Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] Left_bar_bleue0/0A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] Empty A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono]

Tue Feb 21, 2023 1:40 am
A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] JGYv9eD


As she had done with most of the Gotei's illustrious Divisions, Mizu made a day out of visiting the Sixth Squad's barracks. She was here as a liaison of the Eighth Squad, seeking to build relations between her home division, which was still somewhat new at this point, and the Sixth. Her primary method for achieving this was meeting members of other squads and befriending or working with them to give the best first impress of the Eighth possible.

Mizu walked through the long halls of the Sixth's barracks, a little unsure of herself as she did. Unlike the other squads, most of which were only slightly different than her own, this one was often called home to "Soul Society's police". Officially, this squad's duties involve everything related to realm enforcement, including policing the rest of the Gotei. Mizu wasn't worried for herself, and wasn't particularly bothered by this fact, but she was certain other Shinigami weren't quite so understanding.

Oh well Mizu thought as she made her way to the Sixth's training area. In her experience this was usually the best place to meet people in other divisions, particularly individuals likely to be outgoing enough to spare some time for her mission. Mizu stood on the perimeter, her golden eyes observing various Shinigami train with each other and on dummies. Someone would stand out eventually.

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A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] Empty Re: A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono]

Tue Feb 21, 2023 10:35 pm

A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 134

Well, today was really not anything special. It was just another training day for Hono, this Shinigami had put a lot of stake in her training, now she had a few more things to motivate her! She needed to beat Elyss, and prove to Yuri she was powerful! Swordplay wasn't going to cut it, Hono was now training everything! She would finish her swordplay training, sliding her Zanpakuto into it's sheathe. Going to practice some hand to hand combat. Kicking and punching the dummy, she was determined.

Her form was unrefined but had a solid base. Though another interesting thing to notice was she was alone, it seemed none of her other were training with Hono, keeping to their small groups. Hono went for a few more punches, putting more speed into these ones.

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A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] Empty Re: A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono]

Tue Mar 07, 2023 3:55 pm
A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] JGYv9eD


As she continued scanning the area for a potential new acquaintance or training buddy, Mizu considered just doing some practice on her own until someone shows up or says hello. But, she thought, [/i]I shouldn't wait for someone else. I should take the initiative.[/i] And take the initiative she did as she noticed a bubblegum-haired young woman arrive and begin striking one of the many training dummies strewn about the training yard. Aha!

Mizu quickly strode up to the new arrival and spoke aloud to get her attention "Sorry to interrupt! I am Morikawa Mizu, Fourth Seat of the Eight Division, and I'm here today to do some training with members of your squad! I noticed you don't have a partner yet, so if you are looking for one I would gladly step in and work with you!" Mizu bowed deeply at the waist, unconcerned with potentially outranking this woman. To her it was simply the respectful thing to do.

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A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] Empty Re: A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono]

Thu Mar 09, 2023 10:54 pm

A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 165

Hono would twirl her Zanpakuto around before striking at her, training dummy yet again. Hono was ready to get stronger, as she was ready for her next fight with Yuri, after being knocked out cold she wanted to get that runback~

Hono would quickly jump and snap to look towards towards the golden haired woman that had approached her. She wasn't usually jumpy, but she was focused in on the training, so Mizu's sudden appearance was a shock.

"Sorry! I'm use to training alone, so people approaching me isn't what I was expecting..." She would crack Mizu a rather warm smile. "Mizu..." Saying that name caused Hono's face to light up in happiness. "My little brother's name is Mizu." Just because of that, Hono would form an attachment with "Hono Kaen." she would quickly wave two fingers.

"I'd love some training. I gotta beat Yuri and Elyss someday so I've got a lot of training to catch up..." This would inform Mizu of Hono's motivations.

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A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] Empty Re: A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono]

Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:43 am
A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] JGYv9eD


Mizu clapped her hands together in excitement. Not only was this woman receptive to her request, but they could also connect over her shared name with her sibling. Upon hearing Hono introduce herself Mizu nodded her head in recognition and greeted her officially this time "It is wonderful to meet you, Kaen-san. I hope we can become fast friends!"

