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Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:11 pm
It was hard to believe really. A year. It had actually been a year since Tento had graduated from Shino Academy to join the Gotei United as the 15th seat of the combat Division. A daunting thing in his lack of experience and in his eyes, proof of service. Sure, his hard work and determination was respectable among his division regardless of his rookie role in the grand operations of their team. He did his best though.

It still felt odd though, walking up the stairs of the school building donned in the black and white robes of the shinigami in full rather than his old blue colored student attire. Why was he even here when he thought about it? There was no ceremonies going on in the school nor any festivals in the nearby area that would bring him here. He also did not have any tasks given to him to cause him to wonder here. No investigation, no annual recruiting drive for division members.

Maybe it was because this felt like home. Memories that were pretty good in the shock of being dead, really dead and alone. He had pride in this place, as much at least he expected all previous students certainly did. Tento's eyes were set on the red doors as they creeped open by his touch. A deep sigh taking in the atmosphere before he walked in.

Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  Tentos10
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Mon Jan 02, 2023 7:36 pm
Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  KmbPQRq


While Tento reflected on his own graduation as he entered the door, Hiroe was simply walking about the hallways as she traversed her own inner reflection. There was so much she had achieved, yet she still didn't feel she was any closer to graduating quite yet. Her Asauchi remained without an imprint, without a soul. Her kido was meager at best, her hakuda equally so. In all honesty, the only thing she could hang her hat on was her swordplay, and she certainly felt there were plenty of people who excelled in that skill far more than she did. Wielding a sword was pretty standard if one wanted to even enter the academy, right? Perhaps, she was being way too harsh on herself.

Progress was still progress, after all, right? She hoped she could break through in due time. Of course, her thoughts would find themselves momentarily stilled as she cast a glance toward the entrance. Maintaining a curious golden gaze, Hiroe observed the man as he stepped through, and her eyes lit up ever so slightly. It was a Shino Graduate! A familiar one, too. To be certain, Hiroe hadn't approached Tento all that much. One would be quite accurate to assume they were acquaintances and no more than that. They crossed paths, talked, and supported one another in their respective classes. She was proud when he graduated, but never got the chance to tell him that. Well, now was a perfect time. Turning towards his direction, Hiroe waved her hand vigorously as a wide grin lined her lips.

"Yo, Tento! Long time no see. What brings you back here? Lookin' for new recruits?" She gestured to herself humorously, as though to indicate that she was merely making small humor at her own expense.


Last edited by Iori on Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:00 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  Empty Re: Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]

Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:40 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  6EdIfMt

His chest rose slowly and steadily. A soft ssshaaa coming from his voice as he exhaled the air from his body. The black and white clothe of hi clothing moving against his brown skin as he closed the doors behind him. Using the palm of his left hand as he reached back and gave a gentle push to shut them. Sword held at his waist, no longer an Asauchi. Kinda.... It had finally starting to speak to him. Or rather, he had finally be able to hear its voice attempting to talk to him. Alas, its name had still not been revealed to him. As much as spiritually, there was an imprint on each other now on some level, they still had a long way to go to bring anything out to fruition. IT was something though, and one that he was happy to finally be talkative with the soul that would live and fight beside him.

Progress had been made. And progress was still progress, as small as it was and could be. But things would come in time, everything did and needed to come when it was ready and needed. Arms crossed intertwined within his sleeves, Tento walked on with a plain calm expression on his face as he began to walk forward. His soft but strong brown eyes gazing out at the halls that he had gotten to know very well over the last many several years. Many faces and people were out moving about to and from rooms. Some he assumed would be graduating soon. Many he did not see familiar in his mind. It was a strange thing given that he was only a year graduated. Was everyone he had seen so far a newer student, fresh in or only a couple years?

Hmmmm? Tento sounded seeing a shift. A hand waving as before his eyes would meet golden bright eye that shined like the sun. A familiar beauty with her trademark friendly grin lined on her lips. Not one that he was friends with but a person he had talked to and interacted with often enough during his time of study. "Heyy, Hiroe right?", Tento said with a friendly welcoming tone as always as he returned the wave she had gave. She looked well! It was nice to see an acquaintance, it was a bit fast though, he did not expect to see someone as soon as he got into the building.

