Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Empty Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi]

Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:08 am
Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] TPy8WTV


Progress was a slow, steady slope -- irritatingly slow. While Kaito was the type of young man who most others would call "the quiet one," he too felt frustration at how long it was taking to feel any sense of acceptable progress. He would try to communicate with his Zanpakuto, ending up meditating deep into the night, spend hours trying correcting the little mistakes he saw in his Zanjutsu form, or pushing himself to the limit with how far he could go with a Flash Step or how many he could perform.

He wanted to make sure that he was keeping up with Hiroe, to try and make sure that they would hold each other to the standard they set for one another. She had been making strides, while he was worried that he would be left behind, or that he just wasn't good enough. So, he found himself in one of the practice halls for Zanjutsu after classes had ended, doing a run of the same routine that he had performed so many times before.

Part of him wished he could test out the other things he had been learning from different classes -- a new sword style he was practicing alongside the main style that they learned in classes. But, most people had returned to their dorms after classes were over, and those that had stayed were all across the grounds, and he wasn't really the type to barge in on others. By and large, he kept to himself. Perhaps it was a bad thing for him to do, since, it hadn't really helped him much currently. He didn't have a lot of friends in the academy as a result. He'd have to work on both of those things in the future.

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Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Empty Re: Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:34 am
Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] HEADER_sample-57768705fea02c9c5d15a1b099a54876

Man what a drag the last few months had been.
She was coming up on her graduation day, but frankly, she wasn't entirely sure if she was ready for that. It all just didn't really FEEL that real. And even the voice in her head didn't have much in the way fo comfort. But well. Amanta really didn't bother speaking up unless Nanashi was in danger, or making a fool of herself. Was this maturity? It kinda sucked.

All the same, she found herself sitting off to the side, watching in the distance as other students trained. Her usual aggressiveness a little held back. Though, she DID spot someone else that seemed a little out of it as well.

Kinda....scruffy lookin, admittedly. But still, the clear sign of a student. She perked a brow ever so slightly. A bit ...intrigued, and got up to her feet to go and make her way over. Her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Hey, why the long face, bucko?" She asked without a care in the world, her head canting to the side and her hands in her pockets as she promptly intruded upon her peer's clear wayward daze. But well, Nanashi hardly ever respected the sanctity of a good brood.
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Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Empty Re: Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:33 pm
Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] TPy8WTV


Were he being honest, he was barely putting a lot of thought into the routine he was practicing. After practicing it for so long, it had since become second nature to him. Rather, he took the time to take small peeks around to see what the other students in the grounds were doing. Some were practicing other routines they learned from the other elective Zanjutsu classes, many of them he didn't recognize, and made a note to see if there were any more that he could pick up.

But, as he as taking another cursory look around, he noticed someone approaching him out of the corner of his eye. As she spoke, he turned around, breaking his stance to look at her. He was honestly surprised that someone went out of their way to talk to him above everyone else, but, the company was nice, even if it might be brief. Lowering his sword and slipping it away, he offered a light smile.

"Ah, mainly just a little frustrated. Part of me feels like I haven't made a lot of progress lately. I understand the routine and can perform it, but it doesn't feel enough. Still haven't really grasped Kido or Hakuda that well yet, either."

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Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Empty Re: Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi]

Sat Jan 21, 2023 3:11 pm
Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] HEADER_12644928

Nanashi kinda just ...stared a bit. EH?! That was it?! She promptly pouted just a little as she noticed a rather ...lacking response to her question. Not that his answer was lame or anything. It WAS, but that wasn't what miffed her. Nanashi had made...QUITe the reputation for herself. Loud, overconfident, but also a bit scary at times. Ever since her little training with Rio, she'd gotten quite the big head for herself, she'd even gotten a fair bit of fame to her name! Nanashi Gombei! The Vizard blowhard! The prettiest girl in school! The most fabulous and talented! Or at least, thats what people called her in her head. And so when The guy didn't seem to quite...ahem...realize who he was talking to, she cleared her throat and smiled. A big grin flashing across her face. Any residual blues from her previous brain funk now promptly gone.

