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Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] Empty Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri]

Mon Jan 30, 2023 4:51 pm
Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

A celebrity Hm?
Yuri kept a close eye on the Shino academy. As a Tutor, she often went out of her way to ..preemptively go in and sometimes approach students if they were having trouble. It was just the kind of mindset that earned her prasie from other members of the staff. She even took that approach to her job with Realm enforcement, preferring to nip any potential issues in the butt before they could grow.

As such, she had heard of their little celebrity joining the Sixth Division a bit ahead of anyone else. And had made it a point to make sure that she put herself on welcoming duty. Thus she had decided to do one on one visits. There wasn't a tremendous group for this graduation. A few scattered people joining in. After all, Realm Enforcement didn't quite have the ....draw that some other units had. Seventh had getting to see the world of the living all the time. Fourth had the glory and vigor of combat. And so on with various divisions being the "obvious choice" depending on one's talents. Keeping an eye on the Rukongai was not usually high up on peoples lists. She made her way through the list, a number of one on one meetings. Until finally, she got to.... Toki Hinamori~

She smiled lightly to herself and waited in her office for the young man to Arrive, taking the time to look through all of his paperwork and his Academy records. The sort of thing that for some, meant they would start out with a seated position. And for most others, was a subject of discussion for what their plans were for growth in the division if they had any such aspirations. Just little things she went over, every now and then glancing at the clock. She was hardly in a rush, but of course his attendance and timeliness would certainly contribute to that first impression.

She was abundantly curious to see what the young man would be like.
God of Love
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Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] Empty Re: Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri]

Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:21 pm
Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] JBWWmbT


Toki was, certainly, more than aware that his reputation somewhat preceded him. That didn't mean he was particularly happy about that, or that he really put much stock into it, but having graduated in only two years wasn't something he could exactly avoid rumors from. Still, he opted not to answer any particular questions on that, and simply read through his orders and made his way to the office of the woman that was apparently to be handling his welcome. It made sense, given he was seemingly in consideration for an officer position right out of the academy, and he knocked on the door to her office at the exact time he'd been told to arrive.

"Hinamori Toki, here for Aiban Yuri."

He'd chosen not to ask around for any additional information or rumor surrounding this officer, though he would be lying if he said he hadn't heard a few things here and there. Her work as a tutor naturally meant it was a name that Toki heard now and again at the academy, and while most people probably would have considered some of those rumors a bit concerning, he didn't pay them much mind.

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Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] Empty Re: Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri]

Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:36 pm
Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

Yuri smiled calmly as she heard that knock. "You can come in." She called out, watching as the young man stepped into the room and sat back in her seat. Hmmm. Well, she'd only seen the man in textbooks, but the resemblance was .... She paused for a moment. And for just one moment. She felt ......something. Something more than just the familiarity to the young man's purported sire. There was a sense of ....Deja vu. It took her a moment to realize she'd been staring, before se smiled and closed her eyes.

"You can take a seat. Relax. There's some tea if you'd like some." She added with a gentle gesture off to the side. Folding her legs in her chair as she shook that odd sense of deja vu and focused on what was in front of her. "It's a pleasure to have you in Sixth Division. And I assure you, that's something we tell everyone who joins." She noted with a slight smirk. as if to bring attention to any perception that perhaps she was being insincere or singling him out. Truth be told, she was right. Every new member was greeted in that way. Even if perhaps she didn't always mean it.

"I'm sure there's a number of heads turned. Two years to clear the Academy curriculum. Plenty of people will likely take note of that. Some may even surmise that the Academy was ... easy for you. You'll need not worry about that from me. As an early graduate myself, I know very well that finishing early doesn't mean finishing easy." She noted, a small comforting smile as she set his file down on the desk. "So. Why don't we start with something simple. Would you mind telling me why you chose the Sixth division?"
God of Love
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Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] Empty Re: Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:46 pm
Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] JBWWmbT

"I appreciate the honesty."

There was something genuinely appreciated in Yuri's statement that she told everyone that, and that it wasn't something she'd said just to appease him or anything similar. Toki didn't particularly care one way or the other, and in a way, he preferred to be treated as any other member of the Gotei. But what he cared more about was how forthright she was about it.

"I'd like to serve the Soul Society and the Gotei in a way that keeps me close to home. That might be a bit selfish, but I'm not necessarily as interested in the world of the living as other graduates tend to be."

Sure, there were things academically interesting about Earth, but Toki hadn't really ever heard things about it that made him feel like he ought to hurry down and see the sights.

"Keeping internal security here in the Gotei is also something of a sensitive matter for me. I'm sure you're aware of what my mother went through a century ago because of insufficient security."

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Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] Empty Re: Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 6:10 pm
Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

Yuri smiled a little as he noted her honesty. That was a good start. And as e began to recount his reasonings for joining the squad, she was all the more pleased with the answers she was getting. He seemed to have a genuine interest in the job as a whole. Not really necessary, certainly they had a lot of rank and file that were just here to do the job, maybe enjoy the ability to be close to a home out in the rukongai or something. But his drive and intent certainly meant he had potential for a future in the higher ups. She was certainly AWARE that a number of other squads promoted simply on the merit of ...well...strength.