From his memory of her, Hiroe and Tento had only done the typical classmates stuff in their exposure to each other. They had crossed paths in the hall, perhaps seen each other a few times while they got lunch, talked, and supported one another in their respective classes that they had together. By no means a friend but no stranger either. Ah yes, why was he here? "Ah, no. Not deliberately at least", Tento said letting his arm fall to his side in relaxation. "I had a day off and figured I would come over here before going on patrols in the districts", he said making it up on the spot as he had no real reason to why he was here today. He tilted his head while she pointed at herself, catching it as her being a little humors but decided to play along. "But, if a golden eyed warriors wishes to get a good word in, I could see what I can do after check out her skills on paper and in action".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  Tentos10
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Fri Jan 06, 2023 2:43 am
Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  KmbPQRq


"Is that so? Well, I don't know about showing you any papers, but depending on how long you're visiting... I'll certainly show you how well I've improved!"

Hiroe flexed her arms a little, chuckling heartily as she approached him directly. With a curious head tilt, she observed the man, how the shihakusho fit against his tall frame. Even now, she eagerly dreamed to wear those robes and stand proudly among her peers in a division of her choosing. For the mean time, she simply stood proudly, admiring his visage as she curiously thought about a series of questions she could ask him. She didn't really know his reason for a random visit, but little was her complaint. It was always a pleasant event to see a familiar face. He was a proof that she, too, could graduate in due time, after all!

"So, how has division life been treating you? How is a day in the Gotei barracks compared to a day in school? Are the women any cuter? I know you always liked passing glance every now and then at the female students," she quipped at the end, giggling mischievously.


Last edited by Iori on Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:32 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  Empty Re: Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]

Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:19 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  6EdIfMt

Go with the flow. That was pretty much Tento's default mode. One that aided him a lot in not stressing out about a LOT of things, but also. It allowed him to be more observant and inquisitive. He often founded that his mind went there un-deliberately, taking notes. Making connections. Due to this, he could not help but wonder in his mind a little how much of a joke that may have been, and how much was Hiroe trying to put her foot forward a little to get a head start for her future. Either way, it was good to see her! "Oh silly, papers is not from you. Papers is from me", he said raising a hand up before giving a few soft taps to his forehead. "Or at least from my mind". He liked doing it. Gathering information from the environment. Her peers, her teachers. And making his opinion from that; as well as any documented thoughts and progress the Shinigami program had made with her.

How long? Now that was a real question that Tento had no idea what the answer to it would be. How long would it take to explore the school once again and not get bored? See some teachers and perhaps watch some classes, maybe learn a few things in more depth? But fiiirrrst, he had to see how Hiroe improved with those guns of hers. As she flexed her arms Tento's silliness came out. The man shocked and held an awwwwwwweeee as he stuck his arms out to the side in a little bit of exaggeration. "Woooooow, wow wow wow. I need you to put them weapons away right now, we in school", Tento said with a light friendly chuckle. Trying to be playful but not too much so that it would not come out as disrespectful.

After which he would relax once again as she walked over with a curious head tilt. A bit of charm in her wonder as she looked him over. It was not new, he stared when he first saw a real Shinigami. And even more so when he first saw the uniform on him. Countless days dreaming of the feel and how the black and white robes would feel once he became a competent member of the Gotei United. He was waiting and ready to heed the possible questions Hiroe would ask. He enjoyed nothing more in the thought of helping a Shino student, a thing he was not that long ago. "I think, well. A lot. It has been good, long, hard, and among a world of other things in my first year so far. A day in the Gotei is the same and different if you can believe it. Schedule days doing this or that depending on the day of the week. However, with that it is also a lot more fast pace as well as slow. Sometimes a massive amount of down time that are filled with nothing but unexpected tasks and aid".

he said being very thoughtful in his response before a hick up came. Woman even cuter. Passing glances!? Oh. Oh um. Whoop. Okay he had a little bit of a reputation but he was a gentlemen! Some looking...and talking...and doing. Was not bad. "Ah.......", cough cough cough. "Yes, and more", he said shifting giving a sideways response.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  Tentos10
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Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:29 pm
Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  KmbPQRq


