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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Empty Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto]

Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:41 pm
Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Az9aEJ4


Having just finished a thousand year sentence in the most secure prison in all Soul Society, Nagoshi Kanae wasn't sure she would have the freedom to come and go as she pleases. Yet Murasaki had made it clear she was a free woman who could decide for herself, and with just a bit of pushing she managed to secure passage through a Senkeimon. Her destination? Earth.

Upon reuniting with her aptly named Zanpakuto Tosatsusha, it was clear to both of them their blood lust had only festered during her imprisonment like an infected wound. The only cure, though temporary, was slaughter, an Kanae was more than willing to take her medicine. Here on Earth she planned to use unsuspecting Hollows as a way to get her savagery out of her system. A trail of blood and bodies already extended behind her, but she was not done. She couldn't be done. With every kill her smile grew and her eyes shone more brightly.

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Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Empty Re: Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto]

Wed Feb 08, 2023 8:56 am
Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

Another day, another bout of patrol work. Liltotto was taking a small break, having sat herself down on a bench in town and going through a box of sweets. Other soldat were scattered and watching and she had already communicated she was taking a brief sitdown after hours of maintaining watch. Though she definitely smelled hollows lurking in the denser parts of the foliage, they never came out to threaten citizens, so there wasn't much to react to..

Least not until a sharp, metallic tang caught her senses; Blood. Fresh blood, carried by the wind. Calmly closing her box and placing it in her bag, she'd pull out her communication device, hearing chatter on the end before tapping in,

"Clear comms, clear comms. Lamperd. Think I caught some trouble," She'd talk on the line, the other ends going silent, "Going to investigate. If I don't report back in an hour, do a headcount. Thirty after, look for me."

After hearing an array of confirmations, she'd tell her exact location and which direction she would be heading in, sighing and cutting the line. Here she was, hoping for some peace.

Heading in that direction, she would soon come across copious amounts of blood on the ground, the scent of hollow strong. A lot of hollows died here, and they died recently.. But it couldn't have been another hollow, they'd have been eaten. Someone was going about haphazardly killing them.


A cold shiver ran down her spine when she realized what this other scent muddied by the hollows was:

A shinigami.

Great. Great. She had enough to deal with at home, now they were showing up on the job. But none of these hollows were even anywhere close to threatening human lives at the moment, there was no other scents but the two of them and that of animals around. Why was this shinigami killing so many of them?

Proceeding with her investigation, pushing past trees and shining foliage, she'd soon catch the sound of an ongoing fight, immediately heading to the source to find a swordswoman slaying yet another Hollow.

"Hey!" She'd yell out, pulling out of the bushes, "What're you doing? This is an absurd amount of hollows to be killing! They aren't even threatening humans right now."


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Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Empty Re: Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto]

Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:02 pm
Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Az9aEJ4


Kanae gleefully pierced the skull of a Hollow with her Zanpakuto, sending forth a delightful fountain of blood into the air around her. As droplets of blood rained down on her face, her tongue shot out and licked some off her lips. After a thousand years of darkness, the gushing crimson from her latest victim was practically a ray of sunshine to her. In her hand her aptly named partner Tosatsusha was begging for more, and Kanae was more than willing to acquiesce.

As she pulled her sword from it's victim's skull Kanae was alerted to the presence of another, though she immediately perceived it was no Hollow. Can't be... she thought, un-trusting of her spirit sensing ability. After all, how could it be correct? At this time a thin blond woman leapt from the bushes and immediately accosted her. As she turned to look at this person intruding upon her fun, Kanae's eyes narrowed into a critical gaze and trained on her. "I am doing as I please. More importantly...what is a Quincy doing not rotting in the ground of Soul Society?" The word 'Quincy' left her mouth with such venomous repulsion as to make her feelings about them as a people perfectly clear.

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Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Empty Re: Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto]

Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:26 pm
Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

For once, her ill reaction to Shinigami funk seemed to be justified; finally, she didn't feel conflicted or upset with her built-in alert system, she could just be normal ol' wary for once. Chick seemed to be enjoying doing her "job" a little too much, and that shot up a flag far more crimson than any of the blood she shed.

