Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 11:11 am
A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Once he was in her palm, she promptly held him close to her chest, and promptly that veil of water collapsed around them, swirling in and wrapping more firmly around the both of them, narrowing the profile of that shimmer before they promptly took off. As massive as Santa was, she was still quite fast. Kicking off of the ground and launching herself up and into the air, the water held firmly against her and Klein's frames, keeping them veiled as Saber promptly distanced the pair of them from the city in a blur of speed. Though Kelin would likely notice that her already slim profile narrowed just a bit further, as Saber used her powers to partially liquify her insides and narrow her profile. Allowing her to move without the usual hamper that such size would create.

All the same, once they were a fair distance from the city, she'd finally skid to a halt before turning her attention back down to Klein himself. "I can make myself smaller if I want. However, doing so releases a lot of heat. I presume you would not take kindly to being cooked." She murmured, an amused hint to her voice as she leered down at him, only to pause and glance off to the side. A Small lake was nearby, and for just a moment, she allowed that veil of hers to peel open. To get a look at her reflection. She frowned. Staring at the changes to her mask before turning away.

"I'm .... a gillian. I'd need to eat something rather strong to make it past this stage. We hollows are not as fortunate as you Arrancar.. Unless you have some trick you'd like to share with me. I may be stuck like this for a long time. I'll simply have to adapt to being the size I am now." She murmured. No hesitation or uncertainty in her voice. This was simply one more factor to overcome. The notion of some ...speedy evolution wasn't even on her mind. She was fully intent on simply making due with her current stage. There was a steady stream of strong, stupid hollows for her to eat. If it was meant to be, she was sure she'd make it to Adjuchas eventually. If .... if her mind held out. But she refused to humor that thought with her attention.

She wouldn't end up like Limewire.
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A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:07 pm
A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 E4Xi6Xq

It was easier for Klein not to address the abstract threat to his life, though it did immediately have him even more ready to escape at a moment's notice. There was other stuff to keep thinking about in this conversation, after all.

"I'm sure we could probably find something like that for you to eat, if you think that'd get you a long way. Though I don't quite have anyone actually in mind, so we'd have to really start looking."

Toying with his hair as he thought, Klein then nodded to himself as he ran through the situation a couple times, to make sure he wasn't wrong about how these things worked.

"I wasn't really too strong when I pulled my mask off, ya know. I wouldn't say you oughta start trying to do that, but it's worth thinking about."

He knew he was actually a remarkably unique circumstance, someone made specifically to become an Arrancar with the resources of the old 8th Espada. That was really the only reason Klein wasn't just telling her to try and go for it, the knowledge that it might just end up kind of terrible.

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A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein]

Mon Jan 30, 2023 6:06 pm
A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

She paused.... and leered down at Klein for just a moment. A little....incredulous. He was being awfully...helpful for an arrancar. He wasn't even afraid of her, and yet he seemed......quite intent on helping her. It was suspicious. If there was one thing she knew not to trust it was an over-altruistic hollow. All the same, she took a glance around. Taking a moment to sniff the air, and ensure they were far enough away from the city before turning her attention back toward Klein. Considering his suggestions.

"And what. You would just lead me right to an easy meal? Anything worth eating is just as difficult to take down." She murmured incredulously. However.... as he continued to speak, she narrowed her eyes ever so slightly as she leered down at him. Was he implying she should break her mask? The very idea was ..... well.... complicated. Gone were the days where one could simply bow before some man with a promise of power and break your mask for you. Though that certainly didn't stop some fucking older hollows from talking about it, or the few idiot arrancar from bragging if they had been a part of that legacy.

The notion of simply breaking her own mask herself was..... uncertain. She hadn't the slightest idea how she would even go about doing such a thing. And she gently gripped him. Lightly pressing one of her big claws to prod him in the chest. Nor hard, but as if to lightly poke him accusingly with a finger. It was a little hard to be expressive when she was this big.

"I don't imagine it's that easy. But by all means. If you have some magical way for me to unmask myself, I'm not complaining. But I can't help but continue to wonder what YOU get out of all of this. Are you THAT eager to please your little boss?"
God of Love
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A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:51 am
A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 E4Xi6Xq

"Well I definitely wasn't saying it'd be easy or anything, kinda just thinking out loud. Know what I mean?"

Klein didn't exactly enjoy being gripped like this, but it was where he was for now. Worst came to worst, he could pop some of the oil he kept on hand, go into resureccion, and get the hell out. But for now, he was fine just staying where he was. Gave the big Menos a nice sense that she was still in control, at least.

"Not really. I send people her way now and again, but I try and pick people I don't think are really gonna be getting much done. You don't quite seem stupid enough or mean enough to justify sending her way. Know what I mean?"

Sure, he could have lied about the situation, but being honest now and again was just as helpful when you were in Klein's shoes.