"Hmmm, that right? Well, I mean, look at ya. Ya look like someone kicked your dog. You're not gonna make any progress like that." She tisked, promptly folding her arms across her chest before clicking her tongue. "But you're in luck~ THE Nanashi just so happens to be pretty bored. Hows about I give you a nice spar to fire you up for your training?" She suggested, puffing her chest as she so obviously inflated herself just a little. Glancing back at him now and then, as if expecting a look of recognition on his face. And she'd DEFINITELY get one. Just perhaps not the one she'd want. But hey, not everyone could appreciate her greatness~ Surely a spar would help him realize how awesome she was~
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Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Empty Re: Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:46 am
Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] TPy8WTV


Seeing a big grin flash across the young woman's face brought a bit of concern to him, only for him to suddenly look himself over -- which he promptly regretted, it probably made him look like an idiot. Did he really look that downtrodden? As she mentioned her name, however, his head lifted and faced her curiously.

He remembered that name -- hearing it in some of this other classes, as well as Hiroe mentioning it herself. So, this was the girl, huh? Certainly lifelike, that was for certain. He chuckled softly, offering a warm smile in return to her large, unyielding grin.

"The Nanashi, huh? I had heard of you, but I didn't realize that you were so special. A few of my classmates mentioned you a few times, I didn't realize I was talking with the academy's little celebrity~"

Only a little bit of teasing -- even for such an ordinary man like him, there was still a bit of playfulness. He took another look at himself, at his Asauchi, before looking back at her, a sheepish smile coming to him.

"Well, I can't argue with that. A spar would be a welcome change of pace, if you're seriously considering it."

Sliding his Asauchi back into the sheath, he switched to the wooden training sword neatly tucked behind him, moving it to his side and the Asauchi to the back.

"If the Nanashi is taking time our of her day to spar with someone like me, I'm sure I'll be in for it, now won't I?"

Still only teasing, but also partly serious. After all, if she really was supposed to be a big shot around the school, it would serve as good practice. He needed to make sure that he was keeping up with Hiroe, with his other classmates.

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Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Empty Re: Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 5:19 pm
Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] HEADER_12644928

Nanashi certainly widened her smile just a little as Kaito seemed to encourage her little peacocking. Was he perhaps being a bit facetious or sarcastic? Maybe, but she didn't mind that in the slightest. All the same, she DID perk up a bit as he switched out for a wooden training sword, letting out a little chuckle before flashing a toothy grin. "Hmmm, not keen on using your zanpaku'to? You're never gonna get a Shikai like me with that kinda attitude. Come on, we can use our zanpaku'to. I'll even promise not to use Shikai if you think it'd be unfair." she chimed.

Oh yes. She harped a little on the fact that she had attained shikai. Ignoring the rolling of eyes she could feel inside of her head. But she still didn't draw her sword. Instead folding her arms across her chest and smirking at the young man as she would watch him very carefully. That confident smile almost DARING him to try and make the first move. Already starting to work out in her head how she'd plan to wow and impress this shady lookin guy. Heck, maybe he'd even become one of her fans! Anything less may as well be a loss!
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Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Empty Re: Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:19 pm
Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] TPy8WTV


Were he to say it aloud, he was mostly just used to using his training sword when it came to sparring or training environments. So, he gave a sheepish smile before shrugging, sliding his training sword back into place, drawing his sword in its stead.

"If that's okay with you, sure. I doubt I could hold up very well against a Shikai, but, if it comes to that, I'll still try and meet the challenge."

The sheepish smile turned to one of mild confidence and excitement. It sort of reminded him of Hiroe with that boundless, infectious energy. It made him want to play along, and so, he would. Even as she crossed her arms over her chest, keeping that confident, cheeky smile, Kaito took a rather basic stance.

