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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Sun Nov 27, 2022 6:36 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

As much of a goofy and laid back man Tento was. When things got tough he got serious. He wouldn't dare be the type of man to give a situation the unproper response that was needed. He may put in airs of being calm and cool. And he tried to be that, be had pride that just would not let him do a job like that. Especially one that could have civilians or comrades in the line of fire.

A sentiment that perhaps humored Lerna or got a sign og approval due to her light hearted chuckle.

"OH I don't think it would be too complex. Layering kido can be done in more than one way after all", he said with a sincere smile. "One of us could cast one spell while the other does the other. All it takes is a bit of concentration and harmony". Then again he could try to do layering. He had no idea how hard it was to do such a task since he had never done it before. But, with his skill in kifo and practice. If it came down to it, he was sure he could layer some lower level double digital kido spells. The real issue there would be time, Opportunity.

"My bad though. I wasn't saying to move it with us. But yo place it at a few different spots we insurance", he said with a sheepish scratch to his left cheek. "And true on that part. Depending on the Hollows that could cost too much energy. Even if that plan was done". He watched as she turned away then to pay attention to the Hollows. Much time had past in this discussion and Tento figured enough was done. If a situation came and was right. He would just try if he had to.

Although. He hoped that he wouldn't have to.

"Sounds good, right beside ya", he said taking a step forward besides her. His sword held in his right hand, he moved forward. Hopping in the air using his base speed before flashing away using shunpo to begin his approach.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Tentos10
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:42 pm
We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0

She raised a brow slightly at that and gave a furrowed brow. She wasn't quite sure what to make of his ....description of how Kido worked, she'd already tried something like this. But she decided to not argue with him on that and instead watched as he shot off to approach the first hollow. She followed close behind, her own blade held off to the side as she held back just a little and watched as he approached the hollow. She let him take point, but was ready to..... huh, wait a minute. She turned, frowning a little as she sensed some of the hollows moving.

It didn't take long for them to attract it's attention. It was a big, serpentine looking thing and as they closed in, there was a rustle among the wals before a loud CRASH! All at once, the massive serpent burst through the nearest wall and charged toward Tento, it's maw opened wide as the thing sped toward him and aimed to charge right into him! It was fast and if he didn't dodge the attack, he'd soon find himself slammed into the ground beneath several meters of long coiling body, it's masked fangs yawning wide and pushing down to try and slam his own zanpaku'to into his own chest! It wasn't all that strong, it seemed about on Tento's level in that regard, but it's own sheer mass and weight put a lot of punch behind it's movements.

It would be almost in tandem with Tento being attacked that another hollow crashed in through a window. A big, winged thing with a blade-like whippy tail that promptly crashed into Lerna. The blonde woman raising her brows before she was promptly tackled, rammed through several filing cabinets and then slammed through a wooden door, the fram splitting in half and shattering as the Blonde was promptly given her own enemy to deal with!

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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:01 am

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

As Tento flashed step forward, positioning his body around the second or third floor level. Getting ready to begin the hunt he supposed. But the hunt had already began a long time ago. Long when Tento and Lenra were making their way to the area. As the pair of Shinigami discussed their options in the field of battle, cautious and hungry Hollows moving slowly from all sides. Unaware, at least by Tento for the most part. He FELT where they were, but the distance was not sharp to his mind at an exact level. A fact that a Hollow fully took the advantage of as he sensed it all after Lenra did.

They were about to be attacked. A big, school bus long serpentine looking Hollow closed in. Slithering and rustling among the walls as it hovered half carved through the stone before. It saw its prey.


The massive hollow bursts throw a wall and charged to Tento. The Shinigami's body in the air with the Hollow approaching from his right side. Mouth unhooked and opened as it hissed. "HUH!?", was all Tento could start as he quickly twirled his body to face the Hollow, his sword stretched out across the length of his torso. The unexpected suddenness of it all had him only be able to respond with a with a defensive response. Blocking the force of the attack, Tento's body was pressed and pressed before being slammed into the ground with a massive CRACK ringing out. A spectacle of dust, concrete particles, and random debris flying into the air. A body size crater with Tento within, his legs bent, feet hold against the ground as the Hollow coiled with sinister joy at landing its strike against its foe.