However, the first words out of her mouth definitely left a bitter taste in her mouth, disallowing her face to change expression. The slightest provocation could lead into a conflict, and she earnestly did not want to be at fault for anything like that. If it came to that, she wanted to resoundingly jab a finger of blame at this freak.

"Must smell horrid beneath that rock you've crawled out from, then. Vandenreich's been operating in the Living Realm for several years now." She'd speak cool but rather scathingly, shrugging her shoulders and appearing disinterested, "You must be new here, yeah? Else I don't see why you'd be gutting hollows willy-nilly like a thrilled academy student with no concept of the gravity of their actions. Newbie mistake, I get it, so how about you cut it out and just go home? Doubt half the things you killed today had hits on them yet. We've got maintaining the peace covered."


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Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Empty Re: Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto]

Wed Feb 08, 2023 11:23 pm
Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Az9aEJ4


At Liltotto's speech Kanae broke out into raucous laughter. She couldn't believe this Quincy was trying to claim dominion over peacekeeping. A Quincy! Even Tosatsusha couldn't help but snicker in it's wielder's hand, though Liltotto wouldn't be able to hear. Just as quickly as her laughter started it stopped, and Kanae was now glaring at the interloper with a fiercely sinister gaze. Her spiritual pressure expanded outward, draping the area in a malicious and vile blood thirst.

Kanae tilted her head as she answered the blond "I don't know how any of you skittering little rats managed to escape our sights. Maybe someone felt sympathy for one of your ancestors during that wondrous purge? Or perhaps there were just more of you than we thought. We were so certain we'd gotten the lot of you after killing your dear leader, though. Tsk tsk." With a flick of her wrist Kanae shook the fallen Hollow's blood off her Zanpakuto and took a couple steps toward Liltotto before speaking again "Tell me, little Quincy: Why has the Gotei not finished your "Vandenreich" off for good yet?"

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Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Empty Re: Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto]

Thu Feb 09, 2023 4:57 pm
Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

Her face was unfazed at the woman's laughter, but inside she felt a cringe come across her. This was definitely going into the report, every pointed objective fact of this was going to be remembered and jotted down. She definitely didn't want any smaller fries running into this chick and getting into serious trouble or anything. Though the woman definitely brought a sense of disgust to her, she couldn't tell what the fuck she was talking about; she definitely was blabbering about some conflict between the Shinigami and Quincy, but she definitely didn't recall her from the extermination. Was there some other event prior to that? She definitely didn't seem very up to date on current relations, that she could definitely tell. The only explanations were either she came out of isolation only recently, or she was imprisoned.

Imprisoned sounded WAY more likely. Cool, the Gotei was letting their recently released convicts out off leash. Peachy. She was feeling a lot less crazy about how she felt about them now.

"Can't say I had any ancestors, ma'am," She'd respond calmly with a shrug, "Vandenreich's been exercising with a prominent humanitarian effort for the last several years. Surprised you weren't tipped in on that, or that rock you were under must've been deeper than I thought. You're kinda on our patrol grounds, Americas have been occupied and protected by us since one of your guys went and blew up a city with a volcano or some shit a few years back."

She'd cross her arms, "I'm really surprised nobody's briefed you on this; it's pretty common info. Also, I strongly advise you keep a several feet's distance, especially with your weapon drawn. I will retaliate if I feel as if you are a danger to me, and I don't think your guys would like hearing about you causing a scuffle. They might put you right back where you came out of."


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Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Empty Re: Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto]

Tue Feb 14, 2023 4:41 pm
Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Az9aEJ4


Kanae narrowed her eyes in response to the Quincy's explanations. So, the thought, after we wiped these rats out a thousand years ago, who let them walk free? Certainly not Yamamoto. She considered it could have been Murasaki who opted out of crushing their resurgence in the world, but from what Kanae knew she had not been in power long. One of the other foolish Captain Commanders must have been at fault. Whoever it was, they wasted a good genocide. She would have to discuss the matter with Murasaki or someone else from the Gotei to confirm the woman's words.

