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Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue0/0Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty Re: Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:19 pm
Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

"Kek", Tento said coughing on practically air at Amaranta's unexpected counter. PANTYS. "Nah. I don't think anyone would be a part of that". He said in a simple response to it before taking a few nibbles from the steaming piece of meat in his hand. Ahhhh, it was so goooood. By all credit, the combat divison certaintly had plenty of members filled with courgage and boldness. It was pretty much a requirement filled by Vice Captain Hanako when she took the lead after the late Captain's death. Taking the reigns, she steer the division to continue the foundation work she had done alongside him. Courage, disciple, a warriors disciple, and deterimation to do their job. And do it well.

Even then, not to feel cocky or superior. Tento felt he had a bit of willpower that was clear above many in his division. It was something he held pride in. But not just that, character. A type of character that helped his comrades just by his presence. At least that was what he hoped and dreamed for as an ambition. Either way, "With what is before me. It is bit of hard not to. I would have to lose my sense of taste to not be so". He thought about it and could not help but to let out a very sharp smile line his face. A bit rough but still kind. Animalistic in intensity but precise of a warrior. The thought was more than appetizing. Such a thing felt like it stirred something deep and hidden in Tento's subconscious and being. "Well that would be hard. I would have to find you for one. Two, I would have to keep you to myself from any other strong Hollows that are liekly want to get a piece of you like today", he said taking another piece of meat and a sip of his drink now. Resting his drink before giving a shake to his head. "Oh? Wouldn't you like to know. I am sorry to say that information locked away until further expeirence is gained", Tento said before letting his cool eyes change. Moving from eye contact with Amaranta briefly as if to let them smile before returning them. "Well, some at least. One person I have faced. Is an Arrancar named Cala".

He then tilted his head and thought. "And you? Who has the mighty lioness fought that peeked her interests?". It would be good to keep note of names in the hollow world to keep track of. Who knows, it may become useful. If he did not put it in his report of today he would most certainty keep it for himself!

Light in the Dark | End Post

Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Tentos10
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Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue0/0Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty Re: Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:34 pm
Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Cala, huh? Doesn't ring a bell. I don't think I've met that particular arrancar before," Amaranta commented, finishing her burger as she moved on to a hot rack of ribs slathered in barbeque sauce. As she said, that name didn't stand out to her at all, though part of that may have simply came down to the fact that she hadn't socialized with too many arrancar as of late on earth, which made sense considering how many times she had to fight back to avoid being exorcised. Biting into the meat, she tilted her head at his question, reflecting on the opponents she had faced so far. There was that fucking demon that annoyed her to this day, Khaana, and a few others. Of all the fights she enjoyed the most, she had to admit, Khaana was pretty entertaining. If she hadn't ran away from that demon, perhaps that confrontation would've been viewed in a grand light rather than the way she reflected on it now. She ran away, and she hated running away in a battle. It disgusted her to no end. Anyway, it was time to answer his question.

"A girl who is my boss now and the one who provides me with a home. Her name's Khaana. I met her when I first came here. We fought, I lost, and we made a deal. I stay in line and learn how to play by the rules on earth, and go on missions or help with whatever she needs me to, and I get paid for it and all my expenses are spoken for. Not a bad way to live, eh~?" She humored.


Last edited by Iori on Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue0/0Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty Re: Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento]

Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:13 am
Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

"I am not surprised. She seems like a very private Arrancar, granted which one isn't? Either way, she primary deals with lower hollows that come after her or the memories of...whoever", he said with a wave of his free hand. Giving information, some. About the matter. Tent then got four full pieces of ribs before chomping down.

Interesting. Someone that was Amaranta's boss? With how steadfast individualistic she looked, it was a hard thing yo imagine anyone making her want to be anyone's subordinate. With her strength and that personality, it was also hard to have anyone make her be one as well. She seemed the type to be sassy and rebellious even if she was outmatched and steerer around by force. What in the world could have happened to make Amaranta accept a deal?