It was heavy to be honest, the heavy body above him, masked fangs wide and inching closer. Trying to press Tento's Zanpaku'to into his flesh. With clenched teeth and tight muscles he pushed. Pushed and gritted with his fiery determination to keep the Hollow's movement from getting any farther. During this heard a struggle; a commotion that was a by product of a window being shattered and something whipping around from the sound of the wind. Boom Booom BOOOOOM. Echoed destroyed walls and physical materials as Lenra's body was slammed through the confines of the building to one side of Tento. With a quick yell Tento struck out, swinging his left leg up in a forceful kick to the body of the serpent over him, aiming to push the creature off and away before standing up and charging towards it.

Elsewhere, Lenra had her own Hollow to deal with! The talon-ed winged being with its blade like tail whipped it in an arc, flying towards the knocked back Shinigami after she finished crashing through the wooden door. A cackle coming from its distorted voice as it began to think of the sweet taste of a Shinigami!

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Tentos10
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Tue Nov 29, 2022 3:14 pm
The Serpent Hollow narrowed it's eyes, staring down at Tento with glowing red eyes as he struggled to keep it at bay with his zanpaku'to, A slow, smooth, deep voice practically caressing the man's ears as it spoke. "Not bad, shinigami."' A feminine voice remarked, that is until Tento SLAMMED his foot up and kicked the beast over him! Her whole frame launching past him before digging a trench in the ground below! But it wasn't deterred. Just as quickly as it had been thrown off, it suddenly slithered around and then aimed to ram into Tento from behind! Attempting to launch him up and into the third story window of the building beside them with a brutal headbutt! And if it exceeded, launching from the ground, flying through the air and then crashing into the building after him, intent on bulling him through an abandoned office, striking with harsh, quick bashes of it's massive fangs, trying to get past the defense of his zanpaku'to!

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0

Lerns twitched, hissing as a smirk crossed her features. Not in the least bit bothered having been rammed through several layers of wall and doors. She dug her feet into the ground and hooked her foot into a nearby desk, and SWUNG! Using that massive strength of hers to swing the desk up from it's resting place and SLAM into the hollow. Frankly, probably shattering against it's body, but fully intent on hitting it with enough force to send it flying into the wall of the office she'd been rammed into.

"Hello to you too! Got a name there, batty?" She promptly taunted the creature. Just simple habit by now. But it WOULD let her know if this was just a mindless beast, or one of the more dangerous, smarter hollows. Her weapon still in hand, but for now not being employed against the hollow. She knew a thing or two about fighting big groups like this, and she hardly was going to go blowing all her energy on the first hollow to show up.


That said, BOTH Tento and Lerna would be able to sense the other hollows beginning to react to the commotion. A few of them simply seeming to drop in spiritual pressure. As if trying to hide themselves. Meanwhile two of the closest other hollows began to descend through the buildings toward where they were. They had a bit of time to deal with these first hollows, but it was also clear that they didn't have long until more would be piling in. This would be a test of Tento's abilities. A real fight.

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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Thu Dec 01, 2022 10:32 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

As Lerna's body twisted, an angry hiss holding the rebuilding wave of her endurance flowing through her veins. A finely lined smirked crossing her bubbly features. Physically it seemed she was not the one bit hurt or bothered in even the slightness with the thrashing she took to be bashed through several layers of walls and doors. The tenacity of the blonde Shinigami roared, picking up a metal desk that creaked and bent with her hold before being thrown in a terrifying acceleration that made it move as if it was a battering ram. Meeting the tail slash of the distanced Hollow before being sliced in half as if it was butter. It did nothing to harm the Hollow, as the metal clanked to the floor and assortment colored papers, folders, and binders coated the floor. The hunting Hollow's body moved with a hungry speed as it fly i between the game of open path, uncovered by the first tell tale signs of the battle between the two of them; predator and prey. Her feet digging into the floor as if they were anchors, Lenra's body stood as she threw the desk, and as the Hollow had moved to reach her, the destroyed pieces of metal landed behind it with a THUD. The impressive strength that Lenra's used causing a size able dent in the floor!

