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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Thu Jan 05, 2023 6:10 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

A battle crazed smile was a bit on his face, Tento's eyes a blazed by the flames of combat. Faster he tried to push his body as his body pumped and he felt a heat rising in his chest. Arm extended out holding his Zanpatuk'o firming as he stared forward. Not daring to falter in gazing at the bright red hungry eyes of the monkey Hollow. attempting to strike down the powerful for form flawed foe once and for all. The Hollow's feral dominance was clear as it slashed upward letting rage fill its mind and body. Its body surging forward as it sought out Tento. Hitting Tento's sword up upward out of its desired path.

A quick realization came when he knew what could happen next. A vicious bite to his body. He could attempt to avoid it, retreating and falling prey to play the defensive role once again hoping to not get overwhelmed by the brutal harsh assault of the beast. Or he could endure, and take advantage of the pure instinct style of this Hollow...

"Tch", sounded Tento in a bit of frustration at this situation. The Hollow may be close to Tento's strength, if not a bit stronger. But Tento knew he was faster, and if he put his spiritual energy into his strike in a steadfast movement, perhaps he could make a timely adjustment. Keeping his hands on the hilt of his blade as the two of them became striking/biting distance of each other. Tento would shift his body using his back foot using his superior speed and hoping his reaction time would be enough! "HAAAAAAAAAA", Tento roard, letting his Reiryoku flaring as he refused to let his will falter. Moving his body to the side into a horse stance the shoulder aimed to be bitten moving back hopefully causing the Hollow to get nothing but air. In a sharp short movement, Tento would bring his sword down, a brown color of his energy glowing lightly around his body and sword. Aiming to cleave though the Monkey Hollow's mask. If successful that blade would cleave clean down through the monkey's body. Mask, chest, and torso; ripping through it's frame. As Tento let out a lion's roar.


All that that slithering careful Hollow could register was the slight quick burst of reiryoku before a flare of electrical energy shocked and sliced through its form. Piercing its mask as the Hollow appeared to look on with wide eyes as if it was in shock. As the potent beam of power continued to fly after it traveled through his body. Going past the building continuing as a make shift blade now as Lerna turned and sweeped sideways, slicing through the building hacking a section of the top off. Little did Lenra know that this action with the wake of the building top to fall as it slide to the side before crumbling, breaking apart and crashing to the floor. This action causing chaos below and in the air, holding the Hollow that was present further away at bay preventing them from getting closer for now.

Upon arrival she would arrive to see the latest stage of Tento and the Monkey Hollow. Whether it was a finishing blow to cleanse the Hollow's soul, or Tento suffering a nasty wound to his shoulder would be seen in time. Hearing Tento's roar a he went in for his finishing blow. In either case, with the sound of her trademark TCH coming once again, as soft as it was, it would register that she was here. Well, her spiritual energy coming closer after doing her Kido made that even more of a clear sensation to him as she shot forward with vicious haste sword in hand.

As speedy at Tento was, it was only a slight advantage. And so he feared that he would only get the chest of the Hollow. However, with Lerna's arrive and approach, he would streak in cleave the monkey with a sudden vertical chop. A well aimed blow that took lethality at the animal's spine shearing a section of its hip, one of its leg, and separating its tail from the rest of its body. A pained roar came but that was all it could do, because with haste at her aid, Tento shifting his weight and sliced up. Bringing his sword back up to cleave through the Hollow's mask.

After the Hollow was finally defeated and cleaned. His sword would stayed raised as he turned towards her urgent voice as she began to speak. Giving him a quick breakdown of the situation at hand but also showing concern for her comrade. A thing that gave him a thankful nod as he gave a sigh as his mind went about sensing the nearby Hollow's energy as he began to speak. "I'm okay, how are you?", first things first. Was to check up on his his teammate was doing. She looked perfectly fine and normal, but appearances could be deceiving after all. Mind and spirit were just as important as the body. So far from what he could tell from his senses, the two Hollows that were closing in were indeed on their way, but slowing down. Perhaps due to the chaos Lerna caused on her way over here. The third Hollow in the highest building was still motionless though.

Alright then...