"The way I see it, helping you out's a good way to make a new friend."

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A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 5:52 pm
A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

A pause was given as the smaller hollow gave that rather.....interesting claim. "an interesting thing to confess. Awfully trusting given we've only just recently met. So if I understand. You intend to keep me to yourself?" She murmured, a hint of .....uncertainty in her voice. He'd managed to graduate past incredulity. And she couldn't help but be ...perplexed.

What use did this little thing have for a Menos? Were arrancar becoming truly so scarce? That said.... if he would be able to help her evolve past this state. Or even manage to help her break her mask. That was something that would be .....abundantly useful. She wasn't sure she trusted him, but then again it wasn't as if she trusted anyone. And in the end, she could always eat him if he turned out to be lying.

That claw of hers peeled back and retracted as she set Klein down. A friend. Her mind shifted toward Kenichi. He wasn't a friend. He was a tool. But ... a reliable one. She could certainly do with another. Especially if she was to escape this horrid state.

"Very well. If you are only intent on aiding me, then I won't turn you away."
God of Love
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A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein]

Fri Feb 03, 2023 11:35 pm
A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 E4Xi6Xq

Thank goodness she'd set him down. That gave Klein a lot more wiggle room, but he brushed off his clothes as if the whole thing had been really casual, as if he hadn't been scheming all the while. Did he actually trust this Hollow? Well, about as much as he trusted any other Hollow. If somehow word of what he'd said here actually got to Safira, he'd just deny it like he always did, let Safira handle it, and disappear for a little to lose the heat. But that was a worst case scenario.

"Well, not to myself. If you decide you wanna leave, I'm not gonna stop you or anything like that."

Was that true? No, but Klein knew just trying to forcefully keep a Menos anywhere, especially at his level of power, wasn't necessarily practical. It'd be easier just to make sure she wanted to stick around.

"Sounds good. I know there's a lot more hollows around the wasteland, which doesn't really surprise me too much. Place kinda reminds me of Hueco Mundo."

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A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein]

Fri Feb 03, 2023 11:42 pm
A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Saber canted her massive head a bit to the side as Klein made his suggestion. The wastelands? She turned and felt ..... something. A stirr of Memory in regards to that. As she briefly recalled her own awakening in that place. Where she had awoken.

Where ....she had died. She didn't remember actually dying, but she remembered gaining consciousness there. So it only stood to reason she'd probably died there.

"What's that way?" She asked, nodding to the south. Her own reikaku affixed to that far off sensation. "I smell something that way. It almost smells like Hueco Mundo." She murmured quietly. It was so distant that Klein might even not even understand to what Sabertooth was referring. The sensation was so very distant, but even at this distance it could be felt if he focused.

The far off hum of spiritual energy,

The energy that came from the ruins of Vastime.

God of Love
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A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein]

Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:13 am
A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 E4Xi6Xq

If Klein had been a less composed fellow, he might have actually made an expression of concern, maybe even disgust, at the idea of going down there to Vastime. That place was crawling with just about everything Klein tried his very best to avoid right now, after all. Shinigami, quincy, big dangerous hollows way outside his pay grade. Someone like Klein was never going anywhere like that.

"Yeah, there's a lot going on down there right now. Whole big deal on the news right now. Really big hollows, and I mean like, really really big. They could pick you up like you picked me up. And lots of hollows always means lots of people who deal with hollows."

Klein wasn't the sort of person who deluded himself into thinking he was anything other than a tremendous coward. He just didn't care about the idea of being a coward, because that was how he'd survived for as long as he did. This, however, wasn't cowardice. This was just common sense.

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A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein]

Tue Feb 07, 2023 4:28 pm
A Soul forever Haunted [Saber, Klein] - Page 2 HEAD_the_last_white_knight__frostfang_barioth_by_aeflus_de11wg5-350t

Big Hollows. She couldn't help but feel a sense of ...curiosity. A hole that had opened up in the ground and spewed hollows? But perhaps she might not be strong enough to go braving such a place. Not yet. She turned her attention to Klein. It was certainly clear that he had no intention of approaching the place. And yet she couldn't help the subtle sensation that she was being called.

But she was not some simple beast. She could ignore the draw she felt to the place, until such a time that she could handle what was there. "I see. Then we'll have to keep our distance." She murmured, reaching down and opening her clawed hand for Klein to hop on. "So...what happens now? Do you intend to travel with me? Or will you simply check in on me?" She inquired, her head canting to the side as she eyed the little arrancar.

Certainly she still didn't quite trust him. Sure, he had said plenty. But it remained to be seen if there was any truth or sincerity to his words. After all, there was always the chance this was just some elaborate ruse. But for now, he seemed earnest enough. She would tolerate his presence.
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