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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Shattered Reflections (Ari) Empty Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Mon Mar 06, 2023 5:00 pm

Shattered Reflections - Song: A Nostalgic Dream

Damn that blasted woman, so long Fuurinji had gone on her merry way, performing her duties as a Shinigami without question. Only for it all to be called into question and make her rethink the last several decades of everything she'd been doing, and now? Now she was so conflicted that she couldn't even think straight. Her admiration blinded her, made her unable to see that which sat right in front of her this entire time. Where before she'd strike down hollows without a second thought, now there was hesitation. Where before she fought to bring peace, now she questioned her own motives. Where once before she'd call forth Muraki Kitakaze without a second thought... Now even that felt too difficult a pain to bear.

Was she a Hero or a Villain? Was she truly trying to protect something she cherished... if she never had that thing in the first place? Truth be told she knew why she acted how she did, and that same truth told her exactly when it began. Her mother's death because of Quincy, right as she entered the Shin'o Academy. She never had peace because all she did was lock that rage away and focus on it to make herself a stronger Shinigami. Yet despite all of that, she never grew strong enough to actually protect that which she cherished the most.

Now, standing atop the Seat of the Gods, she had to think about what it was she was even doing as a Shinigami. Was she too far gone? Was.. was she unredeemable? She claimed the Gotei gave the Quincy time to learn, but had she ever stopped to consider if she learned? First she pulled her left Zanpakuto from its sheath, the one that was home to Kamikaze, and stabbed it into the ground before pulling out her right Zanpakuto, the one that was home to Soyokaze, and stabbed it into the ground next to the other. Was she even worthy of these Zanpakuto? Or were they tools to be used by her? It honestly seemed like her entire world was just... gone. She hadn't even returned to the Rukongai since the Gotei United formed.

Fuu took a seat before both of her Zanpakuto's, crossing her legs as she 'stared' towards the ground. She hadn't heard either of them speak to her since that day, were they angry at her? She couldn't blame them if they were... she could barely even hear her own thoughts. If her own heart was in turmoil she could only scarcely imagine how they felt right now. That's when she stood back up, and slowly moved towards the edge of the peak. She had adamantly stated that her views wouldn't change, implying, at the very least, that if she were the dog in need of being put down then...

She just wasn't sure what to do. Normally she'd of turned to Komamura Taicho, but would he even want to see her? If he knew everything she'd believed and done... Would he even be capable of forgiving her? What if it was true though... What if she was the dog in need of being put down? Truth be told the Gotei United probably thought her dead, she'd never responded to their first message about the Gotei United forming in the first place. Maybe she should...

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Shattered Reflections (Ari) Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Mon Mar 06, 2023 7:56 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda followed Fuu like a distant shadow, flying quietly, her energy masked with some clever techniques she had learned from a certain brother-like Shinigami Captain of hers; albeit she wasn't the best at them. So, Arianda followed from a distance, Amphy quietly aware of everything now if only due to the sheer amount of conflict that was pouring from the woman Ari followed; which Ari too sensed in a strangely detached way. She couldn't even sense her pain as well as before. Perhaps she truly was losing hold on a power that was not meant for her, and regaining hold on something that was hers all along...

Whatever the case, Arianda followed Fuu from a distance, humming gently to herself as she flew along; with Amphillogiai becoming more and more active as they came closer to their destination; Mount Olympus. Or, at least, the mountain that apparently once held the seat of the gods in Greek Mythology. Amphillogiai coulda told you that those gods were just demons and other supernatural beings that the humans believed to be gods. Shit, Amphillogiai's family, the Eris family, caused a great deal of shit in the area. Which was the entire reason why Amphillogiai was actually active for once, not resigning to rest and recuperate herself within Ari. Instead, she was slowly feeding Ari some information on the area, and a bunch of other things that the demon warmly thanked her for.