Finding it's assault not deterred, the Hollow attempted to use it quick claw like tail once again since it was the longest appendage it hand. Curling the tail as its feet slide to a stop. The tail SWOOOSHED forward as if it was going to bash her from the front before doing a hard left hand, attempting to do a smash to Lenra's right torso. The blow coming with an impressive speed but sacrificed strength that did not match hers. Never the less, it held enough force to easily break the wall far out to her side if she managed to dodge. It let out an eerie sick chuckle, "heehheheheeheheheeeeeee. Why both? You're just a snack for me blonde. What's the point of a name I will forget soon enough~", called out the voice in a strange heavy and yet light voice that was androgynous. Taunting right back to the daring Substitute Shinigami as it began to think and plot, feeling the shift of the battle field one of many many ways yet to come~.


Tento's arms burned with hot adrenaline as his brown eyes gazed into those crimson glowing red eyes. Sharp as if they were stabbing into his flesh, but it was only the Hollow's narrowed eyes. Fangs clanged against his Zanpaku'to. It's slow smooth deep rich voice holding a tickling sickness that made Tento's back wave with goosebumps as he felt the cursed. The female voice touching his mind as his kick hit her Hollow body with a SMACK, before her body went flying over his body to land in the ground with a SLAM. Immediately after he did so, Tento turned so that he was no longer lying flat on his back but on his hands and knees. His head turned toward where he heard the Hollow landed; trying to keep his eyes on her.

However, all he saw was a whole in the ground. The Serpent Hollow already digging to travel underground. Just as quickly was it hit away was it coming back. Slipping, slithering, and sliding as it churned the very earth. Tento stood up and held his sword in his hand, shoulder's squared as he readied for the Hollow to come when. BAM. The serpent Hollow erupted from the ground behind him, ramming into his body as she carried both him and her up. Letting out a painful roar from the blow and feeling of his body propelled, Tento concentrated and tried to take advantage of this moment. As their bodies reached the second story window. He would flip the hilt of his sword and hold it tight in his grip before reaching behind and attempting to stab into the Hollow's mass. The large length had to make hitting its body easier, even in its speedy attacks. "Trying to take a bite out of me missy? So lustful and hungry...".

Where Tento was able to land that blow. Or lock the Serpent's body stuck due to his sword logged in as he kept his hold. Tento ws getting ready to feel what he saw coming. A crumbled dense third story window and floor ready to meet him. He went flying in with the brutal headbutt smashing him. Alone or not was yet to be seen. But as they landed either way, flying through the air and crashing into ground, walls, and gravity itself. Tento would pull his sword out as he felt the Hollow begin its quick array of bashes with its fangs. Doubling as a blunt weapon and a slashing tool. And if he was not careful enough, it could very well be a piercing lance as well! CLANK CLANK CLANK Ranged through the halls as Tento's Zanpaku'to met the massive fangs as best as he could. His mind in a state of focus as he stepped light with each step and aimed block before waving his sword in a wide arc left to right before flash stepping away whether he hit them Hollow out not. Aiming to appear behind the Hollow from above to deliver an overhead slash.

As he fought a further level of urgency came with him and a bigger need to focus as well as be careful. The commotion of the sounds of combat mixed with the glowing signals of everyone's spiritual pressure acting like beacons to the others. Some fading out of existence as they lowered their presences to hide and lurk. While others, two, moved towards the building. Seemingly different than the other two perhaps. Would time be on their side or would it be on their gathering hunters?

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Tentos10
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Sat Dec 10, 2022 6:13 pm
We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0

Lerna couldn't help but smirk just a little as she watched the hollow cleaving the desk in half. Tch. Man what a waste. Watching the desk land behind the hollow. Her eyes then darted toward the beast as it charged toward him, quirking a brow as it rammed toward her, shifting at the very next second. But Lerna's hand raised up, metal coating her hand. Having absorbed some of the metal from the desk to coat her skin in that durable material infused with her spiritual energy. As it attempted to slam into Lerna, she caught the blow in her hand, her whole arm flexing before she RAMMED the hollow downward, aiming to slam them clean through the floor and into the basement below with vicious force, quite likely just crushing it's skull into a paste in the process, not even a hint of worry on her face, her own sheer, menacing strength and speed being put into play as she aimed to dispatch the hollow with vicious efficiency. After all, there were a WHOLE lot of other hollows in the area to kill. Some of which were already closing in. Tch.