"Lerna, we are going to retreat to a better fighting location. I don't like the idea of fighting two strong Hollows with a third watching. On the way there I want you to call in to have back up on the way just in case, while we move, I am going to try to do something to lay a trap. I need you to travel ahead of me away from here, no matter what, I need you to keep moving and make sure you have good position", Tento said as he turned to face Lenra. His face holding a hint of his goofy friendliness still but his face was a lot more stern in its 'battle' mode. If this worked for Lenra he would wait until she moved after he pointed towards the direction they would head to. Daring as he was as a warrior, he was not the type to play it risky unnecessary with others lives. If they could get the jump of the Hollows, if, they continued following them. Then that would be what he would aim for.

When their movement began he would follow behind Lenra as stated if she agreed to his plan. Keeping his sword in hand and his senses feeling out for the movement around them. His movement would be deliberately slower than what he could do, keeping a good distance to lurk the two Hollows to him as he began to soft chant a dual enchanting as he layered his Kido. When he felt that the time was right he would activate the next phase of this mission. "Hadō # 12 Fushibi, Hadō #31 Shakkahō ", delcared Tento after taking a step before placing a hand on the spot he had landed in the air. Using his concentration and focus to modify the combine Kidos. Causing Fushibi to be an invisible net of energy that started in the air and expanded to cover a wide range of space before connecting to a few building and surfaces. Shakkahō , was overcharged, running along the created net concealed. Waiting to entangle any caught Hollows before going off in a large explosion that would hopefully put them down, if not, severely injure them before Lerna and Tento moved in to cleanse them.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 Tentos10
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:51 pm
We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 HEADER_67533998_p0

Between the both of them they managed to finish off the monkey. Tento's downward slash managing to cleave down the monkey's chest but missing it's mask. But even so, once Lerna arrived and the pair of them cut the beast down, it dropped. The enemy that had pushed Tento to such a dire position cut down with promptness with two of them against one.

She was at the very least, not exactly looking the best. She'd managed to not seem injured, but well. She was missing her kosode. A good chunk of her uniform had been burned away by acid, and so there was nothing but a light sarashi covering her chest. Though she hardly was very concerned about it. She'd shed her skin and been without her uniform before after all. She listened closely as Tento gave his orders. And for a moment she made a slight face as he reccommended they fall back to a better position. Which, frankly was a good idea. But well...then he mentioned his trap. The kido trap he'd mentioned before? She clearly was a little surprised at the suggestion, but she simply nodded her head. "Uh.....rrrrright." She noted lightly. Boy he really wanted to do that little overlay thing huh? She'd read about it in the academy actually, wasn't there something about the Aizen Rebellion? Hell if she remembered. Even so, she promptly turned and shot off, a blur of speed as she promptly ran ahead as per his instruction.

Thankfully, it seemed her shearing one of the buildings delayed one of the hollows in their approach. She noted that Tento lagged behind and a small part of her wondered if he was going to be alright. But she decided to trust him. He'd been handling things fairly well up to this point, even despite that nasty bite. All she could really do was call in the cavalry. "Dispatch, this is Lerna of Seventh Division. We'd like to request support from the nearby relief Squad, requesting on behalf of Fifteenth Seat Zefā." She spoke into her soul phone.

Of course. as Tento kept a bit behind. It fell to him that the hollows chasing them would soon find him. Of course, one of the hollows had been pushed back, thanks to Lerna's trashing the bulding. But as Tento lagged behind to create his trap, the ground would shake as something started charging in his direction.

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 HED_art_id_147465_Daggerfang_Baloth

The side of a building was ripped clean from the ground as the massive spined hollow plowed in through barreling toward Tento. IT was easily over eight meters tall, and snarling wide as it charged straight toward Tento. It's huge muscled body flexing as it closed in. There was just a brief moment as it approached where one of those invisible wires tripped against one of it's spine. Before the air lit up and the trap sprang. A loud, deafening BOOM sounding as it exploded, enveloping the beast in flames. The hukling beast, now on fire, and with a chunk of it's shoulder and chest charred by the flames, now ROARED all the louder as it barreled toward tento! It wasn't faster than him, but it was BIG! Making it all the more urgent that he start getting out of the way before it got too close, rushing towards him heedless of it's bleeding injuries and the chunks of charred flesh that crumbled from it's body. That mask peeling back so that it could roar toward him. Showing off wicked curved teeth glazed in drool. Clear in it's search for a meal!