It took a little bit for them to get to the mountain, but it was long enough for Arianda to assemble an idea of Fuu's state; even if her heart and mind was closed off to everyone and everything. The demon soon alighted upon the very mountain that Fuu was upon. Her steps were so gentle, so cautious, they would be nearly without sound. One of the few things Ari didn't excel at was stealth. However, she was trying to be respectful. Frankly speaking, the demon had arrived a few moments after Fuu had began to stand at the edge of the cliff, staring out to the great beyond. Arianda walked forward carefully, a little four foot tall being seemingly splitting away from Arianda. It didn't cause Ari to diminish in any way, but the being was dull for a few moments before it seemed to become inhabited; by Amphillogiai specifically. She was looking towards Fuu with an intense worry. Choosing this place, choosing greece, choosing Olympus... Amphy didn't like it. And, by extent, Arianda didn't like it either. However, the demon ruffled her messy white and blue hair, giving her a grin as Amphy's eyes and hair gently relaxed onto their natural colors and returned Ari's smile.

Arianda soon graced upon the woman's Zanpakuto. She touched the weapons, placing her hands upon the buttcaps of the Zanpakuto. She frowned a tiny bit, feeling a fleeting burst of emotion before it faded. Arianda had no honest idea what it was all about, but if she had to guess, Fuu's Zanpakuto were trying to reach her but could not; then again, that could be quite incorrect. However, that was what the demon's heart told her. She smiled a tiny bit, giving both blades a reassuring pat, as if to say 'don't worry guys, I got this'. Afterwards, the demon walked up towards Fuu, still silent as a fox stalking it's prey. Then... she reached out.

Her soft hand gently clasped around Fuu's elbow. Once again, her grip was so strong... But there was a gentleness that wasn't in it before. She smiled gently, even if the woman couldn't actually see her, giving Fuu's elbow a tiny squeeze to attempt and reassure her.

"Suicide isn't a way out, Fuu; I know better than most about that single fact. Would your mother, would those who cared for you, want you to die just because you made a mistake? Or would they want you to try your hardest to redeem yourself? You're not alone, not anymore."

Kanji Man
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Shattered Reflections (Ari) Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Mon Mar 06, 2023 9:41 pm

Shattered Reflections - Song: Never meant to Belong

Being entirely alone with her thoughts was probably the worst possible thing for her truth be told. But truth be told she wasn't all that surprised when she felt the hand grasp her elbow, for her it caused a soft sigh of relief. She wasn't entirely surprised by the other woman having followed her, she had said she didn't want her being alone after all and it was part of the entire reason she'd drawn Mount Olympus in the first place. But just as she had done before she listened in silence and without any immediate response to the words spoken, and to say her tears were easily hid would be the biggest understatement of the century.

"I... don't know. Mother never taught hate, and... and Komamura Taicho he... his best friend walked this same path." Her voice was filled with the same turmoil that her heart was filled with, unable to process any of this. "Komamura Taicho fought so hard to bring him back... to get him to abandon his path... yet in the end it ended only in his death. He refused to see things any differently even when he regained his sight. And yet, I don't know if I could be redeemed." Her final words were almost whispered to herself "I can't even hear my Zanpakuto anymore. Despite all that we've been through, their voices are silent for me. Such a thing only happens when the connection between Shinigami and Zanpakuto has been damaged and broken."

She never turned away from the cliff edge, still 'staring' down to the clouds below and beyond. "It isn't that I question the duties of a Shinigami... However, what of the methodology? Truth be told I don't know if I could even fight even a typical hollow anymore. My entire life as a Shinigami, from the academy 'til now... has been tainted with hate. Hate for Quincy's, for stealing my Mother away from me when I wasn't even there to try and protect her from them. I don't even know if my Father or Sister are still alive, for all I know the Quincy's came back to finish the job or they were killed during the Demonic Incursion..."

She sighed softly "You said it best, truth be told... What if I am the dog in need of being put down? I told you with adamant fervor that my mind wouldn't change, which means if true then my only recourse is simple, as I've always said." Did she know what she was saying? Probably not... At least not the full extent of it. But everyone who had guided her was now gone as far as she knew, which meant she had no guidance in her life except that which she had always known since she first became a Shinigami. "My actions could very easily reignite the war between Shinigami and Quincy. Yet I know no other path. How can one fight for that which they have never known?"

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Shattered Reflections (Ari) Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:14 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Shattered Reflections (Ari) 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

Arianda was glad Fuu had listened to her this time around, and it seemed the woman was relieved to know that Ari was there. The demon smiled some, even if Fuu couldn't see it, and carefully reached up to wipe away some of the tears that adorned her face. Albeit... it was a little hard to just... get rid of them all. After all, they were flowing quite generously down the slightly older woman's face. Arianda let out a gentle sigh, and listened. She listened true, and listened closely. Fuu had absorbed her words during their fight as well.