She turned, eyeing in Tento's direction, but she could tell from her Reikaku that he was ...oh shit he was really up there! She sensed him being rammed up a building and up to the third story! She hoped he'd be alright, knowing he wasn't quite as durable as she was. A little tch escaped her and she vanished, shunpoing up onto the fifth story of the next nearest building, peering for a moment. It felt like he was already winning, the Hollow's spiritual energy was already fluctuating, the heck was going on in there?


"GHRRRKH! You BASTARD!" Even though the hollow had succeeded in slamming Tento up and into the second story of the buiding, the sudden STING of his zanpaku'to stabbing into her neck caused her to jarr?! Thrashing slightly as she rammed him up and into the third story, CRASHING into the building before she skidded along the floor and hissed, bleeding profusely before rounding on him! Aggressively battering away. But Tento did a fairly good job at blocking all of it! Even with the mass of her body, he refused to buckle, and soon the serpent's fangs were starting to chip, as Tento's blade slowly broke off chunks of them, until at long last, she reared back, her mouth open wide as energy ROARED into place.

"Time to DIE shinigami!" She shrieked, at least, started to. When Tento rushed in and slashed downward, his blade cleaved clean through that cero, and then clean through the skull of the hollow. Her eyes going wide before slowly dying out, the light leaving her eyes before her head split in two, and the charging cero promptly EXPLODED. Flooding the room with explosive energy and popping the windows, flinging some of the desks into the far walls, and potentially launching Tento into the next room! But even so, the Hollow's body would collapse back down into the second floor through the hole blown by the exploding cero, glass and metal raining down after it as it's body dissolved.

It would be at this time that several more hollows began to close in. Two more hollows heading down from the tops of the buildings, crashing through floors to head toward the two shinigami. Tento's would be the first to arrive. A blade cleaving through the ceiling, aiming to swipe down the man's shoulder and cut into his body, ripping the ceiling in twain in the process as the hollow crashed in through the ceiling! What originally had looked like a sword was in fact the hollow's tail! An armored monkey crashing in through the fourth floor to land near Tento, it's eyes glowing within it's mask, which took the form of a helmet. SNARLING his way as it's tail lashed around behind it. IT's tip looking every bit like a long two-edged bastard sword. But there was no intelligence in this beast's eyes. Unlike the snake, it seemed simply to be a brute, one keen on killing and eating the young man!
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Tue Dec 13, 2022 9:14 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Reaching the yellow haired Shinigami, tail out and sharp. The Hollow's tail committed to its feint maneuver before going for a bash to Lenra's right side. The smirk splashed onto Lenra's face as her trained eyes darted to see the pursuing hollow approach her as it let out its attack. But Lenra was ready for it though. The blonde warrior raised a hand, a flex of energy unleashing her ability as her hand was coated in metal. An unknown ability to all here but it seemed that Lenra had some of the metal of the desk before she tossed it. Coating her skin in the durable metal. And infused it with her spiritual energy. A thing that would normally but of no matter when it came to a Hollow's psychical prowess. Such a thing would just crumble from any sort of touch of effort. But, with Lenra's own durability added with the subtle addition of the energy empowered metal coat. It was an unusual and unique skill. One that met the SLAM. Being caught by Lenra causing stone to crack around her from the impact of force. In a blur of moment in the following second, the Hollow could feel its body gets pulled down. Being dragged through the floor passing through several levels before landing down in the basement with a sick crack and squish. It's skull shatter as it thrashed and fumbled about. Puncturing holes in walls, cracking foundation as it roared as its body began to disappear. Enraged at its unexpected quick defeat. It's bellow calling out as if a call to something.

With the Hollow defeated when Lenra moved to travel to the fifth story of the building to gain a visual vantage point of the scene. There was nothing to stop her. Or at least she when it came from the matter of her getting there. Two Hollows were lying in wait for her when she reached this floor. A Hollow that had a strange ability it seemed to hide its energy, and the other finally arriving; it being one of the Hollows that became active as the stir of battle began. Its slimy long appendages numerous as it hovering from above, appearing as if it had melted through the walls. Six of its many limbs moved, throwing acid from above aimed at Lenra. The other Hollow, a small creature for its size; it had a mask shaped in a deformed fox face. Color bending back and forth in a strange dance of darkness and empty white. Who would this lurking opportunist go to????