Though she did feel a little badly about startling this young woman, Mizu was still glad she had walked up and introduced herself. Not everyone in the Gotei was so up front and clear about their intentions. Hana meanwhile was openly sharing her goals already and they just met. She wants to beat Yuri and Elyss...Elyss...where do I know that name...Oh! Oh no!! "W-when you say "Elyss", y-you don't mean Captain Kishimoto-sama, do you?!"

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A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] Empty Re: A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono]

Fri Mar 10, 2023 9:17 pm

A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 127

Hono would soon let out a rather soft chuckle, Mizu was very formal, much like Hono's brother! More connections to make! More reasons to like Mizu~ The Shinigami would bow in response to her offering to be fast friends. "Of course! I need more friends~" She would tease stepping a bit closer to Mizu getting a better look at her.

"The Captain? Yeah, Elyss is like a rival for me! So I gotta catch up! Elyss is super far ahead of me~" Hono wanted to punch Elyss square in the face. "Gotta impress her you know?" she would explain. It didn't help they were now an item as they would say. So Hono didn't want Elyss' name to be dragged down in the mud from being weak.

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A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] Empty Re: A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono]

Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:42 am
A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] JGYv9eD


Mizu couldn't help her eyes going wide as her companion clarified she really did mean that Elyss. "W-wow...that's amazing! I could not imagine having a Captain as a rival, you must be amazing Kaen-san! I unfortunately have not yet had the pleasure of meeting Captain Kishimoto-sama, but maybe someday!"

Thus far Mizu had only had the honor of meeting Captains Urahara and Ōtoribashi, though she knew if she was ever to reach her goals she was sure she would meet the others as well. She had heard strange troubling stories about the newest Captain, and knew Elyss had killed another Captain in the past, but Mizu would not hold these things against them. As a Gotei officer she place all her trust in these mighty and legendary individuals, figuring, and hoping, they had good reasons for their actions and reputations. Regardless, Mizu was excited about this day's possibilities with Hono.

"So Kaen-san, how would you like to train?"

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A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] Empty Re: A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono]

Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:51 pm

A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 127

Hono couldn't help but awkwardly rub the back of her neck as Mizu's eyes widened. "Oh! I'm not that special yet, it's a one sided rivalry, but she encourages it" Hono would explain. "Oh. You wanna meet her? I can probably tell her about you on your next date." She would casual say, not drawing much attention to what she just said.

Hono overall was pretty surprised by Mizu, most members of the Gotei avoided her, so Mizu being very extroverted and friendly. The pink haired woman would look at the blonde as she was asked about training. "I am use to solo training, but right now I'm trying to work on my Shinigami skills. Are you good at Kido? I haven't worked on it yet today."

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A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] Empty Re: A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono]

Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:11 pm
A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] JGYv9eD


A little too excitedly, Mizu threw her hands in the air and grinned widely at Hono's question. "Kidō? That's the one thing I AM good at! How lucky is that Kaen-san?" If she had given it any more thought Mizu probably would have realized it isn't that lucky given Kidō might be the skill the most Shinigami struggle with compared to the other parts of Zankensoki.

A sudden look of (overly) seriousness washed over Mizu's face as she dropped her arms and focused intently on Hono. If this was to be training, she would do her absolute best. Not only did she want to stay on task of making a good impression with the Sixth Division, Mizu also wanted to provide the best assistance to Hono possible. "What do you find difficult about Kidō, Kaen-san? Or do you just want to improve overall?"

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A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] Empty Re: A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono]

Mon Mar 20, 2023 3:54 pm

A Visit to the Sixth [Mizu, Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 150

What Mizu said was curious, one thing she was good at? Hono would linger on this for a bit, was Mizu insecure about her skills? Hono would quickly bring up. "Mizu I'm sure you're good at plenty of other skills." She would give a rather soft smile, her face very soft and friendly. Something about Mizu made Hono's sisterly instinct come into play. It was probably her young appearance and sharing a name with her brother.

"Kido, focusing on the spells can be difficult." Hono would take a deep breath, showing a rather basic fireball along with it's incantation , it was small and not strong at all. Showing her Kido off. "I wanna get good enough to not need incantations~ I guess I wanna learn how to use some more powerful levels, I wanna be a balanced Shinigami so it'll be good to know some more advanced techniques!" She chuckled.

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