She spoke about Komamura, who was currently MIA to Ari's knowledge, a previous Captain of the gotei; and someone who seemed to either be a mentor of some form. She then spoke of the tale of Tosen and Komamura. Arianda, sadly, had no first hand knowledge of these events, only what she had read and heard. From what she understood, there was some repentance in Tosen; but, perhaps it wasn't enough. Arianda listened and listened, before the demon finally sighed softly, and gently pulled at her elbow; gently drawing the woman back from the cliff she was upon.

"Step back from that cliff, my friend... I do not know either your mother, nor Captain Komamura, but... From what I know, and it's second hand knowledge, he didn't give up on him, even in the end. But, Fuu, you have the chance to turn back before it is too late; before you're twisted by the mind of another... Before you end up like Komamura's friend... And dear, I think your Zanpakuto cry out for you; but you have accidentally sealed off your heart and mind from them. I can feel your emotions, your conflict; it acts like a shield against them... The connection isn't damaged or broken, it is simply being blocked... And you have to let it back in."

Arianda let out a small sigh, pulling Fuu back enough to pull her toes away from the cliff, gently wrapping her arms around the woman's waist; also wrapping them around Fuu's arms as well, trapping them to the woman's sides. She wouldn't let herself cast her life away and jump off this cliff to her doom, especially when there was so much for live for. She held the woman tight, but warmly, comfortingly... Again radiated that odd feeling of motherly affection from Ari; even if Fuu would be very confused since Ari was likely a bit smaller than she.

Then came Fuu's comment about what Ari said, what if she was the dog that needed to be put down? That made the demon wince. In an attempt to get her earlier points across, it seemed they got across a bit too well; which left Fuu in a very bad state indeed. The demon let out a small sigh one more time before she squeezed Fuu gently.

"Then, Fuu, it is time to be reborn a little... Not completely. But, you need to find the new you, and not the woman who was driven by an intense desire to hate, grow from said hate, and kill because of that said hate. You'll be able to handle hollows again, but not because of hate, but because of duty and of the desire to help a tortured soul. I cannot say you will ever overcome your distaste for the Quincy, because they took something far too precious from you, but I hope to help you at least be able to handle their presence some day... Trust me when I say that redemption is not beyond you. If it isn't beyond me, you are certainly not beyond it either. After all, the mistakes I made were quite as horrible as your own; but in a differently distinct way... You see..."

Arianda let out a small sigh as she shifted to her true form. Wings gently wrapped around Fuu's torso and legs, and a tail carefully curled around the woman's waist; the demon's pale, but unnaturally soft, arms clinging to the woman in some desperation. She would rather not reveal this secret to someone she had just met, and one who likely hated her kind a bit too much; but she needed to... It would help Fuu understand. Hopefully.

"You see, Fuu... I am not a human, I am a demon. Not only that... B-But I am the Ex-Archduchess of the second circle of Shadow Fall; the organization led by Mana Asthavon... You're not the only one who has done extreme wrongs. However, no matter how much I have done, how much I have suffered, how much I have wanted to end myself just because the guilt of my acts is more suffocating than the weight of the sky; I am worth redemption. I had someone there to show me I was worth redemption, that I could be redeemed; and now I'm here to tell you the same, Fuu. You are worth redemption. You may not feel it, but... But I think Komamura and your Mother would be proud to know that you are trying to be better. Not only for yourself, but for them. For the ones who matter, even if they are gone. And, Fuu, if you wish to protect something precious as a way to become stronger; then find it. Be it a person, a memory, a home... You are worth it. And I will help you, Fuu. Because, you shall find what you fight for. Redemption, at the least, is a worthy goal."

Arianda held the woman tight, her embrace was warmer than that of any Fuu had likely had except for her very own mother's embrace; but the way Ari held her... Frankly speaking, it was easy to tell that Ari had some motherly instincts about her. Be that because she was a mother once, or is a mother... or has the potential to be one. Of course, Fuu had no way of knowing that Ari was once a mother, but, sadly, she had outlived her child... Perhaps that was part of why she wanted Fuu to be upon the right path so badly; because she didn't wish for another mother, even if that mother was long gone, to lose her child.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Kanji Man
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Shattered Reflections (Ari) Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:12 pm

Shattered Reflections - Song: Never meant to Belong

There wasn't a single word from Fuu as Ari spoke and responded, a complete silence as she listened to the words said. Was she still able to stop before ending up like Tosen? Of that she wasn't entirely certain, though that wasn't really a surprise by this point. But if this woman was right, as she seemed to be so often now, then she was the reason she couldn't hear her Zanpakuto'. Not because they lost trust in her, but because she had blocked them out for fear of losing their trust.