Tento heard the vile Hollow yell out in rage, a fact that only let out an energetic smirk to come to his face. It was a good thing the Hollow could not see though, it would have only made her more angry. Then again, perhaps mind games would have been good? A little pay back from him getting slammed through the floors into the third story level. Dust and and pieces of stone on his clothe, Tento continued his focus. Taking the defensive stance as she went on into a bleeding mad batter at him. He never thought a Hollow could be hindered by blood loss, the biggest and only real weakness he knew from his studies were their mask. But, a body was a body after all right? His arms stung as he held on tight with each block unknowingly, the defensive action chipping away at her offensive while Tento's blade remained sharp and true.

Then she reared back as if she was standing on hind legs. Energy churning and building in her mouth as she opened it with a roar. It was a fact that Tento was glad that he moved away in the noted end of her bashing when she moved back. Feeling ALL of the blood lust within her as she yelled out that his time was up. Taking aim during the weak point of her energy collection, from above he slashed down rushing in, sword cleaving through the cero into the skull of the Hollow. Eyes wide was all Hollow could have before her body faded away in a black burn. "May your soul rest and move on". Was what he mumbled softly before he got an eye widening shock of his own! The charged cero didn't fade out of life, but exploded. Flooding the fragile room in fierce explosive energy. Popping windows opening, cracking the floor underneath and making dents in the walls. Flinging desks into walls that crumbled down and launched Tento back, his body crashing through the wall behind him launching him into the next room.

Coughing Tento rubbed his eyes as his body came to a stop and he stood up. His sight momentarily gone but his sense feeling out for energy. It seemed that Lenra had moved to the fifth floor successfully defeating her Hollow. But it seemed that one was waiting for her and had already begun its turn in this gauntlet. That was not good, there were several more hollows moving in on their location. And two more were coming to join the fray. Two seemed to come from the tops, crashing through floors from the sound of it. "WOW", Tento yelled as he saw a blade cleaving through the ceiling above him. His sword coming up quickly to block the slashed aimed at his shoulder as he felt his body sink into the ground beneath him. That was bad, that Hollow almost got a sneak attack on him! After clashing Tento could see that it was not a sword but a tail, an armored monkey looking Hollow's body crashed to land near him with a THUD and vile yeep. Mask glowing before snarling; tail pulling back lashed from here and to. Its tail a true thing to be careful of, its two pointed edge like a bastard sword. Large. Sharp, and not slow at all. Stepping forward Tento moved with a swift light aware of strikes, reserving his energy but seeking to test this Hollow's speed and combat prowess before thinking of his next steps.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Tentos10
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Tue Dec 13, 2022 9:57 pm
The Monkey SHRIEKED, baring it's teeth as it watched it's tail SLAM down onto Tento's blade, only to be repelled as the man recovered and soon charged in! As Tento rushed in, and without really taking a moment to survey the situation, the ape simply ROARED out and it's own til flashed! Parrying the strikes deftly! Its own natural movements seemed to be not as good, in fact Tento seemed a little faster! But when it came to swishing that tail, around, it seemed FRIGHTENINGLY competent! That blade deftly blocking each and every strike, and in the midst of Tento's attack, it suddenly streaked in, slamming into the blade, not only blocking it, but nocking it to the side, pushing it so that it was out of the way, leaving NOTHING between itself and Tento. Suddenly lurching back the other way, and having snuck past Tento's guard, that tail raked sideways, aiming not only to slash across Tento's chest, but to send the man flying!

In an instant, the Hollow was suddenly on top of him, as if it had used shunpo! Both hands and feet then planted, attempting to slam Tento into the floor with all four limbs in a sudden overwhelming bout of martial skill! It wasn't devastating, in fact, the strikes had been so deft and sharp that they seemed effortless. This .... thing wasn't smart. It wasn't strong. It wasn't fast. But it's sheer skill was frightening, and as it skidded away from Tento it promptly rose up to it's hind legs, steam spilling from it's mask as it shifted it's tail, and then grasped it as if it were a sword, taking up a Kendo stance and staring at the man. There was no higher thought, but there WOULD be something familiar. Not quite intelligence. But rather, as if this beast simply fought like this on pure instinct and muscle memory. One could only imagine what this creature had been when it was a normal human.

