her little stunt had been successful.

It would make her reaction when she broke free all the more satisfying. For the moment, it was up to her, as the critically acclaimed actor - in her eyes - of the year to act out the role of the annoyed arrancar who had been so rudely interrupted during her speech. Shame on Mizu, chaining her down like this. Glaring up at the woman with faux irritation, Amaranta gave the seated member a mouthful in the form of complaints as she pretended to struggle to break free. Honestly, if she was lucky enough, none of those damn balancers had much information on her in terms of overall ability or skill. She could play this woman like a fiddle... potentially, of course.

"What the hell!? What's the big idea? You offer me the option to surrender and you still chain me down? After stalking me? You damn soul reapers so fucking annoying, sheesh. Balancers of the realm, my ass."

Hehehe... time to reel em in'. Though her eyes resemble a glare, she was practically grinning from ear to ear on the inside. What would Mizu do to entertain her? Hit her with something about morals and taking down a potential threat in spite of the fact she hadn't approached a single human since she arrived? How long had she followed her, though? Amaranta contemplated these thoughts as she waited with amusement brimming in her soul.


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Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:56 am
Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] JGYv9eD


For the most part Mizu ignored the exaggerated struggling of her captive, finding little remorse for having trapped the Arrancar woman in a binding spell. Being an experienced Hollow investigator, and priding herself on her critical thinking and problem solving abilities, the blond's golden eyes narrowed suspiciously at the woman. This was simply too easy...need to stay on my toes she thought to herself as she waited to decide on what to do with her captive.

"Don't play coy, Arrancar. You know quite well I can't allow you to do as you please. You are a danger to humans, and it is my job to protect them. The only question is how difficult you want to make this." With an unforgiving look adorning her face Mizu gripped her Zanpakuto and raised it so that it's point was aimed directly at the seemingly powerless woman. Though a woman of great empathy, Mizu understood quite well the core tenants and practices of being a Shinigami and would not refrain from running her sword through a Hollow or Arrancar's guts. After all for a woman who's dream it is to be a great Shinigami, what else could she do in such a situation?

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Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:55 pm
Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] CB6zaHa


Even in her supposedly struggling position, Amaranta observed the woman with amusement brimming in her spirits. Mizu didn't particularly make any move just yet. Her expression seemed unbending, analytical, dancing about with suspicion. The next action the Shinigami took only served to amuse the woman even more. Pointing her blade towards her, regarding her with a cold determination, Amaranta respected this air of ruthlessness the little hero was exuding at the moment.

A flow of inspiration strikes her soul, as though she recognizes that she found the entertainment she was looking for in an empty town like this. The leonine woman wanted to see if she was merely all talk or if she was truly willing to cut her down, or even cut her at all really. Rising up from the ground, pretending that the chain was still maintaining its tight hold, the beastly arrancar glared up at Mizu.

"Gonna stab me for minding my own business, huh? Fine, go ahead! A true Shinigami would've did the job by now! If you don't cut me down now, I'll break free and beat you down."

Arms bound, she feigned an attempt at stepping toward her, curious to test this woman's resolve. Killing was fun. It was honest, but it took resolve. There were was no moral ethics behind it, as much as these humans tried to find some sense in it. Some killed simply for the sake of the thrill, while others tried to hide behind layers and layers of reasoning to satisfy their own hypocritical sense of guilt.


Last edited by Iori on Mon Nov 28, 2022 3:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sat Nov 26, 2022 12:20 am
Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] JGYv9eD


Typical of an Arrancar, Mizu thought, as the woman taunted her. Many Hollows and Arrancar she had come across would often resort to taunts and egging her on in some way, often immediately, as that simply seemed to be their nature. Aggressive. Hateful. Egoistic. For what their kind had done to other Shinigami, Mizu sometimes found herself falling prey to those first two emotions when dealing with them. Still, she could not allow herself to be manipulated by an enemy and influenced into doing as they say.

Mizu decided to operate on the idea this woman could be far more dangerous than she was letting on, after all for an Arrancar to just complain mildly when captured seemed suspicious to her. The fact she hadn't already been forced to end this woman due to wrathful struggling was enough to make Mizu step back when Amaranta feigned her own step forward. Opting for a less direct approach Mizu gripped her Kidō chains tight as she touched her Zanpakuto to it and said "Hadō #11: Tsuzuri Raiden!", causing an electric current to run from her weapon, through the chains, to the Arrancar's body where it would shock her repeatedly if she remained in place.

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Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:56 pm
Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta] CB6zaHa


Several waves of electricity, while not enough to subdue her entirely, did annoy her a great deal. What was this woman's deal, anyway? There was a cold composure the leonine woman hadn't expected from the outset. Appearances really were deceptive, huh? It was a bit of a drag that she wasn't buying her little act, but maybe she could test this woman's resolve. After all, what other form of entertainment would she find in a empty town like this? Not a single damn thing. Playtime was over. Amaranta was growing tired of sitting around and letting this woman play target practice with her body.

The chains were one thing, but the electricity? She simply couldn't let another moment pass without truly testing this woman's ability and her will. After taking her last faux fall of pain to the ground, Amaranta rose up as quickly as she fell, turning towards the woman with a fierce glint in those feline eyes. With one strong swing of her body and a powerful shift of her hips, Amaranta broke out of the reishi chain that had constricted her body. After such a ferocious act, there was no pause in her movement as a step of Sonido carried her behind Mizu, peering down at the woman as her spiritual pressure began to spike significantly.

"Alright, play time's over kiddo'. Rule number one of combat. When you aim your sword at someone and they're defenseless? You best aim to strike them while the iron is hot. I'm not looking for trouble, but if it's a fight you want. It's a fight I'll damn well give. Gotta teach people like you a lesson in follow through."

She'd fiercely close the distance between them, sweeping her leg forward in an attempt to disbalance Mizu. Of course, she wasn't aiming to kill her. Beat her down good, though? Probably not that, either. If anything, she wanted to test Mizu, strike some fire into her if possible.


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