She didn't try to stay, and soon found her feet moving either of their own accord or as a response to this woman. Whichever it was didn't matter, all that mattered was it was happening, and as shocking as it was she didn't stop the woman from wrapping her arms around both Fuu's waist and her arms. Firmly locking her ability to escape or throw herself from the cliff away from her entirely. Then came words of rebirth, of striving forth for something else... something she cherished and wanted to protect. The difference this time wasn't that Ari was trying to stop her from the path she had chosen, but rather to simply alter it just enough so it wouldn't inevitably lead to war and ruin... So it wouldn't inevitably lead to Fuu ensuring peace would never come.

But perhaps more importantly than this was what the woman said, or rather did, next. The first and most immediate thing that Fuu noticed was the sudden and very abrupt lack of wind, and shortly after she realized why that was and that caused Fuu to turn back towards her just a bit with both eyebrows slowly raising as she realized what was happening. The words spoken. By all rights they should be mortal enemies, Fuurinji SHOULD be dead. This woman was a demon! Yet of all people here she was, the one to talk Fuu not once from a path of death, but twice... and yet more than that she was here trying to prove Fuu wasn't beyond redemption.

It was difficult, if not outright impossible, to deny the effect this woman was having on her. But then what would she fight for? That which she thought she was fighting for was only something she fought for because of hate... The people she used to fight for no longer existed, at least not how she remembered them, and she had no home to speak of, let alone return too. But a memory? She had plenty of those to choose from. But it wasn't as simple as just telling her this and then letting her attempt to figure it all out on her own, she was given a starting point... "Redemption". She muttered softly, The fight with Tosen only ended the way it did because Tosen refused to turn from his path, and in that pursuit he turned to hollowfication. Those that had it thrust upon them hadn't let it consume them, but Tosen chose it and had let it consume him... to the point he'd even given up on his Zanpakuto, given up his Bankai.

Yes that was it, he'd closed himself off to his Zanpakuto and chosen the path of a hollow. He'd closed his heart to his closet friend and almost killed Hisagi. Ah... of course, Hisagi. It wasn't only Komamura that fought to bring him back, Hisagi had as well from what the battle reports had said. They'd tried everything they could to get him to change his path, and it wasn't until Komamura had heard the words that cemented Tosen's path that he committed to putting him down. The Tosen they fought wouldn't have come this far, he wouldn't have considered any of this.

Komamura wouldn't let her walk the same path, no matter what he'd do everything to ensure she didn't end up the same way. Of that she was certain. He'd of beat some sense into her long ago, and while faint it did make her smile ever-so-slightly. "And yet... There's nowhere for me to start... Not how I am now."

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Shattered Reflections (Ari) Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:33 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Shattered Reflections (Ari) 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

Her words truly were getting through to Fuu, and she was gaining ground. She walked away from the edge of the cliff with Ari, and Arianda gently pulled her even further away; back towards the two Zanpakuto that were likely crying to be let back into the heart she had locked off to them unwittingly. Arianda eventually stopped a bit away from the Zanpakuto, and from Amphy who was watching and giving the Zanpakuto gentle pats after carefully removing them from the dirt and cleaning their blades. Meanwhile, Arianda smiled some as her embrace became just the tiniest bit tighter as she stood there, holding Fuu in her arms and in her wings, grinning a tiny bit as she felt her words get through to the woman. It was slow, but Ari knew she was getting somewhere.

With a gentle movement, Arianda had carefully adjusted their positions a tiny bit, so that Fuu could relax into the demon's embrace fully; and so that she could look at the demon's face, even if she couldn't see her, and Arianda could look at Fuu's. The demon was partially tempted to remove that blindfold... but she decided that was not for the best. If it remained on, there was a reason for it. After a gentle pat to Fuu's head, the demon's voice finally broke the silence that had fallen since Fuu had last spoke, her smooth silky tones permeating the air with ease.