Wham! Right on target. Hiroe chuckled at Tento's reaction. He was a good guy at heart. Gentleman was a good way to describe him - from her perspective, at least. In any case, it was certainly nice to hear that he had been enjoying his time in the Gotei. So far, the only person she could rely on for any particular information and experience was the mentor that led her to pursue this dream in the first place - Rindou. Hiroe would hum softly as she curiously tapped at her chin. There were so many questions she wanted to ask him, but she didn't want to overwhelm him either. She'd motion for them to walk together as she strode forward.

"Knew it~ Ya might be in the Gotei now, but old habits don't disappear over night, ya know? Good to know they're still easy on the eyes. Hopefully the boys are cute, too," she humored a little, turning back to him.

"I don't want to swamp you with questions, so feel free to ask me something, too. It might not be all that entertaining, though. Life at the academy is pretty much the same as when you were here. Though, I would like to ask one more question! How are the missions? Is it how the classes talk about? Or is it slightly difference since it's in live action?"


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Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:07 am

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  6EdIfMt

Yep. She got him good right there. Making him react it was clear that she hit him on target. Geez, honestly thinking about it, what kind of reputation did he have while he was in school? Oh...what was his reputation in this year in the Gotei United!!?

Well, either Hiroe was having fun teasing him or he was perfectly fine. Or at least, he was fine when he was in Shino. Decent guy with a good heart was what he hopped for. But, regardless he really wanted to make sure that it was known that he was someone that they could rely on. He was tenacious, a hard worker, and when he got lucky, skilled. Well, also that he was not afraid to kick his shoes off and enjoy himself when the time called for it. And only, a little bit when it was not.

After Tento had spoke he waited as Hiroe curiously tapped her chin in wonder. Pondering questions most likely. Was she stuck? Or was she just trying to figure out what to ask first? If she was anything like him, she would also would be wondering several things such as. Is this a dumb question? Should I already know this? Should I be able to figure out myself? Type of questions. Well, the hum of her voice was pleasant to listen to like soft song at least. In a few seconds of her doing this she motioned, beginning to walk and Tentou would take it as a request to come with her. And so he took up a causal stride next to her on her right.

"Not over night, nor over a year. ...hey, at least it is not a bad habit", he said in self defense. Her words causing him to let out a laugh. "If you found someone attractive while in school, I doubt a few years out of school will change that opinion Hiroe. Or, a few thousand years", Tento said jokingly. Wait, hmmmm, how long would someone look the same?????

"Oh awfully thankful aren't you. But it is okay if it comes up. If you have any important questions feel free to ask me. I will answer them as best as I can. I do have a question though. With everything taught her, I never have had someone tell me there isn't something that they feel they have an aptitude for. So, at this point, do you feel like you have a hint about which it is, or what it is not?".

Tento asked before being asked about the missions. Having to wonder if he would give a serious one or a more tone downed one. "To be honest. Scary. Hard. It is dangerous what we do, and people can day at any time. It is absouutly different than anything in a book, or those trips out to do mission with the class and professors. It is, more on you. More on your squad. And, hehehhe, not everyone is as strong as the teachers here to save the day if something goes wrong", he said giving props to the staff here while rubbing the back of his head.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  Tentos10
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Thu Jan 12, 2023 3:45 am
Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  KmbPQRq


Tento had certainly asked a rather interesting question, truth be told. It held a certain measure of importance, too. What did she have an aptitude for? She wondered. Her kido was meager, her hakuda was practically nonexistent, and her zanpakuto remained without an imprint. If Hiroe wanted to approach this question with brutal honesty, her default option certainly would have been something along the lines of being painfully average.

She supposed, if she were being lenient, of course, that her swordsmanship was the one skill she could take pride in among the others. She wasn't exceptionally skilled, but adept was a pretty fair term, and that satisfied her enough to roll with swordsmanship as her official answer.

"So far? I'd say I feel like I have an aptitude for Kenjutsu. All the other skills kind of throw me off a bit, but my meager prowess with the sword is something I'd proudly rest my hat on. That's not to say I don't intend to improve in the future, though! It just takes time, you know?"