His legs spread slightly, sword held in front of him with two hands in a stance similar to Kendo. Taking a moment to focus, he concentrated his spiritual power into dulling his sword, he took a step forward, quickly drawing his sword to his shoulder, before swinging from the right toward her arm.

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Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Empty Re: Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:35 pm
Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] HEADER_12644928

She perked her brows a bit at that and that smiel of hers widened, slowly thinning into a shit-eating grin as the guy responded. Oh? Rise to the challenge? Was that him permitting the use of her Shikai?~ Hohoho, well if THAT was going to be the case. she ptomptly twirled her zanpaku'to! Spinning it about in her hand before she TOSSED it up into the air, that balde shining as she promptly struck a pose! holding two peace signs up high into the air just as her blade SANK down into the ground infront of her! Flashing a big smile as she spoke.

"Hohoho! Is that right?! Well then THE Nanashi Gonbei is gonna Give you the fight of your life!" She declared, toing a little half-spin before snapping her fingers at her Zanpaku'to, a cute little wink added for flair. "Claro que si! Yōjutsusha!" She recited. As Nanashi;s spiritual pressure would promptly swell around her and rush out in a wave of downward pressure as she released. That simple katana promptly dissolving into a fine gold dust, before reforming in Nanashi's hand, taking the form of a Staff! Ornate rings jingling from it's head as she promptly pointed the weapon at Kaito and THRUST! Aiming to strike him in the chest with the jingling head of the weapon to try and knock him onto his back! Using the reach of her weapon to cross the distance between them a bit quicker than he might have expected!
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Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Empty Re: Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 10:01 pm
Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] TPy8WTV


Oh no. He suddenly had a bad feeling about this.

As she took the time to pose and unleash her Shikai, Kaito quietly regretted making the passing comment. He hadn't been expecting her to jump to it right out the gate, but, now he just had to start adapting to the new shape. He didn't back out of his attack, something that became a problem as she quickly took advantage of the sudden range increase, slamming the staff into his chest.

Unable to regain his footing. he stumbled backward and fell onto his back, knocking whatever air was left in him out. But, he still tried to get a breath in, wasting no time in retaliating. He didn't try to get to his feet just yet, rather, he kept low to the ground and swiped at her legs with his sword before finally getting back up. He took a few steps back to try and get out of her immediate range, taking his stance again.

He let a hand drift behind him, a hand resting on the handle of his wooden sword. If this really was going to be the fight of his life as she said, he'd have to get creative to try and at least put up a fight.

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Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] Empty Re: Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:14 pm
Wait, I Know You [Kaito, Nanashi] HEADER2_N778gBRR2

"WhooooHAH!" She called out, grinning from ear to ear as she stabbed her staff into the ground, intercepting the slash at her leg and vaulting off the weapon, leaping into the air as a heel raised up, before SLICING down with her heel! Aiming to axe kick down on the man, hardening her spirit energy along her calf and her heel, aiming to reinforce the strike so that if he slashed up at her, that burst of Hakuda would keep herself from being cut as she slammed down, enough force coming out that if he blocked, it would crater the ground beneath him!

Either way, wether he blocked or dodged, her heel would hit SOMETHING and she'd launch herself off to the side. Moving a shrot distance before suddenly vanishing in a shunpo. A loud blurring flurry of shunpo sounds filling the air as she suddenly seemed to split apart, zigzagging with short, rapid steps , her body seeming to pepper the area to his left before fianlly one of those blurred pink Nanashi's lunged in and executed a nice clean uppercut. Her staff aiming to launch him across the training area!

"Come on now! You're not gonna get any stronger like that! Reach down nice and deep! IF you can't rely on your zanpaku'to then try something else!" She declared! Spin ning that weapon around, a bright golden blur before finally she brandished it behind her, her other hand reaching up to cover her grinning face, as black and pink reiryoku began swirling around her frame. And believe it or not, that swelling spiritual pressure rose even HIGHER as she prepared to put on her mask.
"Get Ready bucko. Time to show you my teeth."
Yea she was getting hella carried away.
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