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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] Empty As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko]

Wed Nov 23, 2022 7:50 pm
As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] D8DTm9n


A Senkaimon opened in the middle point of Mount Takao in Tokyo, Japan, and the half-breed quietly stepped out. The gentle, yet lightly bitter chill of the wind, the smell of the trees and the lightly wafting foods from stalls. A wave of nostalgia passed over him as he lifted his head to the look at the orange-laden sky. Ruby eyes glimmered with emotion as he took it all in.

This...was the weather of home.

Dressed in a grey-ish white kimono with a uniquely stylized date-eri and a black scarf wrapped around his neck and shoulders, he had been looking forward to this event for quite some time. It had been so long since he had come back home to witness the shifting colors of the trees and experience the changing of seasons. It was hardly something that required the formal wear of a kimono, but, it was enough for him.

He turned around, smiling warmly as he held out his hand for the young woman accompanying him as she stepped out of the gateway. It wasn't the most traditional date to take a lady on, but, perhaps it would be something to remember, even if not in a romantic sense.

"Our first stop of the evening, Mount Takao. Even now, you can see the autumn leaves as we stand here."


Last edited by Henrex on Sat Dec 10, 2022 2:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] Empty Re: As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko]

Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:22 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Soon following Henrex was the sight of Saiko adorned in a somewhat oversized and loose-fitting kimono of her own. It was a rather peculiar look and a drastic change from her usual gothic look. Everything from the pink to ember hue of the outfit, the star buttons on the kimono, and even the red laces holding Saiko's twin tails together and the pink headband and neckband around her made it quite the departure from her day-to-day outfit.

So, with Saiko feeling relaxed and pleasant in her festival gear, the woman's stare lingered before holding on to Henrex's hand. She was more lost in the majestic beauty of mother nature and all of its natural wonders. For too long, a person could lose themselves in the material sights of this world, and slowing down to take these beautiful views in was needed for the soul to rest, recover and bring you back to reality.

Of course, as a bitter breeze blew over the hybrids, Saiko kept true to her word and had a faint aqua glow envelop them both as a sense of gentle heat engulfed them.

"Mmmm, you were right. This all was beautiful to see!"

Pointing her free hand at the trees, Saiko nodded and conducted.

"But, as I said, I'm not gonna do the cold. So I hope you don't mind being warm as you show me around here. I'm unfamiliar with this area, so I want to see where you would lead me."

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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] WVMWLOu
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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] Empty Re: As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko]

Fri Nov 25, 2022 3:32 pm
As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] D8DTm9n


Warmth encompassed everything that he was right now. He was home, enjoying a festival with a beautiful woman that he had a fondness for by his side. The wind picked up again, a series of red, yellow and orange leaves lifted from the ground and trees and into the air, creating a mesmerizing dance as the seasons mingled between one another. His thumb gently rubbed the back of her hand as he watched her take in the sights.

"I don't mind in the slightest."

He let his free hand gently run over the railing of the site, seeing the distant cable car coming into view, containing even more visitors who wished to see this event. To see people enthralled, enticed, and excited by such an event in his home brought a certain joy to his heart. His thumb lightly brushed against his own festival wear, and his eyes fell to her for a moment.

"You look beautiful tonight, Saiko, like the setting sun on a fall afternoon."

Maybe it was a little overdramatic and cheesy, but, he didn't care. He loved to spin his words the way he did, and her festival wear caused his mind to stir to life.

Without another word, Henrex gently led her across the top station of the mountain, smoothly navigating the two through the crowd of tourists and natives. Saiko likely would have noticed the change in his demeanor. Away from the responsibilities and pressures within the Gotei, even if for one evening, gave him the desire to just be himself. Something that usually remained locked up, only shown in the utmost of privacy.

He led Saiko to the other end of the station, reaching his free hand out as a red leaf slowly fell into his palm.

"Because of the colder weather up here, and it being so exposed to the sun, the leaves are more colorful. Here, however, is one of the preferred habitats for momiji, maple trees. Most of the yellow leaves are picked up from down below, those are ginkgo, one of the oldest trees in the world."

Of course, this was nowhere near the only place that he had in mind. While he would like to make a stop at every single place to view, he was perfectly content with however much they were able to see. He loved his home, and to share the beauty of it with another was like nothing else in the world.

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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] Empty Re: As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko]

Sat Nov 26, 2022 2:20 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

"Thank you for noticing. I figured I'd wear something different than my usual attire. Can't wear the same gothic get-up 24/7, right?"

She would give a gentle blush as a ginger chuckle loft the pale lips of Saiko.