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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:39 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Perhaps Lenra was not looking her best. But she indeed was looking FINE. A bit of damaged uniform was meaningless with having all of her limbs attached with no moderate injuries. Minor distractions to Tento's eye being left away. Not seeing anything moving. Not any skin. Noooope. It was also not a reason he had asked her to move in front of him. Not even half. If she held any reservations about them falling back temporarily to seek out a better location, he was none the wiser. Not sure really how to take the slight face she had made. Mixed perhaps? Agreeing with part of it but not fully? She was surprised, now if this would turn out a pleasant one or a sour one....

Either way they hustled, Tento following behind focusing ONLY on the Hollows behind them and around after giving a nod to Lerna. Reserving energy he ran instead of using the effort of Hoho. A fact that was great in letting some stamina recover as the possibility of them being pursued was held back by the amass of building parts behind them. Lerna's actions really aided in this time gathering. Planning, resting. Very valuable things with dealing with so many Hollows and possible skirmishes to deal with. The cellur device carried on Lerna's words. The audible voice ringing out as there was already the sound of swift movements in the back ground. "Roger that Lerna. Relief Squad is on its way from your 4. Stay strong", called out the voice speaker as he spoke back to Lerna over the phone.

As this occurred, well, the bit of calmness that gave relief as the pair tried to make use of their plan came to an end. The Hollows were able to eventually break through, chasing the bountiful energy harvest of the Soul Reapers. Trailing behind Tento as the man created and layered his Kido. But as he neared the end of its completion he felt something that reallllly made him feel cautious about what was probably going to be several long minutes. The ground. It was shaking and trembling as if it was being held and moved. Feeling like it shook the soil to its soil.


A build had its body removed from the surface! Flying into the air like a cannon ball as a massive spined Hollow plowed forward as if it was a rhino; barreling towards...Tento! JUST WHERE DID IT COME FROM!?!? That size was not something they could miss so easily. Did it hide its energy and lurk waiting for them to come??? The eight meter tall giant snared, before. FLASH. One of the invisble wires tripped against its bone, the air spun and churned as if it was being cooked before the trap was sprang into the world. A ear piercing rang through the air as it exploded. Swelling and swallowing the beast in flames as the lines set off one after another. Some falling onto the Hollow's body to set off more, while others released their fire energy from the various areas.

Out of the flames the hukling beast roared, running out with a red glare in its eyes asit's shoulder and chest were charred by the flames. Good, it was not a waste of energy. BUT THIS WAS NOT A FOE HE WAS PLANNING FOR IT TO GO OFF FOR. Seeing all this happen so suddenly, Tento flashed stepped, using his superior speed to move overhead of the Hollow, while overhead he unleashed an uppercut slash, using the length of his sword to try to strike at the center mass of the Hollow and it's mask. As big as it was, that was a disadvantage as it was a boon. It was an easier target! "Seems we are back at it Lenra! Ready!?".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 Tentos10
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Wed Jan 11, 2023 4:15 pm
We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 HEADER_67533998_p0

Lerna was not concerned with any distractions she might present to her superior officer. She already was hardening her skin, and so a light sheen of dark stone and metal coursing along her body to cover her up was there. Even if it dids still take her general shape. She wasn't in a position to worry about it.

She let out a sigh of relief as she heard that voice confirm that the relief Squad was on it's way. That at least was good. She had beenb a little worried that maybe one of them had snuck up on the squads while they handled the big ones. However another .... different concern reached her when she heard Tento's trap going off. Her eyes going wide before she turned and swore under her breath as she saw the hollow charging in.


We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 HED_art_id_147465_Daggerfang_Baloth

"GRAHHHHH!" As Tento turned and slashed at the incoming hollow, his blade would swing and slice into it's chest. A few inches.... until it caught by the hard bone and tough hide. That blade, which would have normally cut through most hollows, stalled as it sank into the beast's body. And he soon felt INCREDIBLE pressure on that arm. Stopping unexpectedly, and that hollow kept pushing in, putting all of that force onto the man's arm, even potentially twisting it the wrong way if he wasn't able to pull back before it turned and PLOWED a hand through the nearby building as it swung at Tento!

Not only did that big, meaty limb crash in, aiming to clothesline the man, but also the debris of stone and metal exploding from the building splattered outward like some massive shotgun blast, filling the air with flying material and endangering Tento even if he managed to avoid the swing itself!

