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A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira]

Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:26 pm
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Beach-header

She didn't exactly pay Kizuna's actions much heed, she was quite blase about anything that the wildcard did as long as she did not see it as a threat to herself. Besides that, Kizuna was free to do as she pleased. This might be a little bit of an intrusion though but we'll call it a curious development. It was rare that Kizuna ever brought company but she had opted to dump the individual here.

Naturally this rogue element would not be allowed to persist without investigation so she dressed up for mingling and had given Klein the privilege of helping her prepare. It was too much for work someone such as she to do all the hard work with styling her hair and making it look pretty. It had occured to her to simply send Klein to go investigate this new presence in her territory but Safira didn't like to leave everything to chance. A narcassist is what she was after all, anything without her direct oversight or handling could be done better if she was involved.

"Well, well. Kizuna never leaves me gifts. What is the occasion?"

The arrancar mused over Eliane, standing over the woman to block her sunshine a little bit and get that beautiful luminous effect that silhouetted her a little. It was like it's own little aureola. Thinking about it though, she should expect gifts from Kizuna more often and Klein and the others. What better way for them to show their appreciation, right?


A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty Re: A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira]

Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:20 am
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] BgOZgv8

Well, Eliane certainly hadn't agreed to come down here to Brazil for no reason. She kept her individual funds and accounts squarely away from anywhere that the Duvalier Group operated, and besides, this was a lovely part of the world for her to visit when she finally had time to herself.

A lovely part of the world with lovely opportunities. Lifting her sunglasses to greet her new company, Eliane simply maintained the cheery, almost eery smile that always graced her features. Now, however, it was at least a little more genuine, an expression of earnest cheer and ease rather than just a manner of making people feel a bit uneasy, or of obfuscating her true intentions.

"You must be Miss Aldrovandi. You really keep a lovely place here, you know. The best money could buy, I'd imagine."

Sipping from her pina colada for a moment, Eliane then continued, her voice not actually as guarded as one might have expected given her position. It wasn't as if she was unfamiliar with this woman. She'd have to have been stupid not to be aware of who this was as soon as she heard the name.

"I'm something of a free agent now, and I was thinking this might be a nice place to settle down, maybe start a business."


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A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty Re: A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira]

Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:34 am
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Beach-header

"In the flesh."

Business, hmm? How ironic, that Yaksha's own goals had collapsed on themselves like a dying star in the wake of the Espada. All of their silly ambitions being snuffed out like a tiny pathetic fire. She wondered if Nagato felt the same way when his dreams collapsed, he cried and complained to another person like how Yaksha had been upset that she had dissolved their alliance with their mutual enemy dead.

What did he expect honestly.

"You could say that, it is a place of leisure and money can get you anything."

She imagined like many of the individuals that were involved here, quite deep in the underbelly of her little pleasure country, that Eliane came from some shady business. It was what something like a resort in the middle of nowhere, in totally neutral territory, appealed to the most?

"So what business does Kizuna's gift offer me? It better be good, I'm growing quite bored of the peace lately. Things were far more entertaining when they were at their throats, right?"

Safira did not suggest one way or the other if she was familiar with Eliane, her maker or anything like that. If anything the fact that she had not given a name just made Safira all the more able to assign her a demeaning title.


A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Gamma_Signature
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] CHARACTER_LISTA Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] GRAPHICS_THREADA Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty Re: A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira]

Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:59 am
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] BgOZgv8

Eliane was quite aware that Safira was choosing to give her a title to lessen her stature, but little demeaning words hardly meant anything to someone like her. She'd already spent her whole life pretending to be little more than a pawn playing along with Claudia's games, after all. This? Well, this was just something she could find moderately amusing while she planned her future.

"Things are certainly boring now, I can say that much. I always try to spend my money spicing things up, though. I've got a little war brewing as we speak in the wastelands, but that's all so small, you know?"

The faint grin she wore grew a touch more malicious, though Eliane was still giving nothing away. Why would she, after all? That was a much more dangerous proposition now, when dying was something she couldn't simply use as a convenient escape.

"I wouldn't mind seeing a few things burn. A few people upset."

A rather transparent understatement, if ever there was one.

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A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty Re: A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira]

Mon Dec 05, 2022 1:10 am
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Beach-header

Why, she was a malicious little one wasn't she? Though it seemed appropriate for Kizuna, such a rowdy individual that was rough around the edges. Conflict was the path to advancement, Safira just liked to be on the side that reaped the benefits of that conflict instead.

"That is hardly anything to brag about, dear. No one cares about what happens among savages in the middle of nowhere."

She couldn't believe this little pet would even gloat about something so insignificant. Do something really impactful, aim bigger. A grand show for all the views to enjoy and the actors to suffer through.

"I do hope your future plans are more big picture than that if you're looking for the jackpot, honey."

Safira teased a bit, happily to twist an inferior being around her finger and have them able to do nothing about it. It was that simple as to why she was happy to taunt Klein with her figure, it was to be admired and enrich the viewers' lives to gaze upon it like a proper work of art.


A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Gamma_Signature
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] CHARACTER_LISTA Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] GRAPHICS_THREADA Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty Re: A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira]

Fri Dec 09, 2022 9:11 am
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] BgOZgv8

"Oh? Who said anything about someone caring?"

