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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira]

Sun May 28, 2023 11:30 am
Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 Safira-header2

Safira sneered at the purple-haired girl that was like a mouse though she was getting a little bored. Maybe she ought to just hit this girl across the head with enough force to snap her dainty little neck and be over with it, that involved sparing this girl the effort to even close the distance between them. It would be a lot more fitting to just shoot her through the chest with a cero and let whatever soul that came out of the corpse turn into a hollow.

Yes, that was fitting. So Safira raised her hand to point at Aina-

"Tch. Kizuna, you really have a habit of ruining a mood."

She complained at her fellow arrancar without looking away from the little brat in front of her. Honestly, Kizuna's obsession over every single life having potential was frustrating at times. She could almost imagine the other arrancar sobbing at the thought of every child that didn't get to make it out of the womb alive. All that "wasted potential".

"Hoh? You think she has more. Would you put your money where your mouth is then?"

Honestly what was this woman's criteria, Safira wasn't an idiot and knew that she was dealing with a very analytical woman. So what was her magical formula for determing which souls were worth keeping, and what weren't? For the moment she let Aina hang on. She ran a casino, a little bit of gambling was fun every now and again. Safira wouldn't mind a bit of a cheap thrill by making Aina the subject of a bet.


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Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira]

Sun May 28, 2023 5:49 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Heart racing, blood pressure high, and focus narrowed, Aina braced for anything before that powerful presence rocked the landscape.

For the time being, Aina's mood seemed to soften at the arrival of the other Arrancar. While she doubted the other one came in out of the goodness of her heart, it gave her time to assess the situation and see what each of the two had planned. And from what she overheard, they were betting on the woman's potential. To this, Aina raised an eyebrow and turned to the other purple-haired woman.

"Potential? Pardon my intrusion, and don't take it as disrespect, but what exactly do you mean by "potential"?"

Aina's voice seemed doubtful of herself, but she figured asking questions couldn't hurt. It's not like she was trying to pick another fight. So, her eye turned back to Safira to ensure the other woman didn't pull anything tricky. There was no telling with that one, given the movements before that other one coming indicated she would kill her. And it was unwise to keep your sight of someone with murderous intent.

So, while she waited, Aina did what she could and just focused on making a plum and scarlet barrier which resembled a flame around the edges of her body. Sure, it probably wouldn't do much in the end, but no sense in going out without a fight if things got more dangerous, eh?

Man, today was fucked up.

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Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira]

Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:18 pm
Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 D0fEXFo

"Ruining? Shit, don't say that, Safira, I'm the life of every party. Me and Naga are even planning to slam back some drinks later, you oughta stop by."

It was all just banter for Kizuna, though. She knew Safira was never doing something like that, and it didn't actually matter one way or another if she did. Kizuna's attention was still firmly on the little purple-haired one down there, and after taking a long swig of her drink, the Arrancar's expression grew a bit more energetic, a grin on her face that didn't seem so much cheerful as simply...excited.

"Money? Yeah, sure, I'll bet on it. Potential, c'mon girl, use that head you got on your shoulders. Someone like Safira'd have made you into paste already if you were just some normal loser, get me? You're different, I can tell, and I like to see what happens when people like you get pushed to really get going."

She didn't quite care how it happened, but she knew Safira had the means for it. Kizuna just liked to see how these things went.

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Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira]

Sun Jun 18, 2023 11:36 am
Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 Safira-header2

To last against her? Kizuna was pretty bold to declare that the fact Aina had lasted was anything but Safira's own wiles for some fleeting amusement. Did she really think that this insignificant little thing had the capacity to be anything more than what she was? While she could think that passing thought in her own mind, she was keenly aware that Aina had displayed something abnormal to her when she was under duress. Unfortunately her senses were far better at analysing an area than a single individual so it was entirely possible that Kizuna had noticed something that she was blind towards.

"Then you have six months to make her into something with more substantial with this potential. Otherwise I'm sure I can use her for something else, she's cute enough that she'd make a half decent entertainer if she can watch that mouth of hers."

That could be solved though. There was always a way to make someone bend into a better shape with more use. You just had to know what buttons to press and Safira was well-versed in pressing them with the right substances or methods.


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Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira]

Sun Jun 18, 2023 3:00 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Well, at the very least, she wasn't going to die here. Maybe.

Aina's heart continued to thump in her chest as she tried to steady her breathing. Uncertainty and unease still swirled within her, but a flicker of relief washed over her, causing some of her defenses to momentarily lower. She unclenched her fist, releasing the tension that had gripped her. However, the woman couldn't shake off the feeling of being completely out of her element. Her mind raced, searching for a way to navigate this treacherous encounter.