It would be at that time that Lerna would shoot in at Shunpo speed, appearing just above the beast.. It's arm already swinging up. IT's reflexes surprisingly sharp! As she brought her own weapon down and met it's knuckles. The blade stopped justy short of cutting into the bone as the air CRACKED with the impact between them. Lerna's expression twisting into a mask of concentration as her strength combined with hakuda managed to balance out the SHEER difference in mass. But even so, cracks slithered along the hardened skin on her arms and she skidded back, the beast too skidding away as she and the big beast faced off. A loud HISS sounding as the beast's hand began corroding, a loud acidic crackle sounding as her alcohol burned it's way through the flesh on it's knuckles, causing it to shriek out in pain. Now SQUARELY focused on Lerna as she raised her blade threateningly.

This was a beast that was BRUTALLY strong, at least physically. Unlike the Monkey, Tento would not be able to overpower this beast, and it wasn't QUITE slow enough that he could just use his size to his advantage. But NOW he had an opportunity. The beast was now squarely focused on Lerna. even if he couldn't match the beast directly, now he had a chance. HE could go very risky and try to go for another killing blow. But even distracted, a hollow would always be cautious of damage to it';s mask, and he'd run the risk of getting it's attention back to him. Alternatively, there were a lot of options. He could slash it, try to restrain it. Fire powerful kido at it from afar. Certainly his options were very open. The advantage of operating alongside another Shinigami.

He just needed to hurry, and make the best move he could while Lerna had this things' attention. Even as strong as she was, those cracks in her arms were bleeding. IT's sheer size was making quite the difference after all, so he wouldn't get to sit around planning forever.
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:18 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

"Wooooooow!!", yelped Tento as he felt as his upward slash hit its mark. Feeling the OOMPH come as if he was hit by a raging bull. Slicing up the strangly blue colored Hollow, at least to Tento as he never saw that type of color on a Hollow before. Awesome blue in all honesty, the few inches of flesh were smashed away by. Well. The muscle, bone, and matter of the Hollow. Being stuck as if it was being swallowed in a unrelenting bite of deviance. The only words that could register was that this thing had a TON of force. Far beyond what it looked like due to the momentum it easily gained within its bersker charge.

Stuck in the ground he was, his attempt to slice and go over practically being slammed to the earth as his feet were forced back to the ground. With a strained grunt his hand moved in the air, being forced up by that push of a battering ram charge. The Hollow turning in the moment to plowing a hand through a building in proximity as it made its way for Tento.

Down Tento's arms and sword came again. Aiming to dlash and hack at the incoming limb. The meaty limb felt like it was a wide as a house. But that was surely only the pressure it had in combat. At first Tento's attack clawed before his arms were pushed back with a SLAM. Arms pushed to the side as he felt the Holloes limb smash him in the chest filling the follow through with debris that smashed into his arms and legs like a rippling lake surface. His feet dug back as he refused to be sent flying again, the ground cracking as Tento DUG deep. Being pushed back and skidding against the floor.

As Lerna joined in from above splitting the Hollow's attention. The air cracking as if it was being powered pressed on, squeezed. It was a concerning show of kight as it took its toll on both of them. Lerna's hardened skin on her arms to crack and pop. A loud HISSSS as if a large snake was eyeing them sound was loud and clear as the beast's hand began corroding, a loud acidic crackle sounding as her liquid? Energy? He had no idea what this ability was but it was doin' a good job. Burned it's way through the flesh on it's knuckles, causing it to shriek out in pain. Now
focused on Lerna as she raised her blade threateningly. As this happened Tento repositioned himself, flash stepping behind the Hollow at a 8 on clock angle. Words coming from him as Lerna and the Hollow's body finished their skid. "Drinks on you?", he said playing a light joke at the smell of the alcoholic ability that Lerna had as well as offering a well deserved chill session after this harsh unrelenting mission.

As Tento said this he moved, taking the tunnel vision focus on Lerna as a strand of opportunity. A soft careful sigh coming as he focused and though. The Hollow was large, a good target space. Less than the other Hollow but still good enough. Strong, it had an even harder hit, and it was faster. He was not sure if it was equal to his or Lerna's speed, but he knew that a contest of speed would not be a cake walk as least. More importantly, it was them versus it. Or at least for now, as the previous Hollows were still away as well as their back up.