"Then, how about I give you a start, Fuu? You need not accept, but, you would have a start. Come and live with me. Think of it like you're my new roomie~! Then you'll have a home, a friend; things to cherish and someone to help you stay upon the right path. I have that, those I cherish and those who help me stay upon my path when I need their assistance; and I wish to gift those unto you by offering them by myself~"

Arianda smiled widely now, hugging Fuu quite a bit affectionately as she gave the woman another large grin, chuckling softly as she thought of what she was saying; a demon and a Shinigami living together? Truly, that was a silly prospect indeed; but Ari wanted it. Fuu... She needed someone and something to cherish aside from those who may be dead and gone; she needed something real to protect, and not rely on hate for hollow power.

"Redemption has some of the simplest beginnings, Fuu; and those beginning sometimes are just... taking a step back, reconsidering yourself a bit, and gaining a dear friend who can help you find the right way. Simple... But that simplicity makes it all the more powerful. Trust me, Fuu. I had barely anything to start with as well, but if I can travel the path of redemption, you can too. Now, cmon~"

Arianda took an arm off Fuu and reached into her pocket, pulling out the bracelet or whatever it was that Fuu had thrown aside earlier, and carefully pressed it into Fuu's hand before she gave her another warm squeeze.

"What do ya say~? Shall I help you throw off the shackles of hate and gain the freedom of redemption, Fuu~?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Kanji Man
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Shattered Reflections (Ari) Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Tue Mar 07, 2023 7:21 am

Shattered Reflections - Song: Lavender Town Orchestral Arrangement

To think... A Demon was pulling a Shinigami away from the edge, metaphorically and quite literally. Held gently yet firmly, with a tenderness that only a Mother could hold. Then came a pat and soft words to accompany it, words that probably sounded even more preposterous than a Demon stopping a Shinigami from throwing themselves away. To come and live with a Demon... She could do a lot worse, there were a lot worse options out there for a roommate and if nothing else this Demon was at least making an attempt... an attempt at redemption.

Fuu's hands came up slowly to gently wrap around Ari's waist, leaning forward slightly. Despite the fact this woman had openly shared the fact she was practically the second hand at one point to the Demon that led the attack on Soul Society, here she was embracing her. "Living with a demon..." She muttered to herself softly, just the thought of doing such a thing she'd of found impossible naught but a few weeks ago. Then she felt something placed into her hand, an all too familiar object she'd worn and rarely took off. Her eyebrows lowered and narrowed as her head tilted down towards her hands.

"The shackles of hate..." She muttered softly, contemplating for a while whether she should put the Limiter back on her wrist. Part of her had forgotten she ever had it. After almost five minutes of silent contemplation, Fuu finally broke the silence "Y'know... I had this made to ensure the fluctuations in my Reiatsu were controlled... I was afraid its unpredictable nature would hurt someone that wasn't me. It worsened my ability to fight, but it made sure those around me were safe from me... or so I thought." She let out a soft sigh before pocketing the small device. "But it served to do naught than its intended purpose... To limit me. But just as you say, no more shackles."

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Shattered Reflections (Ari) Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:22 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Shattered Reflections (Ari) 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

Frankly speaking, the fact that Fuu was accepting her embrace was enough to assure the demon that she was at least reconsidering her stance on ending her existence here and now. The little demon couldn't help but smile some at Fuu, all the while Amphy was mumbling stories of ancient greece to Fuu's Zanpakuto; even if they couldn't hear her. Eventually, however, Arianda smile and gave Fuu a little Squeeze after the woman had taken her bracelet and took a very long time to consider whether to put it back on or not. She couldn't help but smile at the woman's statements before she nodded gently, and smiled.

"A very apt way to think about that little trinket, Fuu. To think of it as a shackle would be quite excellent, frankly; after all it did shackle you in a way~ I believe it would be far better to learn how to control that on your own; which will take time of its own."

The demon smiled softly and carefully adjusted her grip one more time so that her tail could wrap a bit more comfortably around Fuu's waist, as the demon's wings also adjusted a tiny bit to help the woman remain warm and safe in her motherly embrace. The demon smiled a tiny bit more before she reached up and pet Fuu carefully for a few moments.

