Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Empty Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 7:19 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

What a strange place to see.

Not far off from the busy atmosphere of the resort, Kita was separate from all the fun, watching it closely with an air of confusion. She couldn’t understand their cheers or messing around in the water and sand, it was an unusual sight for her to see.

So noisy… How do any of them think? She’d wonder, before wrinkling her nose in brief irritating, Perhaps they don’t, to be going about so mindlessly.

As much as her curiosity kept her around, she was kind of wishing she was away from here with Klein or something - she’d rather put up with the little cub’s oddness than throw herself into the thick of.. Whatever these humans were doing. She swore she picked up the presence of hollows as well.. Yet there was no blood bath.


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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 7:34 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Beach-header

"Now now, you're not an arrancar I am familiar with."

The swimsuit clad arrancar mused, it was difficult to keep track of all the thoroughfare in this resort with her pesquisa but Safira dedicated no small amount of thought to ensure that she was tracking and aware of who was here and where they were. She didn't want trouble now did she?

"I suppose you also failed to book proper accomodations and travel?"

Safira further poked at the absentminded looking arrancar. Big girl wasn't she? Didn't matter though if it came down to the crux of what determined their power here. This little kitten would know its place if she wanted to get snappy.


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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 7:43 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

Kita looked like she damn near jumped out of her skin with the sudden voice of the other arrancar, having almost stood up but stopped at some halfway tense point, staring wide-eyed at Safira for a moment but remaining on guard; she didn't recognize this woman, and her very presence made her muscles tense.

"I don't understand what you're talking about," Her voice calmly replied despite her appearance, "I was brought here, I haven't any idea what books have to do with this."

She couldn't start a fight or anything - humans were everywhere, as much as they were behaving like idiots, they were still quite squishy and weak - as much as she didn't care for them, she didn't want their helpless little selves getting caught up.

"You aren't human. What do you want?"

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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 7:51 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Beach-header

"Brought here, hmm."

Safira thought to inquire but in all honesty this woman seemed quite dimwitted. That was both beneficial and problematic because she couldn't exactly have a loose cannon running amok on her beaches. At least she wasn't causing an issue thus far. Something more private was certainly needed though and so she decided to try and coax the tiger into a metaphorical cage.

A gilded one but a place where she could avoid any trouble if things went south. If her reviews were ruined by a problematic arrancar that'd ruin the reputation and income which would mean someone was going to have to pay for it.

"I want you to follow me somewhere else. The beach isn't a very interesting place, so full of distractions and people watching. You're barely dressed for it either. Come come."

It was delivered in a cheery manner like any charismatic boss ought to sell something. If Kita would be so kind to do as Safira wanted then they could begin a nice little walk towards the greater resort and make their way through extravagent marble halls until Safira found a nice quite spot in a more private part of the resort. Downstairs where some of her more dodgy business happened, you know?


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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:03 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

The Arrancar pulled a suspicious look with that request, rather it was stated like a sweetly laid demand - not that Kita exactly parsed that but she felt hesitant to come along. It sounded like a trap, but at the same time if they're far away from any humans and it turns into an altercation...

"Fine. The noise was driving me mad anyway." She'd spit an irritated murmur, following her along, though appearing to be a little off as soon as they were walking inside of the building. The cold floors on her feet reminded her of Las Noches, stressful memories creeping on her like the icy sensation the surface gave, her pace even giving the impression of her growing discomfort.

"Why here?" Looking at her surroundings, still seeming a bit eager to not be inside, "Is there no quiet places outside?"

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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:11 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Beach-header

How interesting. She seemed uncomfortable, wasn't that interesting? She had wandered into another arrancar's territory and felt more at ease in one part than the other yet it didn't change a very simple fact. Whether it was that beach or this underground section of the resort it didn't matter. It was all her domain. Every part of it should make her feel uneasy as a little stowaway.

"Why here? Well, it's nice and quiet so I figure it suits you better but it also makes it a lot more convenient to chat in private. Humans aren't interested in the affairs of us arrancar, are they? No point to ruin their mood that they've paid precious money to have."

Safira explained and thought that maybe somewhere else would be more fitting. This part was a little menacing, wasn't it? A large gaping maw of a hallway into the distance with rooms and branching corridors that all looked similar. Maybe she'd prefer one of the large roman bathrooms nearby or they could chat right here.

"Though in actuality, it's much easier to interrogate you here. You said someone brought you here, so who was it? Most arrancar don't just wander into domain. It's typically unwise to mess with those who are stronger than you, see? So I guess I'm curious as to what you have to offer."


Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Gamma_Signature
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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:21 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

Money? Humans pay to go about like noisy fools in their soft lives? Honestly, she wasn't shocked, but at the same time she couldn't make sense of them. It was like trying to place logic in the actions and decisions of small children to her.

Her gaze looking about the place, she just felt more unnerved and reminded of that horrible place - it felt like the hallway stretched on forever, like she'd been swallowed by darkness that wasn't inclined to release her anytime soon.

"I wasn't causing any problems, nor was I intent to," She'd respond lowly, "All you need to know is that I was brought here. The who doesn't matter."

Was she feeling protective of Klein? Perhaps - she hadn't much of a clue of who this was or much else about him, but she definitely didn't want to willfully place a target on his back.

"What do you mean, offer?

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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:28 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Beach-header

"I mean what uses do you have because if you have none I see no reason to not get rid of you."

She mused with a faint grin as she let Kita process what that could mean. It could mean force her to leave, it could mean subjugate her and use her for some nerfarious means or it could be as simple as killing her. Wouldn't that depend on what she could offer her?

"You're already playing tongue tied so I hope you aren't going to keep all those cards close to your chest and have a decent hand to play. Of course you could fight me but the damage you do to my infrastructure will determine just how slowly I kill you."

The former quinta espada explained as her pearly white teeth looked back at Kita from the smile.


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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:43 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

As much as she didn't understand some points of conversation well, she picked up on that 'get rid of you' very quickly. Her time forced under the thumb of that accursed Shinigami taught her that those words never led to a peaceful outcome.

There was no such thing as simply being chased away by an Arrancar of notable strength. And with that realization, Kita became properly on guard, her gaze sharpening into that of a predator's. This woman wanted her to prove her usefulness? She would oblige, out of self preservation than fear or boastfulness.

"I am a hunter. I have slain many beasts greater than I, be it in size or power," Her words came with a bit of haste but definitely no lapse in coolness, "Unfortunately, I was once a Numeros, until the Espada fell apart. Number Nineteen, not that I wear that with any pride."

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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:52 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] Beach-header

"How quaint. Perhaps you should humble yourself then Numeros, you are about to challenge the original Quinta Espada under Sosuke Aizen."

Safira shot back and with a disgruntled look at the bothersome creature in front of her that was going to make her have to fight and potentially damage some of the walls or support columns. This arrancar certainly wasn't that smart now was she? Though Safira could hardly hold this mutt to the same expectations of understanding engineering principles if she was this dim.

Letting her former rank hang in the air, Safira flexed a bit more of her reiatsu within the confines of the hallway. Just enough that the venomous feeling could smother her opponent's own reiatsu to infiltrate Kita's body and give her the chilling feeling of her heart being held in Safira's hand that was ready to crush it.

It was purely a psychological manifestation of her presence though. It wasn't like she was exerting that much of her pressure at the moment. It was just the weight of a building being condensed onto one little Kita.


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