Hmmmm. "Wait wait", he said finishing his set of ribs and placing them down onto his plate. This whole time it seemed Amaranta was really not a threat to causing harm to civilians. HE DIDNT HAVE TO GO THROUGH ALL THAT HR COULD HAVE JUST FLIRTED WITH HER. "So, this girl teaches you how to behave and not cause a mess on Earth. You lay low, somewhat, and not cause Gotei eyes to have to come on you. And you help her with stuff? Like what??? And wait a dang minute. What you even get paid for? You don't need to eat!", he said in a surprised laugh. Why why this was all so amusing, wonderful, and enlightening. Just who was this woman? A hollow?

So mysterious and unknown though...

"Not a bad way at all. So I suppose if I want more time with you I have to beat you like she did eh?", he took a sip. "Or is the requirement just getting stronger and having a flash entrance like you?", he said poking fun lightly at her arrival with a big SPLASH at the start of all this.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Tentos10
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Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue0/0Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty Re: Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento]

Sun Apr 09, 2023 12:02 pm
Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"I don't, but human food is pretty entertaining to munch on anyway. And besides, I don't just use the money for food. You digging the outfit, right? A lady needs to look good, don't they? The clothing here is amusing. There are so many outfits a gal' can throw on, and although it is a bit of a struggle to fit into some of them, I can't say I don't enjoy sweetening my pockets to spice up my fashion inventory."

A boisterous chuckle accompanied those words as she continued to eat away at her portion of the meal. The laughter was somewhat directed to his last words, too. In order to spend more time with her, Tento wondered if defeating her was the golden ticket. In some ways, it certainly was. Granted, Khaana hadn't exactly beat her up. She issued a challenge of sorts, and Amaranta folded like a lawn chair at the worst possible moment. Did it happen like that from Khaana's perspective? Maybe, maybe not. She didn't care. The woman filled her pockets, had some semblance of strength, and had a fine home to rest in. The particulars didn't mean much else honestly.

"A bit of both. I'm a perfect ten out of ten. In order to spend time with someone like me, you have to grow stronger and be a real badass'. I ain't demandin' much out of ya right now, though. You put up an entertaining show, and that's why we're here on this lil' date."


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Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue0/0Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty Re: Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento]

Wed Apr 12, 2023 11:30 pm
Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Hmmm so she found the use of wealth as a material gain. An interesting thought given her reality. Finally. .He had a type of answer to the question of, what does a hollow do when they no longer have a constant force urging them to desperately eat souls? No hunger after all and no issue of money. Well, what else to spend or need money on? At her question he had to look her up and down. She did ask him if he liked her outfit. "Looking good", he said with a playful light emphasis on good. Hey, the man had taste and liked to be honest. And his eyes showed that strange kindness and gentleness that was empty in their spar before as they shifted back to eye contact. Replacing the fiery rough gaze they gave off before.

Tento placed his utensils down before holding his left hand in a closed fist to his lips before releasing a light burp. A happy sigh coming during Amaranta's boisterous chuckle accompanying her words. He laughed and lowered one of his hands, resting it against the table, a bit away yet close to Amaranta's hand. All before going back to eat using his left hand to grab a fork and pick up a piece of some steaming hot cut up bbq chicken. It was a joke in all honesty, but it seemed it did good to amuse the lioness. But all jokes had some truths in them~. Either way, the confidence this lady had, power and looks. Wasn't bad. "Ten out of ten hmmmm? My my, the lioness has an ego. I don't mind stroking it though", he said slightly with a tease. "Sounds like a fun challenge to see if I can do", he said before giving a short raise of an eyebrow. So she was geuinly gonna call this a date eh? Fine by him. He had to be the cool lion after all.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Tentos10
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Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty Re: Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento]

Tue May 09, 2023 10:25 pm
Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Of course I have an Ego. I worked pretty hard to get where I'm at, and I take pride in that, you know? Why be humble about it?"

Amaranta chortled boisterously as she tapped her hands across the table. There really was no humility to be found in her heart. There was simply a divide between strong and weak, capable and incapable. Nothing more, nothing less. Tento thankfully proved capable, and that is why Amaranta found him worthy enough of her time at the moment. She leaned back against the chair after she cleaned away the rest of the barbecue on her plate. Grinning in his direction, Amaranta let another hearty laugh escape her lips. Well, if he wished to try his hand at a woman like her, she supposed he was most certainly open to try.