"You'd certainly be safe living with me, and having a home and someone to care about will be helpful~ Not to mention, we could train whenever you wanted! I may not be an expert on Shinigami stuff, but I do have a few friends in the Gotei that could help when you might be ready; especially one woman who would give you a kick in the ass~ And, Fuu, don't worry about joining the Gotei, okay? Sometimes independency is an excellent friend."

Arianda couldn't help but chuckle softly before she rested her head on Fuu's shoulder, humming gently as she relaxed against Fuu, her weight likely surprisingly comfortable.

"Cast off those shackles, Fuu. They are no longer needed. Let them fade away like the worries of yesterday, relax into my warm embrace, and let your heart and mind open; relax... and you shall hear the voices of those closest to you again. Just like your mother and your family, they're never truly gone; not really. They're always a part of you, always within your heart; you need only open yourself to their voices... and you'll hear them. Relax... And listen~"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Kanji Man
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Shattered Reflections (Ari) Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:55 pm

Shattered Reflections - Song: Lavender Town Orchestral Arrangement

Yes, that's what it was... a shackle and naught else. For to be anything else would mean she'd have to look further into her own heart and that was simply something she refused to do right now after everything that'd happened thus far. She'd never truly tried to gain control over it, simply letting it exist as it always had simply in fear of it.

Not only did the thought and sound of having somewhere to call home have a nice ring to it, it was only helped by the gentle touch along her face, to which she simply leaned into almost like a cat might when it's being pet. Plus having somewhere to train and someone to train with was probably something she'd need if she wanted to figure out how to grow past who she currently was. She wasn't too enthused about meeting with the Gotei United, but at the same time the Gotei was where she'd gotten her start... so maybe it'd be good to go back to her roots and start over again. Besides, it wasn't like Arianda was trying to make her rejoin them... only train with them, and that was something she could tolerate.

When she laid her head on Fuu's shoulder and began to speak, it took her a moment but Fuu's arms did raise to gently wrap one around her back as the other reached up to gently cup the back of her head in a similar warm embrace, like a daughter might their Mother. She let out a long yet soft sigh, a smile forming over her face as she rested her head on top of Arianda's. "You're right... If for no other reason than to experience peace, I would be a fool to decline the offer." While it was still relatively rapid, the beating of her heart had begun to quiet down and become far more gentle in its pacing.

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Shattered Reflections (Ari) Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:55 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Shattered Reflections (Ari) 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

The way Fuu relaxed in comparison to how she was before was palpable. Not only did she lean into Ari's hand as it caressed her face, but she also leaned into Arianda's embrace now more than ever; even resting her head atop Arianda's head. And, even if Arianda didn't have her head on Fuu's chest, she could feel, in a detached sort of way, how the woman's heart was calming down within her; her pulse decreasing to something close to a more normal level. Hopefully, Fuu could hear her Zanpakuto soon... Regardless, Arianda enjoyed their embrace, holding Fuu like a mother would hold her child, while Fuu seemed to hold Ari quite like a daughter would her mother; which was a little interesting given their age differences. However, Arianda still carefully reached a hand up and began to pet the woman soothingly, humming a tune without a score; holding a woman she had just met like she was her own child. Eventually, Arianda decided it was best for them to rest upon the ground.

Doing her best to perform this action without disturbing Fuu too much, she once more displayed her surprising strength by carefully sweeping the woman off her legs; where she supported her entire weight with on arm. Afterwards, a swift seat upon the ground, and Fuu placed upon her lap, where she held the woman with the same embrace as before, but now she had Fuu's head resting upon her shoulder; her head now resting upon Fuu's head as her hand once more reached up to carefully run her fingers through the woman's hair, petting her while doing so.

"Then it's settled, Fuu~ I'm glad to house you, and you're welcome to stay with me as long as you wish~ Albeit, I would love it if you chose to live with me of your own accord after we get you settled in life~ Now then."

Arianda took a small look at Amphy, who stood up with the Zanpakuto and walked over, carefully placing the blades before Arianda on the ground. She gave each blade a pat on the handle before she hopped over next to Arianda and grinned quietly; deciding she would introduce herself to Fuu later.

"Open your heart and mind, dear. I wish to show you what I look like, if you'll let me; and I think it's time you let your Zanpakuto back into your heart as well, so they may speak to you once more. Then, when you're ready, mind telling me why you chose to go to Mount Olympus~?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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