Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] Empty Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:25 am
Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] NqEaOC8

Rangiku Matsumoto

Going about the 8th Division's grounds, the blonde haired woman was in good spirits, greeting her fellow squadmates as they passed her along. Things seemed to be coming together pretty well on this end, and it was her responsibility as Vice Captain to ensure things continued to go smoothly, and one of these ways was to check up on the seated officers. Really, anything that took her out of the office..

Thus was what took her to the 5th officer's quarters today, happily poking her head in and waving a hand, "Heya, good morning Morikawa! You doin' well?"

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Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] Empty Re: Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu]

Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:46 am
Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] O2HaqQt


On this day Morikawa Mizu found herself diving deeper and deeper into piles of paperwork she had taken upon herself to complete. With the burgeoning Eighth Division still clawing it's way to equal ground with the rest of the Gotei United, Mizu was doing everything she could to increase it's standing and do her duty as a seated officer. At least, she thought, she had good ol' paperwork to relax with between socializing with the other divisions.

Unfortunately for Mizu, her paperwork would be her undoing. When Rangiku peeked into her office and spoke Mizu was shocked back to reality and both slammed her knee into the bottom of her desk and cried out "EEEEP!" Her surprise came not just from having her concentration broken, but by the fact the woman who'd done it was the legendary Matsumoto Rangiku, her very own Vice Captain. "Vice Captain M-matsumoto-sama! I didn't expect you to stop in! I apologize for being so frazzled, I was just finishing up some paperwork. C-can I help you with anything?"

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Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] Empty Re: Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu]

Thu Feb 02, 2023 8:22 am
Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] NqEaOC8

Rangiku Matsumoto

Woops, looked like she spooked her. Well, it was more like the officer was super engrossed in paperwork and got jolted out of that, rather painfully it sounded like, with her greeting. She stifled a laugh toward Mizu's formal yet hurried response to her presence, raising an eyebrow. She knew the officer had a great deal of regard for the older members, and was rather flattered to be considered amongst them,

"I was just stoppin' by everybody to check up on how they've been doing. How're you adapting to 8th? Having fun? Getting along with everyone?" Eying the work on her desk, "Getting your work done at a manageable pace?"

She'd smile and nod her head as she'd lean against the doorway, her arms crossed, "No need to freak out, you aren't in any trouble, and this definitely isn't an interrogation."

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Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] Empty Re: Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu]

Thu Feb 02, 2023 11:32 pm
Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] O2HaqQt


Hearing the benign reason for Rangiku's visit, Mizu took a deep breath and calmed herself. Meeting Urahara was nerve-wracking enough, at least he Captains a different division so they wouldn't come across each other often. Rangiku on the other hand was her Vice Captain now, and though they hadn't interacted since the oft sought-after blond joined the Eighth, Mizu figured at some point they would have to. This wasn't a bad thing, though her abject terror when dealing with famous and legendary Shinigami seemed to say it was. Mizu grew up reading and fantasizing about the "golden era" of the Gotei Thirteen, and wanted to meet anyone from that era she could. She just worried her heart might stop.

Somehow managing to look both more relaxed and stiff than she had when Rangiku first surprised her, Mizu stood behind her desk at attention and answered as honestly as possible. "The Eighth Division has been operating above expectations, and my reputation- and relationship-building missions have gone well with the other squads. These last four months in the Division have been exceptional and I'm just glad to be doing my part, Vice Captain Matsumoto-sama!"

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Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] Empty Re: Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu]

Wed Feb 08, 2023 6:35 pm
Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] NqEaOC8

Rangiku Matsumoto

As much as she admired the girl's enthusiasm, she could definitely a sense she was being placed on a pedestal here. She was aware that Morikawa was a bit of a fangirl type, and as adorable as her going on is, she really felt that she should encourage her to calm down a bit; it felt like she was swinging from one energy to the next.

"That's great to hear! I've been settling back in pretty well myself, but.. You don't have to refer to me by all that stuff, yknow. Just Matsumoto-san will work, like doesn't saying all of that stuff in one breath get exhausting?"

A chuckle would rock her a bit until she'd gesture a wave to leave the office, "How about you take a break and walk with me? You sound like you deserve one."

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Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] Empty Re: Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu]

Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:12 pm
Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] O2HaqQt


"O-oh, alright Matsumoto-san. I don't have any problem with using a person's titles, they've earned it after all! Plus, it's just how I was raised." Mizu couldn't claim a noble upbringing, but her life was as close to it as the Morikawa clan could manage to provide for her. At the same time, she didn't mind dropping titles or honorifics if the person didn't care for them.

Surprised by the offer to spend time together, Mizu froze for a few seconds before managing an answer "Of course, I would enjoy that greatly Matsumoto-san!" She then gave her desk a quick once-over to make sure none of her queued paperwork was too important to put off for a little while. When Mizu was satisfied she could safely leave her office she patted and straightened her Shihakushō before walking around her desk to join Rangiku outside the sparsely-decorated room and waited for the Vice Captain to take the lead.

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Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] Empty Re: Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu]

Tue Mar 21, 2023 12:23 pm
Happy Days [Rangiku/Mizu] NqEaOC8

Rangiku Matsumoto

The older Shinigami would give a chuckle, crossing her arms and giving a knowing look, "Well, no need to do that with me right now. This isn't a meeting, or a classroom after all." Smiling, she'd nod and wave the girl to come along, and once they were walking through the corridors of 8th, Rangiku would let out a relieved breath as she looked about,

"Sure have been a rough transition huh? But it looks like everything's coming together! Everyone's been doing great work so far getting Eighth together. Real grateful to have such dedicated members." Gently elbowing Mizu's side with a wink, the blonde would go on, "So tell me a little more about yourself Morikawa-san, where you from? What do you like doing? I'd like to get to know my squadmates a little better, yknow?"

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