Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:10 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

The Quinta... Her memory shot like a bolt of lightning, eyes widening in realization,

"Safira Aldrovandi? But I thought you were dea-" She almost fell to the ground with her unexpected exertion of reiatsu, her heart rushing as her muscles rippled with adrenaline and anxiety. She barely thought as her senses were pushed to their peak in response, her vengeful soul pushing back as she remained on her feet, but visibly fighting the crushing sensation on her body.

Her better judgement was rather clouded, her claws were itching for blood, her muscles desiring to tear the woman in front of her to pieces, some purely animal part of her brain was chomping at the bit for blood to spill, her golden eyes staring daggers into the woman,

"..What are you doing here..?" Her cool tone was gone, coming out far more like growl.

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Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:17 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 Beach-header

It seemed her reputation preceded her. That made her a little cheerful to hear that her existence was held to some level of revere but this little arrancar wanted to talk about it with such uncouth behaviour that it really bothered her. She didn't want to see her standing there in resistence, she wanted to see the arrancar grovel for putting her in this position.

So her reiatsu responded in kind to Kita's insistence on standing. The air growing dense and heavy. Everything was being dragged towards the ground like the weight of multiple buildings were on top of the area. If this girl wanted to hold columns up then Safira was happy to stack them. It wasn't like she was really exerting herself much here but the girl's physical body was unfortunately more resilent than her spiritual power let on.

"Remember, it has nothing to do with what I'm doing here. You're in my domain. What are you doing here and who brought you?"

As she spoke the question the pressure grew to try and coerce an answer out of Kita. The former Espada's face growing into a scowl when she noticed a crack forming in the wall from the environment being put under as much stress as Kita was but far less durable.


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Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:30 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

As heavy as the air became, Kita forced herself to remain upright, gritting her teeth as she actively focused on her self, but her body was already rather resistant and her strength in body and mind were considerable, it would be enough to keep her standing, albeit sweat and strain were visible on her features - she definitely was pushing with a struggle.

While she didn't want to answer the woman's question, she knew with full certainty she honestly had little choice in the matter. A soft cringe came across her features,
"...A small Arrancar named Klein... Had told me I would have an opportunity... To meet strong opponents.. But until you... All I had seen were just weak... Mewling humans..."

Her breath was short as she'd force out a reply, a snarling edge to her struggling voice.

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Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:41 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 Beach-header

"Oh. You're one of my Klein's? Well this all could've been avoided had you just spoken up earlier."

Safira explained and the pressure vanished, receeding back into the layers of her skin to make up her layered hierro that bolstered her defences considerably. Sure Kita might've reacted and took advantage of the sudden freedom that she had although Safira wasn't so foolish as to not direct most of her reiatsu into defensive measures. Kita would need a fair bit to get through one, let alone multiple layers of her hierro to harm her.

"Transparency makes conversation a lot easier, you know? If you want strong opponents that can be arranged."

How irritating. Safira admittedly was a little irritated that Klein hadn't brought this one to her directly. Now she'd damaged her nice marble walls because of needing to make this mutt grovel at her feet. Whatever, she had tenacity and would be useful enough.


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Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:58 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

Kita damn near lunged at her on impulse as the pressure on her body was released, visibly twitching as she held her instinctive desires at bay. That animal in her wanted blood and retribution, to tear this woman's throat open and rip into her soft parts, only kept at bay by the tingling reminder of her spiritual pressure that was crushing her mere moments before.

She barely appeared to even hear Safira, eyes hazy and body trembling, not in fear but in rage. It felt like her blood was boiling, she'd have stormed off to tear a hollow apart by now to direct the feeling, but there was only one thing in this room and she barely kept herself back from indulging in it.

"..Klein...'s with you..?" She barely mumbled out coherently through the red mist of her thoughts, her bloodlusting reiatsu unconsciously coursing through the air, hardly as oppressive as Safira's but definitely tangible.

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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:14 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 Beach-header

"That's right, is that so surprising? He's an interesting little one and I care quite a lot about him."