"Oh my, how scary! I certainly wouldn't want to get on the bad side of a Quincy." Kanae lifted her Zanpakuto and threateningly pointed it straight at Liltotto before placing it back in its holder at her hip. "Don't worry little fly, I'm unconcerned with your Vandenreich. Quincies have never, will never be a threat to Shinigami. I do think it's curious your kind are allowed to do as you wish, however. Since you seem so eager to share information, maybe you can tell me more about the state of things. And maybe then we can go our separate ways. Wouldn't that be wonderful?"

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Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Empty Re: Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto]

Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:44 pm
Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

Her neutrality was maintained, though she was quite infuriated behind that boring face, but she wasn't going to let this bitch get under her skin. The blonde could tell this crazy-eyed sow was just looking to provoke her, or even just had fun talking down to her. Likely a mix of both - probably was looking for some excuse to initiate a fight, but once again - Liltotto was not going to let her win that.

"Or. Or," She'd begin, hand on her hip and eyebrow raised, "You call your bug, haul ass through that pretty little gate that took you here, and go ask one of your shinigami buddies what's been up. Last I checked, it's not my job to brief you - so just go home and leave protecting the populace to us. I'm not gonna sit here and be shit talked by somebody who can't even get their facts straightened out."


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Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Empty Re: Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto]

Mon Feb 27, 2023 3:40 am
Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Az9aEJ4


Kanae was disappointed. Her attempt at a peaceful resolution, one any normal person would immediately take as a threat, was thwarted by Liltotto. Oh well, you tried. Might as well cave her skull in now, Kanae. Tosatsusha said telepathically to her. The thought was certainly tempting for Kanae who was growing displeased with the way the Quincy was talking to her, but she continued restraining herself and her Zanpakuto's.

This time as Kanae spoke there was no hint of artificial civility in her voice or on her face, only clear and unabashed loathing "You should be careful how you speak to a Shinigami. Your vile little species exists because we allow it to. I enjoyed slaughtering you people a thousand years ago after that arrogant fool led them into Seireitei, and I'm sure I would enjoy doing so again if need be."

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Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] Empty Re: Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto]

Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:14 pm
Stretching Legs [Kanae, Liltotto] JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

Liltotto abstained from giving away her thin patience, especially for a musky Shinigami that was doing nothing but trying it over and over, not helped by the fact she was getting increasingly hungry, feeling her stomach begin nipping at her for some sustenance. Ugh, what a pain.. She couldn't walk away, weirdo would either take it as an opening or follow her back to town and do something to her fellow personnel, and while she felt they were capable of putting up with the attrition of an interaction, she didn't want them pulled away from their jobs.

But, this chick seemed entirely insistent on being spiteful and venomous. Fine, she wasn't going to let her pick at her without much of a response; at this point it'd come across as cowardice than preservation to not respond in kind, and it wasn't as if any reasonable person would believe the correct response to words would be fists.

"Ah, I get it. You're one of those Shinigami who're aware of their position and choose to ride that high. How humble of you," Her response would come out cool yet bold, her bored and dismissive tone seeming to fade as she poised herself to be intent on pushing back on Kanae's filthy words, "Species? You mean humans? I'm shocked you'd need such a reminder given your whole stance on keeping the cycle in order and human lives intact. The only dividing line there is just power. Just like the only thing separating you sword-swinging supremacist shitbrains from plain ol' pluses is power."

A shrug lifted her shoulders, "Then again, guess it's easy to stop seeing the men, women, and children you were tasked to murder as people, huh? Must be a lot easier on your insecure ass mind to crush insects under your boot and keep reminding them they're bugs."

A long sigh escaped from her as she'd stare directly at Kanae, "Well, I ain't a bug ma'am, and i'll talk to you exactly how you fucking talk me, so don't come at me with your inane, slack-jawed bullshit spewed from that shit den you call a mouth and expect a polite nod back, because you're gonna get nothing but your own rancid bullcrap thrown right back in your ugly whore ass face, bitch." Her tone became increasingly hostile and nasty, baring her sharp teeth at Kanae in the end as her face was curled in a sneer, the expression leaving her face as soon as it formed.

"So, let me put this in easier terms because I just know it must be so hard for you to understand the little people underfoot, oh I just know it must be a trial - Get your ass back to the Soul Society, get caught up on whatever shit you wanna hear, and i'll try my hardest to make you sound like a minor inconvenience in my report back home."


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