A bunch of hack shits, is what she thought about all of them. Most notable being the Fourth Division Captain. Oh she was familiar with Elyss alright. She'd been a tutor and certainly been aware of the woman's rise in power, and the interest CERTAIN higher ups had placed in the woman. The very notion of someone with such piss poor fundamental shinigami abilities being a Captain made her sick to her stomach.

How VERY glad she was that Toki seemed to excell in such areas~

"I'm certainly glad to hear that you feel so strongly about the squad's duties. And certainly, I can understand a more personal reason. But what about your future? You've made it into the squad. You ARE a full fledged shinigami. But what sort of Shinigami do you wish to become?"
God of Love
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Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] Empty Re: Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri]

Fri Feb 03, 2023 11:49 pm
Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] JBWWmbT

That felt like a loaded question, but maybe Toki was just being a bit oversensitive. His demeanor was still casual, calm, but there was a studious sharpness to his eyes that seemed to give away the depth of thought that was going on in his mind. What sort of shinigami did he want to be?

"While I don't want to sound unmotivated, I would be lying if I said that I had tremendous ambitions when it comes to my career. I'm not concerned with status or prestige. I simply want to do my job to the best of my ability. If that were to bring me even to captaincy, I'd certainly take the title without any complaint, but the title itself doesn't mean anything to me."

There was a bluntness to Toki's way of speaking that was most decidedly well-practiced, something he'd cultivated over his lifetime. He knew, simply by merit of who he was, that a lot of people wouldn't trust him, and that he would always probably have something to prove. He'd long since come to terms with the fact that it made things easier for him if he simply said things in a way that left no room for misinterpretation.

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Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] Empty Re: Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri]

Sat Feb 04, 2023 12:07 am
Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

Yuri smiled ever so slightly as she noticed that ...demeanor about him. One she surmised would be present, and of course, she'd taken steps to ...assuage those feelings. But it certainly seemed like the roots of that defensiveness were perhaps deeper than could be simply smoothed over. A gentle drumming of her fingers as she looked to Toki with that light, thoughtful smile.

"I see. I could understand that. Ambition isn't always all about reaching for someplace high up. Which is why I didn't ask about what sort of position you saw yourself in. Perhaps you may have misunderstood." She closed her hands in her lap and leaned back in her seat ever so slightly, taking a moment to collect her thoughts.

"I don't really have any interest in your organizational agenda and expectations. I want to know about your personal aspirations. What is it that you want to improve? Your strengths and weaknesses. You as a person. Your relationship with your peers. Simply put: what do you want to work toward?"
God of Love
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Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] Empty Re: Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri]

Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:17 am
Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] JBWWmbT

Toki couldn't quite help but feel as though the woman in front of him was toying with him in some way. He didn't have hard evidence for that, and he certainly wouldn't accuse her of that. But she had asked about him as a shinigami, rather than as a person, a distinction that should reasonably have implied she wanted to know about his plans as a member of the Gotei. Dismissing the topic as if it were not only mostly irrelevant, but as if he had erred in that reasonable assumption, felt carefully crafted to make him feel foolish.

But, he was probably looking too much into it. That was a bad habit of his.

"I'd like to be someone others can rely on and put their trust in. I don't imagine most people would think of that as something aspirational, but I don't quite like the idea of continuing to be looked at with suspicion for the rest of my life."

As before, it was a direct, blunt reply. most people probably wouldn't have ever made such a plain statement about something like that, but Toki was not most people. He knew that much all too well.

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Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] Empty Re: Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri]

Wed Feb 08, 2023 4:24 pm
Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

Yuri smiled, a genuine look of pleasure on her face as he offered his reasonings. Ahhh, now THAT was a good reason. It always did take a little digging at times to get at what really drove these new recruits. And she was certainly happy to hear that Toki's drive was something she could deal with. No sense of any hidden or secretly selfish motivations. The man wanted to make a good name for himself, which meant that once he got the groove of things, he'd be reliable. Which was good, she hated having to keep an eye on people who were just going through the motions.

"Perhaps not. But then most people aren't fully aware of just how rare someone reliable and trustworthy really is. Even without prejudice, fostering trust can be difficult. But if you're willing to put in the work, I've no doubt that you'll be able to do just that." She assured him. She certainly intended to give him ample opportunity to prove as much. "There's a lot more work for the Sixth division than many think. Patrols, check-ins with certain groups and families in the rukongai that work with us to help us do our job. Even as a Seated officer, you'll be working with people in the Ruknogai. Your face will be the face of the Gotei for people who look to us for safety and stability."

She promptly unfolded her legs and sat up, that smile lightening up as she gave an acknowledging nod to the young man.

"Do you have any questions for me?"
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Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] Empty Re: Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri]

Fri Feb 10, 2023 9:59 pm
Welcome Wagon [Toki, Yuri] JBWWmbT

Toki couldn't be sure whether or not he found this woman's supportive words to be entirely comforting, but he imagined that was only tied to his previous overthinking of the matter, so he brushed that all aside. What sort of questions did he actually have for this woman? Hm.

"I don't think I would have any questions for you specifically. Anything I'd think to ask is likely already handled as part of my broader training in the division, though I imagine a bit more will expected of me from day one given my position."

In a way, Toki didn't personally think he'd merited the position he'd been assigned to, though that was mostly due to his own feelings. Speaking practically, he was a fairly accomplished graduate, so it was difficult to imagine that they would avoid putting him into a position of more responsibility.

Ah well.

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