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Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Empty Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ]

Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:41 am

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] 6EdIfMt

An empty day schedule. Heh. How often did that happen? A hand reached up, scratching within the folds of twisted short hair strands of black hair that stood at attention of his head. Tento found himself free. Such a thing was nice but still bad. With so much going on he felt like he shouldn't have nothing to do.

Morning tasks for the 4th divison. Done. Minor tasks asked to be done as the 15th seat. Done. Little bit of research into kido and healing as part of the kido section of his division. Done. Blaaaaah. But it felt like he had so much to still do on this day. So much time! But right now only time coming to him as it was simply not yet time to do stuff or he did not have something.

So he was out, walking around hoping yo sget something..Oh! There was a dojo here? Hmm, well maybe he should check it out! With an excited bounce he moved opening the door with a bow. "Hellooo! I hope this is an okay time to come into your establishment!!".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Tentos10
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Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Empty Re: Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ]

Sat Feb 11, 2023 2:05 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke was in the process of doing some light renovating to the dojo when Tento approached the doorway. Well, perhaps 'renovating' was a strong word, he was setting up a series of training dummies, unpackaging new equipment, and as Tento greeted himself Hyosuke was.... divided. On the one hand he was still more than happy to receive new students, on the other hand the last person to approach him with such gusto had been quite the false prodigy. Even so Hyosuke was not about to let one bad apple spoil the bunch, nor his enthusiasm for well.... enthusiasm. What WOULD spoil his nature is, as he turned to address Tento with a smile he became distinctly aware of the odor coming from the young man. The unmistakable stink, defilement and putrescence of a Hollow.

Hyosuke's lip curled, his smile faltering, and he raised a hand to cough into it to cover the reaction. Responding instead to Tento's words.

"Ah... yes of course young man, please come in. I simply ask you remove your shoes, if you please."

Setting aside the equipment he had been preparing off to the side of the room Hyosuke's main dojo room currently sported four training dummies wielding a variety of weapons in their grasp. One possessing a pair of longswords, one a great-sword, one a Bo-staff and the last a Kusarigama and chain. After he had cleared the training mats of all but these dummies did Hyosuke fold his hands behind his back and regard Tento. A handsome young man, to be sure, strong and promising, but... unmistakably marred. Like an otherwise burgeoning masterwork of a painting with one impossible-to-ignore smear of feces upon it. Even so, after lowering his hand, Hyosuke was more than capable of hiding the innate pity he held for Tento well behind a professional demeanor.

"Now then, I am afraid I do not know you by appearance. I am Niyagata Hyosuke, am I correct in that you are here to sharpen your skills? I will help however I can, provided you can give me enough... material to work with."

A small chuckle left Hyosuke and he was, for a time, able to quash his pity for the Vizard as he fell into the practiced routine of getting acquainted with a new student.

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Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Empty Re: Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:30 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] 6EdIfMt

Opening the door and stepping into the interior world that was this unknown dojo, Tento would stumble upon a sight to behold. It was not every day that one got the chance to see a dojo that was in the early stages of development. Early...being the key word.

It had the tell tale signs that things were still being set up and put together. Not unprofessional but any means, just a bit chaotic. A bit messy in an organized way even. A number of practice dummies were set up, others not; still nestled in their boxes and containers after being brought in. In lou if things being fully organized, the floors were clean and polished; not a speck of dirt on it. A sight that made Tento a little bit sad; there was not built up of sweat yet on their memory.
Equipment was there though with nice cleaning looking floors and walls! A seeded dojo it seemed.

Raising from his bow missed several things in their fullness. He heard Hyosuke greet him but here no shift in his tone. Then again this was the first so it would be his base. Either way it was unknown to him of this man's feelings, nor in the falter in his smile. With a bounce he straightedge and knelt down. "Aah yes yes. Right away my good sir", it was easy. He had simple loose shoes on today, not a long hard process. Once they were off he slipped them off and placed them side to side a little bit in the corner of the door.