"Strike. Control. The light. Of the lord. Bakudō #30. Shitotsu Sansen", Tento spoke in a calm enchantment, a yellow light forming in his left palm. A vibrant color of energy. Generating a burst of crackling yellow energy that grew as he draw, using the energy to draw an inverted yellow triangle, which generates solidified energy in the shape of smaller triangles from its three points. The smaller triangles then fire and if they were able to hit the intended target, it would pin three of its limbs to the ground. A vast amount of focus would be done as Tento casted this spell, aiming to increase the speed of Shiitotsu Sansen in hopes to limit or temporary stop the Hollow for Lerna's next move.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 Tentos10
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Sat Jan 21, 2023 2:06 pm
We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 HEADER_67533998_p0

That spell was certainly a surprise! To both Lerna and the beast as Tento delivered that little line, and then those bright yellow fangs slammed down into the Hollow from behind. It's big beefy frame crashing into the floor as Lerna skidded back! Finally free from the tension that had been running through her frame, she leapt up into the air and raised her weapon! That fluid alcohol rippling around her body, collecting along the edge of her blade, hissing as it concentrated along it's edge. A flashing grin spreading across her face. In just the instant before she struck, the rippling flow of alcohol formed a shape in the air around her. The gaping maws of a massive serpent.

"Último Bacado."

As she struck down, that veil of alcohol crashed down and cleaved through the hollow's restrained form! A blade of corrosive alcohol aiming to rip clean through the hollow's neck, a cascading guillotine of corrosive booze executing the Hollow on the spot, the booze already chewing through it's body for a few seconds before the cleansed hollow began to dissolve. Passing on thanks to the efforts of both Soul Reapers. As they did, several members of the nearby Relief squad were already closing in. The few remaining hollows lurking in the ruins a short ways away. But kept at bay by the presence of more Shinigami. Support had promptly arrived! A few stopping to tend to any wounds that Lerna and Tento had, while the rest proceeded to deploy and surround the remaining hollows. At least the couple that Lerna and Tento hadn't personally handled.

Lerna would wave off the medics, making her way over to Tento instead as she sealed her Shikai and sheathed her blade. A casual smile on her face as she approached. "Nice workin with ya, sir. Heck if we had a third we probably woulda been able to handle em all on our own. I'll have to pass on drinking. Not a fan of alcohol, but I'll buy ya lunch sometime if it's all the same." She noted with a grin.
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We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 Empty Re: We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:24 am

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Tento let out a gentle smile cross his lips as he saw his kido spell smack into and pin the Hollow's large frame. Free of tension and time filled with grace, blonde hair waved in the air as Lenra leapt into the air. Raising her sword up into the air. Fluid flowing around her flesh coating and sliding along the edge of her blade before coming down in a tranquil fiery attentive strike before expanding. Swelling and rising as it danced around its owner before forming in the shape of the mouth and fangs of a massive serpent out on the hunt.

"Último Bacado huh? That's some move she got there." He thought with slightly gaped eyes, impressed furthermore by the skills and techniques of his new comrade. The blow landing cleaving through the hollow's mask and body. The end of the Hollow coming with its new beginning in the cycle of life coming as well. The trickling in relief came next. The feeling of breathing being allowed to flow to tense muscles. The sounds of several members of the nearby Gotei Relief squad traveling on their way, getting closer.

Tento looked around, swinging his sword up as he felt the movements of the few Hollows still lurked in the debris and numerous empty homes a short distance away. But, either through the defeat of such a strong Hollow, or the timely arrival of more Shinigami. It seemed the hunters became timid as they felt the scale of the food chain shift its gaze on the aggressor. Quickly they were surrounded, limiting their movement and throwing away all chances of escape before they too, were cleansed. Others moved to the pair to provide some quick medical aid. A fact that Tento did decide to take. He could feel the wounds on his arms and legs from dealing with that beast of a Hollow. He was not in any serious threat of a lingering effect but it was something to take a quick fix about.

Lerna waved it off. Saying she was fine sheathing and sealing her Shikai as she made her way to Tento. A soft casual smile on her face appearing well, if not a bit underdressed. "It was good working with you to Lerna. Having you here definitely made things a lot more manageable", he said sheathing his own sword, giving a friendly smile and nod in return. "Hmmmm. Depending on the third, yea. I think we could have actually. A lot less beat up and destroyed clothes too", Tento added while keeping eye contact.

A soft laugh came from Tento, his body jostling slightly at the words and situation that Lenra provided to him that he found a bit humorous. "Sure. Lunch to recharge from this does not sound bad. Sorry for the laugh, with how your Shikai is, I think that is a bit ironic". He said in a friendly tone. In the back of his mind much paper work was he going to have to do with this?

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]


We're not aggressive, we're passionate! [Tento | Lerna] - Page 3 Tentos10
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