All the same, that tail blade pointed directly at Tento. Challenging him.

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0

A frown crossed Lerna's face as she finally managed to get to the top. But something wasn't .... right. There had been Eight of them when they rolled in. Five of them were just in the mid levels of buildings or the lower levels. Two of those five had been killed, from what she could tell from the hollow's reiryoku vanishing around tento. Two down, six to go. It was gonna be a marathon she supposed. But ..... as she got to the top, she only sensed... Seven? Where did the Eighth go?

It was at that very moment that the hiding hollow's acid suddenly spat onto her. Her whole body JOLTING and twisting out of the way! But it was too late, that caustic slime suddenly HISSED as it ate through her uniform. "SHIT!" She hissed out, and promptly FLARED her reiryoku. Suddenly RIPPING through her clothing with her spiritual energy as she twisted, grabbing her own kosode and TORe it from her body, throwing the acid-soaked cloth to the ground and hissing as she felt some of that stuff STILL eat at her skin! She quickly shoved all the stone into the spot, toughening up, but it still ate a mess into her chest and shoulder, any notion of indecency out the window as a THICK patch of her skin was red, missing the upper layers, and even bleeding as little pits wer eburned into her. She should have screamed. But instead, she grabbed the handle to her zanpaku'to.

"Let's have a fucking drink."

There was no explosion of spiritual pressure, but instead, she was suddenly just .... soaked. Her skin suddenly sheened, as she began to drip all over the floor. THICK sloughs of fluid dripping from her body, matting down her hair, making what remained of her uniform stick to her body as her body seemed to suddenly gush a steady stream of .... sake?

In the very next instant, she appeared directly up in the hidden hollow's business. Spinning, executing a SHARP kick to that tentacled beast, ankle hardened with metal and stone. The wall promptly exploded. The sheer, vicious strength of Lerna causing a whole section of the top floor to simply shatter and shoot straight into the next building, PROBABLY with the hollow mixed in with it as she aimed to send them straight THROUGH the building next to them. Drenched in the spray of alcohol that was flung from her body through the motion, and promptly would begin melting as the caustic corrosive Sake would begin eating through the rubble and the hollow it had been thrown onto.

But that second hollow hadn't escaped her notice. Her mouth already was full, and as she turned in the direction of the fox, she SPRAYED forcefully, a thin stream of that corrosive alcohol shot from her mouth, aiming to spray in it's direction and promptly begin eating through the surrounding material, possibly even chewing clean through the hollow's body as that corrosive sake was promptly ejected in it's direction. Though already the building around Lerna was melting, forcing her to make footholds made of reishi beneath her feet just so she wouldn't fall through the floor from the acid. Though even those were starting to smoke and sizzle.

Tch. This was bad. Lerna was panting heavily, squinting a bit as she peered about through the sake dripping from her body. These hollows were... far more competent than they SHOULD be. Why the hell were so many unique hollows in one place?! She needed to link back up with Tento. They'd already killed two of them. At this rate.... they could probably take out... two.... maybe another four. But the one wandering the streets... and the one all the way up on one of the tallest buildings. They might need to back off, or call in some of the other nearby shinigami. She spun, and promptly vanished with another shunpo. She couldn't afford to make sure that the Fox and that hiding hollow were dead. She had to check on Tento and make sure he was doing alright. focusing in on his spiritual pressure, she closed in as fast as she could. Keeping a bit of her attention behind her. Wary of either of the other two hollows pursuing her. Her grip tightening just a little.... hoping that Tento was doing alright.
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:20 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Tento felt that this Hollow was absolutely on the instinct side of Hollow existence spectrum. Annnnd, he was not only thinking that due to the Hollow was only shrieking and roaring. It moved smoothed though, swiftly. Meeting and parry each of Tento's probing strikes. CLANK CLANK CLANK-CLING CLANK CLING CLING. The pressure on, footwork to step with each strike to inch a little more power with each attempt while being loose and ready to create a window to wiggle a gap of distance. Tento's eyes focused, seeing the natural free flowing movement's of the Hollow responding beautifully to Tento's attacks; but slower. It was not intelligence perhaps, but it was smart. Practiced and skilled. It's body muscles and stances, its tail flicking with every strike in clean streaks that threatened to cut his flesh in twain. The only things saving his body was the slight advantage in speed as he held back, and the natural straightforward attacks this foe used.