This was nice

Though, Saiko could see that Henrex was keen to play with her hand. One could find themselves easily lost in the softness of a woman's touch, so she allowed the hybrid to explore that side. Instead, while he was busy with that, the eyes of the mistress of glum just kept taking in the cable cars, the people, and the autumn sights of everything, as it was nice to see everything in such a relaxed and peaceful state.

Even as Saiko took parting glances at Henrex, she could see his aura easing. When you aren't consumed with work and stress, there are aspects of a person that can shine through, and both of them could learn to ease themselves up from the daily grind.

Despite that sentiment, her thoughts drifted away from that and back to reality as Henrex started stating why these trees were the way they were. He could even tell the exact names of the trees and leaves below. So, Saiko would tap his nose and nod with a giggle.

"It's good to see you have not only combat knowledge but worldly knowledge as well."

Nodding, she continued.

"Tell me: are you fond of this place or Japan in general? You seem to understand it well, and I was curious about your history here."

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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] WVMWLOu
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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] Empty Re: As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko]

Sat Dec 10, 2022 2:34 pm
As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] D8DTm9n


The warmth and love in his smile never left as she acknowledge the compliment. To him, such a contrast only added to her. It served to show that she could wear something entirely opposite to what she usually did, and still look wonderful. Letting the red leaf fall away and drift into the gentle brush of wind that carried it off, he turned back to face her.

"As a whole. Japan means a great deal to me. This is my home, and I love it with all my heart. Even with my fragmented memories, there's no denying what I feel when I come here."

Even with how much effort, time, and care he had put in the Soul Society, this was his true home. Guiding Saiko a little way's away from where they had been, he pointed to the southwest.

"I was born in Toba, about...four hundred and sixty kilometers that way. From here, it'd be about five-and-a-half hours to get there by traditional methods. It's a city on the coastline in the Mie Prefecture."

He took a moment to look around, seeing the cable car, then looking down the side of the mountain, thinking of the time they had, the options available, and what his own personal plans were for the evening. The warm smile faltered slightly as he gave some thought about what to do next, giving Saiko ample time to take in the sights before he turned to her, a light playful look mixed with the warmth of his scarlet eyes.

"Would you like to take the cable car down? I could carry you down the mountain and get us to our next stop quicker if you wished, but, it's up to you."

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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] Empty Re: As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko]

Sat Dec 10, 2022 7:58 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Henrex seemed quite attached to this place. Hearing him speak fond words for the place that made him feel at home was comforting. When someone has a rock, they have a bond to this world and will do all they can to protect it. That was something that Saiko could understand as she nodded her head.

As the hybrid closed her eyes, memories of her days in the human world as a human protecting her family and crew in America, advancing into the soul society after her death, and even protecting her former lovers even in the depths of despair in Shadow Fall all brought these familiar feelings that Henrex held.

So, when Saiko's eyes opened once more and finished reminiscing, she spoke out to Henrex:

"Protect it with all your might, then. It is terrible to lose your home, and I'd recommend using your influence as a Captain to keep it safe. It's admirable you'd do such a thing."

With a soft smile, Saiko nodded before looking down at the cable cars below and taking in the autumn colors. Was there a need to rush to get there? After shaking her head, she continued speaking.

"And no. There is no need to speed down there, Henrex. I'd rather take the scenic route, take it slow and enjoy the sights. That is what we came here to do, right? So take me to the cable bar instead."

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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] WVMWLOu
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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] Empty Re: As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko]

Sat Dec 24, 2022 12:10 am
As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] D8DTm9n


This world meant everything to him. Even as a Shinigami, having passed on long ago, there was an attachment that brought him back to his home. Perhaps it would always call him back here, no matter how many memories he lost or how many times he died. He had every intention to protect this place, and if he needed to, he would use every scrap of influence and resources at his command to ensure it, so long as he drew breath.

As he looked off toward Toba, toward home, his expression softened, a wistful longing coming to his eyes. But, it faded as quick as it came when he heard Saiko request the scenic route. Turning to face her, the gentle, warm smile returned as he took her hand, silently, yet elegantly, maneuvering through the crowd and stopping in front of the cable car.

Opening the door, he took a step to the side to let Saiko enter, before stepping in himself and sitting down next to her. Perhaps it was in part due to his affection and fondness for her, but, the carefreeness that few saw from him nowadays came from so many different facets. Returning home after the whirlwind of events that occurred within the Soul Society, being on a date like this for the first time long had it even been?

He looked out the windows, quietly pointing toward the leaves as the wind pulled more of the yellow and reddened leaves from the ground and the mountains, mixing the colors together. His hand slowly fell back to his side, before he turned to face Saiko.