"Ha. If you did, I would be concerned and think I did you something wrong. I am new here. Tento Zefa sir. A pleasure", Tento said as he walked further into the room. His arms hanging to his side in a loose relaxed form. "...perhaps. This looks like a new dojo to me and so I wanted to pop in. A new business deserves a greeting after all, who knows. May do classes here time to time as well. What do you practice Mr. Hyosuke?".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Cala Paracer
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Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Empty Re: Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ]

Sun Mar 12, 2023 4:50 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke watched the Vizard with something not quite bordering on approval. The poor, dirtied thing at least understood respect and though Hyosuke felt a bit of revulsion in his throat at the energy Tento carried. Granted it was not the revulsion or derision he would show a true Hollow, no, rather his view of Tento was a carefully, politely hidden equivalent to seeing a dog or puppy with a horribly infected eye it tried to rub on you or a person with a necrosis-ridden limb covered in sores that they were proud of. Someone or something he was usually happy to be friendly toward but riddled with an unfortunate burden.

Even so Hyosuke made no visual indication of this, none at all, and instead retained his polite smile as Tento at least abided his request. The mention of Tento returning from classes made Hyosuke want to internally sigh in exasperation but so far Tento had seemed a polite carrier of plague, or a well-trained dog with worms. As Tento asked what Hyosuke practiced the Shinigami would nod and turn to present his side-profile to Tento, motioning to the training dummies.

"Though not a thing of exclusivity Zefa-san I am primarily versed in swordsmanship and Kido. Though I do my best at engineering my lessons to the individual to suit their needs, to cover their weaknesses, and make them a more balanced warrior. Whether it be burdening the lazy with weight clothing or setting the over-zealous to measuring their strikes I make it a point to get to know my students to advance their training. Each Shinigami is a unique individual, a unique student, and the academy can no doubt cover a more basic curriculum while those who come to me can expect a more personalized approach."

Hyosuke smiled easily, being frank and honest even with the Vizard despite his hidden revulsion, as though Tento was not desired he was pitied and even a diseased dog could be healed and trained given time.

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Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Empty Re: Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ]

Sun Mar 19, 2023 9:20 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] 6EdIfMt

A simple level of respect was an easy act for Tento to understand and do. A harsh life made sure of that. Pratic8 g combat in martial arts tournament and training against his friends. Since joining the military organization of the Gotei United after graduating from Shino academy. Well, the importance and existence of this function within an organization. At times, it even felt a bit overwhelming but...nice. Even more so when he was none the wiser of people's internal thoughts they could have.

Hearing the man's words gave Tento a sense of wonder. A big piece of excitement held within him. Zanjutsu and kido huh? It would be good if he had hakudo classes, as it was a piece of Tento's repatoire that he was finding himself using less and less. The love still there and this the hungry to do and improve still alive. But an interest in advancing in these other worldy skills was heavy on his kind. What luck though that the man had skil in both!! "Primarily in Zanjutsu and kido huh? Awesome. But, given that you adjust for the student. Does this mean you only do private one on one lessons??", Tento asked with curiosity. It would be nice to practice with people besides gotei members. Or off duty really. But it sounded like that would not be the case most likely.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Tentos10
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Empty Re: Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ]

Sat May 20, 2023 7:36 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke could tacitly appreciate how Tento at least seemed to take the training seriously, asking questions and possessing a demeanor of wonder mixed with devotion. The pointed thought that the least something like Tento could do being to take the training seriously making itself known in Hyosuke's mind as he crossed his arms and stroked his chin. His eye flickering in thought for a moment before he shook his head at Tento's question.

"Exclusively private sessions? No, though they are usually preferred to let the student get the most out of their time. I may be an experienced teacher but even I can only effectively train so many before I simply have to resort to more..... streamlined methods."

Hyosuke would return his gaze to Tento and snap his fingers, tilt his head, and nod.

"But for now, allow me to ask you two things Zefa-san: The first is whether you wish to focus on anything in particular while you are here, or simply test your measure against me. The second is how seriously you would like me to take this encounter, how hard you wish to be pushed. No need to be overly modest or prideful, ask for what you can handle, even getting that right is a test."

Hyosuke's smile would become a small smirk, waiting to see how Tento responded.

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Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Empty Re: Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ]

Wed May 24, 2023 4:25 pm
Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

As a training enthusiast and warrior of the Gotei United, Tento most certainly took every piece of training ans practice serious. It was what he breathed and doing anything else would simply not do. Dedication, curiosity, and effort; nothing else.