Even in this fact, the Hollow was very much so competent in the way of combat. When the last clash between its double edged bladed tail and Tento's Zanpakutō, the fierce blow streaked in with a WHIIIIISHHH. Slamming into the blade, blocking it, and nocking it to the side, It held more power than Tento though and pushed his defense fully out of the way. This moment had a split second of excited surprise. A moment that the Hollow lurched back with a lean, swinging its tail sideways to slash at Tento. With a bit of widened eyes, he felt a slash push at his chest, sending the young Shinigami splashing back as if he was a pebble rippling through the water as he flew backwards.

"Grrr arrh ugh hgrrh", Tento grunted as he skidded against the ground before finding his body lifting off of the ground. As Tento went back he kept his eyes on the Hollow, thankfully not out of his realm to keep track of its movements easily. Like a continued bird swooping down on its prey, the Hollow was on top; above him in an instant as if it had a technique to use speed. Was it Sonido or something else entirely? Swinging his arms forward to his body making an X and crouching in making his body smaller as he lifted his legs to cover his lower half. The Hollow's hands and feet imprinted themselves onto Tento's body. Slamming Tento's body into the four using all four limbs. But from what Tento felt about these blows, they were sharp but not earth shattering. Not too much for his body to take and not more than he could put out himself. Pressed against the ground, Tento threw his arm up in a burst of strength, shooting his sword out in a stab to the chest as he rushed forward. In a blur of speed, Tento then would attempt to slash straight up, cleaving the chest and mask of the martial arts skilled Hollow before him in two. A fierce smile on his face.

Faster...stronger. Tento's blood was begining to pump in battle, and he was going to start pushing his body closer to its physical limits and abilities now!

If Tento choice respond did not out speed Hollow's next movement:

If Tento choice respond out speed Hollow's next movement:


The messy strands of battle were out in the field. The tracking of force in the middle of battle as important as it was to move urgently and strategiclly. A fact that may have been on the blonde beauties mind as she realized the slicking away Hollow's energy. The fading of two Hollow energies previously and the active five energies until it was four.

Was her senses wrong or was something amiss?

Unified in attack or a happenstance of chance. The acid wielding Hollow from above still took advantage of the delicious opportunity. The attack coming like a splash of paint from above falling down onto her. Her body acting quickly in well trained instincts to burst away in what could be an natural speedy response to harm. Twisting and running out of the way, but alas taking a touch of the slimy melting liquid. Hisssssssss as it ate through pieces of her uniform as the Hollow descende, its multi limbs begining to coat again in its defensive offensive. It was a build up, one that took time. But one that the Hollow had no issue with waiting for as Lenra cursed out in panic at her situation before BURSTING her energy out like a beacon. If any Shinigami or Hollow had a hard time finding their location. It just became all the more easier to find them.

Whether a foe or ally came in response was unknown for now. But as Lenra tore off her poisoned kosode before throwing it to the ground. Her energy trying to strengthen her body in response to a need of defense, but as she saw the acid soaked cloth burning slightly still in the ground, so did her skin that had the smallest pieces of acid left. Silently the Hollow moved one of its numerous limbs, the other 7 in total staying back as it rained down the limb with a SLAM towards Lenra seeing her reach for her Zanpakuto, acid free. A small quiver of a smirk came on the Hollow's face though. Satisfaction at seeing the missing pieces of the Shinigami's body. Wounded like prey, this enemy bleeding the first droplets of blood in their battle. The smell of which sung to her nose. Burned flesh of Soul Reapers, deformed skin, shaking hands and the sound of screams. She craved it, demanded so! She wanted to drink from it.

But maybe this drink was a bit too strong for her.

As her limb came down and Lenra spoke, unleashing an explosion of spiritual energy that....soaked her body? Body shining and soft as a unknown liquid began to drip to the floor. Heavy yet mobile liquid slough as if she gotten stuck in a heavy rain and frozen over. Uniform stuck to her body as if stapled. It was a strange smell in the air, one that made the Hollow tilt her head sideways in wonder. Bringing it's other limbs back in an instinct nature. Without much said due to the Hollow not getting a chance. Hollow appeared WITHIN the Hollow's area of limbs, as if she had been there the whole time and the Hollow had only now been able to perceive and recognize her. Spinning with a sharp burst of power, Lenra kicked the tentacled beast, body hardening in a layered mix of metal and stone that let out a multi sounding condensed CRAAAAACCCCK. Wall, body, and the very air seeing to crack from the force as the Hollow exploded through and against the wall of vicious strength. Causing a whole section of the top floor to shatter and fall into the next building. A crumble of concrete falling onto the tentacle Hollow's energy faded slowly. As the acidic sake began to slowly clear the rumble over the defeated Hollow.