"I'm glad that we could have an evening like this together, Saiko. I hope I can give you a night to remember with this. Mount Takao, the changing of seasons and Momijigari, and the stops I have planned for later tonight."

Emotions often ran so high with him -- even though he kept them under a firm check -- to let his guise of professionalism, kindness, and control fall away revealed a vulnerability and character that very few saw. Even if this were the only night that he could spend with her like this, it was one that he would treasure. Perhaps it was dramatic, but, with a man that loved too hard, loved too much, it was only to be expected.

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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] Empty Re: As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko]

Thu Dec 29, 2022 3:37 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Sometimes people need a break from their daily routine to let themselves decompress. Both of them led busy lives as active figures in the Gotei, so it was a given that the pair would let their guards down in the midst of nature. The melting twilight skies and beautiful amber and brown leaves brought a sense of serenity that only those in-tune with the natural earth around them could comprehend. And given Saiko's affinity for the outdoors, she was taking in everything and bringing a sense of gentleness into her soul.

Yet, as much as she had a profound interest in losing herself in nature, she did not seem to lose sight of Henrex. Guiding her through the car, being soft with her, and opening himself up to her; these actions, his mannerisms, and the sentiment around the day weren't lost on the woman. So as he began to speak out toward her, Saiko held her hand on his cheek and nodded.

"Thank you, Henrex. I appreciate that. I'm glad there is no need to stress ourselves for it to be perfect. I'm content to go with the flow and see what all happens this evening."

Speaking gingerly, Saiko smiled and slowly let her hand go as she glanced back and asked a question.

"Do you believe nights like these should be slow and savored? With what the world once was, it's a miracle the two of us are even standing here having this lovely evening."

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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] WVMWLOu
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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] Empty Re: As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko]

Sun Jan 01, 2023 2:15 pm
As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] D8DTm9n


As Saiko rested her hand on his cheek, his eyes closed for a moment, his own hand gently cupping hers. Warmth slowly came to his cheeks, tinging them red as he opened his eyes. Even with the quiet creak of metal as the two were taken down the cable, the gentle autumn wind and the swirling mixture of colored leaves brought a sense of calm to him. There was no stress to be perfect. He didn't need to be the omnipotent hero that he felt he had to be, at least, not tonight.

For now, he could relax, and just be himself, flaws and all. As Saiko let her hand fall back to her side, Henrex moved a bit closer to her, playfully nudging her shoulder with his, before turning back to look out the cable car's window.

"Mmm...I don't necessarily think that it needs to be slow, per say, but, savored? Absolutely. Nights like these should always be savored and treasured. The world has changed, and...had you told me, a year ago, that I would have returned to the Gotei, reinstated as a Captain, that I would have met with you again, and we would share an evening together like this, I would have never believed you."

It was cold and bitter thinking, but, for so long, it was how he felt. That cynical poison still gripped his heart, believing himself unfit for these joys in life, yet, here, with her, he felt that slowly ebb away. Those devilish emotional highs sought to keep these feelings of warmth close to him at all costs. To protect Saiko, to hold her, and admire her.

To prevent him from losing anyone else precious to him. A hand drifted toward hers, his fingers gently wrapping around her palm as the cable car clicked into place at the foot of the mountain and the door was opened. He stood, keeping her hand in his as he gently guided her out, stepping out from the car. There was a small, mischievous glint in those scarlet eyes for a moment before he spoke.

"I've got a special surprise for where we're going next. We'll need to catch the train, though."

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As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] Empty Re: As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko]

Mon Jan 02, 2023 3:32 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Saiko noticed Henrex blushing and couldn't help but giggle. Not out of anything malicious, but because it was just cute. So, she would take note of that and gently boop his nose.

"You are blushing. That's cute."

After snickering, she continued.

"And yes, life is pretty weird regarding how it worked for us. But I think that's what keeps it interesting and exciting. It's why I'm savoring tonight and all the other peaceful days until whatever threat rears its ugly head next."

Following those words being exchanged, Saiko would gladly take his head as they stepped out of the car and let that fresh autumn air hit them. She basked in it for a moment, closing her eyes, sniffing the atmosphere, and letting it hit all her senses.

When that moment passed, her eyes opened, and she began to tilt her head to the side slowly. A surprise? Well, now Saiko was just plain curious. So, she would boop his nose again and speak:

"You have my attention. I wanna see just what you have in store, Henrex. Lead the way."

Code By:

As the Seasons Change [Henrex, Saiko] WVMWLOu
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