Her gaze shifted towards Kizuna, seeking solace amidst the chaos. With a glimmer of hope, she spoke, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

"So, how exactly do you plan to bring that potential out of me? My soul feels... off. But I'd rather not delve into it."

As Aina tried to find her footing amidst the conflicting memories and emotions, she felt a profound rift within herself. The weight of her former life's memories as a demon clashed with her own desire to forge a new identity. Contemplation crawled across her face as she stared at her trembling hands, questioning who she truly was. The uncertainty gnawed at her, casting doubt on the concept of potential that Kizuna had mentioned. The darkness within those old memories loomed, and she struggled to see how her new life could fill the void.

Suddenly, Safira's remark cut through the air, branding Aina as an "entertainer." Defiance surged within her, a flash of anger igniting in her eyes. She couldn't fathom being reduced to a mere puppet, existing solely for someone else's amusement. The emotions roiled within her, entangled with the lingering influence of Algos, leaving her unsure of the source of her indignation. However, as quickly as the surge of emotion arrived, it dissipated, leaving Aina with a defeated sigh escaping her lips.

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Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira]

Thu Jun 22, 2023 2:18 pm
Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 D0fEXFo

"What, I look like a babysitter to you? But fine, since you don't believe me, I'll show you how it's done. What'm I getting out of this if I win, exactly? Much as I like the thought of this cutie pie turning into something spicier, that's not exactly winning a bet, now is it?"

But Kizuna didn't really expect much on that front. Her and Safira did this kind of nonsense all the time, it wasn't anything new, and she didn't expect to really bet much of anything on their wagers beyond the simple state of being right or wrong. It was worthwhile in itself, if only because Kizuna was an intelligent enough woman to enjoy the simple pleasures of being correct about something. Her attention turned more fully to Aina as she sized the girl up, her expression analytical and sharp even in spite of her attitude.

"Don't wanna delve into it? Psh, please, we'll figure it out one way or another. Progress, girl, progress! You stand around shaking in your boots like that, you're never gonna move forward."

If nothing else, Kizuna liked to see that brief anger from Aina at Safira's words, even if it seemed to disappear just as quickly. Well, she had half a year to figure things out, so she wasn't too worried about it.

"We'll push you to the limit and then right past it. That's what it means to grow!"

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Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira]

Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:51 pm
Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 Safira-header2

"We can discuss the finer details at a later date, when your new toy isn't around to interrupt."

Safira explained with a disinterested look towards Aina. Potential? Pfft. A well placed bala could snuff out whatever "potential" this woman might have so why should she be impressed anyway.

"Pretty words and false hope don't do anything but make sheep try to play dress up, come now Kizuna. You have to torment her and break her in like one would a horse if you want her to do what you say."


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Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira]

Sun Jul 09, 2023 7:37 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Locked in her indecisive state, Aina could feel the tumultuous storm of conflicting emotions coursing through her. The resonance of Kizuna's words resonated deeply within her, stirring up the scalding memories of Algos that had long stained her thoughts. It was an undeniable truth, one that Aina couldn't brush aside.

However, just because she bore the burden of recalling the tainted history of another miserable soul didn't necessitate her surrender to repeating the same errors. Aina's countenance stiffened, embodying both resolute determination and lingering uncertainty as she met Kizuna's gaze head-on.

Her voice, laced with doubt and determination, finally admitted

"Maybe you're right as I doubt being scared at this point is useful even if my body still feels it. So we'll cross that bridge when we get to the make-up of my soul."

Honestly, what other option did she have? The whole situation had left her feeling powerless, and the only way to progress was to become stronger, to rid herself of this suffocating helplessness. Shaking her head roughly as if trying to toss away the lingering doubt, she sighed.

Though, that introspection was snuffed out by Safira's remarks. It angered Aina, and her face curled into a scowl. Summoning the courage to retort, Aina gritted her teeth as Safira's grinding words abruptly yanked her attention back to reality. A surge of defiance then coursed through her veins.

"Break me like a horse? Give me a break. I'd rather spit venom in your face and die a miserable death then follow any order you give, you snake-toothed bitch."

Looking back at Kziuna, the woman's raspy voice hinted at a hidden darkness, faintly flickering with darker energy that she managed to control just in time. With a hard breath, she calmed down, but irritation still lingered in her voice. There was a mixture of fear of being killed, anger of being insulted, and hope that Kizuna provided. It all made her head spin, so she just kept trying to focus on whatever bit of potential she could grasp on since she already sealed her fate.

"Hearing that woman babbling on is killing my brain cells. OK. Let's get the hell out of here and get some training in."

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Mortal Inferno [Aina/Safira] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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