The fox Hollow watched on, eyeing Lenra with a slit eyes before it too would be met with the same fate. Not realizing that she had noticed him. He was unprepared as she turned in his direction with no sign at all of her plan. Spraying a thin stream miss of corrosion that made the Hollow yell out in pain and drop its hiding act. An arm missing as he hopped away from the corrosion soaked area. What was this? Acid that melted Hollows!?!? Was what the fox Hollowed thought. As it hovered over what SEEMED like a safe spot unable to hide its energy anymore but laying low. For now.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Tentos10
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Sun Jan 01, 2023 1:40 pm
The monkey was panting, it's eyes glowing bright red as steam spilled from it's mouth! All throughout that flurry of precise movements, it was slowly getting stronger. Those flicks and strikes of it's blade and tail growing much less refined and more vicious, brutish. As the hollow clashed with Tento, soon the weight of it's strikes grew heavier and heavier! And when it suddenly slammed him into the ground after that high speed step, it was practically frothing! It's blade held off to the side slightly. It's stance more full of holes than before as it stared down Tento!

Amazing as it was, the monkey somehow seemed MORE feral than it had been before! That careful, elegant mannerism now eroding to it's more beastlike tendencies. As if it's tail blade were eating it's sanity with every strike. And that was what gave Tento the edge. As Tento stabbed forward wth his blade, it SLASHED upward viciously, aiming to throw his weapon up and out of the way as it lunged. But that rage was it's undoing. It's mouth agape, teeth bared as it surged forward and aimed to CHOMP down on Tento's shoulder! He had options for certain. He could abandon that slash of his, and avoid the sudden locking jaws. Or, he could allow those teeth to sink in and follow through with his strike. That blade would cleave clean down through the monkey's chest, ripping through it's frame. Managing to avoid any damage to it's mask, the damage was still vital. It's heart and lungs cleaved. If nothing else, it was an opportunity to end the fight right then and there for the blade-wielding Monkey.

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0

"Hadō Number Four." Her eyes glowed as she turned, pointing her finger over her shoulder as the glow of reiryoku at her fingertips FLARED. A sudden burst of electrical energy collecting before unleashing in a thin, potent beam. She wasn't INSANELY gifted with Kido, but she wasn't trying to do anything fancy. With the sheer ammount of energy she had, that thin beam of electrical reirypku aimed to SLICE clean through thbe building and pierce that partially melted fox right through it's skull before sweeping sideways, slicing through the building as if a blade had hacked a section of the top off! A glowing orange wake that caused a loud CRASH as tie top of the building slid to the side and crumbled, breaking apart and crashing down to the street below.

Under normal circumstances, she wasn't in the abit of killing hollows without the use of her zanpaku'to. After all, they needed to be cleansed. But this was a bit of an emergency situation. She aimed to kill the hollow swiftly, and then continue speeding toward Tento. Pausing as she arrived just in time to spot his fight with the monkey. A soft TCH escaping her. She'd shoot in with vicious speed, her blade flashing out. If Tento wasn't able to finish off the hollow, or he simply had chosen to back off. Lerna would streak in and cleave the monkey with a sudden vertical chop. It wasn't a killing blow. But simply aiming to rip down the animal's spine: shearing a section of hip, one of its legs, and its tail from the rest of it's body. Leaving Tento to move in for the killing blow. But either way, her voice was urgent.

"Fifteenth Seat Zefa! you alright? These hollows are a little stronger than expected. And there's still more around. We have two more closing in, and one that's on the highest building." She informed him. After all, he WAS the ranking officer. Giving him a quick rundown of the situation, she looked to the young man expectantly. Clearly intent on seeing if he wanted to call in for reinforcements, or play it risky and try to cull the rest of these hollows on their own.
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