Maybe not about him specifically but his uniqueness and what he offered was valuable enough to her that she had considerable investment in him unless he thought it was smart to betray that trust. Then she wouldn't have an issue with cutting him off like a cancer, she couldn't have accessories of herself being problematic now could she?

"Now that that's settled. Would you like to relax yourself or do you need me to do that for you?"

Safira was quite confident she could infect Kita with something to calm her down and make her more relaxed, even if it might carry some other effects in relation to settling her such as dulling her senses and making her feel a little tipsy. Though Safira wondered if that'd even be a bad thing with how obnoxiously bestial this one was.


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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:22 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

She felt like she was losing her mind. Those intrusive thoughts and emotions only grew more numerous by the half second. Her eyes were on Safira like prey as she barely held herself back from attacking her, rage goading her into an idea a her from ten minutes ago would have known was absolutely stupid.

"..Can't.." The word barely fell out of her gritted teeth, shaking as she held one of her hands in the other, gripping it tightly, "..Not.. When... This... Can't.."

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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:37 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 Beach-header

"My my. You really ought to learn to not be a slave to your instincts."

Safira chided the weaker arrancar though was more than willing to facilitate the situation. It saved her more trouble to just tame the wild beast right now than risk damage to her property, so she bent down and cusped Kita's chin to lift it up. There were a couple of methods that she could employ to transmit her poison into Kita though the most obvious way of poisoning a water source, or attacking her, were off the table. They weren't accessible or it would provoke her and make it more difficult.

That left body fluids and if Kita thought she carried enough weight to make Safira draw her own blood then she had better think again. One was just unbecoming for the both of them which left the final solution and so she leaned into the force her foe to kiss her.

It must fill her with so much hatred and loathing to have the object of her bloodlust reduce her to this state. The mixing of their saliva turning into a potent sedative which would lull Kita's body into a relaxed state and cloud her judgement just enough to put a pin in that compulsion. A band-aid really. Safira had no intention of turning this into some filthy makeout session with this mutt but she had to ensure that Kita wouldn't explode like a timebomb in the intrim.


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Thu Feb 16, 2023 11:00 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

A growl rose in her throat with Safira's sudden contact and growing closer to her, being damn near close to biting the woman before being interrupted by a move that filled her with sheer bewilderment, forced into a sudden kiss. Her claws would have moved to shred the woman if not for the sedative acting quick to put the violent urges firmly at bay, the hunger for blood fading from her muscles and her eyes growing softer.

She'd pull away from the kiss as soon as she was able, physically recoiling from the former espada and moving to hastily wipe her lips with a hand, visible disgust even on her relaxing expression, a slight shiver as she still had taste that wasn't her own in her mouth but she wasn't so impulsive as to start rubbing out her tongue or spitting, though she'd properly relax, realizing her mind felt a lot... Lighter, lighter than it'd ever was. She'd never felt such calm in her body and mind before.

"I'm.. Calm..?" Confusion lifted her voice, "..I normally would have to kill something.. How am I calm..? Why am I calm..?"

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Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 11:15 am
Serpents In The Sand [Kita/Safira] - Page 2 Beach-header

"Because I want you calm. Now come along, you didn't absorb that much and I don't care to taste you anymore than I have. You should have a few minutes before it wears off. Now, come along."

Referring back to the large roman bathhouse that was mentioned earlier, it was pretty convenient where she had opted to bring Kita after all. It would only take a few minutes of Safira leading the way before getting into an illuminated room with a large pool of warm water in the middle. It was the closest source of water which was large enough to suit her needs.

"Get undressed and then into the water."

Safira commanded while taking a seat on the edge to taint the water with her reiatsu and turn it into a catalyst for her poison to inhabit. A nice soak in this and Kita should get a day or so of being calm and maybe a little too relaxed to the point of airheadedness but at least she wouldn't explode like a bomb. This also gave her a chance to explain the rules to the other arrancar.

Her house. Her rules.


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