With the answer given Tento remained attentive, his curiosity answered. "Ah I see. Okay", Tento said in a straight forward response. So they are done from a point if need then special focus; treatment over others at least. It was a way to help people catch up or make effective use of their time if they were struggling or falling behind their goals. "Easy enough, good that you have a few different ways to help your students".

"Anything in particular huh? Well, I suppose I would want to focus on just my skill with my weapon. Beyond that", Tento gave a shrug. "As serious as you wish".

Light in the Dark | End Post


Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Tentos10
Cala Paracer
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Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Empty Re: Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ]

Mon May 29, 2023 5:07 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke accepted Tento's request for training with his weapon his a small, polite nod but could not help but give a small grimace as Tento failed the test of self-appraisal. To simply leave it up to Hyosuke to judge without any input reverted the conversation right back to where it had been before and so Hyosuke gave a small sigh and nodded.

"I see. Very well then Zefa-san if modesty currently rules your mind we will have to see if you are more honest in the heat of battle. For now then we will keep our encounter reserved and exact, refined motions and precision only, and I would kindly ask we keep damage to the dojo to a minimum if at all possible."

Despite disliking what Tento was there was a small amount of good-nature in Hyosuke's tone, almost a joke, as he asked for no damage to his dojo. If for no other reason than his own professionalism not allowing him to be completely without his usual demeanor when dealing with a student.

"Now then, if you don't mind, please take up a position opposite myself. If I am to be taking your measure myself I'd like to begin sooner rather than later."

Hyosuke would calmly stand at the head of the room, near where his table and tea set were, and gently grasp Benicho Kogo in one hand, angling it down like a dueling blade, with the umbrella folded shut.

"For now I will simply be using this umbrella. The first move, of course, will be yours."

Giving a short, tight smile Hyosuke would draw in a focusing breathe and nod a curt nod for Tento to begin.

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Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Empty Re: Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ]

Thu Jun 08, 2023 2:29 am
Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

It was hard to tell whether Hyosuke had issues with his response and request or not. He gave a nod of his head but also let out a grimace. Trnto wanted to work on his martial skill with the blade. Little did Tento know that Hyosuke had given him a small test, and he had failed. And how couldn't he with Hyosuke's cloaked expressions and mind? Even then, it would have been the same to Tento. He had everything to work on but especially his skill and technique of the blade. Of hand to hand without the reinforcement of his spiritual pressure to unleash attacks or special abilities. That openness was a tool he hoped Hyosuke would use to make his judgment. That Tento needed more foundations. Refinement and experience at the least.

How could that be painful to him???

"I wouldn't say modesty. Just an understanding how small one is in comparison to a sea", Tento said with an honest take. The feel of the man's spiritual energy even in its docile state is overshadowed. And if he was an owner and teacher of a dojo. Well, by right and deman he would be a master in the way. Teaching Shinigami and others for combat was a tall task, and if he wanted to help professionals, he would hace to be a highly decorated ex Shinigami who retired. Or simply a man who has become very very strong by some other means or demand. Either way, Tento had expectations. As a martial arts enthusiast putting trust in a skill cultivator. And as a Shinigami who expected one to speak of teaching people like him, standards. ". He added in a joke in return.

With that Tento moved. Taking his steps to reach the other side to get his position under away. A hand reaching out to grab ahold one of the wooden practice sowes before turning to face Hyosuke. Feet squared, weapon out in a normal balanced guard in front of…

Was that a fucking umbrella?

Tento blinked. Looked up at Hyosuke in the eyes. Then back to the…umbrella? Yep…it was a fucking embrella, he wasn't crazy!! Hyosuke was!

"What the…", Tento began finding himself in disbelief. He didn't care how much stronger this guy was then him. He could at least give Tento the respect of using something that was more of a real weapon. For soul king sake was he viewed as unworthy of a wooden sword? Not even hands or feet for an unarmed contest against Tento using a weapon??? He even said he was going to use an umbrella with a straight face!!!

Letting out a sigh with a bit of steam. Tebro too took a focusing breath while closing his eyes. Opening them as he rushed forward in quick steps in a dash. Letting out a singular horizontal slash directed at the neck for a nice SMACK. Before quickly flicking the sword down in an arcing downward vertical slash to the shoulder.

If he was going to be doubted and disrespected in such a way. Then Tento was going to have just force it from this man.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Touching Generations [ Tento, Hyosuke ] Tentos10
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