"Stroking my ego is a fine step. I mean, if you want to see how you can hold up with an arrancar like me, I won't stop you. Just don't go falling behind on me, though. Otherwise, you'll never earn another date again."

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty Re: Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento]

Wed May 10, 2023 3:26 pm
Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

"Yeah. Some ego is healthy and should exist. I'll have to take your word for how hard you work. I haven't seen you workout unless you wanna do that for me the next time we run into each other", Tento teased. Amaranta had to have some work ethic, the progression of becoming more than a regular hollow and even an Arrancar took time and action. Being a former espda did that even more so, such a thing couldn't just be gifted. Well...mostly.

He then would move that hand in a subtle soft slide. Standing his hand on top of Amaranta's hand un a gentle hold. Thumb rubbing slugging against the back of her palm before resting down. "I do get it though, but the question about being humble? Well, you can be cooler. But I suppose that ain't up to your focus huh fire lioness??".

Even he had to laugh at that lame one. With no straight face after really speaking it out.

It looked like the food was done with and so were the drink for the most part. Now there was only thr fee pieces of food to finish and conversation. With some laughter missed in as well. "Hmmm...enjoy the view. Or try for another encounter. Decisions decisions", Tento said while placing his other hand under his chin in a pretend thought. "Ooooh, so so tough. Which way do I get stroking your ego and head??".

Light in the Dark | End Post

Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Tentos10
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Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty Re: Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento]

Wed May 10, 2023 6:36 pm
Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Heh, cheeky. I like it. And if it's anybody working out for anyone, it'll be the other way around. I'll work out for you when you can punch through my hierro on your first try."

Another peal of laughter followed as she finished what remained of her drink. For what it was worth, this bold Shinigami amused her. He wasn't what she typically expected nor did he seem as though he was against hollows as long as they were sociable enough. He definitely seemed to enjoy risk, too, but she could respect that to an extent, too.Amaranta allowed her eyes to travel down to the hand that set itself atop her own, grinning in amusement. A bold act, but then, she enjoyed bold action in an individual. She simply kept her hand there as he posed a question in response to her own bold statement. Chuckling, Amaranta answered him in the same domineering tone.

"When you actually defeat me in a battle. Accomplish that, and then we'll talk, Ten."

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty Re: Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento]

Thu May 11, 2023 12:57 pm
Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

"Ehhhhh. We will see, I feel like I can surprise you even more than I did today soooo", Tento spoke. "You'll only get a surprising workout then if you keep that up with me Amar". He gave a soft chuckle laughing along with her string of laughter. It was a daunting task at hand really to pierce of hierro. He had to give his all and be allowed to strike to do that in this day. He would have hoped next time she would take him more serious, which, to be honest. Was a wonder. When that time came how much stronger would the two of them be??

... "be careful there. I may hold you to your word when I beat you", he answered back with an equal amount of confidence pressure and will. A lady like her should really be careful about making things sound like a fun promise.

Being a little bit more bolder he would give her hand a squeeze before standing up. The drinks were done and food eaten, sadly it seemed that it was time to go. "Ahhh, so tell me. Did I impress you enough to get some digits?".

Light in the Dark | End Post

Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Tentos10
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Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Empty Re: Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento]

Fri May 12, 2023 2:05 am
Fiery Lioness meets Cool Lion? [Amaranta | Tento] - Page 5 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Be careful about what? I meant what I said. I value strength in my love interests. If you can defeat me, you can date me. It's as simple as that. "

Amaranta offered a small shrug in response to his words. She was a simplistic woman at heart. There wasn't anything complicated when it came to her desires. Strength was always the determining factor. She had no interest in associating herself with anything less than those she considered a cut above the rest. It therefore went without saying that anything below that held little interest to her. Quite simply, if he wished to anywhere with her, she felt it was only fair to be brutally honest about the requirements. Noting that small squeeze of her hand, Amaranta yawned softly. A phone number, eh? He seem thoroughly serious about this pursuit, it seemed. Leaning forward to slide her phone over, Amaranta would grin from ear to ear.

"We can keep in touch. I'm interested in your progress outside of dating potential. Let's start from there and see where things go."

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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