Eliane was many things, but a gloryhound certainly wasn't one of them. She didn't do the things she did for the sake of people knowing she was behing it, and she didn't care if anyone knew about the fact that her small proxy wars with herself were happening. If anything, that made it all the better. The thought that people were fighting, suffering, killing each other, all for nothing and when nobody even knew it was happening--

Mm. That was the good stuff right there.

"The jackpot sounds nice, but I've already done a lot of gambling in my life, so I think I'd rather take a little bit of time to enjoy my winnings. Spend some money letting other people take the risks for me, know what I mean?"

Of course, she'd already been doing that for years, but now she was in a better position for it than she'd ever been. After all, she was quite literally nobody from a legal perspective.

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A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty Re: A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira]

Fri Dec 09, 2022 9:25 am
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Beach-header

Hmph, now she could find fault with the scale but Eliane was certainly confident. She had a lot of pride in her work, so much so that she needed no one's validation but her own. A little bit of potential, that was for certain but Safira was not interested in those things. She'd neither started them or even noticed something so insignificant, so they were worthless.

"Is that so?"

Safira mused, cocking her hip out while she glanced over at the beach to look at all the denizens enjoying the resort. They were as much for valuable income as they were as a deterrent. The shinigami would not want such a large number of souls to be killed or become hollows all at once surely? Hostages that were blissfully unaware that they danced and sang to the tune of the arrancar.

"As is the right of the strong and powerful, recognising one's place in the world is certainly important after all."

She didn't dislike Eliane but the lack of ambition and willing to be content had certainly made her less interested. Just what was Kizuna playing at by dropping this girl off here, what was this girl playing at? She was certainly competent though Safira didn't like the potential risk. She preferred these souls that came and went to be demure, insignificant and incompetent. Blissfully caught up in the experience of leisure. Kizuna hardly associated with much of anything except troublemakers.


A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Gamma_Signature
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] CHARACTER_LISTA Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] GRAPHICS_THREADA Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty Re: A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira]

Fri Dec 09, 2022 9:38 am
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] BgOZgv8

"That friend of yours mentioned you've got connections. I didn't feel like telling her I already knew that, but my former employer kept an eye on you, at the very least."

Indeed, there was a reason Eliane had already been so prepared to come here. It was one of those few places she was confident Claudia simply wouldn't make an effort to seriously ruin her life. Oh, she'd definitely be dealing with assassins now and then, but that wasn't anything new in her life anyway. It was like a lunch appointment, just something you did.

"Money is all well and good, and I certainly have plenty of that. Arms dealership is nothing if not a lucrative business. But now it seems all my business ventures will have to go on hold indefinitely, and I'd estimate I had five years worth of product that won't be able to see the light of day now. Not that anyone but me knows where it is, of course. Or could access it without wishing they'd never tried."

Eliane's smile grew a bit at that, having done more than a bit of testing already to ensure her traps were sufficiently dangerous.

"It would be a shame to see that all go to waste, don't you think?"

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A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty Re: A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira]

Fri Dec 09, 2022 9:53 am
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Beach-header

My, my. How brazen to go straight to business without so much as offering a name. This woman was quite full of herself now wasn't she? Did she think an introduction was something that spoke for itself? Maybe she needed to teach the pretty thing a couple of pointers. Later though, not here in public.

"How unfortunate."

The arrancar feigned a bit of sympathy for Eliane's situation, an empty thing really but she was a hollow at the end of the day. If Eliane thought that she was going to talk business standing up like this unnecessarily then she was wrong and Safira shamelessly straddled the other woman to get herself a spot to sit. The kind of act befitting someone who thought they owned the place.

She did after all. They were just two friends spending time together at a resort.

"I'm sure there's plenty of people here that would be interested in what you have to peddle. This is a place where any delight can be acquired for the right price after all. Now, what exactly do I get out of helping you with this little venture though? It'll be amusing yes. However, I'm running a business here and if you were to cost me the wonderful crater and facilities I have now, I'd be very upset if you damaged my portfolio."

The last person to care about ethics, she would normally remain a bit tight lipped about the reality that she stretched out beyond her little island resort in the crater. It was the trunk but a tree had roots and branches. People looked at the pretty flowers ignorant of the blood that the roots were drinking to grow them stronger.


A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Gamma_Signature
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] CHARACTER_LISTA Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] GRAPHICS_THREADA Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] Empty Re: A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira]

Fri Dec 09, 2022 11:12 pm
A Day at the Beach [Eliane, Safira] BgOZgv8

As if Eliane could ever mind being straddled like this. She certainly preferred violence to any other vice, but she wasn't nearly so cold as to miss the appeal of something like this. Not that she cared enough to actually take any further advantage of it, but she could enjoy it while it lasted.

"What do you get? And here I thought just seeing all the damage I can cause would be payment enough."

Her smile, however, made it clear that Eliane hardly really meant that. She had more than enough money to make this little venture of hers function without making a single cent in profits for...well, at least about 7 years, if she factored in all the wares she already had on hand. Not bad, really.

"Would you prefer taxes? Or a cut in on all the profits? Ah, or should I send all my undesireables your way when they get a little too in the way?"

She was keenly aware that she'd never made any introduction through all this. That was just in her nature at this point. The name she gave would be decided by how all this went.

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