And then, she received the answer to her question from earlier. Hiroe had always learned of mission protocol from class, but it never hurt to get an opinion from those who've actually experienced it. From the sounds of it, Tento didn't sound as if he were terrified, even if he was speaking about the dangers. Perhaps, he was simply brave like that, she supposed.

"Mm, that makes sense. They always talked about how to react during protocol, but I always felt like there was a significant difference between the two. It's good to know that our brave, proud graduate is handling himself well on duty," she quipped softly, pinching his cheek a bit to tease him before leaning against a wall.

"It's about to be lunch break for me. Want to take our conversation towards one of the courtyards or did you still want to wander around the Academy for nostalgia's sake?"


Last edited by Iori on Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  Empty Re: Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:29 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  6EdIfMt

A base point of a Shinigami was important to understand. It was a key part of that individual's foundations; their building blocks. It would aid in the path of them furthering what they were good with, and refining the rough edges of what they were bad at. Not to the point of being perfect with it, perhaps not even with it. But to a competent level, it was required so that it was not such a devastating weakness that it could cause a quick end to their existence once they were out in the real world facing Hollows, Demons, and whatever could come as a foe.

Even more than that, the earlier they figured this out, the more they could think of the possible divisions they wanted to join. The worse thing to have was no idea of where they wanted to go, to do, or attempt to make steps towards it by the time they left Shin'o Academy. He nodded his head, very pleased to see that Hiroe had something to start off with! "Good good. Any and all Soul Reapers needs to have a decent war of the sword. Even if they do not use it in combat, or rely on their Zanpatuk;' spirit. It is a common beacon and connection between us and it is key to have a piece of the philosophy within you", Tento said giving his honest thoughts of it. "Do not worry. I know you will continue to improve in the other things. Things take time. I'm very happy to see that determination though, it will take you places and keep a warm fire in you".

In all serious of his answer though he had to give a few blinks and a cheeky grin at Hiroe's pinch of his cheek after he spoke about the dangers of being out in the field really and how it was both the same and different than the protocols taught in school. It prepared him. At much as it could, but real life would always be real life. That was something he wanted to make sure people knew before they decided to go into a division, they could also do other things after their time here after all. Call it pride, stubbornness, or a lack of realization. But yea, he was not terrified in any of the situations now that he thought about it. He WAS deeply impacted emotions, mind, and body though.

...another note. He was so gonna make a note to get her back. Be it today or a day when she graduated and joined the Gotei. He enjoyed a good tease and would not hesitate to give it back to her when he saw a good opportunity. But for nooooow. "Sure, I am getting a little bit hungry. I wouldnt mind getting some food".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  Tentos10
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Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:38 pm
Turn Back The Pendulum: New Bird's Visit [ Tento | Miyashiro ]  KmbPQRq


"Good. I know a good food shop located near the academy. Most students go there when they can't prepare a meal on their own."

Hiroe would motion for Tento to follow her as she stepped through the door the had entered, walking towards the small shack that had been built near the academy. It wasn't the largest establishment, and it certainly didn't classify as an actual restaurant, but it was the best place to go besides the cafeteria. It sort of doubled as a secondary option for those who wished to have their meals prepared outside the establishment.

Stopping before the shop, Hiroe would sit down in one of the chairs, motioned for Tento sit beside her, and turned in orders for well-seasoned beef strips grilled to perfection, and two bowls of ramen. Oh, and a few appetizers, too. He was a tall man. He'd probably want to eat more, right? Hiroe had the money to afford it, but knowing him and the type of gentleman he liked to portray himself as, he probably wouldn't let her pay for everything.

Turning towards him, Hiroe posed another question.

"I'm glad you think so, though, Tento. It's been kind of tough trying to remain encouraged in my second year, but I appreciate the kind words. Outside of hollow duty, how is it around your peers in the division? Compared to students in the academy, do you enjoy spending time with them? Are they friendly?"

Okay, she rattled off more than one question, but she was genuinely curious about knowing what she could expect once she graduated.


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